These pages represent the work of an amateur researcher and should not be used as the sole source by any other researcher. Few primary sources have been available. Corrections and contributions are encouraged and welcomed. -- Karen (Johnson) Fish

Descendants of Johan Adam PAPST, U.E.L. (c1732-c1807)

First Generation  Next

1. Johan Adam Papst (U.E.L.),1 2 3 son of Johann Paul Pabst and Maria Dorothea Weiss,4 was born about 1732 in Bonn, Westphalia, Germany,5 was christened on 17 May 1771 in Schenectady Reformed Church, Schenectady, New York, (United States), died between 1803 and 1807 in Osnabruck Twp, Stormont, Eastern District (Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry), Upper Canada (Ontario), Canada, and was buried in Papst Family Farm, Lunenburg Twp, Stormont, Eastern District (Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry), Upper Canada (Ontario), Canada. Other names for Johan were Adam Paaps, Adam Pabst, Johan Adam Pabst, John Adam Papst, Johan Adam Poapst, and John Poapst.

Birth Notes: May have been born about 1734.

Research Notes: Some disagreement whether last name was Pabst or Papst, but Papst is most likely. The German word Papst means "Pope." The individual who wrote his will for him spelled his name "Adam Papst," but Adam signed his name on that will as "Adam Babst."
Some online sources show Adam's parents as Johann Paul Pabst and Maria Dorothea Weiss. This may be incorrect.
From :
"Johan 'Adam' Pabst ( aka Papst; embarked at the Bay of Philadelphia, Pennasylvania about 1750, died in Osnabruck Township, Storemont County around 1803-1807) married Eva Maria Hamm b. 1736 married in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania"
From George Cloakey email 21 Dec 2009:
"Adam served in the Revolutionary War as a member of the 84th Regiment, the King's Royal Regiment of New York. In this regiment he served with Butler's Rangers, and was awarded land in the eastern part of Upper Canada. Arrived in America on the ship Two Brothers captained by Thomas Arnot. Docked in Philadelphia on or about September 28, 1753. Spelled Papts on roll of Butler's Rangers. Signed his will as Adam Babst."

Cloakey quotes Vernon Buckley from 10 Sep 2000:
"The information I have from a old German Bible. Adam Papstt arrived in Philadelphia November the 8th, 1752. John Papstt arrived in Philadelphia September 28, 1753. The letter says that there were five other brothers. Where they went or if they stayed in Germany --here is nothing on them."

Cloakey quotes Sheri LeQuia:
"I just received from Annette K. Burgert, the author and researcher of emigrants from Germany to North America, a book titled Master Index to the Emigrants Documented in the Published Works of Annette K. Burgert F.A.S.G., F.G.S.P. Included in this index is an immigration of Johan Adam Probst which I think is one alternate spelling of Pabst- I have seen this spelling used on Pabst families I have researched. This immigration date is given as 1752. That is a match for your man isn't it?!!! The Source Volume listed is Northern Kraichgau. If I understand this correctly- it refers to the book Eighteenth Centruy Emigrants from German Speaking Lands to North America. (note that this could included Canada) Vol I: The Northern Kraichgau. Breinigsville, PA (1983) The Pennsylvania German Society (1982 Annual Volume #16) Out of Print."

Cloakey quotes Bill Hayes:
"Genevieve M. Templeton was the next to the last child of thirteen children born to Frederick W. Templeton and Elizabeth J. Papst, with my grandfather ( Rudolph Papst Templeton) being the thirteenth. Genevieve wrote a letter in May of 1966, I believe to my father. In this letter she gave some family history. I will copy a few paragraphs from the last page, as it pertains to the Papst family.

"'I haven't much on the Papst side of the family, only family tales. One was the original Papst was an officer in the German army, and he fell in love with a serving maid, and as is the custom in then German army an officer can not marry beneath their rank, so the tale goes. He had her sent over to England and resigned his office in the German army and married the gal, and brought her to U.S. Landing in Pennsylvania at Phila.'"

Cloakey quotes Bill Hayes:
"Written by Lt/Col Ervan Amidon was the following. In 1991 he obtained a copy of a letter written in 1971 by Anna Alicia Papst, (died 1983) daughter of Capt. Rudolph Papst (b. 1858). Col. Amidon said he had done a certain amount of editing of the letter. Col. Amidon wrote:

'Rudolph Papst was born in 1750 or 1752 in Germantown, part of Philadelphia. His father was Adam Pabstt who left Bonn (1749 or 1751) in the Archbishopric of Cologne. Adam Pabstt fled to Hamburg where he hid on a British ship. His girl friend and her family were emigrating from the Palatinate on the Rhine, to Philadelphia. I don't know her name. (***Col. Amidon is convinced this was Eva Maria Hamm).

'Adam Pabst's father was a wealthy merchant who became Burgomaster of Bonn and had hoped to marry his son Adam, to an impoverished baroness. However, the son Adam gave his father the slip and was hidden in a barrel on the ship until the ship sailed from Hamburg. Then Adam Pabstt married the girl aboard ship. The ship sailed from Hamburg to Philadelphia.

'Adam Pabstt was a Roman Catholic and she was a Lutheran. They compromised and both went into the Church of England. Rudolph Papst, their oldest son, was a great church man.'"

From George Cloakey:
"Johan Adam who fought with Butler's Rangers was given his land, 300 acres in Winchester."

Cloakey quotes Bill Hayes from 15 Sep 2003:
Written below is a claim by Johan Adam Papst for the monetary loss of items due to his loyalty to the British government during the Revolutionary War. John Poaps sent this to Bill Hayes Sept 15, 2003.

"Claim of Adam Popps
A.O. To The Honble, Commissioners
13/80 of American Claims at Halifax, Nova Scotia
Estimation of the losses sustained by Adam Popps
in consequence of his loyalty to his Majesty and attachment
to the British Government.
£ s d
2 Horses very good 40 - 0 - 0
2 Milk cows 10 - 0 - 0
seven hundred boards 17 - 10 - 0
15 sheep 10 - 10 - 0
1 piece check 5 yards 1 - 0 - 0
3 pair shoes 1 - 4 - 0
4 sheets 1 - 4 - 0
1 blanket 0 - 10 - 0
2 sides upper leather 0 - 9 - 0
6 shirts 3 - 0 - 0
1 bag woolen & linen yarn 2 - 0 - 0
15 skipples rye @ 3/6 per skip 2 - 12 - 6
30 ditto wheat @ 4/- per do 6 - 0 - 0
3 pair shoe buckles @ 4/- 0 - 12 - 0
4 pair stocking 1 - 8 - 0
a saddle & bridles new 3 - 10 - 0
1 gun 3 - 0 - 0
1 Ranger carabine 6 - 10 - 0
1 dozen knives & forks 0 - 4 - 0
4 handkerchiefs 0 - 12 - 0
1 suit of cloaths 6 - 0 - 0
Traices ** 1 - 0 - 0
Iron Hopples *** 0 - 8 - 0
1 piece of tow cloth 10 yards 0 - 15 - 0
Improvement on his farm on which there
is 200 apple trees 400 - 0 - 0
Paid fine for refusing to serve in the
Rebel Militia 40 - 0 - 0
L 560 - 6 - 6" --from Bill Hayes

The book "Even more Palatine Families"
Adam Papst and wife Eva Marie had among their issue:
1. Margretha b. 8 Aug 1767 and Bpt at Sir Williams Hall-Sp. Peter Ziegler and Marie Margretha (Stone Arabia Reformed Chbk)
2. Daniel Frederich, bpt. 17 May 1771- Sp. Daniel Frederich Ongar and Maria Magdalena Ongar (Schenectady Reformed Chbk)
3. Catharina b. 30 July 1774- Sp. Frantz Otto and wife (Schoharie Luthern Chbk)


From :

"Genevieve M. Templeton Was the Next to the last child of thirteen children born to Frederick W. Templeton and Elizabeth J. Papst, with my grandfather ( Rudolph Papst Templeton) being the thirteenth. Genevieve wrote a letter in may of 1966, I believe to my father. In this letter she gave some family history. I well copy a few paragraphs from the last page, as it pertains to the Papst family. I haven't much on the Papst side of the family, only family tales. One was the original Papst was an officer in the German army, and he fell in love with a serving maid, and as is the custom in then German army an officer can not marry beneath their rank, so the tale goes. He had her sent over to England and resigned his office in the German army and married the gal, and brought her to U.S. Landing in Pennsylvania at Phila. where in the Revolutionery War. The German (or Hessians) sympathized with the English and as the account says, when the colonial army was right on the heals of the Hessians the Germans just got across into the Canadian border with the American army at their backs. So they got into Toronto, and I understand that is where they the Papst Hessians got their 160 acres on Young Street in Toronto, and which grandfather John Papst sold when he went to California. The story goes that Old Granny Papst had when she fled the colonial army was baby on one arm and a black cooking pot on the other. I have often heard my mother say "old Granny Papst couldn't speak English, so she must have lived a long time. There was an old Dutch Bible with family record in it. I have heard her say her uncle Henry took it to California and when my mother went out there she brought it back, much worn out.
"source: Harry Templeton,"
From :

from Harold Miller who did the research on Berne, NY area, stated the following in March 2008:
"Continuing my research to answer your questions, I find that Johan Adam Papst, father of Maria Papst, served in Butler's Rangers and was awarded land in the eastern part of Upper Canada according to George Cloakey.. John Papst, b. 1777, youngest brother of Maria Papst, died in 1869 in Osnabruck, Ontario. Maria's sister Elisabeth, married Gotlieb Otto, a distant cousin of mine, and they too moved to Osnabrouck (spelling?). Another brother, Rudoph Papst moved to Upper Canada. "
Among the papers of Albert Wilson Otto (1856-1937) of Cut Knife, Sask., held by his descendants, is an account he recorded 1930 of an incident involving John Poapst. I know of no reason it would be passed down in the Otto family if it weren't related to the family of Johan Adam Papst.

"John Poapst was shot in the War of Independence with a charge of buckshot and was badly wounded. He managed to get away and his in a mow of hay in a barn. The enemy saw him and came into the barn looking for him. One of them came into the hay to look for him, and it was said by some of the old people that once it passed down through the hair of his head, but he laid quiet as he could and was not discovered by them. His wound was very painful and he was nearly starved with nothing to eat, but was afraid to venture out of his hiding place.

"When night came an old darkey and his wife came into the barn to do up some evening chores and he heard her saying, "I wonder where that poor man is? If I knew I would get him something to eat. John thought that this was only a ruse to lure him out to capture him, so he did not let them know that he heard them.

"The next evening he again hear her saying the same thing, but was still afraid that it only was a ruse to make him come out, so he lay still. His wound was now so painful and he was so hungry that he saw that he would die anyway. He made up his mind that if he heard her saying that again that he would venture out, which he did and nearly scared them into to fits for they were very superstitious and they thought he was a ghost.

"The old lady went to their cabin and brought him something to eat and then they hid him again until after night and the old darkey paddled him across the river to the British lines. After many narrow escapes, John at last reached the British lines in safety."

Transcription of Last Will & Testament of Adam Papst of Osnabruck, from a scanned image of the original, found on the internet. This transcription may contain errors; guesses are in angle brackets.

The Last Will & Testament of Adam Papst of Osnabruck
Probate Granted 7th Juany 1819
Entered in Book B-Pages 182 & 183
A McLean
Reg S. C. E. D.

I Adam Papst of the Township of Osnabruck in the County of Stormont and Eastern district of the Province of Upper Canada Yeoman do make this my last Will and Testament in manner following, that is to say I give devise and bequeath unto my Son John Papst all and every my real and personal Estate and Effects - whatsoever and wheresoever which I shall or may be possessed of or in anyways entitled unto at the time of my decease To hold to him his Heirs and Assigns, absolutely for ever Subject as follows. In the first place to the payment of all my just debts which I may happen to owe at the time of my decease and my funeral Expenses and the Expense of proving this my Will and all other Charges relating to the Execution thereof Also subject to the payment of fifty Dollars to Eve Mary Papst my Wife as soon after my Decease as the same can be Collected out of the hand of John Fetterley Junior and Adam Fetterley provided I shall not give unto her hands the said Sum in my lifetime to be at her own disposal and for her <own> sSole use. Also subject to the Support and maintenance of the said Eve Mary Papst my wife in a Comfortable manner during her life provided she shall reside with my <said> Son John'e Papst. But in Case the said Eve Mary Papst shall not find it Comfortable to live with my said Son then it is my Will that my said Son shall give unto her <twelve> Bushels of good < > and a Hog weighing one hundred and fifty <pounds> and <ten> dozen of Eggs yearly and every year during her natural life. Also my said Son shall give to the said Eve Mary Papst two good Cows at the time she chooses to depart from him for her better support. And my said Son shall give to the said Eve Mary Papst six pounds of good wool yearly and every year from the time of my decease for her own Sole use and benefit whether she shall reside with him or not and permit her to enjoy and dispose of such goods and furniture as are now her own Sole and Seperate property. And in Case the said Eve Mary Papst shall <at> any time be sick my siad Son <shall> procure her Medical assistance and proper nourishment and a fit woman to attend her during her indisposition whether she shall live with my siad Son or not. And in Case of death my said Son shall cause her to be decently buried And it is my will that in Case my said Son John Papst shall dispose of the farm on which I now live in the life time of my said Wife Eve Mary Papst, then my said Son shall pay or Secure to be paid to the said Eve Mary Papst her Heirs or Assigns one third part of the Value or Price the said farm shall be Sold for which Sum my said Wife shall have at her Sole disposal And I do hereby Constitute and appoint John <Loucks> and Peter Darlington both of Osnabruck to be Executors of this my Will. And I do hereby revoke all former Wills by me made and declare this to be my last Will and Testament. In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and Seal this thirty first day of July in the Year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and three

Adam Babst

Signed Sealed published and declared by the said Testator Adam Papst < > for his last Will and Testament in the presence of <us> who at his request and in his presence and in the presence of each other have hereunto Subscribed our Names as Witnesses thereto
Georg <T> Coons
George Wereley
Peter Wereley

Noted events in his life were:

• Emigration: Left Germany on "Two Brothers", 1752, Germany.

• Immigration: Arrived in Philadelphia, 28 Sep 1753, Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States.

• Served: in Butler's Rangers for the loyalists, 1777, <New York, United States>.

• Held: in civil custody, 1778, New York, United States. 6

• Witness: to baptism of Maria Fedele, 1778, Gilead Lutheran Church, Brunswick, New York, United States.

• Held: in civil custody, 1781, New York, United States. 6

• Census: 1783, Butlersburg (Niagara), Lunenburg District, Quebec (Ontario), Canada.

• Served: in Butler's Rangers during the Revolutionary War, until Spring 1784. 7

• Demobilized: from Butler's Rangers, 1784, Lunenburg District (Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry), Quebec (Ontario), Canada. 8

• Granted: land in the Eastern District for his service in Butler's Rangers, Abt 1784, Lunenburg District (Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry), Quebec (Ontario), Canada. 7

• Settled: 1784, Osnabruck Twp, Lunenburg District (Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry), Quebec (Ontario), Canada.

• Took Communion: in a new church between Albany and Schoharie, 1788, New York, United States.

• Census: 1790, Watervliet Twp, Albany, New York, United States.

• Owned: W 1/2 of Lot 1 and E 1/2 of Lot 2, Concession 3, Bef Jul 1796, Osnabruck Twp, Stormont, Eastern District (Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry), Upper Canada (Ontario), Canada.

• Granted: 300 acres, 14 Jun 1798, Winchester, Dundas, Eastern District (Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry), Upper Canada (Ontario), Canada.

• Will: 31 Jul 1803, Osnabruck Twp, Stormont, Eastern District (Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry), Upper Canada (Ontario), Canada.

• Probate: 7 Jan 1819.

Johan married Eva Marie Ham 9 in 1753 in <Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, (United States)>. Eva was born about 1736 in <Baden-Baden, Germany>, was christened on 17 May 1771 in Schenectady Reformed Church, Schenectady, New York, (United States), died in Upper Canada (Ontario), Canada,10 and was buried in Papst Family Farm, Lunenburg Twp, Stormont, Eastern District (Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry), Upper Canada (Ontario), Canada. Other names for Eva were Eva Maria Hamm, Eva Marie Hamm, Eva Marie Hamm, and Eve Mary Hamm.

Marriage Notes: The source at and an E-mail from George Cloakey 21 Dec 2009 have their marriage in 1756 in Philadelphia.

However, they may actually have been married on the ship from Hamburg to Philadelphia, which docked on or about 28 September 1753. This would place the year of their marriage in 1753.

According to Ronald Poapst (10/29/11), they were married by the ship's captain on the boat that carried them down the Rhine River when Johan Adam ran away from home. That would have been around 1752.

Birth Notes: Lorna Wallace, daughter of Edith Poapst, believed Eva Maria Hamm was born in Baden-Baden. Other sources have Ontario, Canada.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 2 M    i. Rudolph Papst 11 12 13 was born about 1759 in <(Schoharie)>, New York, (United States) and died on 29 Jul 1829 in Toronto, York, Upper Canada (Ontario), Canada about age 70.

+ 3 F    ii. Anna Maria Papst 5 11 14 was born about 1761 in Albany (Schoharie), New York, (United States) and died on 17 Feb 1848 about age 87.

+ 4 F    iii. Maria Barbara Papst 10 14 15 16 was born on 7 Nov 1762 in Schoharie Twp, Albany (Schoharie), New York, (United States),17 died in 1798 in Wisconsin, United States at age 36, and was buried in Perkins Twp, Erie, Ohio, United States.

   5 F    iv. Anna Hannah Papst 10 was born about 1763 in <Schoharie>, Albany (Schoharie), New York, United States10 and died in 1798 in New York, United States about age 35.

