These pages represent the work of an amateur researcher and should not be used as a sole source by any other researcher. Few primary sources have been available. Corrections and contributions are encouraged and welcomed. -- Karen (Johnson) Fish

The Johnson-Wallace & Fish-Kirk Families

Name List

[No Surname], <, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z,

No Surname-No Surname, [No Surname-No Surname], No Surname-No Surname, No Surname-No Surname, No Surname-No Surname, No Surname-No Surname, No Surname-No Surname, No Surname-No Surname, No Surname-No Surname, No Surname-No Surname, No Surname-No Surname, No Surname-No Surname

Key: S=as a Spouse, C=as a Child, P=as a Parent




(No surname)
  Alfonso II, of ProvenceS,P died 1209, Palermo, (Sicily, Palermo, Italy)
  Alfonso IX, King of LéonS,C,P,P,P,P born 15 Aug 1171, Zamora, Léon, Spain died 24 Sep 1230, Villanueva de Sarria, Lugo, Spain
  Alfonso, of LéonC,P born 1203 died 1272
  Alfonso RaimundezS,C,P,P born 1 Mar 1105, Toledo, Castile, Spain died 21 Aug 1157, La Fresneda, Teruel, Aragon, Spain
  Alfonso V, King of LéonS,P born Abt 989, <Léon, Léon>, Spain died 1027
  Alfonso VI "the Brave", of Castile, King of Castile and LeonS,S,C,P,P born Bef Jun 1040, <Burgos, Castile>, Spain died 29 Jun 1109, Toledo, Castile, Spain
  Alfonso VII "Pierre-Raimund", King of Castile and Leon and GaliciaS,C,P,P,S,C,P,P,S,C,P,P,S,C,P,P born 1 Mar 1105, Toledo, Castile, Spain died 21 Aug 1157, La Fresneda, Teruel, Aragon, Spain
  Alfonso VIII "the Good", King of CastileS,C,P,S,C,P born 11 Nov 1155 died 5 Oct 1214
  Alfonso X "El Sabio", King of Galicia, Castile and LeónS,S,C,P,P,S,S,C,P,P born 23 Nov 1221, Toledo, Castile, Spain died 4 Apr 1284, Seville, Spain
  Alfonso XI, of Castile, King of Castile and LeonS,C,P born 13 Aug 1311 died 26-27 Mar 1350
  Alfonso, de MolinaC,P born 1203 died 1272
  Alfred the Great, King of Wessex, King of EnglandS,C,P,P,P,P born Betw 847 and 849, Wantage, Berkshire, England died 26 Oct 899, <Old Minster [New Minster], Wessex, [Winchester, ] England>
  Alfred, Count of CarcassonneS,C,P born Abt 860, Carcassonne, Aude, France
  AlianorS,C,P,P,P born 1241, Castile, Spain died 28 Nov 1290, Harby, Nottinghamshire, England
  AliceC born Abt 892, Burgundy, France
  AliceS,P born Abt 1080, <Weldon, Northamptonshire>, England
  AliceS,P born Abt 1115, <Raby, Durham>, England
  Alice, Countess of EquisheimS,C,P born Abt 929, <Hainaut, Belgium> died 961
  Alice, de BeauffouS,P
  Alice, de GernonS,C,P,P,P born Abt 1094, <Hertford, Hertfordshire>, England died 1128
  Alice d'Eu, Countess of Eu, Lady of HastingsS,C,P born Abt 1191 died 15 May 1246, La Mothe-Saint-Heray, Poitou
  Alice, of AnjouS,C,P born Abt 947 died 1026
  Alice, of ChesterS,C,P died 2 Nov 1247
  Alice, of NormandyS,C,P born Abt 1021, <Normandy, France>
  Alicia, de GernonS,C,P,P,P born Abt 1094, <Hertford, Hertfordshire>, England died 1128
  AlienorS,C,P,P,P born 1241, Castile, Spain died 28 Nov 1290, Harby, Nottinghamshire, England
