Private and Private
Husband Private (details suppressed for this person)
Born: Christened: Died: Buried:
Father: Private Mother:
Wife Private (details suppressed for this person)
Born: Christened: Died: Buried:
Father: Private Mother: Eurydice of Troy [Mythological] ( - )
1 M Private (details suppressed for this person)
Born: Christened: Died: Buried:
Research Notes: Husband - Capys Prince of Troy [Mythological]
From Wikipedia - Capys :
In Greek mythology , Capys was a name attributed to three individuals:A son of Assaracus and Aigesta or Themiste or Clytodora (daughter of Laomedon ) or Hieromneme , and father of Anchises and so grandfather of Aeneas . He, or a different Capys, founded the city of Capua .[1] The Trojan who warned not to bring the Trojan horse into the city. A descendant of Aeneas and king of Alba Longa .
According to Roman sources, in the Etruscan language the word "capys" meant 'hawk' or 'falcon' (or possibly 'eagle' or 'vulture').
From Wikipedia - Anchises :
In Greek mythology , Anchises (Ancient Greek : was a son of Capys and Themiste (daughter of Ilus, son of Tros) or Hieromneme , a naiad .
Research Notes: Wife - Themiste of Troy [Mythological]
From Wikipedia - Themiste :
In Greek mythology , Themiste was the daughter of Ilus and Eurydice , sister of Laomedon and mother of Anchises by her husband Capys , son of Assaracus .
Chilperic II King of the Burgundians and Caretena
Husband Chilperic II King of the Burgundians 1 2
AKA: Chilperic King of Burgundy Born: Abt 450 - <Burgundy, (France)> Christened: Died: 493 Buried:
Father: Gondioc King of the Burgundians (Abt 0420-0473) 3 4 Mother: < > [Sister of Ricimer] ( - ) 5
Other Spouse: Agrippine de Bourgogne ( - ) 6
Wife Caretena 2
Born: Christened: Died: 493 Buried:
1 F Clotilde Queen of the Franks 7 8 9 10
AKA: St. Clothilde, Clotild, Clotilda, Saint Clotilde, Evochilde de Cologne Born: 475 - Lyons, (Rhône), Burgundy (France) Christened: Died: 545 - Tours, Touraine (Indre-et-Loire), France Buried:Spouse: Clovis I King of the Franks (Abt 0466-0511) 11 12 13 Marr: 493
Death Notes: Husband - Chilperic II King of the Burgundians
Assassinated by Gundobad
Research Notes: Husband - Chilperic II King of the Burgundians
From Wikipedia - Chilperic II of Burgundy :
Chilperic II (c. 450 - 493) was the King of Burgundy from 473 until his death, though initially co-ruler with his father from 463. He began his reign in 473 after the partition of Burgundy with his brothers Godegisel , Godomar , and Gundobad ; he ruled from Valence and his brothers ruled respectively from Geneva , Vienne , and Lyon . They were all sons of Gundioch . Sometime in the early 470s Chilperic was forced to submit to the authority of the Roman Empire by the magister militum Ecdicius Avitus .
In 475 he probably sheltered an exiled Ecdicius after the Visigoths had obtained possession of the Auvergne . After his brother Gundobad had removed his other brother Godomar (Gundomar) in 486, he turned on Chilperic. In 493 Gundobad assassinated Chilperic and drowned his wife, Caretena, then exiled their two daughters, Chroma and Clotilda . Chroma became a nun and Clotilda fled to her uncle, Godegisel. When the Frankish king, Clovis I , requested the latter's hand in marriage, Gundobad was unable to decline. Clovis and Godegisel allied against Gundobad in a long, drawn out civil war.
