These pages represent the work of an amateur researcher and should not be used as a sole source by any other researcher. Few primary sources have been available. Corrections and contributions are encouraged and welcomed. -- Karen (Johnson) Fish

Descendants of FULK the Good (d. 958)

Name List

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No Surname-No Surname, No Surname-No Surname, [No Surname-No Surname]

Key: S=as a Spouse, C=as a Child, P=as a Parent




(No surname)
  Marie, of BrabantP died 1321
  Marie, of HohenstaufenS,C,P born 3 Apr 1201, Arezzo, Tuscany, Italy died 29 Mar 1235, Leuven, Brabant, Flanders, Belgium
  Mary, of BloisS,C born 1136 died 1182
  Mary, of HohenstaufenS,C,P born 3 Apr 1201, Arezzo, Tuscany, Italy died 29 Mar 1235, Leuven, Brabant, Flanders, Belgium
  Mary, of LancasterC born Abt 1320 died 1 Sep 1362
  Mary, of ScotlandP died 18 Apr 1118
  Mathilda, of EnglandS,C born Abt 7 Feb 1102 died 10 Sep 1167
  Mathilda, of SavoyS,C,P born 1125, <Chambéry, Savoie>, France died 4 Nov 1158, Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal
  Mathilda, of Clermont, Ponthieu & DammartinS,C,P born Abt 1138, <Pontieu, Ain>, France died Aft Oct 1200
  MathildeP born Abt 1070, <Albon>, France
  Mathilde, Comtesse d'AlbonS,P born Abt 1116, <Albon>, France died Aft Jan 1145
  Mathilde, of FlandersC,P died Betw 1210 and 1211
  Matilda, Countess of Anjou (Empress)S,C born Abt 7 Feb 1102 died 10 Sep 1167
  Matilda I, of BoulogneS,P born Abt 1105, Boulogne, France died 3 Jul 1151, Hedingham Castle
  Matilda, of Burgundy-IvreaS,C died Aft 1103
  Matilda, of HuntingdonC,P born Abt 1074 died 1131
  Matilda, of St LizC died 1140
  Matilda, of BoulogneS,P born Abt 1105, Boulogne, France died 3 Jul 1151, Hedingham Castle
  Matilda, of BrabantS,C,P born 1224 died 29 Sep 1288
  Matilda, of Château-du-LoireP
  Matilda, of FlandersS,C born Abt 1032, Flanders died 2 Nov 1083, Caen, Normandy, France
  Matilda, of ScotlandS,P born 1079, Dunfermline, Fife, Scotland died 1 May 1118, Westminster Palace, London, England
  Matilde, Countess of SavoyS,C,P born 1125, <Chambéry, Savoie>, France died 4 Nov 1158, Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal
  Matthew, of Alsace, Count of BoulogneS,C
  Maud, Countess of AlbonS,P born Abt 1116, <Albon>, France died Aft Jan 1145
  Maud, Countess of Anjou (Empress)S,C born Abt 7 Feb 1102 died 10 Sep 1167
  Maud, de AbrincisS born Abt 1054, <Avranches, Normandy, France>
  Maud d'EuS,C born Abt 1210 died 14 Aug 1241, <Llanthony Secunda, Gloucester, Gloucestershire, England>
  Maud, of BoulogneS,P born Abt 1105, Boulogne, France died 3 Jul 1151, Hedingham Castle
  Maud, of Boulogne and AlsaceC,P died Betw 1210 and 1211
  Maud, of Clermont, Ponthieu & DammartinS,C,P born Abt 1138, <Pontieu, Ain>, France died Aft Oct 1200
  Maud, of FlandersS,C born Abt 1032, Flanders died 2 Nov 1083, Caen, Normandy, France
  Maud, of FlandersC,P died Betw 1210 and 1211
  Maud, of ScotlandS,P born 1079, Dunfermline, Fife, Scotland died 1 May 1118, Westminster Palace, London, England
  Maud, of HuntingdonC,P born Abt 1074 died 1131