Anna married George Henry Snyder 10 in 1783 in Schoharie Lutheran, Schoharie, Albany (Schoharie), New York, United States. George was born about 1765 in Schoharie, Albany (Schoharie), New York, (United States) and died on 1 Dec 1843 in Albany, Albany, New York, United States about age 78.

+ 6 F    v. Elisabeth Papst 5 14 18 19 was born about 1765 in New York, (United States) and died about 1787 in Osnabruck Twp, Lunenburg District (Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry), Quebec (Ontario), Canada about age 22.

   7 F    vi. Margretha Papst 20 21 was born on 8 Aug 1767 in Palatine, (Montgomery), New York, (United States)10 and was christened on 24 Sep 1767 in Reformed Church of Stone Arabia, Palatine, (Montgomery), New York, (United States). Another name for Margretha was Margaret Papst.

Birth Notes: May have been born on 3 August 1767.

Margretha married Johannes Lenhardt on 10 Apr 1787. Johannes was born about 1767 and died on 6 May 1819 about age 52. Other names for Johannes were Johannes Lainhart and Johannes Leonhard.

+ 8 M    vii. Daniel Frederick Papst 5 22 23 was born on 23 Jun 1768 in Albany (Schoharie), New York, (United States), was christened on 17 May 1771 in Schenectady Reformed Church, Schenectady, New York, (United States), died on 28 Mar 1848 in Osnabruck Twp, Stormont, Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Canada West (Ontario), Canada at age 79, and was buried in Papst Family Farm, Lunenburg Twp, Stormont, Canada West (Ontario), Canada.24

+ 9 F    viii. Catharina Papst 5 25 26 was born on 30 Jul 1773 in <Schoharie>, Albany (Schoharie), New York, (United States) and was christened on 30 Jul 1774 in Schoharie Lutheran, Schoharie, Albany (Schoharie), New York, (United States).

+ 10 M    ix. Johannes Papst 1 5 27 28 was born on 12 Jul 1777 in Brunswick, (Rensselaer), New York, United States, was christened on 11 Jan 1778 in Gilead Evangelical Lutheran Church, Center Brunsbrun, Brunswick, (Rensselaer), New York, United States, and died on 20 Jan 1869 in Osnabruck Twp, Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada at age 91.

previous  Second Generation  Next

2. Rudolph Papst 11 12 13 was born about 1759 in <(Schoharie)>, New York, (United States) and died on 29 Jul 1829 in Toronto, York, Upper Canada (Ontario), Canada about age 70. Another name for Rudolph was Poapst Rudolph.

Birth Notes: According to Rosemary Benson (quoted by George Cloakey 21 Dec 2009), his sons Daniel and John Joseph list their father's birthplace as New York. On the list of Loyalists coming from the colonies to Lower Canada, his age was given as 22 years old in 1781.

Research Notes: According to his will, he had 11 children.

From an email by George Cloakey 21 Dec 2009:

"According to Ron Poapst, Rudolph also served in Butler's Rangers (Vermont) with his father. Ron also said Rudolph came to Osnabruck area with father and 200 other German settlers after Indian raiders burned their homes at Schoharie for the third time. He is said to have owned a farm on Young street in what is now part of Toronto."

George Cloakey quotes Bill Hayes:
"Sept 2004, found in the Nor'western & Loyalist Museum in Williamstown, Glengarry County, Museum was the Muster Roll of the 1st Batt. KRRNY. Disbanded Dec. 24th, 1783. Rudolph Papst was 24 years old and born in America. He was in Capt. Joseph Anderson's Company. Also in that company was Mathew Lynk, 18 years old."

George Cloakey quotes Bill Hayes:

"Written by Lt/Col Ervan Amidon was the following. In 1991 he obtained a copy of a letter written in 1971 by Anna Alicia Papst, (died 1983) daughter of Capt. Rudolph Papst (b. 1858). Col. Amidon said he had done a certain amount of editing of the letter. Col. Amidon wrote:

'Rudolph Papst was born in 1750 or 1752 in Germantown, part of Philadelphia. His father was Adam Pabstt who left Bonn (1749 or 1751) in the Archbishopric of Cologne. Adam Pabstt fled to Hamburg where he hid on a British ship. His girl friend and her family were emigrating from the Palatinate on the Rhine, to Philadelphia. I don't know her name. (***Col. Amidon is convinced this was Eva Maria Hamm).

'Adam Pabstt's father was a wealthy merchant who became Burgomaster of Bonn and had hoped to marry his son Adam, to an impoverished baroness. However, the son Adam gave his father the slip and was hidden in a barrel on the ship until the ship sailed from Hamburg. Then Adam Pabstt married the girl aboard ship. The ship sailed from Hamburg to Philadelphia.

'Adam Pabstt was a Roman Catholic and she was a Lutheran. They compromised and both went into the Church of England. Rudolph Papst, their oldest son, was a great church man. After he got his grants of land cleared in Ontario and his houses and his barns built, he learned to make coffins and he gave Christian burial to the dead. Elizabeth (Zettell) Papst was a wonderful midwife. Her charity was taking care of the poor women who were having children. She (Elizabeth) would travel fifty miles to deliver a child and show the mother how to keep her infant alive. Also, Rudolph and his wife, Elizabeth, fed Indians every Sunday.

'My papa, (Rudolph Papst, b. 183 and son of John Joseph Papst) was premature and the doctor from York, Ontario, was not going to bother with him. His grandmother, Elizabeth (Zettell) Papst saved his life. She prepared boxes and filled them with cotton and placed little bottles filled with hot water in the boxes and thus made an incubator. She kept papa (Rudolph b. 1838) until he was five years old, and he spoke, read and wrote German.'"

From George Cloakey 21 Dec 2009:
"'In his Last Will and testament, Rudolph Papst, mentions each of his eleven (11) children, Catharien, Jacob, Mary, Richard, William, Christeen, Henry, John, Adam, Daniel and Anne.' --Records of Lt/Col Amidon

"The Col goes on to point out that on 26 Oct 1797 Rudolph indicated he had five kids, the last one named was Hannah. The Col is of the belief that Hannah was an alternate name for Anna (born 2 Sep 1797)."

From George Cloakey 21 Dec 2009:

"Land transfers Rudolf Papist as discharged from the KRRNY received the original patent from the Crown for lands in Osnabruck; Conc 2 E1/2 lot 13 in 1803 and the W1/2 lot 12 from the crown in 1810, both of which he sold in 1814 to Henry Sheffer(Shaver) . This is the reason that some think he left the area in 1814. Maybe, as his daughter Christeen was married in York in 1811, he could have left the area ca 1811 and then returned in 1814 to sell the lands. There was probably a certain amount of fear among the locals at the start of the war of 1812 and getting away from a potentially 'hot' area might have been seen as a good move. It could also explain why there is so little evidence of the presence of 1777 John in the area, as our cousin Ron maintains, as he calls him 'Navan John.' The battle of Chrysler farms subsequently occurred in this immediate area, another reason to flee, at least temporarily."

Noted events in his life were:

• May have served: in Butler's Rangers in Vermont with his father.

• Served: in the 1st Battalion, King's Royal Regiment of New York.

• Served: in the Loyal Rangers of the KRRNY under Sir John Johnson.

• Served: as a private in Capt. Joseph Anderson's Company, 6th Corps of KRRNY.

• Disbanded: The King's Royal Regiment of New York was disbanded, 24 Dec 1783, New York, United States.

• Discharged: 24 Jun 1784.

• Granted: land in Osnabruck for his service as a Loyalist, Abt Jun 1784, Osnabruck Twp, Lunenburg District (Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry), Quebec (Ontario), Canada. 29

• Owned: half of lot 12 in the 2nd concession of Township No. 3 (now Osnabruck), 1 Nov 1786, Osnabruck Twp, Lunenburg District (Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry), Quebec (Ontario), Canada. 30

• Census: 1790, Watervliet, Albany, New York, United States.

• Witness: Baptism of Rudolph Sheets, 1 Dec 1793, <Lunenburg>, Osnabruck Twp, Stormont, Eastern District (Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry), Upper Canada (Ontario), Canada.

• Owned: Conc 2 E1/2 lot 13 in Osnabruck, 1803, Osnabruck Twp, Stormont, Eastern District (Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry), Upper Canada (Ontario), Canada.

• Owned: Conc 2 W1/2 lot 12 in Osnabruck, 1810, Osnabruck Twp, Stormont, Eastern District (Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry), Upper Canada (Ontario), Canada.

• Residence: by 1814, Toronto, York, Upper Canada (Ontario), Canada.

• Sold: his land in Osnabruck to Henry Sheffer (Shaver), 1814.

• Served: on Grand Jury, 9 Jul 1816, Upper Canada (Ontario), Canada.

Rudolph married Elisabeth Zettell 10 31 32 on 2 Nov 1786 in Reformed Church, Schenectady, (Schenectady), New York, United States. Elisabeth was born about 1767 in <Schenectady>, (Schenectady), New York, (United States), was christened on 26 Sep 1768 in Schenectady, (Schenectady), New York, (United States), died on 18 Mar 1858 in Davenport, Scott, Iowa, United States about age 91, and was buried in Rock Island, Rock Island, Illinois, United States. Other names for Elisabeth were Elisabeth Settel and Elisabeth Zettle.

Marriage Notes: Sources differ about the place they were married. An alternative is Helderberg, Albany, New York.

Birth Notes: She may have been born in Pennsylvania.

Children from this marriage were:

   11 F    i. Catharine Papst 33 34 was born on 17 Sep 1787. Another name for Catharine was Catherine Papst.

+ 12 M    ii. Jacob J. Papst 35 36 37 was born on 23 Dec 1789 in <Rochester>, New York, United States, was christened on 21 Jan 1790 in Princetown, (Schenectady), New York, United States, died before 14 Aug 1878 in <Toronto, York>, Ontario, Canada, and was buried in Mount Pleasant Cemetery (Potter's Field), Toronto, York, Ontario, Canada.

   13 F    iii. Mary Papst .33

   14 M    iv. Richard Papst .33

   15 F    v. Anne Papst 33 was born on 2 Sep 1797.

   16 M    vi. William Papst .33

   17 F    vii. Christeen Papst .33

Christeen married someone in 1811 in York, Upper Canada (Ontario), Canada.

   18 M    viii. John Papst .33

   19 M    ix. Adam Papst .33

   20 M    x. Daniel Papst .33

   21 M    xi. Henry Papst .33 Another name for Henry was Johan Heinrich Papst.

3. Anna Maria Papst 5 11 14 was born about 1761 in Albany (Schoharie), New York, (United States) and died on 17 Feb 1848 about age 87. Other names for Anna were Maria Paaps, Anna Maria Pabst, Ann Maria Papst, and Mary Papst.

Research Notes: Per, "Mary married John Fetterly." This may be the same person as Anna Maria.

Anna married John Fetterly (U.E.L.),10 38 son of Philip Fetterly 39 and Anna Margaretha Schuman,40 about 1775 in <Schoharie>, Albany (Schoharie), New York, United States. John was born on 28 Jan 1751 in Helderberg, Albany, New York, (United States) and died on 28 Nov 1810 in Osnabruck Twp (South Stormont), Stormont, Eastern District (Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry), Upper Canada (Ontario), Canada at age 59. Other names for John were Johannes Federle, John Fetterley, Johannes Fetterly, Johannes Setter, and John Vedder.

Children from this marriage were:

   22 M    i. Ludwig Fetterly 41 was born about 1776 in <Berne>, Albany, New York, (United States).

   23 F    ii. Maria Fetterly 10 was born on 5 Mar 1778 in <Schoharie, Albany>, New York, United States and was christened on 26 Apr 1778 in Gilead Lutheran Church, Brunswick, New York, United States.

   24 M    iii. Johannes Fetterly 10 was born on 26 Jun 1779.

+ 25 F    iv. Anna Johanna Fetterly 42 was born on 9 Jan 1781 in Berne, Albany, New York, (United States) and died about 1810 in Williamsburgh Twp (South Dundas), Dundas, Eastern District (Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry), Upper Canada (Ontario), Canada about age 29.

   26 M    v. Peter Fetterly 43 was born on 6 Jul 1782 in Schoharie, Albany (Schoharie), New York, United States and was christened about 1782 in Schoharie Lutheran, Schoharie, Albany (Schoharie), New York, United States.

+ 27 M    vi. Johann Adam Franz Fetterly 44 was born on 21 Mar 1784 in Schoharie, Albany (Schoharie), New York, United States.

   28 M    vii. Rudolph Fetterly 45 was born on 2 Feb 1786 in Schoharie, Albany (Schoharie), New York, United States, was christened about 1786 in Schoharie Lutheran, Schoharie, Albany (Schoharie), New York, United States, and died on 17 Nov 1839 in Osnabruck Twp (South Stormont), Stormont, Eastern District (Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry), Upper Canada (Ontario), Canada at age 53.

+ 29 F    viii. Eve Fetterly 46 was born in Aug 1794 in Osnabruck Twp, Stormont, Eastern District (Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry), Upper Canada (Ontario), Canada and died on 29 Nov 1883 at age 89.

   30 M    ix. Philip Fetterly .47

   31 F    x. Barbara Fetterly .48

4. Maria Barbara Papst 10 14 15 16 was born on 7 Nov 1762 in Schoharie Twp, Albany (Schoharie), New York, (United States),49 died in 1798 in Wisconsin, United States at age 36, and was buried in Perkins Twp, Erie, Ohio, United States. Another name for Maria was Mary Barbara Papst.

Birth Notes: May have been born about 3 Nov 1761. Rosemary Benson has b. abt 1761 in Pennsylvania (unlikely).

Research Notes: Per, "Mary Barbara married Franz Otto [brother of Gottlieb Otto]"

On the 3rd day of Aug 1788, was held communion, which must have marked the opening of the first Luthern edifance between Albany and Schoharie. The names of 59 people who took communion that day are mentioned.
Maria Papst and Elizabeth Papst are on that list.
The Title page of the church book, says
"Church Records 1788. Started under the leadership of Rev. Heinrich Moeller, regular appointed Evangelical Lutheran minister of Albany Loonenburg and surrounding congregations of the neighboring territory as far as the Helleberg from the 9th March of the year above."

Maria married Franz Otto,5 50 51 son of Frantz Otto 52 53 and Marie Elisabeth Schnell,54 55 on 20 May 1783 in Saint Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Schoharie Twp, (Schoharie), New York, United States. Franz was born on 7 Nov 1762 in Schoharie Twp, Albany (Schoharie), New York, (United States), died on 4 Mar 1855 in <Perkins or Huron>, Erie, Ohio, United States at age 92, and was buried in Perkins Twp, Erie, Ohio, United States. Other names for Franz were Francis Otto and Frantz Otto.

Death Notes: May have died on 4 March 1853

Noted events in his life were:

• Served: in the 15th NY Regiment, Third Company during the Revolutionary War.

The child from this marriage was:

   32 F    i. Elizabeth Otto 10 56 was born about 1801 in Angelica, Livingston (Allegany), New York, United States and died in 1840 in Lockport, Niagara, New York, United States about age 39.

6. Elisabeth Papst 5 14 18 19 was born about 1765 in New York, (United States) and died about 1787 in Osnabruck Twp, Lunenburg District (Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry), Quebec (Ontario), Canada about age 22. Another name for Elisabeth was Elizabeth Poapst.

Birth Notes: May have been born about 1758 ( or 1760. In the opinion of George Cloakey, she was likely born about 1765. Rosemary Benson has about 1760.

Elisabeth married Johan Gottlieb "Gottlieb" Otto,57 58 59 son of Frantz Otto 52 53 and Marie Elisabeth Schnell,54 55 in 1784 in Albany (Schoharie), New York, United States. Johan was born on 6 Nov 1758 in Albany (Schoharie), New York, (United States) and died on 21 Jul 1803 in Osnabruck Twp, Stormont, Eastern District (Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry), Upper Canada (Ontario), Canada at age 44. Another name for Johan was Gottlieb Otto.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 33 M    i. Gottlieb Otto 60 61 was born on 4 Jan 1787 in Schoharie, Albany (Schoharie), New York, United States and died on 15 Mar 1855 in Osgoode Twp (Ottawa), Carleton, Canada West (Ontario), Canada at age 68.

   34 M    ii. Anton Peter Otto 62 was born on 25 Jan 1791 in <Schoharie>, Albany (Schoharie), New York, United States and was christened in Schoharie Lutheran, Schoharie, Albany (Schoharie), New York, United States.

   35 F    iii. Anna Maria Otto 63 was born on 13 Sep 1793 in <Schoharie>, Albany (Schoharie), New York, United States and was christened about 1793 in Schoharie Lutheran, Schoharie, Albany (Schoharie), New York, United States.

   36 M    iv. John Otto 64 was born on 23 Jul 1796 in Williamsburgh Twp (South Dundas), Dundas, Eastern District (Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry), Upper Canada (Ontario), Canada, died on 24 Nov 1843 at age 47, and was buried in Williamsburgh Twp (South Dundas), Dundas (Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry), Canada West (Ontario), Canada.65

Burial Notes: Gravestone reads:
John Otto
d. Nov. 24, 1843
AE 46ys., 4ms., 2ds

John married Sarah Wood.65 Sarah was born <12 May 1816>, died on 22 Sep 1843 at age 27, and was buried in Williamsburgh Twp (South Dundas), Dundas (Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry), Canada West (Ontario), Canada.

Birth Notes: Birthdate estimated from gravestone, which reads:
Sarah Wood
d. Sept. 22, 1843
AE 27ys., 4ms., 10 ds.

John next married Francis Smith.65 Francis was born <13 Jun 1824>, died on 16 Mar 1846 at age 21, and was buried in Willis Cemetery, [North] Lunenburg, Osnabruck Twp (South Stormont), Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada.