Death Notes: Wife - Caretena
Kevin Allred and Carlene
Husband Kevin Allred (details suppressed for this person)
Born: Christened: Died: Buried:Marriage:
Wife Carlene (details suppressed for this person)
Born: Christened: Died: Buried:
1 F Ella Patricia Allred (details suppressed for this person)
Born: Christened: Died: Buried:Spouse: David Aaron Fish (living)
2 M Forrest Allred (details suppressed for this person)
Born: Christened: Died: Buried:
3 M Soren Allred (details suppressed for this person)
Born: Christened: Died: Buried:
4 M Flint Allred (details suppressed for this person)
Born: Christened: Died: Buried:
Carolman Major Domus
Husband Carolman Major Domus
Born: Christened: Died: 615 Buried:
Father: Charles Count of Brabant ( - ) Mother: Itta ( - )
Born: Christened: Died: Buried:
1 M Pippin I of Landen, Mayor of the Palace in Austrasia
AKA: Pepin I of Landen, Mayor of Austrasia, Pepinus de Landis Born: 564 - Landen, Liège, Austrasia (Belgium) Christened: Died: Between 639 and 640 Buried:Spouse: Itta of Landen (0591- ) 14 15
Research Notes: Husband - Carolman Major Domus
Source: (Kevin Bradford)
Death Notes: Child - Pippin I of Landen, Mayor of the Palace in Austrasia Compact Disc #94 Pin #91669
(submitted by Samuel Taylor "Sam" Geer) has d. bet. 639 and 640.
Stephen Hart and Catherine
Husband Stephen Hart
Born: Christened: Died: by 27 feb 1696 or 1697 Buried:Marriage:
Wife Catherine
AKA: Catharine Born: Christened: Died: Buried:
1 F Sarah Hart
Born: Abt 1690 Christened: Died: 1769 Buried:Spouse: Richard Owings Jr. (Bef 1687-1736) Marr: Bef 1709 - Baltimore Co., Maryland, (United States)
Research Notes: Husband - Stephen Hart
Research Notes: Wife - Catherine
Sir Rhys Griffith of Penrhyn, High Sheriff for Caernarvon and Catherine of Talacre
Husband Sir Rhys Griffith of Penrhyn, High Sheriff for Caernarvon
Born: Christened: Died: 30 Jul 1580 Buried:
Father: Sir William Griffith Lord of Penrhyn, Chamberlain of North Wales (Abt 1480-1531) 16 17 18 19 20 21 Mother: Jane Puleston of Bers and Hafod y Wern (Abt 1479- ) 19 20 22
Marriage: Abt 1566
Wife Catherine of Talacre
Born: Christened: Died: Buried:
Father: Pyers Mostyn of Talacre ( - ) Mother:
1 M Pyers Gruffydd of Penrhyn
AKA: Piers Griffith Born: Christened: Died: Buried: - Westminster Abbey, London, Midlesex, England
2 M William Griffith (details suppressed for this person)
Born: Christened: Died: Buried:
Research Notes: Husband - Sir Rhys Griffith of Penrhyn, High Sheriff for Caernarvon
Source: The History of the Princes, the Lords Marcher, and the Ancient Nobility of Powys Fadog, and the Ancient Lords of Arwystli, Cedewen, and Meirionydd by J. Y. W. Lloyd, Vol. IV, London, 1884, p. 342.
From Welsh Biography Online ( :
"His eldest son, William, d. young and he was succeeded by his second son, EDWARD GRIFFITH, b. 18 May 1511 (P.R.O. Min. Acc., 4948), he was a correspondent of Thomas Cromwell, mainly in connection with his feud with Richard Bulkeley of Beaumaris (see under Bulkeley family ); he paid Cromwell an annuity of ten marks for some years and attempted, unsuccessfully, to gain possession of the Dominican friary at Bangor after its dissolution. He was probably the Edward Griffith who, as yeoman of the guard, was granted a water-mill in the lordship of Denbigh in 1537. He was acting on a number of commissions in North Wales until April of 1539, but in Oct. of that year he was sent with Sir William Brereton (D.N.B. Suppt., i, 264) to Ireland; his command (two grand captains, three petty captains, 250 archers, three priests, and two minstrels) was equivalent to that of Brereton and he was a member of the Irish privy council. He d. of 'the flux' at Dublin 11 March 1540. He m. Jane, daughter of Sir John Puleston of Bersham . (L. and P. Henry VIII, viii, 122, 644, 925, xii, part i, 539 (14), 655, 1154, xiii, part i, 384 (91), 1289, xiv, part i, 732, 802, 803, 816, part ii, 40, 616, 759, 782, 1539; xv, 74, 82, 199, 327, 342, 355.) His death precipitated a long dispute between RHYS GRIFFITH his younger brother, who claimed the estates as heir male, and John Puleston, Edward Griffith's father-in-law, acting for his daughter and her three children (Jane, Catherine, and Ellen). Puleston asked Cromwell for the wardship of the children, and offered him £40 for his good offices; Rhys Griffith complained that during his absence in Ireland 'on the king's service,' his sister-in-law and her father had ransacked Penrhyn, leaving 'nothing but the bare walls.' The lord chancellor and the master of the court of wards made an arbitration in 1542, but the problems involved were still unsettled in 1559. Even after the death of Rhys Griffith in 1580, Sir Edward Bagnall, who had m. one of Edward Griffith's daughters, was still pursuing his wife's claims in the court of wards. (Penrhyn MSS. 50, 2197; N.L.W. Jnl., iii, 40; Lewis , Early Chancery Procs., 21, 22, 288, 290; Lewis and Davies, Augmentation Recs., 51; L. and P. Henry VIII, v, no. 724 (10), xv, 433, 661, xvii, 466, xix 812 (16), Addenda, i, part ii, 1462; Cal. Pat. Rolls, Edward VI, iv, 36; Acts Privy Council, 1580-1, 289; P.R.O., Court of Requests Procs., bundle iv, no. 258; bundle vi, no 210.)