  Maud, of LancasterC born Abt 1310 died Abt 1377
  Maud, of SavoyS,C,P born 1125, <Chambéry, Savoie>, France died 4 Nov 1158, Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal
  Maud, Princess of EnglandC born Abt 1091, England
  Maude, de ClermontS,C,P born Abt 1138, <Pontieu, Ain>, France died Aft Oct 1200
  Maude, of EnglandS,C born Abt 7 Feb 1102 died 10 Sep 1167
  Maude, of HuntingdonC,P born Abt 1074 died 1131
  Melisende de RethelS died 11 Sep 1161
  Miles, Sire de CourtenayS born Abt 1075, <Courtenay, Loiret>, France died Aft 1127, <Abbey of Fontain Jean, France>
  Milon I "le Grand", Seigneur Montlhéry and de BrayS
  Nicholas I, Seigneur de CondeP
  Nigel, de St. SauveurP born Abt 969, <St. Sauveur-le-Vicomte, Manche, France> died 1045
  Nigel, of CotentinC,C born Abt 1042, <Cotentin, Normandy, France> died Abt 1080
  OdoC born 1013 died Abt 1056
  Ogive, de LuxembourgP born Abt 995 died 21 Feb 1030 or 1036
  Orabel, of LeucharsS,P,S,P
  Otgiva, of LuxembourgP born Abt 995 died 21 Feb 1030 or 1036
  Otto, Count of BurgundyP born Abt 958, <Lombardy, Italy> died 21 Sep 1027
  Patrick, de Salisbury, 1st Earl of SalisburyS born Abt 1122, Salisbury, Wiltshire, England died 27 Mar 1168, Poitiers, France
  Pedro "the Cruel", King of CastileC,P,C,P born 30 Aug 1334 died 23 Mar 1369
  Pedro I, King of Portugal and the AlgarveC,C born 19 Apr 1320, <Lisbon, Portugal> died 18 Jan 1367, <Lisbon, Portugal>
  Peter I "the Cruel", King of CastileC,P born 30 Aug 1334 died 23 Mar 1369
  Peter I, King of Portugal and the AlgarveC born 19 Apr 1320, <Lisbon, Portugal> died 18 Jan 1367, <Lisbon, Portugal>
  Peter, of CourtenayS died 1219
  Peter, of France, Count of Montargis and CourtenayS,C born Abt 1125 died Betw 1179 and 1183, Palestine
  Philip "the Fair", King of FranceS,P born 1268, Fontainebleau died 29 Nov 1314
  Philip I, of FranceC born 23 May 1052 died 30 Jul 1108
  Philip II, of Swabia, King of GermanyC,P,P born 1177 died 21 Jun 1208, Bamburg, Germany
  Philip III "the Bold", King of FranceP born 1245 died 5 Oct 1285, Perpignan, Roussillon, Catalonia, France
  Philip IV, King of FranceS,P born 1268, Fontainebleau died 29 Nov 1314
  Philip, of Swabia, King of GermanyC,P,P born 1177 died 21 Jun 1208, Bamburg, Germany
  Philippa, of HainautS,P,S,P born 24 Jun 1311 died 15 Aug 1369, Windsor Castle, Windsor, Berkshire, England
  Raimundo, of BurgundyS,C born Abt 1060, <Dijon>, France died 26 Mar 1107, Grajal do Campos, Léon, Spain
  Ralph, of GaelP born Abt 1078, Montfort, Normandy, France
  Ramon Berenguer IIIP born 11 Nov 1080 or 1082, <Barcelona, Aragon>, Spain died 19 Jun 1131
  Ramon Berenguer IV, Count of Provence and ForcalquierP born 1195 died 19 Aug 1245, Aix-en-Provence, France
  Ranulf, Count of BayeuxS born Abt 1017, <Bayeux, Calvados, Normandy, France>
  Ranulf IV, de Gernon, 4th Earl of ChesterS,C,P born Abt 1100, Gernon Castle, Normandy, France died 16 Dec 1153, <St. Werburg's, Chester, Cheshire, England>
  Ranulph I, Vicomte of the BessinS born Abt 1017, <Bayeux, Calvados, Normandy, France>
  Ranulph II, Vicomte of Bayeux in NormandyC born Abt 1048, <Normandy, France> died Aft Apr 1089