  AlivaS,C,P born Abt 1085, East Halton, Skipton, West Riding, Yorkshire, England
  AlixS,C,P born Abt 929, <Hainaut, Belgium> died 961
  Alix, Countess of BeteauS,C,P born Abt 1023, France died Aft 1086
  Alix, de NormandieS,C,P born Abt 1021, <Normandy, France>
  Alix, de VermandoisS,C,P,P,P born Betw 910 and 915, Vermand, Picardy, Neustria (France) died 10 Oct 960, Bruges, Aquitaine (West Flanders, Belgium)
  Alix, of BurgundyS,C,P,P born Abt 1080 died 28 Feb 1141, Abbey of Perseigne
  Alix, of PoitouS,C,P,P,P born Abt 945 died 15 Jun 1006
  Alix, Duchess of TurinS,C,P,P born Abt 1015 died 27 Dec 1091
  Almode, de la MarcheS,S,C,P,P,S,S,C,P,P,S,S,C,P,P born Abt 1000, Toulouse, France died 16 Nov 1071, <Cathedral of Barcelona, Spain>
  Almodis, Countess of La MarcheS,C,P,P born Abt 1062, <Marche, Poitou, France>
  Almos, Magyar Prince in HungaryP died 895
  Alphonse II, Count of ProvenceS,P died 1209, Palermo, (Sicily, Palermo, Italy)
  Alphonso IV, of PortugalS,C,P born 8 Feb 1291, Lisbon, Portugal died 28 May 1357
  Alphonso V, King of LéonS,P born Abt 989, <Léon, Léon>, Spain died 1027
  Alphonso, Count of GhesnesP born Abt 1030, <Hedingham, Essex, England>
  Alphonzo, King of Portugal and the AlgarveS,C,P born 5 May 1210, Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal died 16 Feb 1279, Alcobaça, Portugal
  AlpinC,P born Abt 778, <Scotland> died Abt 834, Galloway, (Scotland)
  Alved, Lord of Barnstable and TotnesP born Abt 1015, <Barnstaple, Devonshire>, England
  Alverus, King of SwedenC
  AlwaraS,C,P born Abt 955, <Mercia>, England
  Amadeo II, Count of Maurienne and SavoyS,C,P born Abt 1032, <Geneva, Switzerland> died 26 Jan 1080
  Amadeo III, Count of SavoyS,C,P born Abt 1095, <Savoie>, France died 30 Aug 1148, Cyprus
  Amadeus I, Count of Maurienne and Savoy, Margrave of SusaS,C,P,S,C,P born Abt 1032, <Geneva, Switzerland> died 26 Jan 1080
  Amadeus III, Count of Savoy, Maurienne and TurinS,C,P born Abt 1095, <Savoie>, France died 30 Aug 1148, Cyprus
  Amauri, Seigneur de MontfortS,C,P,S,C,P born Abt 1000, <Evreux, Normandy>, France died Aft 4 Feb 1031
  Amelia, d'AngoulêmeS,P,P,S,P,P born Abt 974, <Toulouse>, France died Abt 1072
  Amfleda "the Younger"S,P born Abt 556, Norway
  Amice, de GaelS,C,P,P born Abt 1108 died 31 Aug 1168 or 1169
  Amice, of ChesterC born Abt 1167
  AmiciaS,C,P,P born Abt 1108 died 31 Aug 1168 or 1169
  Ancelie, von LenzburgS,C,P born Abt 974, <Geneva, Switzerland>
  Anchises, of MetzS,C,P born Abt 602, <Metz>, (Lorraine), Austrasia (France) died Betw 648 and 669
  Ancitel, Count de BayeuxP born Abt 992, <Bayeux, Calvados, Normandy, France> died Aft 1031
  Andrew I, King of HungaryC
  Andrew II "the Jerosolimitan", of HungaryS,P,S,P born Abt 1177 died 21 Sep 1235
  Andronicus AngelusS,C,P
  Andronicus DucasS,P
  AnfortasP born Abt 305, France
  AnnS,P born Abt 1609 died 21 Jan 1690, Anne Arundel Co., Maryland, (United States)
  Anna, of KievS,C,P born Betw 1024 and 1032 died 1075, <Villiers Abbey, La-Ferte-Alais, Essonne, (Île-de-France), France>
  Anna, of ArimatheaS,S,P,P born Arimathea, Palestine