Birth Notes: Birthdate estimated from gravestone, which reads:
Francis Smith
Wife of John Otto
Who departed this life Mar 16, 1846
AE 21 ys., 8ms., 29 ds.

   37 F    v. Margreth Otto 66 was born on 10 Feb 1801 in Cornwall Twp, Stormont, Eastern District (Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry), Upper Canada (Ontario), Canada.

   38 M    vi. Francis Otto 67 was born about 1803 in Cornwall Twp, Stormont, Eastern District (Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry), Upper Canada (Ontario), Canada.

   39 F    vii. Mary Barbara Otto 68 was born about 1805 in Canada.

8. Daniel Frederick Papst 5 22 23 was born on 23 Jun 1768 in Albany (Schoharie), New York, (United States), was christened on 17 May 1771 in Schenectady Reformed Church, Schenectady, New York, (United States), died on 28 Mar 1848 in Osnabruck Twp, Stormont, Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Canada West (Ontario), Canada at age 79, and was buried in Papst Family Farm, Lunenburg Twp, Stormont, Canada West (Ontario), Canada.24 Other names for Daniel were Daniel Fridrich Papst, Frederick Papst, Daniel Frederick Poapst, Frederick Poapst, and Frederick Popps.

Christening Notes: The Schenectady Library website shows: "Paaps, Adam, and Eva Maria Hamin, Children: Daniel Frederick, bp. May 17, 1771."

Death Notes: Death date may have been 28 March 1849.

Research Notes: The spelling of the family surname varied from Papst to Poapst, sometimes Pabst. The Poapst family Bible has "Frederick Popps."

Sp. at baptism were Daniel Frederich Ongar and Maria Magdalena Ongar (Schenectady Reformed Churchbook) The mother is called Eva Marie Hamin on the entry
George Cloakey's email of 21 December 2009 includes the following information from Sam Poaps:

Ron Poapst's list of Daniel Frederick's children, obtained from his grandmother Velma McEwan, taken from the "Gideon Adams Bible," consists of 9 individuals:
John F Poapst (b 1795)
Mary Poapst (b 1798)
Elizabeth Popps (b 1800)
Peter Popps (b 1802)
George Popps (b 1804)
Catherine Popps (b 1807)
Ann(e) Popps (b 1810)
Margaret Popps (b 1813)
Jacob F Popps (b 1818)

Not listed in that family Bible are:
Frederick (b 1798) - Possibly the same person as John Frederick?
Susannah (b 1799)

There is a record of John applying to add an "F" to his name, which indicates that he did not have a middle initial prior to that time. Would he do this if he had a younger brother named Frederick? Is it possible he added "Frederick" in remembrance of a younger brother who died in childhood?

Noted events in his life were:

• Occupation: Yeoman.

• Owned: Lot 22 in concession 9 in Winchester, 1803, Osnabruck Twp, Stormont, Eastern District (Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry), Upper Canada (Ontario), Canada.

• Owned: land in Osnabruck, H 404 P76, 22 Jan 1811, Osnabruck Twp, Stormont, Eastern District (Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry), Upper Canada (Ontario), Canada.

Daniel married Mary Werely,23 69 daughter of Peter Wereley (U.E.L.) 70 71 and Maria Schmitt,71 on 24 Apr 1794 in Guilderland Center, Helderberg, (Schoharie), New York, United States. Mary was born on 23 May 1776 in Schoharie, Albany (Schoharie), New York, United States,72 died in 1858 in Cornwall, Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Canada West (Ontario), Canada at age 82, and was buried in Papst Family Farm, Lunenburg Twp, Stormont, Canada West (Ontario), Canada.72 Other names for Mary were Mary Wardle, Maria Werley, Mary Werley, and Mary Whereley.

Marriage Notes: May have been married on 24 April 1793 in Cornwall, Ontario.

Birth Notes: Birthdate may have been 13 Dec 1776. has 23 May 1776.

Noted events in her life were:

• Settled: on Crown Lands in Osnabruck's 4th concession, Abt 1806, Osnabruck Twp, Stormont, Eastern District (Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry), Upper Canada (Ontario), Canada.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 40 M    i. John Frederick Poapst 31 73 74 75 76 was born on 8 Nov 1795 in Northfield Station, Cornwall Twp, Stormont, Eastern District (Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry), Upper Canada (Ontario), Canada, was christened on 25 Dec 1795,10 died on 2 Oct 1867 in Lunenburg, Osnabruck Twp (South Stormont), Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada77 78 at age 71, and was buried in Poapst Homestead (Willis United Cemetery), Lunenburg, Osnabruck (South Stormont), Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada.65

   41 M    ii. Frederick Papst 79 was born on 22 Mar 1798 in Williamsburgh Twp (South Dundas), Dundas, Eastern District (Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry), Upper Canada (Ontario), Canada80 and was christened on 26 May 1798.81 Another name for Frederick was Frederick Poapst.

Birth Notes: Birthdate may have been 22 March 1798 (George Cloakey) or 26 May 1798 (

   42 F    iii. Mary Papst 82 83 was born on 23 Mar 1798 in Schenectady, New York, United States,81 died on 18 Dec 1877 in Bay Port, Huron, Michigan, United States at age 79, and was buried in Old Bay Port Cemetery, Bay Port, Huron, Michigan, United States. Other names for Mary were Mary Poapst and Mary Popps.

Mary married Robert Grant.84 85

   43 F    iv. Susannah Papst 86 was born in 1799. Another name for Susannah was Susannah Poapst.

   44 F    v. Elizabeth Popps 82 87 88 was born on 23 Jul 1800, died on 8 Apr 1896 at age 95, and was buried in Willis Cemetery, [North] Lunenburg, Osnabruck Twp (South Stormont), Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada. Another name for Elizabeth was Elizabeth Poapst.

Birth Notes: May have been born in September 1823.

+ 45 M    vi. Peter Papst 84 89 90 was born on 17 Jul 1802 in Osnabruck Twp (South Stormont), Stormont, Eastern District (Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry), Upper Canada (Ontario), Canada.

+ 46 M    vii. George Abraham Paupst 84 was born on 28 Sep 1804 in <Lunenburg>, Osnabruck Twp, Stormont, Eastern District (Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry), Upper Canada (Ontario), Canada, died on 28 Jul 1877 in <Lunenburg>, Osnabruck Twp, Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada at age 72, and was buried in Willis Cemetery, [North] Lunenburg, Osnabruck Twp (South Stormont), Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada.65

+ 47 F    viii. Catherine Poapst 87 91 92 was born on 10 Aug 1807 and died in 1842 in Osnabruck Twp, Stormont (Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry), Canada West (Ontario), Canada at age 35.

   48 F    ix. Anna Poapst 84 93 94 was born on 5 May 1810, died on 2 Nov 1895 in <Moulinette, Cornwall Twp, Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry>, Ontario, Canada at age 85, and was buried in Saint Lawrence Valley Union Cemetery, Long Sault, Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada. Other names for Anna were Anna Papst and Anna Popps.

Birth Notes: A Poapst family Bible has her birthdate as May 6th, 1810 with surname Popps. A typewritten list also has 6 May 1810. Other sources have 5 May 1810.

Burial Notes: Originally buried in Christ Church Anglican Cemetery in Moulinette, Ontario. Tombstone relocated when the St. Lawrence Seaway was constructed. Now in St. Lawrence Union Cemetery 3 miles west of Long Sault, Ontario.

Anna married John J. Fulton 95 on 16 Oct 1833 in Williamsburgh Twp (South Dundas), Dundas, Eastern District (Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry), Upper Canada (Ontario), Canada. John was born about 1809, died on 12 Nov 1884 in <Moulinette, Cornwall Twp, Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry>, Ontario, Canada about age 75, and was buried in Saint Lawrence Valley Union Cemetery, Long Sault, Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada.

Burial Notes: Originally buried in Christ Church Anglican Cemetery in Moulinette, Ontario. Tombstone relocated when the St. Lawrence Seaway was constructed. Now in St. Lawrence Union Cemetery 3 miles west of Long Sault, Ontario.

   49 F    x. Margaret Popps 96 97 was born on 16 Feb 1813. Another name for Margaret was Margaret Papst.

Margaret married James Edward Dixon 98 on 16 Dec 1832 in Williamsburgh Twp (South Dundas), Dundas, Eastern District (Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry), Upper Canada (Ontario), Canada. James was born about 1807 in Cornwall, Stormont, Eastern District (Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry), Upper Canada (Ontario), Canada and died in <Davenport, Scott, Iowa, United States>.

   50 M    xi. Jacob E. Poapst 99 was born on 24 Feb 1818 in Osnabruck Twp, Stormont, Eastern District (Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry), Upper Canada (Ontario), Canada, died on 29 Jul 1848 in Osnabruck Twp, Stormont (Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry), Canada West (Ontario), Canada at age 30, and was buried in Waterdown Cemetery, Lunenburg, Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada. Other names for Jacob were Jacob E. Papst and Jacob E. Popps.

Jacob married Elizabeth Empey 100 101 on 16 Apr 1839 in Williamsburgh Twp (South Dundas), Dundas, Eastern District (Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry), Upper Canada (Ontario), Canada. Elizabeth was born about 1814 in Osnabruck Centre, Osnabruck Twp, Stormont, Eastern District (Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry), Upper Canada (Ontario), Canada, died on 16 Jul 1886 in Osnabruck Centre, Osnabruck Twp (South Stormont), Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada about age 72, and was buried in Waterdown Cemetery, Lunenburg, Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada. Another name for Elizabeth was Eliza Empey.

9. Catharina Papst 5 25 26 was born on 30 Jul 1773 in <Schoharie>, Albany (Schoharie), New York, (United States) and was christened on 30 Jul 1774 in Schoharie Lutheran, Schoharie, Albany (Schoharie), New York, (United States). Another name for Catharina was Catherine Papst.

Birth Notes: George Cloakey (email 21 Dec 2009) has her born before 30 July 1773 or on that date.

Website has her born 17 Sep 1787. This is probably an error.

Christening Notes: From
The book "Even more Palatine Families"
Adam Papst and wife Eva Marie had among their issue:
1. Margretha b. 8 Aug 1767 and Bpt at Sir Williams Hall-Sp. Peter Ziegler and Marie Margretha (Stone Arabia Reformed Chbk)
2. Daniel Frederich, bpt. 17 May 1771- Sp. Daniel Frederich Ongar and Maria Magdalena Ongar (Schenectady Reformed Chbk)
3. Catharina b. 30 July 1774- Sp. Frantz Otto and wife (Schoharie Luthern Chbk)

Research Notes: Her husband is usually cited as Jacob Sheets. Another husband, Amasa Stebbens, is listed by

Noted events in her life were:

• Census: 1790, Watervliet Twp, Albany, New York, United States.

Catharina married Amasa Stebbens 102 on 26 Sep 1809 in Williamsburgh Twp (South Dundas), Dundas, Eastern District (Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry), Upper Canada (Ontario), Canada.

Catharina next married Jacob Sheets Jr. (U.E.L.),51 103 son of Jacob Sheets Sr. (U.E.L.), on 18 Dec 1792 in Helderberg, Albany, New York, United States.10 Jacob was born about 1764 in Schoharie, Albany (Schoharie), New York, (United States) and died after 1790.

Marriage Notes: May have been married in Schoharie County, New York.

Birth Notes: May have been born in 1769.

Noted events in his life were:

• Served: as a Private in the First Battalion of King's Royal Regiment of New York (KRRNY), 1782.

• Served: in the King's Royal Regiment of New York during the Revolutionary War, until Spring 1784.

• Granted: land in Cornwall for his service in the King's Royal Regiment of New York, Abt Jun 1784, Cornwall Twp, Lunenburg District (Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry), Quebec (Ontario), Canada. 105

• Residence: (probably lot 33 in the 5th concession), 1 Nov 1786, Cornwall, Lunenburg District (Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry), Quebec (Ontario), Canada. 106

• Served: Militia of Upper Canada, Capt. Jeremiah French's Company of the Battalion of Cornwall & Osnabruck, 3 Apr 1790, Lunenburg District (Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry), Quebec (Ontario), Canada. 107

Children from this marriage were:

   51 M    i. Rudolph Sheets 108 was born on 1 Dec 1793 and was christened on 1 Dec 1793.109

Christening Notes: Witnesses: Rudolph and Elizabeth Pabst.

   52 M    ii. Balthasar Sheets 110 111 was born on 5 Jul 1796 in Williamsburgh Twp (South Dundas), Dundas, Eastern District (Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry), Upper Canada (Ontario), Canada and was christened on 21 Aug 1796 in Williamsburgh Twp (South Dundas), Dundas, Eastern District (Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry), Upper Canada (Ontario), Canada.

+ 53 M    iii. David Sheets 112 was born about 1799 and died after 1851.

   54 M    iv. William Sheets 113 was born about 1807.

   55 F    v. Catherine Sheets 114 was born about 1812.

   56 M    vi. Jacob Sheets 115 was born in 1815 and died after 1851.

   57 F    vii. Magdalen Sheets 116 was born in 1816.

   58 F    viii. Margaret Sheets 117 was born in 1817.

   59 M    ix. Abraham Sheets 118 was born in 1818.

   60 F    x. Sally Sheets 119 was born in 1824.

10. Johannes Papst 1 5 27 28 was born on 12 Jul 1777 in Brunswick, (Rensselaer), New York, United States, was christened on 11 Jan 1778 in Gilead Evangelical Lutheran Church, Center Brunsbrun, Brunswick, (Rensselaer), New York, United States, and died on 20 Jan 1869 in Osnabruck Twp, Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada at age 91. Other names for Johannes were Johannes Babst, John Adam Papst [2], John Papst, and John Adam Poapst [2].

Christening Notes: Christened as Johannes Babst.

Research Notes: From :

from Harold Miller who did the research on Berne, NY area, stated the following in March 2008:
"Continuing my research to answer your questions, I find that Johan Adam Papst, father of Maria Papst, served in Butler's Rangers and was awarded land in the eastern part of Upper Canada according to George Cloakey ( ) . John Papst, b. 1777, youngest brother of Maria Papst, died in 1869 in Osnabruck, Ontario. Maria's sister Elisabeth, married Gotlieb Otto, a distant cousin of mine, and they too moved to Osnabrouck (spelling?). Another brother, Rudoph Papst moved to Upper Canada. "
From George Cloakey 21 Dec 2009:

In the 1851 census John and Elizabeth appear with their son Alfred and a James, 23; Lewis, 3; Catherine, 2; and Infant 1. It seems likely that James was a recording error and it should be Jane--Wyatt, wife of Alfred.
John Popts 75 (b USA) (Would appear to me to be John Papst and Elizabeth McWilliams)
Elizabeth Popts 68 (b CAN)
Alfred Popts 36
James (Jane?) Popts 23
Lewis Popts 3
Catherine Popts 2
Infant Popts 1

From "Sale of Lands in Upper Canada:
Papts, John, devisee of Adam Papts. -25th claim, commisoners' report, 1827, 10, April, W 1/2 Lot 1, E 1/2 Lot 2, Concession 3, Osnabruck, Stormont, registered prior to July 1796."

Noted events in his life were:

• Occupation: Lawyer.

• Census: 1790, Watervliet Twp, Albany, New York, United States.

• Christening: 25 Dec 1795. 10 (Godfather)

• Owned: W 1/2 of lot 1 and E 1/2 of lot 2, Concession 3, 10 Apr 1827, Osnabruck Twp (South Stormont), Stormont, Eastern District (Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry), Upper Canada (Ontario), Canada.

• Purchased: West 1/2 of Lot 12, Concession 6, 1822, Osnabruck Twp (South Stormont), Stormont, Eastern District (Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry), Upper Canada (Ontario), Canada.

• Sold: W 1/2 of Lot 12, Concession 6 to his son Rudolph, 1831, Osnabruck Twp (South Stormont), Stormont, Eastern District (Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry), Upper Canada (Ontario), Canada.

Johannes married Elizabeth McWilliams,120 121 daughter of John McWilliams and Jean,10 122 on 10 Jun 1800 in Osnabruck Twp, Stormont, Eastern District (Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry), Upper Canada (Ontario), Canada. Elizabeth was born in 1784 in Montréal, Québec, Canada and died in 1861 in Osnabruck Centre, Osnabruck Twp (South Stormont), Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Canada West (Ontario), Canada at age 77.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 61 F    i. Margaret Poapst 123 was born about 1801 in Osnabruck Centre, Osnabruck Twp, Stormont, Eastern District (Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry), Upper Canada (Ontario), Canada.

+ 62 M    ii. Rudolph Papst 1 124 125 126 was born about 1803 in Osnabruck Twp, Stormont, Eastern District (Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry), Upper Canada (Ontario), Canada, died in 1875 in Osgoode Twp (Ottawa), Carleton, Ontario, Canada about age 72, and was buried in Beechwood Cemetery, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.

   63 M    iii. David Poapst 127 was born on 10 Mar 1805 in Osnabruck Centre, Osnabruck Twp, Stormont, Eastern District (Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry), Upper Canada (Ontario), Canada.5

Birth Notes: Amidon found baptismal records.

+ 64 M    iv. John J. Poapst 128 129 130 was born in 1807 in Osnabruck Centre, Osnabruck Twp, Stormont, Eastern District (Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry), Upper Canada (Ontario), Canada and died in 1875 in Osnabruck Centre, Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada at age 68.

   65 M    v. Frederick Poapst 131 was born on 29 May 1809 in Osnabruck Centre, Osnabruck Twp, Stormont, Eastern District (Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry), Upper Canada (Ontario), Canada,5 was christened on 6 Aug 1809 in Osnabruck Centre, Osnabruck Twp, Stormont, Eastern District (Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry), Upper Canada (Ontario), Canada, and died about 1810 about age 1.