  Ranulph the RichP
  Raoul I, Count of VermandoisC,C
  Raymond, of Burgundy, Count of AmousS,C born Abt 1060, <Dijon>, France died 26 Mar 1107, Grajal do Campos, Léon, Spain
  Reginald, Abbot of St. PierreC born 1065 died 1092
  Reginald, Lord of the IslesP born Abt 1148, <Morven, Argyleshire, Scotland> died 1207, Kintyre, Argyleshire, Scotland
  Reinald I, Count of Mousson, Count of Bar-le-DucC born Abt 1077, Bar-le-Duc, Meuse, France died 10 Mar 1149
  Reinoud II, of GueldersS
  Renaud, Comte de NeversC born Abt 1047, <Nevers, Nievre>, France died 5 Aug 1089
  Renaud I, de BourgogneS born Abt 986, <Bourgogne, Champagne>, France died 4 Sep 1057, France
  Renaud I, Count of Mousson, Count of Bar-le-DucC born Abt 1077, Bar-le-Duc, Meuse, France died 10 Mar 1149
  Renaud I, Count of NeversS died 29 May 1040
  Renaud I, Count Palantine of BurgundyS born Abt 986, <Bourgogne, Champagne>, France died 4 Sep 1057, France
  Renaud II, Count of Clermont-en-BeauvaisisS,P born Abt 1108, Clermont, Oise, France died Abt 1162
  Renaud III, Count of BurgundyP died 1148
  Renaud, Count of TonnerreP
  Renaud, de ClermontS
  Rhys (The Lord)P
  Rhys-Gloff, Lord of CymcydmaenC
  Rhys-Gryd, Lord of YestradtywyS
  Rhys-Mechyllt, of Llandovery CastleC
  Rhys-Vaughn, Lord of YestradtywyC
  Richard I "Sans Peur", Duke of NormandyP born 28 Aug 933, <Fécamp>, Normandy, (France) died 20 Nov 996, Fécamp, Seine-Inferieure, France
  Richard II "the Good", Duke of NormandyS,P,S,P,S,P born Abt 985, Normandy, (France) died 28 Aug 1027, Fécamp, Normandy, France
  Richard III, Duke of NormandyS,C born Abt 997 died 6 Aug 1028
  Richard, of ArundelS,S,C,P,P born Abt 1313 died 24 Jan 1376, Arundel, West Sussex, England
  Richard, of NormandyP born 28 Aug 933, Fécamp, Normandy, France died 20 Nov 996, Fécamp, Seine-et-Maritime, France
  Richard, 1st Earl of Cornwall, King of the RomansC born 5 Jan 1209 died 2 Apr 1272
  Richard, de NormandieP born 28 Aug 933, Fécamp, Normandy, France died 20 Nov 996, Fécamp, Seine-et-Maritime, France
  Roaide, Countess of BullesS born Abt 1046, Bulles, Oise, France
  RobertC born Abt 1055 died Abt 1060
  Robert "the Friesian"C born Betw 1029 and 1035 died 13 Oct 1093, Kassel
  Robert "the Old", Duke of BurgundyS,C born Abt 1011 died 21 Mar 1076
  Robert (I, II, the Devil, Magnificent), de NormandieC,P born Abt 1008, Normandy, France died 22 Jul 1035, Nicaea, Bythnia, (Turkey)
  Robert de, VermandoisP born Abt 920, Vermand, Picardy, France died Aug 967 or 968, Troyes, Champagne, (Aube), France
  Robert I "the Good", Count of ArtoisS,C,P born 1216 died 8 Feb 1250
  Robert I, 6th Duc de NormandieC,P born Abt 1008, Normandy, France died 22 Jul 1035, Nicaea, Bythnia, (Turkey)
  Robert I, Duke of BurgundyS,C born Abt 1011 died 21 Mar 1076
  Robert I, Count of FlandersC born Betw 1029 and 1035 died 13 Oct 1093, Kassel
  Robert I, Duke of NormandyC,P born Abt 1008, Normandy, France died 22 Jul 1035, Nicaea, Bythnia, (Turkey)
  Robert II "the Pious", King of FranceS,P,P born 27 Mar 972, Orléans, Orléanais, (Loiret), France died 20 Jul 1031, Meulan, Normandy, France