  Anna, of ByzantiumS,C,P born Betw 886 and 888 died Abt 914
  AnneS,P born Abt 1800, <Germany>
  Anne, of KievS,C,P born Betw 1024 and 1032 died 1075, <Villiers Abbey, La-Ferte-Alais, Essonne, (Île-de-France), France>
  Anotonia, "the Younger"S,P born Abt 0033 B.C.
  Ansbertus, of Moselle, Senator of RomeS,C,P born Abt 500, Moselle, Austrasia (France)
  Anschitil, Vicomte of the BessinP born Abt 992, <Bayeux, Calvados, Normandy, France> died Aft 1031
  Ansegisel, Margrave of AntwerpS,C,P,S,C,P born Abt 602, <Metz>, (Lorraine), Austrasia (France) died Betw 648 and 669
  Ansvald, of TurinP
  Antedois, King of the IceniC,P
  Antenor IV, King of the FranksC,P born Abt 0050 died 0069
  Anund "the Trail Blazer", King in Sweden [Legendary]C,P born Sweden
  Aodh Hugh FionnC,P born Bef 733, (Scotland) died 778
  Aoife, of LeinsterS,C,P born 1145, Ireland died 1188
  AraS,P born Abt 717
  AregundS,C,P born Abt 515 died 573, <Saint-Denis Basilica, Paris, France>
  Argotta, Princess of the Salian FranksS,C,P,P born Abt 376, France
  ArlogiaS,C,P born Abt 1015, <Russia>
  Arlotte, de FalaiseS,S,C,P,P,P,P born Abt 1003, Falaise, Calvados, Normandy, France died Bef 1050, <Abbey of St. Grestain, France>
  Armengol, Count of ToulouseS,P born Abt 854, <Rouergue, Aveyron>, France
  Arnaud I, Count of CommingesS,C,P born Abt 898, Comminges, Aude, France
  ArnégondeS,C,P,S,C,P born Abt 515 died 573, <Saint-Denis Basilica, Paris, France>
  Arnoaldus, Bishop of MetzS,C,P born Abt 540, Metz, Moselle, Lorraine, France died 601
  Arnold, de Herstal, Bishop of MetzS,C,P born 13 Aug 582, Herstal, Liège, Austrasia (Belgium) died 16 Aug 640, Remiremont, (Vosges, Moselle), Austrasia, (France)
  Arnold I "the Old", Count of Flanders and ArtoisS,C,P,P,P born Abt 890, Flanders (Belgium) died 27 Mar 964 or 965, Flanders (Belgium)
  Arnold II the Young, Count of FlandersS,C,P born Abt 961-962, Flanders died 30 Mar 987, <Ghent, (East Flanders, Belgium)>
  Arnold II, Count of ChinyS,P died 1106
  Arnold le GrosC,P born Abt 936, <Courcerault, Orne, (France)>
  Arnold, von SchannisP born Abt 948, <Geneva, Switzerland>
  Arnoldus, of Moselle, Bishop of MetzS,C,P born Abt 540, Metz, Moselle, Lorraine, France died 601
  Arnoul I, Count of FlandersS,C,P,P,P born Abt 890, Flanders (Belgium) died 27 Mar 964 or 965, Flanders (Belgium)
  Arnoul, Count of GandS,C,P born Abt 984, Gand, Flanders (Belgium)
  Arnulf, Bishop of Metz (Saint)S,C,P born 13 Aug 582, Herstal, Liège, Austrasia (Belgium) died 16 Aug 640, Remiremont, (Vosges, Moselle), Austrasia, (France)
  Arnulf I, Count of Flanders and ArtoisS,C,P,P,P born Abt 890, Flanders (Belgium) died 27 Mar 964 or 965, Flanders (Belgium)
  Arnulf II, Count of FlandersS,C,P born Abt 961-962, Flanders died 30 Mar 987, <Ghent, (East Flanders, Belgium)>
  Arnulf the Great, Count of Flanders and ArtoisS,C,P,P,P born Abt 890, Flanders (Belgium) died 27 Mar 964 or 965, Flanders (Belgium)
  Arpád, Magyar Prince in HungaryC,P died 907
  ArsindeS,C,P born Abt 902, Carcassonne, Aude, France
