Pimegeezihigoqua Blackfish
(1759-) |
Pimegeezihigoqua Blackfish 1
Another name for Pimegeezihigoqua was Pimegeezhigoqua Blackfish. Birth Notes: Researcher Don Greene puts her birth year at 1752. Pimegeezihigoqua married Captain Joseph Duquesne, son of Isadore Chene and <Shawnee Woman>. (Captain Joseph Duquesne was born about 1750 and died after 1835.) |
1 Website - Genealogy, http://www.geocities.com/sam_cook_53/grpf2433.html?200821. Cit. Date: 1 Jan 2008.
Don Greene, <i>Alphabetical list of Shawnee Names found in Shawnee Heritage I (the first volume of the series).</i> (http://www.fantasy-epublications.com/shawnee-traditions/Genealogy/Names/NamesList.html), Cit. Date: 28 Sep 2019.
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