  Robert II, of Artois, Count of ArtoisC
  Robert Sanctus, King of FranceS,P,P born 27 Mar 972, Orléans, Orléanais, (Loiret), France died 20 Jul 1031, Meulan, Normandy, France
  Robert, Bishop of LangresC born 1059 died 1111
  Robert, of Vermandois, Count of Trois and MeauxP born Abt 920, Vermand, Picardy, France died Aug 967 or 968, Troyes, Champagne, (Aube), France
  Roland, of GallowayS,C,P,S,C,P born Abt 1164, <Galloway, Perthshire, Scotland> died 19 Dec 1200, Northamptonshire, England
  SanchaC born 1137 died 1179
  Sancha (Infanta)C born Bef 1095
  Sancha, of NavarreS,P born Aft 1133 died 12 Aug 1156, <Monastery of Santa Maria la Real of Najera>
  Sancha, Princess of LéonP born Abt 1013, Léon, Léon, Spain died 7 Nov 1067
  Sancho "el Deseado", of CastileC,P born 1134 died 30 Aug 1158
  Sancho I, King of PortugalC born 11 Nov 1154, Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal died 26 Mar 1212, Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal
  Sancho II, King of PortugalC born 8 Sep 1207 died 4 Jan 1248
  Sancho III, of CastileC,P born 1134 died 30 Aug 1158
  Sancho IV "El Bravo", of CastileS,C,P,P born 13 May 1258 died 25 Apr 1295, Toledo, Castile, Spain
  Seer de, QuincyS,C,P,P,P born 1155 died 3 Nov 1219, Palestine
  Sibylla, of AnjouS,C,P born Abt 1112, <Anjou, France> died 1165
  Sibylle, of Burgundy-IvreaS,C died Aft 1103
  SigarithP born Abt 1075, <Scotland> died Aft 1126
  Sigurd, Earl of NorthumberlandP born Bef 1013, <Denmark> died 1055, York, Yorkshire, England
  Simon, de St. LizS died Abt 1110
  Simon, Bishop of NoyonC
  Simon, de DammartinS,C,P born 1180 died 21 Sep 1239
  Simon, de Montfort, Earl of LeicesterS born Abt 1208, Normandy, France died 4 Aug 1265, Evesham, Worcestershire, England
  SiwanC,P,P born Bef 1200 died Betw 30 Mar 1236 and Feb 1237
  Siward, Earl of NorthumbriaP born Bef 1013, <Denmark> died 1055, York, Yorkshire, England
  SophiaP died 18 Jun 1095
  Sophia, Countess of Bar-le-DucP born Abt 1004, <U-Lwn>, France died 1092
  Stephanie, of BarcelonaS,P,P,S,P,P born Abt 1035, <Longwy, Meurthe-et-Moselle>, France died Aft 1088
  Stephen II, of BloisS born Abt 1045 died 19 May 1102, Ramla, (Israel)
  Stephen, of EnglandC,P born Abt 1096, Blois, Loire-et-Cher, France died 25 Oct 1154, Dover Priory, Dover, England
  Stephen, of Blois, Count of BloisS born Abt 1045 died 19 May 1102, Ramla, (Israel)
  Stephen, of Blois, King of EnglandC,P born Abt 1096, Blois, Loire-et-Cher, France died 25 Oct 1154, Dover Priory, Dover, England
  Sybil, of AnjouS,C,P born Abt 1112, <Anjou, France> died 1165
  Theodoric II "the Valiant", Duke of LorraineS,P died 1115
  Theresa, of Leon and CastileS,P born Abt 1070, <Toledo, Castile>, Spain died 1 Nov 1130
  Thibaud, Seigneur de DampierreS died 1107
  Thierry, Count of FlandersS,C,P born Abt 1099 died 17 Jan 1168
  Thierry I, Count of Montbéliard & Bar-le-DucS born Abt 1045, <Bar-le-Duc, Meuse>, France died 2 Jan 1105
  Thierry I, of Lorraine, Count of FlandersS,C,P born Abt 1099 died 17 Jan 1168
  Thierry II, Duke of LorraineS,P died 1115