  Artald III, Count of Lyon and ForezP
  ArvirargusS,C,P born abt 0010 died Abt 0074
  Asnarius, Count of CommingesP born Abt 872, <Comminges, Aude>, France
  Astrid, of DenmarkS
  AthelaiseS,P,P born Abt 1040, <Rycott, Oxford, England> died <Westminster, Middlesex, England>
  Athildis, Princess of SiluriaS,C,C,P,S,C,C,P born Abt 0098
  Athisl, King of SwedenS,C,P died Abt 580
  Aubrey II, Count of DammartinS,C,P born Abt 1135, <Dammartin, Seine-et-Marne>, France died 19 Sep 1200, London, Middlesex, England
  Aubrey, de MelloS,C,P born Abt 1080, <Mello, Oise>, France
  Aubri I, Count of BloisC,P
  Aubri II, Count of BloisC,P
  Aubri-Geoffrey, Count of the GâtinaisS,C,P born Abt 1013, Orléanais, France died 11 Apr 1046
  Auchun, King of SwedenC,P
  Audhun, King of SwedenC,P
  Aumodis, Countess of La MarcheS,C,P,P born Abt 1062, <Marche, Poitou, France>
  Ausbertus, Duke of MoselleC,P born Abt 514 died 570
  AvaS,P died 4 Nov 839
  Ava, Countess of AlsaceS,P born Abt 769, <Tours, Indre-et-Loire, France>
  AvaneS,P,P,P born Abt 820
  Avelina, of DenmarkS,P born Abt 984 died <France>
  AvelineS,P born Abt 1109, France
  AviragusS,C,P born abt 0010 died Abt 0074
  Aymer, of AngoulêmeS,C,P born Abt 1160 died 16 Jul 1202
  AzelineS,P born Abt 1020, Normandy, France
  Baderic, King of ThuringiaP born Abt 480 died Abt 529
  Balderic, Bishop of UtrechtC
  Baldwin "Iron Arm", Count of FlandersS,C,P,P born Abt 836, <Flanders (Belgium)> died 879, Flanders (Belgium)
  Baldwin Calvus, Count of FlandersS,C,P born Abt 864, Flanders, Belgium died 10 Sep 918
  Baldwin I "Bras de Fer", Count of FlandersS,C,P,P born Abt 836, <Flanders (Belgium)> died 879, Flanders (Belgium)
  Baldwin I, Margrave of NamurS,P born 1150 died 17 Dec 1195
  Baldwin I, Count of FlandersS,C,P,P born Abt 836, <Flanders (Belgium)> died 879, Flanders (Belgium)
  Baldwin II "the Bald", Count of FlandersS,C,P,S,C,P born Abt 864, Flanders, Belgium died 10 Sep 918
  Baldwin III, Count of FlandersS,C,P,P,P born Abt 915, Flanders (Belgium) died 1 Nov 962, Flanders (Belgium)
  Baldwin IV "the Bearded", Count of Valenciennes & Count of FlandersS,C,P,P born 980, Flanders died 30 May 1035 or 1036
  Baldwin V, Count of HainautS,P born 1150 died 17 Dec 1195
  Baldwin V, of FlandersS,C,P,P,P,S,C,P,P,P born 1012 died 1 Sep 1067, Lille, France
  Baldwin V, of HainautS,P,S,P born 1150 died 17 Dec 1195
  Banin, of ThuringiaS,P
  BarbarossaS,C,P born 1122 died 10 Jun 1190, <Holy Land>
  Baron of Kymmer-yn-EdeirnionP
  Bartherus, King of the FranksC,P born Abt 180 died 272
  BasinS,P,P born Abt 440, <Germany>
  BasinaC born Bef 573 died Aft 590
  Basina Andovera, of ThuringiaS,S,C,P,P,S,S,C,P,P born Abt 438, Thuringia, Germany died Abt 480
  Basina, de ThuringiaS,C,P,P born 398, Thuringia, Germany died Abt 414, France
  Basina, of SaxonyS,P
  Basinus, King of the ThuringiiS,P,P born Abt 440, <Germany>
  BathildeS,P born 626 died Betw 680 and 685
  Baudgise II, d'Aquitaine, Duke of AquitaineS,C,P born Betw 556 and 565, Aquitaine, (France) died 588, Carthage (Tunis), (Tunisia)