Birth Notes: Amidon found baptismal records.

Death Notes: Died in infancy

+ 66 F    vi. Mary Papst 132 was born in 1813 in Osnabruck Twp, Stormont, Eastern District (Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry), Upper Canada (Ontario), Canada and died on 26 Dec 1906 in Osnabruck Twp (South Stormont), Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada at age 93.

+ 67 M    vii. Alfred Poapst 5 133 was born on 12 Mar 1815 in Osnabruck Twp, Stormont, Eastern District (Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry), Upper Canada (Ontario), Canada and died on 1 Dec 1891 in Osnabruck Twp (South Stormont), Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada at age 76.

   68 F    viii. Sophie Julianne Papst 5 134 135 was born in 1817 in Cornwall Twp, Stormont, Eastern District (Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry), Upper Canada (Ontario), Canada and died before 1901 in Osnabruck Twp (South Stormont), Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada. Other names for Sophie were Sophie Juliann "Julie Ann" Papst and Sophia Juliann Poapst.

Birth Notes: May have been born in 1816 or as late as 1819.

Sophie married Cyrus Winters 136 on 12 Apr 1838 in Stormont, Eastern District (Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry), Upper Canada (Ontario), Canada. Cyrus was born on 10 May 1816 in Cornwall Twp, Stormont, Eastern District (Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry), Upper Canada (Ontario), Canada and died on 28 Aug 1906 in Osnabruck Twp (South Stormont), Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada at age 90.

Marriage Notes: Witnesses: Alpheus [Alfred] Poabst and Sophia Hawn.

+ 69 M    ix. George Adam "Adam" Poapst 137 138 was born on 11 Dec 1818 in Williamsburgh Twp (South Dundas), Dundas, Eastern District (Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry), Upper Canada (Ontario), Canada,5 was christened on 3 Jan 1819 in Cornwall, Stormont, Eastern District (Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry), Upper Canada (Ontario), Canada, died on 28 Jan 1911 in Cornwall Twp, Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada at age 92, and was buried in Woodlawn Cemetery, Cornwall, Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada.

+ 70 M    x. Jacob John "J.J." Poaps 139 was born on 16 Sep 1823 in Osnabruck Twp, Stormont, Eastern District (Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry), Upper Canada (Ontario), Canada, died on 15 Feb 1896 in Osnabruck Centre, Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada at age 72, and was buried in Waterdown Cemetery, Lunenburg, Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada.

previous  Third Generation  Next

12. Jacob J. Papst 35 36 37 was born on 23 Dec 1789 in <Rochester>, New York, United States, was christened on 21 Jan 1790 in Princetown, (Schenectady), New York, United States, died before 14 Aug 1878 in <Toronto, York>, Ontario, Canada, and was buried in Mount Pleasant Cemetery (Potter's Field), Toronto, York, Ontario, Canada. Other names for Jacob were Jacob John Poaps and Jacob John Poapst.

Death Notes: Death date may have been 14 Feb 1896 in Osnabruck Centre, Osnabruck Twp.

Research Notes: Named in his father's will.

Source: - has Jacob Poaps born Rochester, New York - father of William Ezra Poaps

Jacob married Mary Bradshaw,140 141 daughter of John Bradshaw, on 19 Jan 1812 in Williamsburgh Twp (South Dundas), Dundas, Eastern District (Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry), Upper Canada (Ontario), Canada.142 Mary was born about 1791, died after 1851, and was buried in Mount Pleasant Cemetery (Potter's Field), Toronto, York, Ontario, Canada.

Children from this marriage were:

   71 F    i. Maria H. Papst 144 was born in 1815 in <Toronto, York>, Upper Canada (Ontario), Canada, was christened in St. James Cathedral, <Toronto, York>, Upper Canada, (Canada), died on 7 Sep 1852 in Erindale, Peel, Canada West (Ontario), Canada at age 37, and was buried in St. Peter's Anglican Church Cemetery, Erindale, Peel, Ontario, Canada.

Maria married Henry Shook.145 Henry was born in 1808, died on 22 Apr 1882 in Erindale, Peel, Ontario, Canada at age 74, and was buried in St. Peter's Anglican Church Cemetery, Erindale, Peel, Ontario, Canada.

   72 M    ii. William B. Papst 146 was born about 1819 in Upper Canada (Ontario), Canada and died on 13 Apr 1898 in Bothwell, Kent, Ontario, Canada about age 79.

William married Cornelia Stafford 147 on 4 Nov 1841 in Huron, Canada West (Ontario), Canada. Cornelia was born about 1825 in Upper Canada (Ontario), Canada and died on 20 Mar 1886 in Brampton, Peel, Ontario, Canada about age 61. Another name for Cornelia was Nancy Stafford.

   73 F    iii. Elizabeth Papst 148 was born on 11 Jan 1828 in <York>, Upper Canada (Ontario), Canada, died in 1839 at age 11, and was buried in Mount Pleasant Cemetery (Potter's Field), Toronto, York, Ontario, Canada. Another name for Elizabeth was Betty Papst.

   74 F    iv. Charlotte Ann Papst 149 was born on 11 Jan 1828 in <York>, Upper Canada (Ontario), Canada.

Charlotte married Burton Campbell 150 on 20 Oct 1845 in Toronto, York, Canada West (Ontario), Canada.

25. Anna Johanna Fetterly 42 was born on 9 Jan 1781 in Berne, Albany, New York, (United States) and died about 1810 in Williamsburgh Twp (South Dundas), Dundas, Eastern District (Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry), Upper Canada (Ontario), Canada about age 29. Another name for Anna was Anna Federle.

Anna married Hieronymus Crysler U.E.L.,151 152 153 son of Philip Crysler Lieu. Col., U.E.L. 154 155 and Elizabeth Brown,156 on 23 Nov 1797 in Williamsburgh Twp (South Dundas), Dundas, Eastern District (Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry), Upper Canada (Ontario), Canada. Hieronymus was born on 3 May 1768 in Schoharie, Albany (Schoharie), New York, (United States) and died on 25 Oct 1859 in Williamsburgh Twp (South Dundas), Dundas (Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry), Canada West (Ontario), Canada at age 91. Other names for Hieronymus were Henry Hieronymous Chrysler, Hieronymus Chrysler U.E.L, Geronimus Crysler U.E.L, and Hieronymus Krausler U.E.L.

The child from this marriage was:

   75 F    i. Elizabeth Crysler was born in 1805.

27. Johann Adam Franz Fetterly 44 was born on 21 Mar 1784 in Schoharie, Albany (Schoharie), New York, United States.

Johann married Margaret Moke 157 on 6 Mar 1810 in Osnabruck Twp (South Stormont), Stormont, Eastern District (Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry), Upper Canada (Ontario), Canada. Another name for Margaret was Polly Moke.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 76 M    i. John Edward Fetterly 158 was born about 1809 in Osnabruck Twp (South Stormont), Stormont, Eastern District (Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry), Upper Canada (Ontario), Canada, died on 30 Apr 1880 about age 71, and was buried in Willis Cemetery, [North] Lunenburg, Osnabruck Twp (South Stormont), Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada.65

   77 F    ii. Lena Catharine Fetterly 159 was born in Sep 1810.

29. Eve Fetterly 46 was born in Aug 1794 in Osnabruck Twp, Stormont, Eastern District (Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry), Upper Canada (Ontario), Canada and died on 29 Nov 1883 at age 89. Another name for Eve was Eva Fetterly.

Birth Notes: Married her first cousin.

May have been born 2 Oct 1785.

Eve married George Fetterly,160 161 son of Peter H. Fetterly (U.E.L.) 162 163 and Anna Baseler,164 165 on 12 Nov 1815 in Williamsburgh Twp (South Dundas), Dundas, Eastern District (Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry), Upper Canada (Ontario), Canada. George was born on 3 Mar 1796 in Williamsburgh Twp (South Dundas), Dundas, Eastern District (Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry), Upper Canada (Ontario), Canada and died on 18 Jun 1882 in Williamsburgh Twp (South Dundas), Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada at age 86. Another name for George was George Vedder.

The child from this marriage was:

   78 M    i. Peter Henry Fetterly 166 was born about 1816 in Williamsburgh Twp (South Dundas), Dundas, Eastern District (Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry), Upper Canada (Ontario), Canada.

Peter married Elizabeth Bedstead 167 on 11 Jun 1840 in Eastern District (Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry), Upper Canada (Ontario), Canada.167

33. Gottlieb Otto 60 61 was born on 4 Jan 1787 in Schoharie, Albany (Schoharie), New York, United States and died on 15 Mar 1855 in Osgoode Twp (Ottawa), Carleton, Canada West (Ontario), Canada at age 68.

Birth Notes: May have been born on 3 Jan 1787 (

Gottlieb married Sarah Shaver,168 169 daughter of Frederick Shaeffer (U.E.L.) 170 171 172 and Katarina Ecker,173 174 on 18 Apr 1808 in Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, United States. Sarah was born on 1 Jan 1787 in Albany (Schoharie), New York, United States and died on 31 Aug 1856 in Osgoode Twp (Ottawa), Carleton, Canada West (Ontario), Canada at age 69.

Birth Notes: May have been born on 1 Jan 1789 (

Noted events in her life were:

• Residence: 1809, Osnabruck (South Stormont), Stormont, Eastern District (Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry), Upper Canada (Ontario), Canada.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 79 M    i. John Otto 175 was born on 27 Oct 1811 in Osnabruck Twp (South Stormont), Stormont, Eastern District (Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry), Upper Canada (Ontario), Canada and died on 9 Feb 1871 in Snowdon, Haliburton, Ontario, Canada at age 59.

   80 M    ii. Peter Otto 176 was born on 9 Jun 1819 in Williamsburgh Twp (South Dundas), Dundas, Eastern District (Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry), Upper Canada (Ontario), Canada and died on 21 Feb 1896 at age 76.

Peter married Mary Ann Hahn,5 177 daughter of Peter Hahn 178 and Margaret Poapst,123 on 2 Mar 1841 in Canada West (Ontario), Canada. Mary was born on 2 Feb 1823. Another name for Mary was Mary Ann Hawn.

Marriage Notes: From :
Present at the marriage of Peter Otto and Mary Ann Hahn
were Levi Winters and Henry Otto

40. John Frederick Poapst 31 73 74 75 76 was born on 8 Nov 1795 in Northfield Station, Cornwall Twp, Stormont, Eastern District (Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry), Upper Canada (Ontario), Canada, was christened on 25 Dec 1795,10 died on 2 Oct 1867 in Lunenburg, Osnabruck Twp (South Stormont), Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada77 78 at age 71, and was buried in Poapst Homestead (Willis United Cemetery), Lunenburg, Osnabruck (South Stormont), Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada.65 Other names for John were John Frederick Papst, Johannes Frederick Poapst, and John T. Poapst.

Birth Notes: Rosemary Benson has born in Williamsburg, Dundas, Ontario. A Poapst family Bible has Nov. 9th, 1795 but also has the surname as "Popps."

Christening Notes: Godparents at baptism were Johannes Pabst and Maria Feverle.

Death Notes: Photo of gravestone at*CM/contentclass/PICT/contentid/ZZZZZXX8/propertyname/Original/~/John_F._Poapst_and_Margaret_headstone.jpg reads:
John F. Poapst
died Oct 2, 1887
E 72 years
wife of
John F. Poapst
Apr. 18 1858
E 59 years

Burial Notes: Gravestone reads:
Mary Poapst - d. Jan. 17, 1849 - AE 22 yrs. - daughter of John F. & Margaret Poapst
Curtis Poapst - b. July 21, 1843 - d. Feb. 28, 1885
John F. Poapst - died Oct 2, 1887 - AE 72 yrs
his wife
Margaret - died April 18, 1853 - AE 59 yrs

The stone was originally in the back of the Poapst family homestead, where the bodies remain. The stone was brought to Willis United Cemetery at some time before April 2002.

Research Notes: Source: Family records of Lorna (Wallace) Johnson. Lorna Wallace family tree has only "John Poapst, Canada?"

Although some sources show middle initial as T, it's pretty certain that his middle name was Frederick (F. is on the gravestone).

Noted events in his life were:

• Enlisted or Promoted: Ensign in the Stormont 1st Regiment of the militia, 1 Feb 1838, Stormont, Eastern District (Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry), Upper Canada (Ontario), Canada. 179

• Census: Canada, 1851, Cornwall Twp (South Stormont), Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Canada West (Ontario), Canada. 180

• Census: Canada, 1861, Cornwall Twp (South Stormont), Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Canada West (Ontario), Canada.

• Religion: Universalist, 1861.

• Probate (?): by his devise Ephraim Poapst, 8 Oct 1867.

John married Margaret Wood,73 181 182 183 daughter of Lt. Col. Roger Wood (U.E.L.) 184 185 186 187 188 and Margaret Drew,189 190 191 on 14 Jan 1819 in Osnabruck Twp, Stormont, Eastern District (Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry), Upper Canada (Ontario), Canada. Margaret was born about 1799 in <Gananoque, Leeds (Leeds and Grenville)>, Upper Canada (Ontario), Canada, died on 18 Apr 1858 in Osnabruck Centre, Osnabruck Twp (South Stormont), Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Canada West (Ontario), Canada129 about age 59, and was buried in Poapst Homestead (Willis United Cemetery), Lunenburg, Osnabruck (South Stormont), Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada.65 Another name for Margaret was Peggy Wood.

Marriage Notes: Another source has married in 1828.

Birth Notes: May have been born about 1794 or earlier. Rosemary Benson has b. 1797. Her gravestone reads "AE 59 yrs."

Poss. b. Cornwall, Ontario or Gananoque (Leeds and Grenville Co.), Ontario.

Death Notes: My interpretation of the date on her gravestone is d. 18 Apr 1858. kjf 10/26/11

Site has
"Margaret, wife of John F. Poapst d. 18 Apr 1853, age 59 years
Buried at Poapst Homestead. (Taken from a gravestone)" The year 1853 is probably incorrect.

Burial Notes: Gravestone reads:
Mary Poapst - d. Jan. 17, 1849 - AE 22 yrs. - daughter of John F. & Margaret Poapst
Curtis Poapst - b. July 21, 1843 - d. Feb. 28, 1885
John F. Poapst - died Oct 2, 1887 - AE 72 yrs
his wife
Margaret - died April 18, 1858 - AE 59 yrs

The stone was originally in the back of the Poapst family homestead, where the bodies remain. The stone was brought to Willis United Cemetery at some time before April 2002.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 81 F    i. Elizabeth Poapst 192 193 was born in Sep 1823 in Osnabruck Twp, Stormont, Eastern District (Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry), Upper Canada (Ontario), Canada, died on 8 Apr 1896 in Osnabruck Twp (South Stormont), Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada at age 72, and was buried in Willis Cemetery, [North] Lunenburg, Osnabruck Twp (South Stormont), Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada.

   82 F    ii. Sarah C. Poapst 194 195 was born about 1825 in Osnabruck Twp, Stormont, Eastern District (Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry), Upper Canada (Ontario), Canada, died on 11 Jun 1899 in <Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry>, Ontario, Canada about age 74, and was buried in Saint Lawrence Valley Union Cemetery, Long Sault, Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada. Another name for Sarah was Sarah C. Papst.

Birth Notes: Source: has b. abt 1831.

Rootsweb has b. abt 1825

Sarah married John Wright.196

   83 F    iii. Mary Poapst 129 197 was born about 1827, died on 17 Jan 1849 in Osnabruck Twp, Stormont (Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry), Canada West (Ontario), Canada about age 22, and was buried in Poapst Homestead (Willis United Cemetery), Lunenburg, Osnabruck (South Stormont), Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada.198 Another name for Mary was Mary Papst.

Burial Notes: Gravestone reads:
Mary Poapst - d. Jan. 17, 1849 - AE 22 yrs. - daughter of John F. & Margaret Poapst
Curtis Poapst - b. July 21, 1843 - d. Feb. 28, 1885
John F. Poapst - died Oct 2, 1887 - AE 72 yrs
his wife
Margaret - died April 18, 1853 - AE 59 yrs

The stone was originally in the back of the Poapst family homestead, where the bodies remain. The stone was brought to Willis United Cemetery at some time before April 2002.

+ 84 M    iv. Alexander Poapst 82 199 200 201 was born on 10 Jun 1829 in Osnabruck Centre, Osnabruck Twp, Stormont, Eastern District (Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry), Upper Canada (Ontario), Canada, died on 8 Nov 1910 in Cornwall, Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada at age 81, and was buried in Waterdown Cemetery, Lunenburg, Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada.202

+ 85 M    v. Benjamin Poapst 203 204 was born on 12 Dec 1831 in Cornwall Twp, Stormont, Eastern District (Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry), Upper Canada (Ontario), Canada, died on 20 Jun 1901 in Aylmer, Elgin East, Ontario, Canada at age 69, and was buried in <St. Luke's Anglican Cemetery, Vienna, Bayham Twp, Elgin>, Ontario, Canada.

   86 F    vi. Anna A. Poapst 205 206 was born on 2 Feb 1834 in Osnabruck Twp, Stormont, Eastern District (Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry), Upper Canada (Ontario), Canada and died on 28 Oct 1902 at age 68. Other names for Anna were Anna A. Papst and Ann Poapst.

Birth Notes: Rosemary Benson has born in Cornwall, Ontario.

Anna married John Benjamin Groves 207 before 1871. John was born on 18 Jun 1834 in Cornwall, Stormont, Eastern District (Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry), Upper Canada (Ontario), Canada. Another name for John was Ben Groves.