"Poems by William Cynwal and Siôn Brwynog (qq.v.) refer to the prowess of Rhys Griffith (d. 1580) in the Irish wars, while Siôn Tudur (q.v.) implies that he had spent much of his earlier life in London. (Mostyn MSS. 1, 159; Llên Cymru, ii, 88-9.) He m. (1) c. 1526, Margaret, daughter of Morris ap John of Clenennau (see under Maurice and Owen of Clenennau ); by this marriage there were five sons and two daughters. (2) c. 1551, Jane, daughter of Dafydd ap William ap Griffith of Cochwillan . (3) c. 1566, Catherine, daughter of Piers Mostyn of Talacre (see under Mostyn of Talacre ); by this marriage there were two sons, Piers and William (Griffith , Pedigrees, 185 is inaccurate on these marriages; for the second marriage, see Penrhyn MSS. 58-61.) He was knighted at the coronation of Edward VI (1547) and on the accession of Mary was recommended by Nicholas Heath, archbishop of York and president of Wales, as a suitable member of parliament for Caernarvonshire. He was not elected, but was Member of Parliament for the borough of Caernarvon in 1555 and high sheriff of Caernarvonshire in 1566-7. (Cal. Wynn Papers, 19; Williams , Parl. Hist. Wales, 65; Breeze , Kalendars, 52.) He d. 30 July 1580 (Penrhyn MSS: 78-82) and was succeeded by Pirs Griffith (q.v.) , his eldest son by the third marriage. During his lifetime the estate passed by purchase into the possession of John Williams (1582-1650) (q.v.) of the kindred house of Williams of Cochwillan (see Williams family of Cochwillan )."
Research Notes: Wife - Catherine of Talacre
Source: The History of the Princes, the Lords Marcher, and the Ancient Nobility of Powys Fadog, and the Ancient Lords of Arwystli, Cedewen, and Meirionydd by J. Y. W. Lloyd, Vol. IV (London, 1884), P. 342
Cosmo-George Gordon 3rd Duke of Gordon, 6th Marquess of Huntly and Catherine
Husband Cosmo-George Gordon 3rd Duke of Gordon, 6th Marquess of Huntly (details suppressed for this person)
Born: Christened: Died: Buried:
Father: Alexander Gordon 2nd Duke of Gordon, 5th Marquess of Huntly Mother: Henrietta Mordaunt
Wife Catherine (details suppressed for this person)
Born: Christened: Died: Buried:
1 M Alexander Gordon 4th Duke of Gordon (details suppressed for this person)
Born: Christened: Died: Buried:Spouse: Jane Maxwell (living)
Research Notes: Husband - Cosmo-George Gordon 3rd Duke of Gordon, 6th Marquess of Huntly
Research Notes: Wife - Catherine
Thomas Colbrand and Catherine
Husband Thomas Colbrand 23
Born: - Bye, Sussex, England Christened: Died: Buried:Marriage:
Wife Catherine 23
Born: Christened: Died: Buried:
1 F Anne Colbrand 24
Born: Abt 1575 - Malling, Kent, England Christened: Died: 26 Jun 1613 Buried:Spouse: George Claggett (Abt 1563-1638) Marr: Abt 1602 - Kent, England
Sir Owen Meredith Tudor and Catherine of Valois
Husband Sir Owen Meredith Tudor 25
AKA: Owain ap Maredudd ap Tewdwr, Owen ap Maredudd ap Tudor Born: Abt 1400 Christened: Died: 2 Feb 1461 Buried:
Father: Maredudd ap Tudur ( -1406) 26 Mother: Margaret verch Dafydd Fychan ( - ) 26
Wife Catherine of Valois 27
Born: 27 Oct 1401 - Hôtel Saint-Pol, Paris, France Christened: Died: 3 Jan 1437 - London, Middlesex, England Buried: - Westminster Abbey, London, Midlesex, England
1 M Edmund Tudor 1st Earl of Richmond 28
AKA: Edmund of Hadham, Tudur Edmwnd Born: 1430 - England Christened: Died: 3 Nov 1456 - Carmarthen Castle Buried: - Carmarthen Grey FriarsSpouse: Margaret Beaufort Countess of Richmond and Derby (1443-1509) 29 Marr: 1 Nov 1455
Death Notes: Husband - Sir Owen Meredith Tudor
Executed by the Yorkists following the Battle of Mortimer's Cross in Herefordshire.