  Baudoin IV "le Barbu", Count of FlandersS,C,P,P born 980, Flanders died 30 May 1035 or 1036
  Baudouin I, Count of FlandersS,C,P,P born Abt 836, <Flanders (Belgium)> died 879, Flanders (Belgium)
  Baudouin I, Count of ClermontP born Abt 965, <Clermont, Oise, France>
  Baudouin II, Count of ClermontC,P born Abt 990, <Clermont, Oise, France>
  Baudouin III, Count of FlandersS,C,P,P,P born Abt 915, Flanders (Belgium) died 1 Nov 962, Flanders (Belgium)
  BavaS,P died 4 Nov 839
  Beatrice, de MontfortS,C,P born Abt 1070 died 14 Feb 1117, <Fontevraud Abbey>
  Beatrice, of HohenstaufenC born 1198 died 1212
  Beatrice, of MâconS,C,P born Abt 991, Macon, Saône-et-Loire, France
  Beatrice, of MorvoisS,C,P,P,P born Abt 844, Namur, Namur, Belgium
  Beatrice, Abbess of Quedlinburg and GandersheimC born 1037 died 13 Jul 1061
  Beatrice, of BurgundyC born Abt 1063 died Aft 1110
  Beatrice, of CastileS,C,P born 1242 died 1303
  Beatrice, of CastileS,C,P born 8 Mar 1293, <Castile>, (Spain) died 25 Oct 1359
  Beatrice, of EnglandC born 25 Jun 1242, Bordeaux, France died 24 Mar 1275, London, Middlesex, England
  Beatrice, of GuînesS
  Beatrice, of ProvenceC born 1231 died 1267
  Beatrice, of SavoyS,P
  Beatrix, of GandS,C,P,P born Abt 1062, Castellane, Basse Alps, France
  Beatrix, Princess of ScotlandS,C,P,P born Abt 984, <Atholl, Perthshire, Scotland>
  Beatrix, of BurgundyS,C,P died 15 Nov 1184 or 1185
  Beatrix, of HainautS,S,C,P born Abt 998, <Hainaut, Belgium>
  Beatrix, of MâconS,C,P born Abt 991, Macon, Saône-et-Loire, France
  Beatrix, of SavoyS,P died 1259
  Beatriz, de CastillaS,C,P born 1242 died 1303
  Beatriz, de SuabiaS,C,P born 1203 died 5 Nov 1235, Toro, Spain
  Beatriz, of SwabiaC born 1198 died 1212
  Begga, of Landen (Saint)S,C,P born Abt 613, Landen, Liège, Austrasia (Belgium) died 17 Dec 693, Andenne, (Belgium)
  Béla I, King of HungaryS,C,P died Abt 1063
  Beldgabred, King of the Britons [Legendary]C
  Bellon, Count of CarcassonneP born Abt 780, <Carcassonne, Aube>, France
  Beltsa, [Mythological]S,P born Abt 194, <Asgard or Asia or East Europe>
  Berengar I, Count of SulzbachP
  Berengar II, of NeustriaP born Abt 847, <Bayeux>, Neustria (France) died 896, Neustria (France)
  Berengar II, of SulzbachP
  Berengar, of RennesP born Abt 847, <Bayeux>, Neustria (France) died 896, Neustria (France)
  Berengaria, of LeonS,C,P born Abt 1199, <Leon, Leon>, Spain died 12 Apr 1237
  Berengaria, of CastileS,P,P,P,P born 1180, <Burgos, Castile>, Spain died 8 Nov 1246, Burgos, Castile, Spain
  Berenger I, Viscount of NarbonneS,P born Abt 979, <Narbonne, Aude>, France died 1066

[No Surname], <, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z,

No Surname-No Surname, [No Surname-No Surname], No Surname-No Surname, No Surname-No Surname, No Surname-No Surname, No Surname-No Surname, No Surname-No Surname, No Surname-No Surname, No Surname-No Surname, No Surname-No Surname, No Surname-No Surname, No Surname-No Surname

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