Noted events in his life were:

• Owned: (probably) Lot 17 in Concession II-3R, 50 acres, 1879, Cornwall Twp, Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada. 208

+ 87 M    vii. Ephraim Poapst 129 209 210 was born on 16 Aug 1835 in Osnabruck Twp, Stormont, Eastern District (Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry), Upper Canada (Ontario), Canada, died in 1919 in Cornwall Twp, Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada211 at age 84, and was buried <14 Feb 1920> in Memorial Hill Cemetery, Lunenburg, Osnabruck Twp, Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada.212

   88 M    viii. Archibald Poapst 213 was born in 1838 in Osnabruck Twp, Stormont, Eastern District (Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry), Upper Canada (Ontario), Canada and died on 1 Nov 1912 in Hennepin Co., Minnesota, United States at age 74. Other names for Archibald were Archibald Papson and Archibald Papst.

Archibald married < > Johnson.214 Another name for < was < > Johnston.

   89 F    ix. Susan Martha Poapst 215 216 217 was born on 22 Nov 1840 in Cornwall, Stormont, Eastern District (Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry), Upper Canada (Ontario), Canada, died on 13 Nov 1921 in Avonmore, (North Stormont), Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada at age 80, and was buried in Paul's Hill Cemetery, Avonmore, Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada. Another name for Susan was Susan Martha Papst.

Birth Notes: Rosemary Benson has b. 20 Nov 1840 in North Lunenburg, Ontario.

Susan married John Meek,218 219 220 son of Matthew Meek 221 and Maria Ewart,222 on 20 Jan 1864 in Cornwall, Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Canada West (Ontario), Canada. John was born in 1832 in Roxborough Twp (North Stormont), Stormont, Upper Canada (Ontario), Canada, died on 31 Aug 1912 in Avonmore, (North Stormont), Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada at age 80, and was buried in Paul's Hill Cemetery, Avonmore, Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada.

+ 90 M    x. Curtis Poapst 73 223 224 was born on 21 Jul 1843 in Lunenburg, Osnabruck Twp, Stormont, Eastern District (Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry), Canada West (Ontario), Canada, died on 28 Feb 1885 in Osnabruck Centre, Osnabruck Twp (South Stormont), Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada at age 41, and was buried in Poapst Homestead (Willis United Cemetery), Lunenburg, Osnabruck (South Stormont), Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada.65

   91 M    xi. Frederick Poapst 1 was born about 1849 in Osnabruck Twp (South Stormont), Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Canada West (Ontario), Canada and died before 1854.82

   92 M    xii. William Frederick Poapst .82

45. Peter Papst 84 89 90 was born on 17 Jul 1802 in Osnabruck Twp (South Stormont), Stormont, Eastern District (Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry), Upper Canada (Ontario), Canada. Other names for Peter were Peter Poapst and Peter Popps.

Birth Notes: A Poapst family Bible has his birthdate as July 7th-1802. A typewritten list has 17 Jul 1802.

Peter married Isabella Wood,225 226 227 daughter of John Wood (U.E.L.) 187 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 and Abigail Drew,191 235 236 on 17 Sep 1822 in Trinity Church, Cornwall, Eastern District (Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry), Upper Canada (Ontario), Canada. Isabella was born in 1804 and died about 1830 about age 26. Another name for Isabella was Isabelle Wood.

Marriage Notes: Source:

Rosemary Benson has same marriage date & place as with second wife, Nancy (Wood?) Fykes (17 Sep 1822, Trinity Church, Cornwall, Ontario). If Isabelle was the mother of John D. Papst (b. 4 May 1828), the 1822 date is the first marriage, to Isabelle.

The child from this marriage was:

   93 M    i. John Daniel Papst 237 was born on 4 May 1828 in Osnabruck Twp (South Stormont), Stormont, Eastern District (Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry), Upper Canada (Ontario), Canada, died on 12 Sep 1906 in Osnabruck (South Stormont), Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada at age 78, and was buried in Pleasant Valley Cemetery, Pleasant Valley, Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada.

Birth Notes: May have been born in Cornwall Twp.

Peter next married Nancy Wood 238 after 1830. Nancy was born about 1809. Another name for Nancy was Nancy Fykes.

Marriage Notes: Rosemary Benson has same marriage date & place as with first wife, Isabelle Wood (17 Sep 1822, Trinity Church, Cornwall, Ontario). If John D. Papst's mother was Isabelle Wood, then Peter and Isabelle were married before 1828. Nancy's first child was born about 1834.

46. George Abraham Paupst 84 was born on 28 Sep 1804 in <Lunenburg>, Osnabruck Twp, Stormont, Eastern District (Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry), Upper Canada (Ontario), Canada, died on 28 Jul 1877 in <Lunenburg>, Osnabruck Twp, Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada at age 72, and was buried in Willis Cemetery, [North] Lunenburg, Osnabruck Twp (South Stormont), Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada.65 Other names for George were George Abraham Papst, George Abraham Paubst, George Abraham Poapst, and George Abraham Popps.

Death Notes: May have died in Cornwall, Ontario.

Burial Notes: Gravestone reads:
George Paupst
d. uly 28, 1877
AE 72 ys. 10 ms.

George married Sarah Mattice,239 240 daughter of Adam Mattice 241 and Amanda Elizabeth Rupert,242 on 15 Oct 1827. Sarah was born on 22 Oct 1806 in Osnabruck (South Stormont), Stormont, Eastern District (Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry), Upper Canada (Ontario), Canada and died before 1900 in Osnabruck (South Stormont), Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 94 M    i. George Abraham Poapst [Jr.] 243 was born on 28 Sep 1828 in Osnabruck Twp, Stormont, Eastern District (Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry), Upper Canada (Ontario), Canada and died on 26 Feb 1919 in Cornwall Twp, Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada at age 90.

   95 M    ii. James H. Paupst .244

   96 F    iii. Ann Poapst 245 246 was born in Jan 1832 in <Osnabruck Twp>, Stormont, Eastern District (Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry), Upper Canada (Ontario), Canada, died on 15 May 1871 at age 39, and was buried in Willis Cemetery, [North] Lunenburg, Osnabruck Twp (South Stormont), Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada.

George next married Sarah Eve Empey 84 247 248 249 on 30 Oct 1838 in Osnabruck Twp (South Stormont), Stormont, Eastern District (Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry), Upper Canada (Ontario), Canada. Sarah was born about 1806 and died after 1881. Other names for Sarah were Sally Empey and Mary Emprey.

Children from this marriage were:

   97 F    i. Louisa Margaret Paupst 250 251 was born in 1839 in Upper Canada (Ontario), Canada and died about 1873 about age 34. Another name for Louisa was Margaret Papst.

   98 F    ii. Mathilda Papst 252 was born in 1842 and died in 1866 at age 24.

+ 99 M    iii. Jacob J. F. Paupst 253 was born on 25 Nov 1845 in Cornwall Twp, Stormont (Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry), Canada West (Ontario), Canada, died on 28 Sep 1935 at age 89, and was buried in Willis Cemetery, [North] Lunenburg, Osnabruck Twp (South Stormont), Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada.65

47. Catherine Poapst 87 91 92 was born on 10 Aug 1807 and died in 1842 in Osnabruck Twp, Stormont (Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry), Canada West (Ontario), Canada at age 35. Other names for Catherine were Catherina Papst, Catherine Papst, and Catherine Popps.

Catherine married Joseph Eamon 254 on 27 Jan 1827 in Williamsburgh Twp (South Dundas), Dundas, Eastern District (Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry), Upper Canada (Ontario), Canada. Joseph was born on 3 Nov 1798 and died on 31 May 1883 at age 84.

Children from this marriage were:

   100 F    i. Mary Margaret Eamon 255 was born on 25 Sep 1827 in Osnabruck (South Stormont), Stormont, Eastern District (Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry), Upper Canada (Ontario), Canada.

   101 M    ii. William Poapst Eamon 256 was born on 9 Jul 1832 in Osnabruck Twp, Stormont, Eastern District (Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry), Upper Canada (Ontario), Canada and died on 15 Sep 1918 in Ontario, Canada at age 86. Another name for William was William Poaps Eamon.

53. David Sheets 112 was born about 1799 and died after 1851.

Noted events in his life were:

• Census: 1851, Osnabruck (South Stormont), Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Canada West (Ontario), Canada.

David married Dorothy Gray.257 Dorothy was born about 1799.

The child from this marriage was:

+ 102 F    i. Rachel Sheets 258 259 was born on 10 Nov 1827 in Osnabruck Twp (South Stormont), Stormont, Eastern District (Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry), Upper Canada (Ontario), Canada and died on 30 Apr 1872 in Ontario, Canada at age 44.

61. Margaret Poapst 123 was born about 1801 in Osnabruck Centre, Osnabruck Twp, Stormont, Eastern District (Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry), Upper Canada (Ontario), Canada.

Margaret married Peter Hahn.178 Peter was born about 1793 and died on 9 Jan 1881 in Russell, Russell, Ontario, Canada about age 88. Another name for Peter was Peter Hawn.

Children from this marriage were:

   103 F    i. Mary Ann Hahn 5 177 was born on 2 Feb 1823. Another name for Mary was Mary Ann Hawn.

Mary married Peter Otto,176 son of Gottlieb Otto 60 61 and Sarah Shaver,168 169 on 2 Mar 1841 in Canada West (Ontario), Canada. Peter was born on 9 Jun 1819 in Williamsburgh Twp (South Dundas), Dundas, Eastern District (Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry), Upper Canada (Ontario), Canada and died on 21 Feb 1896 at age 76.

Marriage Notes: From :
Present at the marriage of Peter Otto and Mary Ann Hahn
were Levi Winters and Henry Otto

Noted events in his life were:

• Census: Canada, 1881, Russell, Russell, Ontario, Canada.

   104 F    ii. Sarah Hahn .10 Another name for Sarah was Sarah Hawn.

Sarah married Levi Winters 10 on 29 Oct 1843.

Marriage Notes: Witnesses: Henry Shaver, Alpheus [Alfred] Poapst

62. Rudolph Papst 1 124 125 126 was born about 1803 in Osnabruck Twp, Stormont, Eastern District (Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry), Upper Canada (Ontario), Canada, died in 1875 in Osgoode Twp (Ottawa), Carleton, Ontario, Canada about age 72, and was buried in Beechwood Cemetery, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. Other names for Rudolph were Rudolph Paupst and Rudolph Poapst.

Noted events in his life were:

• Purchased: W 1/2 of Lot 12, Concession 6 from his father, 1831, Osnabruck Twp (South Stormont), Stormont, Eastern District (Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry), Upper Canada (Ontario), Canada.

• Sold: W 1/2 of Lot 12, Concession 6 to Ira Hawley, Abt 1834, Osnabruck Twp (South Stormont), Stormont, Eastern District (Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry), Upper Canada (Ontario), Canada.

• Moved: to Osgoode, 1842, Osgoode Twp (Ottawa), Carleton, Canada West (Ontario), Canada. 10

Rudolph married Anna Wood,5 260 261 daughter of John Wood (U.E.L.) 187 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 and Abigail Drew,191 235 236 on 11 Oct 1838 in Osnabruck Centre, Osnabruck Twp, Stormont, Eastern District (Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry), Upper Canada (Ontario), Canada.262 Anna was born on 28 Jul 1807 in Cornwall Twp (South Stormont), Stormont, Eastern District (Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry), Upper Canada (Ontario), Canada, was christened on 30 Aug 1807 in Saint Andrew's Presbyterian, Williamstown, Glengarry, Eastern District (Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry), Upper Canada (Ontario), Canada,263 died on 28 May 1895 at age 87, and was buried in Beechwood Cemetery, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. Another name for Anna was Ann Wood.

Marriage Notes: May have been married in 1825 (per

Birth Notes: May have been born in Cornwall Twp.

Death Notes: (James S. Edgar) has d. 28 May 1885. Other sources have d. 28 May 1895.

Noted events in her life were:

• Petition: for land grant, 1833, Osnabruck Twp (South Stormont), Stormont, Eastern District (Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry), Upper Canada (Ontario), Canada.

Children from this marriage were:

   105 M    i. William George Poapst 10 was born in 1827.

   106 M    ii. Robert Benjamin Poapst 10 was born in 1830.

   107 F    iii. Sophia Poapst 10 was born in 1833.

   108 M    iv. Collon W. Popps 10 was born in 1836. Another name for Collon was Collon Poapst.

   109 F    v. Isabelle Poapst 10 was born in 1839.

   110 F    vi. Lois Poapst 10 was born in 1844.

   111 F    vii. Ann Poapst 10 was born in 1846.

   112 F    viii. Nancy Margaret Poapst 10 was born in 1846.

   113 M    ix. James Rudolph Poapst 10 was born in 1848.

   114 F    x. Matilda Poapst 10 was born in 1851.

64. John J. Poapst 128 129 130 was born in 1807 in Osnabruck Centre, Osnabruck Twp, Stormont, Eastern District (Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry), Upper Canada (Ontario), Canada and died in 1875 in Osnabruck Centre, Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada at age 68.

Death Notes: Death may have been later than 1875.

Research Notes: Second husband of Abigail (Cook) Snyder. He was married 3 times.


From :
(Stormont Co): John POAPST, 64, widower, carpenter, Canada, Matilda twp.,
s/o John & Elizabeth, married Elizabeth Ann TOOLEY, 29, widow, Canada, Matilda twp.,
d/o George & Elizabeth GLOVER,
witn: W. M. DORAN & C. C. BROUSE, both of Iroquois, 18 April 1871 at Iroquois.

Noted events in his life were:

• Occupation: Carpenter, 1871, Matilda Twp (South Dundas), Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada.

John married Lancy Servis 264 on 12 Oct 1836 in Dundas, Eastern District (Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry), Upper Canada (Ontario), Canada.265 Lancy was born in 1813 and died in 1851 at age 38.

Children from this marriage were:

   115 F    i. Ellen Poapst 266 was born in 1830.

   116 F    ii. < > Poapst 267 was born in 1831 and died in 1851 at age 20.

John next married Abigail Apollonia Cook,268 269 daughter of Michael Cook 270 and Abigail Appollonia Zeron,271 on 27 Feb 1867 in Matilda Twp (South Dundas), Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Canada West (Ontario), Canada. Abigail was born on 30 Aug 1805 in Williamsburgh Twp (South Dundas), Dundas, Eastern District (Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry), Upper Canada (Ontario), Canada and died on 27 Jan 1870 in Morrisburg (South Dundas), Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada at age 64.

John next married Elizabeth Ann Glover,77 272 daughter of George Glover, on 18 Apr 1871 in Iroquois, Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada. Elizabeth was born in 1836. Another name for Elizabeth was Elizabeth Ann Tooley.

The child from this marriage was:

   117 M    i. Charles Arthur Poaps 273 was born in 1873 in Cardinal, Edwardsburgh/Cardinal, Leeds and Grenville, Ontario, Canada and died on 25 Oct 1899 in Cardinal, Edwardsburgh/Cardinal, Leeds and Grenville, Ontario, Canada at age 26.

Charles married Mary Brindle 274 on 30 Jun 1897 in St. Paul's Church, Cardinal, Edwardsburgh/Cardinal, Leeds and Grenville, Ontario, Canada. Mary was born in 1876 in Cardinal, Edwardsburgh/Cardinal, Leeds and Grenville, Ontario, Canada.

66. Mary Papst 132 was born in 1813 in Osnabruck Twp, Stormont, Eastern District (Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry), Upper Canada (Ontario), Canada and died on 26 Dec 1906 in Osnabruck Twp (South Stormont), Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada at age 93.

Research Notes: From :

Residence Lot 31 2nd Con Osnabruck
Farmers Widow
Name of Husband Philip Alguire
Where born Osnabruck Twp
cause of death age
religion Presbyteria

Mary married Thomas Philip Alguire 275 276 on 4 Dec 1836. Thomas was born on 17 Feb 1814 in Pleasant Valley, Osnabruck, Stormont (Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry), Eastern District, Upper Canada (Ontario), (Canada) and died on 24 Sep 1884 in Finch (North Stormont), Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada at age 70. Another name for Thomas was Phillip Alguire.

Children from this marriage were:

   118 F    i. Jemima Alguire 277 was born on 16 Sep 1846 in Berwick, (Finch Twp) (North Stormont), (Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry), Canada West (Ontario), (Canada) and died on 12 May 1930 in Eugene, Lane, Oregon, United States at age 83.

   119 F    ii. Melissa Alguire was born about 1851.

Melissa married Peter Fetterly,278 son of Peter Fetterly, on 11 Jan 1897 in Osnabruck Twp (South Stormont), Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada. Peter was born about 1834. Another name for Peter was Peter Fetterley.

Marriage Notes: From
Peter Fetterley
age: 63
Residence: Huntsville, Northumberland
Parents: Peter Fetterley and Mary Hanes
married: Melissa Alguire
age: 45
Residence: Osnabruck
Parents: Phillip Alguire and Mary Poaps
Date: January 11, 1897, Rev. JB Wicks

   120 M    iii. Sylvester Alguire 281 was born in 1876 in Finch (North Stormont), Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada.

67. Alfred Poapst 5 133 was born on 12 Mar 1815 in Osnabruck Twp, Stormont, Eastern District (Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry), Upper Canada (Ontario), Canada and died on 1 Dec 1891 in Osnabruck Twp (South Stormont), Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada at age 76. Another name for Alfred was Alpheus Poabst.

Birth Notes: May have been born about 1814.

Research Notes: From George Cloakey 21 Dec 2009:

"In the 1851 census John and Elizabeth appear with their son Alfred and a James, 23; Lewis, 3; Catherine, 2; and Infant 1. It seems likely that James was a recording error and it should be Jane--Wyatt, wife of Alfred.
John Popts 75 (b USA) (Would appear to me to be John Papst and Elizabeth McWilliams)
Elizabeth Popts 68 (b CAN)
Alfred Popts 36
James (Jane?) Popts 23
Lewis Popts 3
Catherine Popts 2
Infant Popts 1"

Noted events in his life were:

• Census: 1851.

