These pages represent the work of an amateur researcher and should not be used as a sole source by any other researcher. Few primary sources have been available. Corrections and contributions are encouraged and welcomed. -- Karen (Johnson) Fish

The Johnson-Wallace & Fish-Kirk Families

Name List

No Surname, <, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, [L], M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z,


Key: S=as a Spouse, C=as a Child, P=as a Parent




  Hugh V "le Pieux" de, Sire de LusignanS,C,P,S,C,P died 8 Oct 1060, <Cathedral of Barcelona, Spain>
  Hugh V de, Count of La MarcheS,C,P born Betw 1183 and 1195 died by 5 Jun 1249, Angoulême
  Hugh VI "the Devil" de, Sire de Lusignan and Count of la MarcheS,C,P born Betw 1039 and 1043 died Betw 1106 and 1110
  Hugh VI de, Count of La MarcheC born 1221 died 6 Apr 1250, Faruskur, Egypt
  Hugh VII "the Dark" de, Sire de LusignanS,C,P born 1065 died Bef 1151
  Hugh VIII "le Vieux" deS,C,P,P born Abt 1141 died Abt 1173, [Holy Land]
  Hugh X de, Count of la Marche and of AngoulêmeS,C,P born Betw 1183 and 1195 died by 5 Jun 1249, Angoulême
  Hugh XI "le Brun" de, Count of Ponthieu, la Marche and AngoulêmeC born 1221 died 6 Apr 1250, Faruskur, Egypt
  Hugues de, Co-Seigneur de LusignanS,C,P,P born Abt 1141 died Abt 1173, [Holy Land]
  Hugues IX deS,C,P born 1163 or 1168 died 5 Nov 1219, Damietta, Egypt
  Hugues VI "le Diable" de, Sire de LusignanS,C,P born Betw 1039 and 1043 died Betw 1106 and 1110
  Hugues VII "le Brun" de, Sire de LusignanS,C,P born 1065 died Bef 1151
  Hugues XI "le Brun" deC born 1221 died 6 Apr 1250, Faruskur, Egypt
  Mahaut deS,C,P,S,C,P born Abt 1210 died 14 Aug 1241, <Llanthony Secunda, Gloucester, Gloucestershire, England>
  Raoul I deS,C,P born Betw 1160 and 1165, <Lusignan> died 1 May 1219, Melle
  William de, Lord of Valence, titular Earl of Pembroke (Sir)C born Bef 1225 died Bef 18 May 1296
  Piers deS,P born Abt 1134, <Cherhill, Wiltshire, England> died by 1198
  Ogive deS,C,P,P born Abt 995 died 21 Feb 1030 or 1036
  Albri de, Count of DammartinS,C,P born Abt 1135, <Dammartin, Seine-et-Marne>, France died 19 Sep 1200, London, Middlesex, England

No Surname, <, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, [L], M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z,


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