Birth Notes: Child - Edmund Tudor 1st Earl of Richmond
He was born either at Much Hadham Palace in Hertfordshire or at Hadham in Bedfordshire.
Death Notes: Child - Edmund Tudor 1st Earl of Richmond
Died of the plague.
Burial Notes: Child - Edmund Tudor 1st Earl of Richmond
He was buried at Carmarthen Grey Friars after his death. After the dissolution of the monasteries in 1539, his remains were removed to the choir of St. David's Cathedral.
Donald M. Johnson and Catherine "Kay"
Husband Donald M. Johnson
Born: 1907 ? Christened: Died: Buried:
Father: Marinus Jensen (1869-1947) 30 31 Mother:
• Return home: 6-week trip to Europe, incl. Denmark, 13 Oct 1965.
• Return home: Trip to Scandanavia, 23 Jul 1972.
Wife Catherine "Kay" (details suppressed for this person)
Born: Christened: Died: Buried:
1 F Judith Johnson (details suppressed for this person)
Born: Christened: Died: Buried:
2 F Janeth Johnson (details suppressed for this person)
Born: Christened: Died: Buried:
3 M Donny Johnson (details suppressed for this person)
Born: Christened: Died: Buried:
1., Compact Disc #94 Pin #154209 (submitted by Samuel Taylor "Sam" Geer).
2., Chilperic II of Burgundy.
3., Compact Disc #94 Pin #99217 (submitted by Samuel Taylor "Sam" Geer).
4., Gongioc.
5., Gondioc.
6., Compact Disc #94 Pin #317962 (submitted by Samuel Taylor "Sam" Geer).
7. Weis, Frederick Lewis and Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr; William R. Beall and Kaleen E. Beall, eds, Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700 (8th ed. Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Company, 2008.), Line 240A-3 (Clovis I).
8., Clotilde.
9., Compact Disc #94 Pin #105696 (submitted by Samuel Taylor "Sam" Geer).
10. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001,
11., Compact Disc #94 Pin #99017 (submitted by Samuel Taylor "Sam" Geer).
12. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001,
13., Clovis I; List of Frankish kings.
14. Weis, Frederick Lewis and Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr; William R. Beall and Kaleen E. Beall, eds, Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700 (8th ed. Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Company, 2008.), Line 190-9 (Duke Ansegisel).
15., Compact Disc #94 Pin #91441 (submitted by Samuel Taylor "Sam" Geer).
16. Lloyd, Jacob Youde William, The History of the Princes, the Lords Marcher, and the Ancient Nobility of Powys Fadog, and the Ancient Lords of Arwystli, Cedewen, and Meirionydd. (Vol. 4. London: Whiting & Co., 1884.), p. 342.
17. Nicholas, Thomas, Annals and Antiquities of the Counties and County Families of Wales (Vol. 1. London: Longmans, Green, Reader, & Co., 1872), p. 362.