Alfred married Jane Wyatt 282 in Nov 1849 in Stormont, Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Canada West (Ontario), Canada. Jane was born on 11 Mar 1829 in Mountain Twp (North Dundas), Dundas, Eastern District, Upper Canada (Ontario), (Canada) and died after 1901 in Osnabruck Twp (South Stormont), Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada. Another name for Jane was Jane Whyatt.

Children from this marriage were:

   121 M    i. Lewis Poapst 10 was born about 1848 in <Osnabruck Twp>, Stormont (Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry), Canada West (Ontario), Canada. Another name for Lewis was Lewis Popts.

   122 F    ii. Catherine Poapst 10 was born about 1849 in <Osnabruck Twp>, Stormont, Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Canada West (Ontario), Canada. Another name for Catherine was Catherine Popts.

69. George Adam "Adam" Poapst 137 138 was born on 11 Dec 1818 in Williamsburgh Twp (South Dundas), Dundas, Eastern District (Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry), Upper Canada (Ontario), Canada,5 was christened on 3 Jan 1819 in Cornwall, Stormont, Eastern District (Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry), Upper Canada (Ontario), Canada, died on 28 Jan 1911 in Cornwall Twp, Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada at age 92, and was buried in Woodlawn Cemetery, Cornwall, Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada. Other names for George were George Adam Papst and Adam Poapst.

Birth Notes: Amidon found baptismal records.

Research Notes: From

1881 census

Census Place: Finch, Stormont, Ontario, Canada
Source: FHL Film 1375863 NAC C-13227 Dist 101 SubDist B Div 2 Page 33 Family 136
Sex Marr Age Origin Birthplace
Adam POAPST M M 60 Scottish Scotland (George)
Occ: Labourer Religion: C. Presbyterian
Clarisa POAPST F M 53 Scottish Scotland
Religion: C. Presbyterian
William POAPST M 28 Scottish Scotland
Occ: Labourer Religion: C. Presbyterian
Charles POAPST M 23 Scottish Scotland
Occ: Labourer Religion: C. Presbyterian
Calven POAPST M 22 Scottish Scotland
Occ: Labourer Religion: C. Presbyterian
James POAPST M 18 Scottish Scotland
Occ: Labourer Religion: C. Presbyterian
Jacop POAPST M 18 Scottish Scotland
Occ: Labourer Religion: C. Presbyterian
Richard POAPST M 14 Scottish Scotland
Religion: C. Presbyterian

From Rosemary Benson (
1881 census

Census Place: Finch, Stormont, Ontario, Canada
Source: FHL Film 1375863 NAC C-13227 Dist 101 SubDist B Div 2 Page 33 Family 136
Sex Marr Age Origin Birthplace
Adam POAPST M M 60 Scottish Scotland (George)
Occ: Labourer Religion: C. Presbyterian
Clarisa POAPST F M 53 Scottish Scotland
Religion: C. Presbyterian
William POAPST M 28 Scottish Scotland
Occ: Labourer Religion: C. Presbyterian
Charles POAPST M 23 Scottish Scotland
Occ: Labourer Religion: C. Presbyterian
Calven POAPST M 22 Scottish Scotland
Occ: Labourer Religion: C. Presbyterian
James POAPST M 18 Scottish Scotland
Occ: Labourer Religion: C. Presbyterian
Jacop POAPST M 18 Scottish Scotland
Occ: Labourer Religion: C. Presbyterian
Richard POAPST M 14 Scottish Scotland
Religion: C. Presbyterian

George married Clarissa Prosser.283 Clarissa was born about 1826 in Osnabruck Centre, Osnabruck Twp, Stormont, Eastern District (Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry), Upper Canada (Ontario), Canada and died in 1887 about age 61.

Children from this marriage were:

   123 F    i. Sarah Elizabeth Poapst 284 285 was born on 22 Mar 1851 in Osnabruck Twp (South Stormont), Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Canada West (Ontario), Canada, died on 1 Feb 1924 in Osnabruck Twp (South Stormont), Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada at age 72, and was buried in Aultsville <relocated to Ingleside?> (South Stormont), Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada.

Burial Notes: Aultsville was flooded during the creation of the St. Lawrence Seaway in 1958. Sarah's grave was most likely relocated to Ingleside before the flooding.

   124 M    ii. William Jesse Papst 286 was born about 1852 in Osnabruck Twp (South Stormont), Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Canada West (Ontario), Canada.

   125 F    iii. Emma A. Papst 287 was born on 26 Dec 1854 in Osnabruck Twp (South Stormont), Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Canada West (Ontario), Canada.

   126 M    iv. Charles Simon Poapst 288 was born on 16 Apr 1855 in Osnabruck Twp (South Stormont), Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Canada West (Ontario), Canada and died in 1926 at age 71.

   127 M    v. Calvin Anson Papst 289 was born in Feb 1861 in Osnabruck Twp (South Stormont), Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Canada West (Ontario), Canada.

   128 M    vi. James Edson Papst 290 291 was born on 4 Oct 1862 in <Osnabruck Twp>, Stormont, Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Canada West (Ontario), Canada. Another name for James was James Poapst.

   129 M    vii. Edward Jacob Papst 292 was born on 4 Oct 1862 in Osnabruck Twp, Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Canada West (Ontario), Canada, died in 1953 in Avonmore, (North Stormont), Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada at age 91, and was buried in Paul's Hill Cemetery, Avonmore, Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada. Other names for Edward were Edward Jacob "Jacob" Papst and Jacob Papst.

   130 M    viii. Richard Germain Papst 293 was born on 28 May 1866 in Osnabruck Twp (South Stormont), Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Canada West (Ontario), Canada, died on 2 Jan 1953 in New York, United States at age 86, and was buried in Carville Cemetery, Helena, Brasher, St. Lawrence, New York, United States.

Burial Notes: Indexed in as Richard G. Paupst, b. 1868, d. 1958. Because of the different spelling and birth year, it is possible that a different person is interred at Carville Cemetery.

Richard married Bridget < >. Bridget was born in 1872, died in 1946 at age 74, and was buried in Carville Cemetery, Helena, Brasher, St. Lawrence, New York, United States.

70. Jacob John "J.J." Poaps 139 was born on 16 Sep 1823 in Osnabruck Twp, Stormont, Eastern District (Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry), Upper Canada (Ontario), Canada, died on 15 Feb 1896 in Osnabruck Centre, Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada at age 72, and was buried in Waterdown Cemetery, Lunenburg, Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada. Other names for Jacob were Poapst J. J, Jacob John "J.J." Papst, and Jacob John "J. J." Poapst.

Birth Notes: May have been born on 10 Sep 1823

Death Notes: Obituary from the Cornwall Standard newspaper the week of 17 February 1896, provided by on 22 Nov 2009:
"One of the oldest landmarks of this place passed away on the 14th inst. in the person of J.J. Poaps, the founder of the village of Osnabruck Centre. His health had not been good for the past year and he was suddenly stricken for the second time with paralysis on Friday, February 14th, which caused his death."

Research Notes: The last of 10 children. Founder of the village of Osnabruck Centre.

Noted events in his life were:

• Inherited: land from his father.

• Owned: 200 acres in Lots 1 & 2 of Concession 3 in Osnabruck, 1879, Osnabruck Twp (South Stormont), Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada. 294

• Owned: <100 acres> Lot 17 of concession 3, along the main street in Osnabruck Centre, 1879, Osnabruck Centre, Osnabruck Twp (South Stormont), Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada. 294

Jacob married Eliza Jane Stuart 295 on 22 Dec 1846. Eliza was born on 27 Aug 1827 in Osnabruck Twp, Stormont, Eastern District (Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry), Upper Canada (Ontario), Canada and died on 12 Mar 1889 in Osnabruck Twp (South Stormont), Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada at age 61.

The child from this marriage was:

   131 M    i. William Ezra Poaps was born on 18 Oct 1848 in Lunenburg, Osnabruck Twp, Stormont, Eastern District (Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry), Canada West (Ontario), Canada, died on 24 Dec 1929 in Osnabruck Twp (South Stormont), Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada at age 81, and was buried in Lunenburg United Cemetery, Osnabruck Twp (South Stormont), Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada. Another name for William was William Ezra Poapst.

William married Rhoda A. Eamon, daughter of Adam Eamon and Ann, on 30 Dec 1871 in Osnabruck Centre, Osnabruck Twp (South Stormont), Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada. Rhoda was born about 1847.

previous  Fourth Generation  Next

76. John Edward Fetterly 158 was born about 1809 in Osnabruck Twp (South Stormont), Stormont, Eastern District (Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry), Upper Canada (Ontario), Canada, died on 30 Apr 1880 about age 71, and was buried in Willis Cemetery, [North] Lunenburg, Osnabruck Twp (South Stormont), Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada.65

Burial Notes: John Fetterly
d. Apr. 30, 1880
AE 71 yrs.

John married Catherine Helmer 296 on 12 Jul 1842. Catherine was born about 1821, died on 14 Jul 1893 about age 72, and was buried in Willis Cemetery, [North] Lunenburg, Osnabruck Twp (South Stormont), Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada.65

Burial Notes: Catherine Helmer
d. July 14, 1893
AE 72 yrs

Children from this marriage were:

   132 F    i. Mary M. Fetterly 65 297 was born on 25 Nov 1842 in Osnabruck Twp, Stormont (Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry), Canada West (Ontario), Canada, died on 1 Jun 1900 in Osnabruck Twp (South Stormont), Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada at age 57, and was buried in Willis Cemetery, [North] Lunenburg, Osnabruck Twp (South Stormont), Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada.

Mary married Jacob J. F. Paupst,253 son of George Abraham Paupst 84 and Sarah Eve Empey,84 247 248 249 on 9 Oct 1883 in Woodlands, Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada. Jacob was born on 25 Nov 1845 in Cornwall Twp, Stormont (Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry), Canada West (Ontario), Canada, died on 28 Sep 1935 at age 89, and was buried in Willis Cemetery, [North] Lunenburg, Osnabruck Twp (South Stormont), Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada.65 Another name for Jacob was Jacob John Frederick Papst.

Burial Notes: Gravestone reads:
Jacob J. F. Paupst
b. Nov. 25, 1845 - d. Sept. 28, 1935
his wife
Mary M. Fetterly
b. Nov 25, 1843 - d. June 1, 1900

+ 133 F    ii. Alice Margaret Fetterly 298 299 300 was born on 25 Nov 1843 in Osnabruck Twp, Stormont (Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry), Canada West (Ontario), Canada, died on 12 Jul 1882 in Osnabruck Twp (South Stormont), Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada at age 38, and was buried in Willis Cemetery, [North] Lunenburg, Osnabruck Twp (South Stormont), Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada.

79. John Otto 175 was born on 27 Oct 1811 in Osnabruck Twp (South Stormont), Stormont, Eastern District (Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry), Upper Canada (Ontario), Canada and died on 9 Feb 1871 in Snowdon, Haliburton, Ontario, Canada at age 59.

Birth Notes: (James S. Edgar) has b. 23 Jul 1796, d. 24 Nov 1843.

Other sources have b. 27 Oct 1811, d. 9 Feb 1871.

John married Sarah Wood,20 daughter of John Wood (U.E.L.) 187 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 and Abigail Drew,191 235 236 on 19 Nov 1833. Sarah was born on 12 May 1814 in Cornwall Twp, Stormont, Eastern District (Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry), Upper Canada (Ontario), Canada and was christened on 19 Jun 1814 in Saint Andrew's Presbyterian, Williamstown, Glengarry, Eastern District (Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry), Upper Canada (Ontario), Canada.301

Children from this marriage were:

   134 F    i. Amanda Anna Otto 302 was born about 1841 in Cornwall Twp (South Stormont), Stormont, Eastern District (Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry), Upper Canada (Ontario), Canada.

   135 M    ii. Stephen Otto 303 was born about 1843 in Cornwall Twp, Stormont (Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry), Canada West (Ontario), Canada and died in Lutterworth (Minden Hills), Victoria North, Ontario, Canada.

81. Elizabeth Poapst 192 193 was born in Sep 1823 in Osnabruck Twp, Stormont, Eastern District (Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry), Upper Canada (Ontario), Canada, died on 8 Apr 1896 in Osnabruck Twp (South Stormont), Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada at age 72, and was buried in Willis Cemetery, [North] Lunenburg, Osnabruck Twp (South Stormont), Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada. Another name for Elizabeth was Elizabeth Papst.

Birth Notes: Source: RootsWeb - Sep 1823

Source: Birth year either 1823 or 1833

Elizabeth married Levi Runions,304 305 306 307 son of Henry Runions 308 and Tamer Groves,309 on 8 Nov 1842 in Stormont (Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry), Canada West (Ontario), Canada. Levi was born in 1819, died on 10 Sep 1902 in Osnabruck Centre, Osnabruck Twp (South Stormont), Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada at age 83, and was buried in Willis Cemetery, [North] Lunenburg, Osnabruck Twp (South Stormont), Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada. Another name for Levi was Levi Runnions.

Birth Notes: May have been born in 1814.

The child from this marriage was:

   136 F    i. Margaret Runnions 310 311 was born on 22 Aug 1857 in Osnabruck Centre, Osnabruck Twp, Stormont (Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry), Canada West (Ontario), Canada, died on 14 Sep 1908 in Ontario, Canada at age 51, and was buried in Willis Cemetery, [North] Lunenburg, Osnabruck Twp (South Stormont), Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada. Other names for Margaret were Margaret Runions and Maggie Runnions.

Margaret married George Abraham Poapst [Jr.],243 son of George Abraham Paupst 84 and Sarah Mattice,239 240 on 26 Sep 1878 in Newington (South Stormont), Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada. George was born on 28 Sep 1828 in Osnabruck Twp, Stormont, Eastern District (Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry), Upper Canada (Ontario), Canada and died on 26 Feb 1919 in Cornwall Twp, Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada at age 90. Other names for George were George A. Papst and George A. Paupst.

84. Alexander Poapst 82 199 200 201 was born on 10 Jun 1829 in Osnabruck Centre, Osnabruck Twp, Stormont, Eastern District (Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry), Upper Canada (Ontario), Canada, died on 8 Nov 1910 in Cornwall, Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada at age 81, and was buried in Waterdown Cemetery, Lunenburg, Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada.202 Other names for Alexander were Alexander Popst, Alexander Paupst, and Alexander Poaps.

Death Notes: A typewritten family tree from a Poapst family Bible has his death date as 8 Nov 1910. Other sources have 15 Nov 1910.

Research Notes: His surname was spelled "Poaps" in the 1881 Canada census. It is spelled "Popst" in a Poapst family Bible.

Alexander may have been the "A. Poapst" who owned 50 acres in Osnabruck Township in 1879 (H. Belden county map). This has not been confirmed. See

Source, etc. obtained info from tombstone inscription, Waterdown Cemetery, Osnabruck Twp., Stormont Co., Ontario.

Noted events in his life were:

• Built: the family house in 8th Concession, 1854, Cornwall Twp, Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Canada West (Ontario), Canada.

• Owned: (probably) Lots 36 & 37 in Concession VIII, 123 + [ ] acres, 1879, Cornwall Twp, Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada. 312 313

• Census: Canada, 1881, Cornwall, Cornwall Twp, Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada. 314

Alexander married Emmeline Wereley,82 200 201 315 316 daughter of Peter Henry Wereley 317 and Ester Froom,318 on 24 Jan 1856 in <Wesleyan Methodist Church>, Cornwall Twp, Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Canada West (Ontario), Canada.82 Emmeline was born on 5 Nov 1834 in Cornwall, Stormont, Eastern District (Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry), Upper Canada (Ontario), Canada, died on 9 Dec 1915 in Osnabruck Twp (South Stormont), Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada at age 81, and was buried in Waterdown Cemetery, Lunenburg, Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada.319 Other names for Emmeline were Emeline Wereley and Emeline Werely.

Marriage Notes: Married in Cornwall Township in the Eastern District by John Howes of the Wesleyan Methodist Church in Canada. Witnesses were Alexander Werely, Ann Papst.

Birth Notes: May have been born in 1833.

Death Notes: A Poapst family Bible has her death date as Dec. 9, 1915. Another source has 17 Nov 1915. She may have died in Cornwall, Ontario.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 137 M    i. Osborne Poapst 82 320 321 was born on 14 Nov 1856 in Cornwall, Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Canada West (Ontario), Canada, died on 7 Feb 1946 in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada322 at age 89, and was buried in Brookside Cemetery, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.323

+ 138 F    ii. Amy Aditha Poapst 82 320 324 was born on 2 Feb 1858 in Cornwall Twp, Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Canada West (Ontario), Canada, died in 1942 in Hubbard, Hubbard, Minnesota, United States at age 84, and was buried in Hubbard Cemetery, Hubbard, Minnesota, United States.

   139 F    iii. Adelia Poapst 82 325 326 327 was born on 5 Nov 1859 in Canada West (Ontario), Canada, died on 17 May 1885 at age 25, and was buried in Waterdown Cemetery, Lunenburg, Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada.328 Other names for Adelia were Adealia Poapst, Delia Poapst, and Delia Popst.

+ 140 M    iv. James Edson Poapst 82 329 330 331 was born on 27 Mar 1862 in Lunenburg, Osnabruck Twp (South Stormont), Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Canada West (Ontario), Canada, was christened in Nov 1893 in Free Presbyterian Church, Lunenburg, Osnabruck Twp (South Stormont), Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada, died on 1 Oct 1927 in Cornwall Twp (South Stormont), Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada at age 65, and was buried in 1927 in Waterdown Cemetery, Lunenburg, Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada.332

   141 M    v. Silas Clifton Poapst 82 333 was born on 23 May 1864, died on 18 May 1885 at age 20, and was buried in Waterdown Cemetery, Lunenburg, Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada.334 Other names for Silas were Siles Poapst and Silas Popst.

