Christopher Randall 1 2
- Born: 25 Sep 1729, Baltimore Co., Maryland, (United States)
- Christened: <St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Baltimore, Maryland, (United States)>
- Marriage (1): Catherine Larkin about 1725 in <Anne Arundel, Maryland, (United States)>
- Died: 10 Apr 1790, Baltimore Co., Maryland, (United States) at age 60
Research Notes:
This is probably the Christopher Randall/Randell in the following lists.
From Inhabitants of Baltimore County 1763-1774, p. 8:
"Historical Notes on St. Thomas Parish, Baltimore County: In a deed, bearing date July 4, 1743, Christopher Gist of Baltimore County, Gentleman, conveyed to William Hamilton, Samuel Owings, Christopher Randall and Nicholas Haile, two acres of ground, part of 'Adventuire.' According to this deed the parties of the second part had been empowered by the Act of Assembly dated September 21, 1742 to purchase land 'and thereupon erect a chapell of ease for the forest inhabitants of St. Paul's Parish,' and by the same Act of Assembly, it was provided that on the death of the then incumbent of St. Paul's Parish the hundreds of Soldiers Delight and Back River Neck were to be separated from St. Paul's Parish and erected into a new parish called St. Thomas Parish (Maryland Historical Magazine, 15:352). In the Proceedings of the Baltimore County Court for November, 1755 (Liber BB, No. B, ff. 390-391) will be found an order for dividing Soldiers Delight into three hundreds: 'The lowest (still called Soldiers Delight)...a new Hundred called Delaware hundred...and another new hundred called Pipe Creek Hundred...' (Maryland Historical Magazine, 15:351). The early church register and vestry proceedings of St. Thomas Parish Church (1732-1850) are on file at the Maryland Historical Society in Baltimore, MD. They were published by Bill and Martha Reamy in 1987..."
Ibid., pp. 16-23:
"Aquila Hall was High Sheriff of Baltimore County and after Harford County separated from Baltimore County in 1773 he was appointed Colonel of Militia and one of the Lord Justices of the new county of Harford from 1774 to 1779. While serving as Sheriff of Baltimore County he compiled a tax assessment ledger of 145 pages which named 1,380 persons, their land tracts, and their assessments... Its index contains the following names...
"William Cockey,... Joshua Cockey,... Edward Cockey,... John Hammond Dorsey,... Caleb Dorsey, Bazil Dorsey, Edward Dorsey,... Caleb Dorsey,... Richard Dorsey,...John Dorsey,...Samuel Owings,... John Owings, Joshua Owings,... Sarah Owings,... Stephen Owings,... Samuel Owings,... Elijah Owings,... Henry Owings,... Christopher Randell,... John Ridgley,... Charles Ridgley, Jr.,... Capt. John Stinchcombe,... Nathan Stinchcombe,... Edmund Talbott, Thomas Talbott,... Philip Thomas,... Edward Talbott,... Samuel Underwood,... Benjamin Wells,... James Wells,... William Wells, James Wells, Jr.,... Charles Wells,... Elex Wells..."
Ibid., pp. 13-16:
The following index was found in the Maryland Historical Society Library's Manuscript Division (MS. 1711) and, even though there is nothing to indicate what the purpose of the index, it was determined that those listed were Baltimore residents circa 1765. This determination was made from the compiler's familiarity with Baltimore families prior to the Revolution and also because this index was found with the remnants of a Baltimore Debt Book for 1765 and 1766. This is not an index to the debt book because the highest page number in the book is 109 while the highest page number in the index is 58. The index is, nonetheless, a 'finding list' for early Baltimore." [Among those listed are:]
Nicholas Clagett Nathan Dorsey Leakin Dorsey Joshua Lynch William Lynch John Merryman Joseph Merryman Samuel Merryman John C. Owings. James Richard Christopher Randall & Bond Larkin Randall Ecan Thomas Frederick Thomas Edward Talbott George Wells John Wells Joseph Wells Thomas Wells John Worthington Thomas Worthington (Baltimore Town) William Worthington Charles Worthington
The Christopher Randall, Jr. below may be a different individual:
Ibid., pp. 27-41:
"The petitions for and against the removal of the county seat of Baltimore County from Joppa to Baltimore Town in 1768 are discussed at length in the Archives of Maryland, Vol. 61 (Appendix). Notices were posted in January, 1768 at the door of the courthouse in Joppa, at the church door of St. Paul's Parish, at the church door of St. Thomas' Parish, at the church door of St. John's Parish, at the church door of St. George's Parish, at the door of the chapel of St. George's Parish, at the door of the chapel of St. John's Parish, and at the house called St. Thomas' Chapel in St. Thomas' Parish, by Absalom Butler and sworn to before the Honorable Benjamin Rogers. Notices were printed in English and German. Tabulations indicate that 2,271 voted for the removal of the courthouse, and 901 voted against it. (It should be noted that some signatures are missing due to the disintegration of the paper, and there also appears to be some who signed more than once.) Five years later, Harford County separated from Baltimore County and set up its court house at Bush (Harford Town) in 1774 and at Bel Air in 1782.
"...Thomas Cockey...Joshua Owings...Charles Ridgely... Samuel Owings... John Cockey... Benjamin Wells, Charles Wells... George Wells... Caleb Warfield, Nathaniel Stinchcomb... William Coale...Christopher Randall, Jr.... J. Cockey Owings... William Wells, Jr.... William Wells...Edward Talbott... Edward Cockey... Benjamin Talbott... Charles Ridgely (son William)... Elisha Dorsey... Alexander Wells, Nathaniel Owings...Nathaniel Stinchcomb, Sr....Lott Owings... Anthony Arnold... Richard Owings... William Cockey... John Talbott (son Edward)... Richard Owings... William Slade... Edward Talbot... Vachel Dorsey... Christopher Owings, Richard Owings... Edward Dorsey (son John)... Lancelott Dorsey, Charles Dorsey (son Nathan), Ely Dorsey... Henry Dorsey...Samuel Dorsey, Jr.... Joshua Owings, Jr.... Samuel Owings... John Wells... Thomas Owings... Henry Butler... George Dorsey...
Christopher married Catherine Larkin about 1725 in <Anne Arundel, Maryland, (United States)>. (Catherine Larkin was born about 1704 in <Anne Arundel>, Maryland, (United States).)