18. Glenn, Thomas Allen, ed, Reifsnyder-Gillam Ancestry. (Philadelphia: (Privately Printed), 1902.), pp. 57-58.
19. Honourable Society of Cymmrodorion, Dictionary of Welsh Biography (National Library of Wales. 2007. Welsh Biography Online. <> ),
20. Website:,
21., Compact Disc #94 Pin #112650 (submitted by Samuel Taylor "Sam" Geer).
22. Website - Genealogy,
23. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001,
24. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001,
25., "Owen Tudor," Cit. Date: 22 Jun 2013.
26., "Maredudd ap Tudur," Cit. Date: 22 Jun 2013.
27., "Catherine of Valois," Cit. Date: 22 Jun 2013.
28., "Edmund Tudor, 1st Earl of Richmond,",_1st_Earl_of_Richmond.
29., "Margaret Beaufort, Countess of Richmond and Derby,",_Countess_of_Richmond_and_Derby. Cit. Date: 22 Jun 2013.
30. Personal Documents, DeWayne B. Johnson family documents & photographs.
31. Correspondence, Letter and research notes of Finn H. Thomsen. Cit. Date: 24 Sep 2017.
1 <i></i>, Compact Disc #94 Pin #154209 (submitted by Samuel Taylor "Sam" Geer).
2 <i></i>, Chilperic II of Burgundy.
3 <i></i>, Compact Disc #94 Pin #99217 (submitted by Samuel Taylor "Sam" Geer).
4 <i></i>, Gongioc.
5 <i></i>, Gondioc.
6 <i></i>, Compact Disc #94 Pin #317962 (submitted by Samuel Taylor "Sam" Geer).
7 Weis, Frederick Lewis and Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr; William R. Beall and Kaleen E. Beall, eds, <i>Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700</i> (8th ed. Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Company, 2008.), Line 240A-3 (Clovis I).
8 <i></i>, Clotilde.
9 <i></i>, Compact Disc #94 Pin #105696 (submitted by Samuel Taylor "Sam" Geer).
10 <i></i>. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001,
11 <i></i>, Compact Disc #94 Pin #99017 (submitted by Samuel Taylor "Sam" Geer).
12 <i></i>. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001,
13 <i></i>, Clovis I; List of Frankish kings.
14 Weis, Frederick Lewis and Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr; William R. Beall and Kaleen E. Beall, eds, <i>Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700</i> (8th ed. Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Company, 2008.), Line 190-9 (Duke Ansegisel).
15 <i></i>, Compact Disc #94 Pin #91441 (submitted by Samuel Taylor "Sam" Geer).
16 Lloyd, Jacob Youde William, <i>The History of the Princes, the Lords Marcher, and the Ancient Nobility of Powys Fadog, and the Ancient Lords of Arwystli, Cedewen, and Meirionydd.</i> (Vol. 4. London: Whiting & Co., 1884.), p. 342.
17 Nicholas, Thomas, <i>Annals and Antiquities of the Counties and County Families of Wales</i> (Vol. 1. London: Longmans, Green, Reader, & Co., 1872), p. 362.
18 Glenn, Thomas Allen, ed, <i>Reifsnyder-Gillam Ancestry.</i> (Philadelphia: (Privately Printed), 1902.), pp. 57-58.
19 Honourable Society of Cymmrodorion, <i>Dictionary of Welsh Biography</i> (National Library of Wales. 2007. <u>Welsh Biography Online</u>. <> ),
20 Website:,
21 <i></i>, Compact Disc #94 Pin #112650 (submitted by Samuel Taylor "Sam" Geer).
22 Website - Genealogy,
23 <i></i>. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001,
24 <i></i>. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001,
25 <i></i>, "Owen Tudor," Cit. Date: 22 Jun 2013.
26 <i></i>, "Maredudd ap Tudur," Cit. Date: 22 Jun 2013.
27 <i></i>, "Catherine of Valois," Cit. Date: 22 Jun 2013.
28 <i></i>, "Edmund Tudor, 1st Earl of Richmond,",_1st_Earl_of_Richmond.
29 <i></i>, "Margaret Beaufort, Countess of Richmond and Derby,",_Countess_of_Richmond_and_Derby. Cit. Date: 22 Jun 2013.
30 Personal Documents, DeWayne B. Johnson family documents & photographs.
Correspondence, Letter and research notes of Finn H. Thomsen. Cit. Date: 24 Sep 2017.
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