   142 F    vi. Lydia Ann Poapst 82 335 336 337 was born on 7 Mar 1866 in <Cornwall, Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry>, Canada West (Ontario), Canada and died on 28 May 1944 in Los Angeles, California, United States338 at age 78. Another name for Lydia was Lydia Neal?.

+ 143 F    vii. Elizabeth Poapst 82 339 340 was born on 20 Apr 1868 in Cornwall Twp, Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada, died on 18 Oct 1957 in <Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry>, Ontario, Canada at age 89, and was buried in <Grantley United Church Cemetery, Grantley, Williamsburg Twp>, Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada.

   144 M    viii. John Poapst 82 341 342 was born on 17 Jul 1870 in Cornwall Twp, Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada,343 died on 27 Dec 1896 in <Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry>, Ontario, Canada at age 26, and was buried in Waterdown Cemetery, Lunenburg, Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada.344

+ 145 M    ix. Howard Alexander Poapst 82 129 345 346 was born on 16 Apr 1875 in Lunenburg, Osnabruck Twp (South Stormont), Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada, died in 1966 in <Cornwall, Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry>, Ontario, Canada at age 91, and was buried in Woodlawn Cemetery, Cornwall, Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada.347

85. Benjamin Poapst 203 204 was born on 12 Dec 1831 in Cornwall Twp, Stormont, Eastern District (Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry), Upper Canada (Ontario), Canada, died on 20 Jun 1901 in Aylmer, Elgin East, Ontario, Canada at age 69, and was buried in <St. Luke's Anglican Cemetery, Vienna, Bayham Twp, Elgin>, Ontario, Canada. Another name for Benjamin was Benjamin Papst.

Birth Notes: May have been born in Osnabruck, Stormont, Ontario.

Benjamin married Martha Ault 348 about 1851. Martha was born on 11 Jan 1835 and died on 18 Apr 1907 in Aylmer, Elgin East, Ontario, Canada at age 72.

The child from this marriage was:

   146 M    i. Benjamin A. Paupst 349 350 was born on 12 May 1877 in Thamesville, Kent (Chatham-Kent), Ontario, Canada, died on 21 Sep 1911 in Bayham Twp, Elgin, Ontario, Canada at age 34, and was buried in St. Luke's Anglican Cemetery, Vienna, Bayham, Elgin, Ontario, Canada. Another name for Benjamin was Benjamin A. Papst.

Burial Notes: From St. Luke's Anglican Cemetery
6550 Plank Road, Bayham, ON
Bayham Township, Elgin County, Ontario, Canada
Gravestone Inscriptions

365. Black granite on white.
west - Mahlon B. EDISON/ 1828 - 1911/ Sarah E. EDISON/ 1835 - 192l/ EDISON
east - Ben. A. PAUPST/ 1877 - 1911/ Marcellite PAUPST/ 1900 - 1909/ Marion PAUPST COATSWORTH/ 1879 - 1951/ AM & G Co. Simcoe

Benjamin married Marion "Mamie" W. Edison 351 352 on 4 Dec 1899 in Tillsonburg, Oxford, Ontario, Canada. Marion was born on 7 Mar 1879, died in 1951 in Bayham Twp, Elgin, Ontario, Canada at age 72, and was buried in St. Luke's Anglican Cemetery, Vienna, Bayham, Elgin, Ontario, Canada.

Burial Notes: From St. Luke's Anglican Cemetery
6550 Plank Road, Bayham, ON
Bayham Township, Elgin County, Ontario, Canada
Gravestone Inscriptions

365. Black granite on white.
west - Mahlon B. EDISON/ 1828 - 1911/ Sarah E. EDISON/ 1835 - 192l/ EDISON
east - Ben. A. PAUPST/ 1877 - 1911/ Marcellite PAUPST/ 1900 - 1909/ Marion PAUPST COATSWORTH/ 1879 - 1951/ AM & G Co. Simcoe

87. Ephraim Poapst 129 209 210 was born on 16 Aug 1835 in Osnabruck Twp, Stormont, Eastern District (Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry), Upper Canada (Ontario), Canada, died in 1919 in Cornwall Twp, Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada211 at age 84, and was buried <14 Feb 1920> in Memorial Hill Cemetery, Lunenburg, Osnabruck Twp, Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada.212 Other names for Ephraim were Ephraim Papst and Ephraim Paupst.

Birth Notes: Rosemary Benson has born in Cornwall, Ontario.

Death Notes: He may have died in Lunenburg. Although one source has his death date at 14 Feb 1920, his gravestone has "1935-1919." The February date may be that of the funeral or memorial service.

Research Notes: A descendant of Ephriam Poapst - John Poapst - was living in San Diego, California, in 1968. Wayne Poapst relates the story that his father (Lloyd Poapst) spotted "John Poapst, San Diego" as a writer in the Reader's Digest and guessed that John was a relation and sent him a letter. "...the John my father wrote to was of the Ephriam Poapst family - John Poapst of San Diego, CA wrote back to dad in May 1968 - he said the post office traced him because his name was in the phone book (at that time, over a million people in the city and suburbs).

Ephraim married Margaret Agnes Sheets 307 354 355 356 on 2 Feb 1859 in Cornwall, Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Canada West (Ontario), Canada.212 Margaret was born on 28 Oct 1837 in Sheik's Island, Cornwall Twp, Stormont (Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry), Upper Canada (Ontario), Canada, died on 21 May 1921 in Northfield Station, Lunenburg (South Stormont), Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada at age 83, and was buried in Memorial Hill Cemetery, Lunenburg, Osnabruck Twp, Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada. Another name for Margaret was Margaret Sheetz.

Death Notes: At least one source has her death date as 21 May 1921.

Obituary from The Freeholder, Cornwall Ontario, 2 June 1921 (as transcribed in

Northfield Station
Mrs. Ephraim Poapst
It is with sincere regret that we announce the death of Mrs. Ephraim Poapst, which occurred at her home at Northfield Station on May 21, 1921. The deceased, who was in her 84th year, had been a resident of the Eighth Line for 62 years, and was held in high esteem by a wide circle of friends and acquaintances. Mrs. Poapst was born on Sheik's Island, her maiden name being Margaret Agnes Sheets, daughter of the late Jacob Sheets. She leaves to mourn her loss five daughters and two sons. - Mrs. A. Rombough, Cornwall; Mrs. C. R. Gailfus, Modesto, California; Mrs. W. H. Bush of North Lunenburg; Mrs. G. Widmeyer, Rollo, North Dakota; Mrs. W. Salmon, Morrisburg; Elias Poapst, Tomkins, Saskatchewan; and Hiram Poapst, Northfield Station; also 32 grandchildren and 8 great-grandchildren. The funeral took place from the residence of the deceased to the North Lunenburg Presbyterian Church on May 22, 1921, Rev. W. W. Conrad officiating. Many of those who had known and esteemed the deceased joined in paying a last tribute of respect. The pallbearers were six of her grandsons, - A. J. Rombough, Montreal; W. L. Rombough, Cornwall; J. S. Salmon, Morrisburg; R. C. Bush and W. N. Bush, North Lunenburg; G. A. Poapst, Northfield Station. Among relatives present from a distance were Misses Ida and Minnie Sheets, Montreal; Mr. & Mrs. R. K. Sampson and J. H. Sampson, Ottawa; Mrs. F. Mattice, C. Forrester, Sr., and Charles Forrester of Moulinette; Mr. & Mrs. Howard Poapst and son Harold, Mr. & Mrs. C. Meek, Osnabruck Centre; Mr. & Mrs. A. Shaver, Miss Bessie and Roy Shaver, Grantley; Mrs. S. Salmon of Morrisburg. Beautiful flowers were placed in the church and on the casket by friends and relatives.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 147 F    i. Minerva Frances Paupst 357 358 was born in Jan 1860 in Canada West (Ontario), Canada, died in 1909 in Rolla, Rolette, North Dakota, United States at age 49, and was buried in Rolla Cemetery, Rolla, Rolette, North Dakota, United States.

+ 148 M    ii. Hiram Poapst 359 360 was born about 1864 in Northfield Station, Cornwall Twp, Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Canada West (Ontario), Canada, died on 13 Apr 1927 in Cornwall Twp (South Stormont), Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada about age 63, and was buried in Willis Cemetery, [North] Lunenburg, Osnabruck Twp (South Stormont), Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada.

   149 M    iii. Elias Poapst 361 362 was born on 17 Sep 1866 in Northfield Station, Cornwall Twp, Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Canada West (Ontario), Canada and died on 21 Apr 1952 in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada363 at age 85.

Elias married Isabel McKey.363

   150 F    iv. Ella May Paupst 364 was born on 29 Jul 1869 in Lunenburg, Osnabruck Twp (South Stormont), Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada, was christened on 24 Oct 1883 in Free Presbyterian Church, Lunenburg, Osnabruck Twp (South Stormont), Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada,365 died on 4 Aug 1945 in San Francisco, San Francisco, California, United States366 at age 76, and was buried in Cypress Lawn Memorial Park, Colma, San Mateo, California, United States. Another name for Ella was Ella May Poapst.

Ella married Courtland Reuben Gailfus 367 368 on 26 Feb 1896 in Chicago, Cook, Illinois, United States.369 Courtland was born on 28 Oct 1866 in Ayton, Grey, Canada West (Ontario), Canada, died on 4 Aug 1925 in San Francisco, San Francisco, California, United States at age 58, and was buried in Cypress Lawn Memorial Park, Colma, San Mateo, California, United States.

Marriage Notes: From Gord Adams 27 Nov 2011:
Description: Marriage of Ella May Paupst to Courtland Reuben Gailfus at Chicago, Cook Co., Illinois

Marriage may be celebrated between Mr. Courtland R. Gailfus of Rolla in the County of Rolette and State of Nth. Dakota of the age 28 years, and Miss Ella May Paupst of Lunenburg in the County of Stormont and Dom. of Canada of the age of 24 years.

Witness: Philip Knopf, Clerk of the County Court of said Cook County, and the seal thereof, at my office in Chicago this 21 day of February AD 1896. [signed "Philip Knopf"]

Marriage performed by Thomas C. Hall, Fourth Presb. Church

I, Thos C. Hall hereby certify that Mr. Courtland R Gailfus and Miss Ella May Paupst were united in marriage by me at Chicago in the County of Cook and State of Illinois, on the 26 day of February 1896

+ 151 F    v. Effie Zaida Poapst 370 was born on 25 Mar 1873 in Cornwall (South Stormont), Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada,371 was christened on 25 Oct 1883 in Free Presbyterian Church, Lunenburg, Osnabruck Twp (South Stormont), Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada, died in 1967 in Osnabruck (South Stormont), Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada at age 94, and was buried in Willis Cemetery, [North] Lunenburg, Osnabruck Twp (South Stormont), Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada.372

+ 152 F    vi. Stella Sybil Poapst 373 was born on 6 Jun 1876 in Lunenburg, Osnabruck Twp (South Stormont), Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada, was christened on 24 Oct 1883 in Free Presbyterian Church, Lunenburg, Osnabruck Twp (South Stormont), Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada,374 died in 1965375 at age 89, and was buried in Willis Cemetery, [North] Lunenburg, Osnabruck Twp (South Stormont), Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada.

   153 F    vii. Carrie Ada Jane Poapst 129 376 was born on 23 Jun 1878 in Lunenburg, Osnabruck Twp (South Stormont), Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada, was christened on 24 Oct 1883 in Free Presbyterian Church, Lunenburg, Osnabruck Twp (South Stormont), Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada,377 died in 1968 in Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada378 at age 90, and was buried in Memorial Hill Cemetery, Lunenburg, Osnabruck Twp, Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada.

Carrie married Willis Salmon,379 380 son of John Simeon Salmon 381 and Margaret Jane Meek,382 on 2 Sep 1901 in Lunenburg, Osnabruck Twp (South Stormont), Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada. Willis was born in 1879, died in 1951 in Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada at age 72, and was buried in Memorial Hill Cemetery, Lunenburg, Osnabruck Twp, Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada.

90. Curtis Poapst 73 223 224 was born on 21 Jul 1843 in Lunenburg, Osnabruck Twp, Stormont, Eastern District (Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry), Canada West (Ontario), Canada, died on 28 Feb 1885 in Osnabruck Centre, Osnabruck Twp (South Stormont), Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada at age 41, and was buried in Poapst Homestead (Willis United Cemetery), Lunenburg, Osnabruck (South Stormont), Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada.65 Other names for Curtis were Paupst Curtis and Popps Curtis.

Birth Notes: FamilySearch has his birthdate as 21 July 1848. However, the 1871 census gives his age as 27. It seems likely that he was born in 1843 instead (a misreading of the gravestone?).

The entry for Curtis in the Curtis Poapst family Bible is not entirely clear. It could be 1843 or 1848. I'm interpreting it as 1843. The "3" looks the same as in Edith Pearl Poapst's birth date in the same hand.

Lorna Wallace family tree has b. July, 1848 in Lunenburg, Ontario, Canada, but I think she erred. Other sources (e.g., Rosemary Benson) have 1843. Rosemary Benson did a great deal of research and may be right., etc. has tombstone inscription from Poapst homestead, [Osnabruck Twp., Stormont Co.,] Ontario.

See also, seems authoritative. Has b. 21 Jul 1843. Another RootsWeb source has 1848.

My guess is that the headstone is no longer legible.

Death Notes: Source has d. 28 February 1885.

Burial Notes: Gravestone reads:
Mary Poapst - d. Jan. 17, 1849 - AE 22 yrs. - daughter of John F. & Margaret Poapst
Curtis Poapst - b. July 21, 1843 - d. Feb. 28, 1885
John F. Poapst - died Oct 2, 1887 - AE 72 yrs
his wife
Margaret - died April 18, 1853 - AE 59 yrs

The stone was originally in the back of the Poapst family homestead, where the bodies remain. The stone was brought to Willis United Cemetery at some time before April 2002.

Research Notes: Source: Family records of Lorna (Wallace) Johnson.

The surname is usually spelled "Poapst" in subsequent family records. However, there are postcards addressed to Helen (Mrs. Curtis) and Edith (daughter) with other spellings such as:

Noted events in his life were:

• Census: 1871, Cornwall Twp (South Stormont), Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada.

Curtis married Helen Lind Studley,73 223 383 384 385 daughter of Sterling <Russell> Studley 73 and Ann Barbara Lintzen,9 73 on 12 Nov 1868 in Viola, Wabasha, Minnesota, United States. Helen was born on 26 Nov 1850 in Cedar Creek, Washington, Wisconsin, United States, was christened on 31 Oct 1884 in Free Presbyterian Church, Lunenburg, Osnabruck Twp (South Stormont), Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada, died on 11 Jul 1921 in Long Beach, Los Angeles, California, United States386 at age 70, and was buried in Sunnyside Cemetery, Long Beach, Los Angeles, California, United States. Other names for Helen were Helen Lind Poaps, Helen Lind Poapst, Helen Steadleigh, Helen Lind Steadley, Helen Stedleigh, and Ellen Stedly.

Marriage Notes: The Curtis Poapst family Bible marriage certificate states that they were married in Viola in the county of Wabasha on 12 November 1868. Married by Palmer Sitts, Pastor of the Cong. [6th? Chh] of Elgin, Wabasha Co. Witesses Mrs. S. C. Sitts, George Sinsein(?).

Death Notes: Rosemary Benson speculates that she may have died in Minnesota.

Noted events in her life were:

• Census: 1871, Cornwall Twp, Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada.

• Christening: 31 Oct 1884, Free Presbyterian Church, Lunenburg, Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada.

• Residence: Abt 1891, Rochester, Olmsted, Minnesota, United States.

• Residence: 1904-abt 1908, Rochester, Olmsted, Minnesota, United States.

• Residence: 826 E. 5th Street, 1905-1907, Rochester, Olmsted, Minnesota, United States.

• Residence: 510 W. Center Street, abt 1908-abt 1909, Anaheim, Orange, California, United States.

• Residence: 311 Walnut Avenue, abt 1909-abt 1920, Long Beach, Los Angeles, California, United States.

• x:

• Residence: 1911, Long Beach, Los Angeles, California, United States.

• Census: U.S., 1920, Long Beach, Los Angeles, California, United States. 387

• Census: U.S., 7 Jan 1920, Long Beach, Los Angeles, California, United States. 388 (Household Member)

Children from this marriage were:

   154 F    i. Hettie Evelena Poapst 389 390 391 392 was born on 7 Aug 1871 in Cornwall, Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada, was christened on 31 Oct 1884 in Church of Scotland, Lunenburg, Osnabruck Twp (South Stormont), Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada, died on 24 Jul 1961 in Orange, California, United States at age 89, and was buried in Forest Lawn Memorial Park, Long Beach, Los Angeles, California, United States. Other names for Hettie were Hetty Paupst, Eva Poapst, Hettie Eva Poapst, Hetty Eva Poapst, Hetty Evelena Poapst, and Eva Pobst.

Birth Notes: May have been born in Lunenburg, Stormont, Ontario, Canada.

Christening Notes: has Free Presbyterian Church.

Burial Notes: Memorial placque reads "Hettie Eva Beebe 1871 - ;1961"

Hettie married Jay Lee Beebe M. D.,393 son of Norman Beebe 395 and Susan L. Davis,396 on 18 May 1904 in Anaheim, Orange, California, United States.394 Jay was born on 16 Jun 1874 in Wisconsin, United States, died on 21 Oct 1953 in Anaheim, Orange, California, United States at age 79, and was buried in Forest Lawn Memorial Park, Long Beach, Los Angeles, California, United States. Another name for Jay was J. Lee Beebe.