  Thierry, of AlsaceS,C,P born Abt 1099 died 17 Jan 1168
  Thomas I, di Saluzzo, Marquis of SaluzzoP
  Thomas, of Brotherton, Earl of NorfolkC born 1 Jun 1300 died 1338
  Thorold, Sheriff of LincolnP
  Tostig, Earl of NorthumbriaS died 25 Sep 1066
  Uchtred, of GallowayC,P,C,P born Abt 1118, <Carrick, Ayrshire, Scotland> died 22 Sep 1174
  Urraca I, Queen of Léon and CastileS,C,S,C,S,C born Abt 1082, <Burgos, Castile>, Spain died 8 Mar 1126, Saldana, Palencia, Spain
  Urraca, of PortugalS,C born Abt 1150, <Coimbra, Coimbra>, Portugal died 16 Oct 1188, Valladolid, Valladolid, Spain
  Urracca, of CastileS,P born 1186 died 1220
  Violant, of AragonS,C,P born 1236, Zaragoza, Aragon (Zaragoza), (Spain) died 1301, Roncevalles
  Violant, of HungaryC,P born Abt 1216 died 1253, <Monastery of Santa Maria de Vallbona, Lleida, Catalonia>
  Violante, of AragonS,C,P born 1236, Zaragoza, Aragon (Zaragoza), (Spain) died 1301, Roncevalles
  Waldeve, Lord of AllerdaleP born Abt 1062, <Dunbar, East Lothian, Scotland> died 1138
  Walerian, de NewburgS,C born Bef 1153 died 24 Dec 1204
  Walter, of Salisbury, Sheriff of WiltshireP born Abt 1100, <Salisbury, Wiltshire>, England died 1147, <[near The Choir], Bradenstoke, Wiltshire, England>
  Waltheof, Earl of DunbarP born Abt 1062, <Dunbar, East Lothian, Scotland> died 1138
  Waltheof II, Earl of NorthumberlandS born 1050 died 31 May 1076, Winchester, (Hampshire), England
  Waltheof, Lord of AllerdaleP born Abt 1062, <Dunbar, East Lothian, Scotland> died 1138
  Welf IV, Duke of BavariaS died 6 Nov 1101
  William Ætheling, Duke of NormandyC born 1103 died 25 Nov 1120
  William, Earl of WarenneS,P,P,S,P,P,S,P,P born Abt 1065, <Sussex, England> died 11 May 1138, <England>
  William I "the Great", Count Palantine of Burgundy, Count of MâconC,P,P born Abt 1040, <Bourgogne, Champagne>, France died 12 Nov 1087, France
  William I "the Liberator", of ProvenceS born Abt 950 died Aft 29 Aug 993
  William I, King of EnglandS,C born Abt 1028, Falaise, Normandy, France died 9 Sep 1087, Rouen, Normandy, France
  William I, Count of NeversC born Abt 1030 died 20 Jun 1100
  William II, Count of Arles and ProvenceS born Abt 950 died Aft 29 Aug 993
  William III, Duke of NormandyC born 1103 died 25 Nov 1120
  William III, of PonthieuS,P born Abt 1095 died 30 Jun 1172
  William IV, Count of PonthieuC,P,C,P,C,P born 1179 died 4 Oct 1221
  William, of NormandyS,C,S,C born Abt 1028, Falaise, Normandy, France died 9 Sep 1087, Rouen, Normandy, France
  William the MarshalP,P,P born Abt 1146 died 14 May 1219, Caversham, England
  William, Count of Hainaut, Holland & ZeelandP
  William, of Blois, Count of BoulogneS died 1159
  Wulfhilda, of SaxonyS born Abt 1075 died 29 Dec 1126
  Yaroslav I "the Wise", of KievP born Abt 978 died 20 Feb 1054, Kiev, Ukraine
  Yolanda, de HungríaC,P born Abt 1216 died 1253, <Monastery of Santa Maria de Vallbona, Lleida, Catalonia>
  Yolanda, of AragonS,C,P born 1236, Zaragoza, Aragon (Zaragoza), (Spain) died 1301, Roncevalles
  Yolanda, of FlandersC born 1175 died 1219
  Yorfid, Baron of WidnesP

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