Marriage Notes: The ceremony, performed by W. H. Chapman of Anaheim was witnessed by Bird V. Beebe of Anaheim and G. L. Butterfield of Los Angeles.

The following is the wedding announcement that appeared in a local newspaper, probably published in Anaheim, California, based upon an advertisement on the reverse of the clipping. Bird V. Beebe lived in Anaheim, California. Upland, the home of Jay's mother, is in San Bernardino County, California.

"Dr. J. L. Beebe, of Lower Lake, Lake county, and Miss Eva Pobst [sic], of Rochester, Minn., were married at high noon Wednesday at the residence of the groom's brother, Bird V. Beebe. Rev. W. H. Chapman performed the ceremony, which was a very quiet one, only a few immediate relatives of the groom being present. Mrs. Chapman rendered an appropriate musical program, and after the ceremony a handsome wedding dinner was served. Dr. Beebe recently came out from the East and settled in Lake county, and after establishing himself sent for his promised bride to follow him. Dr. and Mrs. Beebe left Wednesday for a short visit to the former's mother at Upland, and thence will proceed to Lower Lake."

Noted events in his life were:

• Census: U.S., 1880, Blue Earth, Minnesota, United States. 397

• Residence: 1904, Lower Lake, Lake, California, United States.

• Residence: 510 W. Center Street, 1905-1916 or later, Anaheim, Orange, California, United States.

• Census: U.S., 1910, Anaheim, Orange, California, United States. 398

• Occupation: physician, 1910, Orange, California, United States.

• Residence: 510 W. Center St., 1910, Anaheim, Orange, California, United States.

• Registered: U.S. Draft, 1917-1918, Orange, California, United States. 399

• Residence: 720 S. Lemon, 1917, Anaheim, Orange, California, United States.

• Residence: 818 S. Lemon, 1930, Anaheim, Orange, California, United States.

• Census: U.S., 1940, Anaheim, Orange, California, United States. 400

• Residence: 818 S. Lemon, 1940, Anaheim, Orange, California, United States.

+ 155 M    ii. Harry Elsworth Poapst 401 402 403 was born on 6 May 1878 in Lunenburg, Osnabruck Twp (South Stormont), Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada,404 was christened on 31 Oct 1884 in Free Presbyterian Church, Lunenburg, Osnabruck Twp (South Stormont), Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada, died on 5 Jun 1950 in Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California, United States at age 72, and was buried in Sunnyside Cemetery, Long Beach, Los Angeles, California, United States.405

+ 156 F    iii. Edith Pearl Poapst 73 223 406 407 was born on 3 Sep 1880 in <Lunenburg, Osnabruck Twp (South Stormont)>, Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada, was christened on 31 Oct 1884 in Church of Scotland, Lunenburg, Osnabruck Twp (South Stormont), Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada, died on 20 Oct 1943 in Los Angeles, California, United States at age 63, and was buried in Sunnyside Cemetery, Long Beach, Los Angeles, California, United States.408

94. George Abraham Poapst [Jr.] 243 was born on 28 Sep 1828 in Osnabruck Twp, Stormont, Eastern District (Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry), Upper Canada (Ontario), Canada and died on 26 Feb 1919 in Cornwall Twp, Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada at age 90. Other names for George were George A. Papst and George A. Paupst.

George married Rachel Sheets,258 259 daughter of David Sheets 112 and Dorothy Gray,257 about 1852 in <Osnabruck Twp, Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry>, Canada West (Ontario), Canada. Rachel was born on 10 Nov 1827 in Osnabruck Twp (South Stormont), Stormont, Eastern District (Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry), Upper Canada (Ontario), Canada and died on 30 Apr 1872 in Ontario, Canada at age 44.

Children from this marriage were:

   157 F    i. Talitha Sheets Poapst 409 was born on 20 Apr 1849 in Osnabruck Twp, Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Canada West (Ontario), Canada.

   158 M    ii. Jacob E. Poapst 410 was born on 30 Oct 1852 in Osnabruck Twp (South Stormont), Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Canada West (Ontario), Canada, died in 1938 at age 86, and was buried in Willis Cemetery, [North] Lunenburg, Osnabruck Twp (South Stormont), Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada.65

Jacob married Kezia Cook.65 Kezia was born in 1850, died in 1941 at age 91, and was buried in Willis Cemetery, [North] Lunenburg, Osnabruck Twp (South Stormont), Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada.

   159 F    iii. Minerva Poapst 411 was born in 1854 in Osnabruck Twp (South Stormont), Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Canada West (Ontario), Canada.

   160 F    iv. Jemima Poapst 412 was born on 12 Aug 1856 in Osnabruck Twp (South Stormont), Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Canada West (Ontario), Canada.

   161 M    v. James Poapst 413 was born on 19 Mar 1858 in Osnabruck Twp (South Stormont), Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Canada West (Ontario), Canada and died after 1879.

   162 F    vi. Catherine Poapst 414 was born on 19 Mar 1862 in Osnabruck Twp (South Stormont), Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Canada West (Ontario), Canada.

   163 M    vii. George Stanley Poapst 415 was born on 30 Nov 1866 in Osnabruck Twp (South Stormont), Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Canada West (Ontario), Canada and died on 13 Dec 1931 in Fargo, North Dakota, United States at age 65.

George next married Barbara Ann Thompson 416 after 1866. Barbara was born about 1848, died on 4 Apr 1874 about age 26, and was buried in Northfield Cemetery, Northfield Station [near Lunenburg], Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada.

George next married Margaret Runnions,310 311 daughter of Levi Runions 304 305 306 307 and Elizabeth Poapst,192 193 on 26 Sep 1878 in Newington (South Stormont), Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada. Margaret was born on 22 Aug 1857 in Osnabruck Centre, Osnabruck Twp, Stormont (Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry), Canada West (Ontario), Canada, died on 14 Sep 1908 in Ontario, Canada at age 51, and was buried in Willis Cemetery, [North] Lunenburg, Osnabruck Twp (South Stormont), Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada. Other names for Margaret were Margaret Runions and Maggie Runnions.

99. Jacob J. F. Paupst 253 was born on 25 Nov 1845 in Cornwall Twp, Stormont (Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry), Canada West (Ontario), Canada, died on 28 Sep 1935 at age 89, and was buried in Willis Cemetery, [North] Lunenburg, Osnabruck Twp (South Stormont), Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada.65 Another name for Jacob was Jacob John Frederick Papst.

Burial Notes: Gravestone reads:
Jacob J. F. Paupst
b. Nov. 25, 1845 - d. Sept. 28, 1935
his wife
Mary M. Fetterly
b. Nov 25, 1843 - d. June 1, 1900

Jacob married Alice Margaret Fetterly,298 299 300 daughter of John Edward Fetterly 158 and Catherine Helmer,296 on 11 Dec 1867 in St. Matthews Church, Osnabruck, Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada. Alice was born on 25 Nov 1843 in Osnabruck Twp, Stormont (Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry), Canada West (Ontario), Canada, died on 12 Jul 1882 in Osnabruck Twp (South Stormont), Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada at age 38, and was buried in Willis Cemetery, [North] Lunenburg, Osnabruck Twp (South Stormont), Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada.

Death Notes: Rosemary Benson has d. 1 June 1900.
John Poaps has d. 12 JUL 1882 in Osnabruck Twp., Ontario, Canada.

Burial Notes: May be buried in North Lunenburg Cemetery.

The child from this marriage was:

   164 M    i. Elburn Paupst 65 417 was born <28 May> 1870 in Ontario, Canada, died on 5 Feb 1871, and was buried in Willis Cemetery, [North] Lunenburg, Osnabruck Twp (South Stormont), Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada.

Jacob next married Mary M. Fetterly,65 297 daughter of John Edward Fetterly 158 and Catherine Helmer,296 on 9 Oct 1883 in Woodlands, Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada. Mary was born on 25 Nov 1842 in Osnabruck Twp, Stormont (Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry), Canada West (Ontario), Canada, died on 1 Jun 1900 in Osnabruck Twp (South Stormont), Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada at age 57, and was buried in Willis Cemetery, [North] Lunenburg, Osnabruck Twp (South Stormont), Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada.

102. Rachel Sheets 258 259 was born on 10 Nov 1827 in Osnabruck Twp (South Stormont), Stormont, Eastern District (Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry), Upper Canada (Ontario), Canada and died on 30 Apr 1872 in Ontario, Canada at age 44.

Research Notes: First wife of George A. Poapst.

Rachel married George Abraham Poapst [Jr.],243 son of George Abraham Paupst 84 and Sarah Mattice,239 240 about 1852 in <Osnabruck Twp, Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry>, Canada West (Ontario), Canada. George was born on 28 Sep 1828 in Osnabruck Twp, Stormont, Eastern District (Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry), Upper Canada (Ontario), Canada and died on 26 Feb 1919 in Cornwall Twp, Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada at age 90. Other names for George were George A. Papst and George A. Paupst.

(Duplicate Line. See Person 94)

previous  Fifth Generation  Next

133. Alice Margaret Fetterly 298 299 300 was born on 25 Nov 1843 in Osnabruck Twp, Stormont (Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry), Canada West (Ontario), Canada, died on 12 Jul 1882 in Osnabruck Twp (South Stormont), Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada at age 38, and was buried in Willis Cemetery, [North] Lunenburg, Osnabruck Twp (South Stormont), Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada.

Death Notes: Rosemary Benson has d. 1 June 1900.
John Poaps has d. 12 JUL 1882 in Osnabruck Twp., Ontario, Canada.

Burial Notes: May be buried in North Lunenburg Cemetery.

Research Notes: First wife of Jacob John Frederick Papst.

Alice married Jacob J. F. Paupst,253 son of George Abraham Paupst 84 and Sarah Eve Empey,84 247 248 249 on 11 Dec 1867 in St. Matthews Church, Osnabruck, Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada. Jacob was born on 25 Nov 1845 in Cornwall Twp, Stormont (Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry), Canada West (Ontario), Canada, died on 28 Sep 1935 at age 89, and was buried in Willis Cemetery, [North] Lunenburg, Osnabruck Twp (South Stormont), Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada.65 Another name for Jacob was Jacob John Frederick Papst.

Burial Notes: Gravestone reads:
Jacob J. F. Paupst
b. Nov. 25, 1845 - d. Sept. 28, 1935
his wife
Mary M. Fetterly
b. Nov 25, 1843 - d. June 1, 1900

(Duplicate Line. See Person 99)

137. Osborne Poapst 82 320 321 was born on 14 Nov 1856 in Cornwall, Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Canada West (Ontario), Canada, died on 7 Feb 1946 in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada322 at age 89, and was buried in Brookside Cemetery, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.323 Other names for Osborne were Osborn Poapst and Osburn Popst.

Death Notes: Scanned obituary from

Winnipeg Free Press
February 8, 1946
POAPST, Osborne - On February 7, 1946, at his late residence, 605 Toronto St., Osborne, beloved husband of Agnes Poapst, in his 90th year. Funeral service Saturday, February 9 at 1 p.m. in Mordue Bros.' Funeral Home, Broadway and Edmonton. Interment in the family plot, Brookside cemetery.

Research Notes: His name is spelled inconsistently, from person to person (handwritten). A Poapst family Bible has Osburn Popst. His name reads "Osborne Poapst" on his gravestone.

Noted events in his life were:

• Census: Ontario, 1861, Cornwall Twp (South Stormont), Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Canada West (Ontario), Canada. 418

• Census: Canada, 1891, Osnabruck Twp (South Stormont), Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada.

Osborne married Agnes Murphy 419 on 26 Dec 1882 in Newington (South Stormont), Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada. Agnes was born on 12 Apr 1863, died on 19 Mar 1947 in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada420 at age 83, and was buried in Brookside Cemetery, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.421

Death Notes: Scanned obituary from

Winnipeg Free Press
March 21, 1947
Mrs. Agnes Poapst, 84, of 605 Toronto street, died Wednesday at 15 Roslyn road. Born in Montreal, Mrs. Poapst came to Winnipeg 44 years ago. Her husband, Osborne, died several years ago. Surviving are three sons, E. O., of Winnipeg; J. F., of Victoria, B.C.; and F. J., in the United States. The funeral service will be held Monday at 1.40 p.m., at Mordue's funeral home, with burial in Brookside cemetery. Rev. S. R/ McLeod and Dr. J. M. Shaver will officiate.

Children from this marriage were:

   165 M    i. Silas Poapst .422

   166 M    ii. Elbern Oscar Poapst 423 424 425 was born on 26 Sep 1883 in Cornwall Twp (South Stormont), Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada, died on 9 Feb 1962 in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada426 at age 78, and was buried in Brookside Cemetery, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. Another name for Elbern was Elburn Poapst.

Death Notes: Obituary reproduced at

Winnipeg Free Press
February 12, 1962
On February 9, 1962, at the Winnipeg General Hospital, after a lengthy illness, Mr. Elbern Oscar Poapst, Ste. 4, 562 Corydon Ave., aged 78 years. Funeral service will be conducted by the Rev. G. F. Dyker, Tuesday, 3:30 p.m. in Mordue Bros. Funeral Home, Broadway at Edmonton, interment in Brookside Cemetery. Mr. Poapst was a member of the Independent Order of Foresters, and Old Age Pensioners Society he was also a well known sports enthusiast. Surviving are his wife Rose B., two daughters, Mrs. J. Swanson (Ethel), Mrs. E. J. Smith (Ruth) and two grandchildren. Please omit flowers any remembrances may be sent to the Diabetic Society.

   167 F    iii. Eva Poapst 427 428 was born on 29 Nov 1889 in Osnabruck Twp (South Stormont), Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada.

   168 M    iv. John Stanley Poapst 429 430 was born on 8 Feb 1898 in Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada. Another name for John was Stanley Poapst.

138. Amy Aditha Poapst 82 320 324 was born on 2 Feb 1858 in Cornwall Twp, Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Canada West (Ontario), Canada, died in 1942 in Hubbard, Hubbard, Minnesota, United States at age 84, and was buried in Hubbard Cemetery, Hubbard, Minnesota, United States. Another name for Amy was Amy Aditha Popst.

Birth Notes: A Poapst family Bible has her birthdate as 14 Feb 1858.

Amy married Thomas Johnson Grant 431 on 25 Sep 1876.84 Thomas was born in Feb 1852 in Osnabruck Centre, Osnabruck Twp (South Stormont), Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Canada West (Ontario), Canada, died on 9 Dec 1930 in Hubbard Co., Minnesota, United States at age 78, and was buried in Hubbard Cemetery, Hubbard, Minnesota, United States.

Noted events in his life were:

• Census: Canada, 1881, Osnabruck (South Stormont), Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada. 432

• Occupation: baker, 1881, Osnabruck (South Stormont), Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada.

• Occupation: grocer, 1883, Wales (South Stormont), Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada. 433

Children from this marriage were:

   169 F    i. Gertrude Evelena Grant 84 434 was born on 2 Aug 1877.

+ 170 F    ii. Bernice Mabel Grant 84 435 was born on 30 Oct 1879.

+ 171 M    iii. Stanley Claude Grant 436 was born on 13 Oct 1883 in Osnabruck Twp (South Stormont), Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada.433

   172 M    iv. Garnet Clare Grant 84 437 was born on 8 Sep 1885.

140. James Edson Poapst 82 329 330 331 was born on 27 Mar 1862 in Lunenburg, Osnabruck Twp (South Stormont), Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Canada West (Ontario), Canada, was christened in Nov 1893 in Free Presbyterian Church, Lunenburg, Osnabruck Twp (South Stormont), Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada, died on 1 Oct 1927 in Cornwall Twp (South Stormont), Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada at age 65, and was buried in 1927 in Waterdown Cemetery, Lunenburg, Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada.332 Other names for James were Edson Poapst and James Edson Popst.

Burial Notes: Note in family Bible: "Rev Whitmer buried Edson Poapst from Newington."

Research Notes: A Poapst family Bible has his name "James Edson Popst." He went by the name "Edson." He probably pronounced his surname "poppst." A handwritten note from 1938 refers to him as "Edson" and spells his sons' last name "Poapst."

Noted events in his life were:

• Owned: (probably) Lots 36, 37 & 38 in Concession VIII (147 acres total), 1879, Cornwall Twp (South Stormont), Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Canada West (Ontario), Canada. 438

• Inherited: his father's house in the 8th concession, 1910, Cornwall Twp, Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada.

• Bought: property adjoining his own, 8th concession, Abt 1923, Cornwall Twp, Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada.

James married Mary Susannah Eamon 439 440 on 29 Aug 1894 in Free Presbyterian Church, Lunenburg, Osnabruck Twp (South Stormont), Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada. Mary was born on 12 Feb 1872 in <Osnabruck Twp or Cornwall Twp>, Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada and died on 24 Aug 1952 in Lunenburg, Osnabruck Twp (South Stormont), Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada at age 80. Other names for Mary were Mary Eaman, Mary Eamer, and Mary Susanna Poapst.

Marriage Notes: David L. Muir has maarriage in Wales, Ontario.

Burial Notes: A Poapst family Bible has: "Rev. Colin Rudd buried Mary Susanne from Cornwall."

Children from this marriage were:

   173 F    i. Ada Gillis Poapst 82 441 442 was born on 5 Nov 1895 in Osnabruck Twp (South Stormont), Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada, died on 6 Nov 1972 in Cornwall Twp, Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada at age 77, and was buried in Woodlawn Cemetery, Cornwall, Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada.

Ada married James Alexander MacMillan 443 on 11 Nov 1919. James was born in 1885 and died on 17 Jun 1955 in Cornwall, Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada at age 70.

   174 F    ii. Beryl Pearl Poapst 82 444 445 was born on 11 Apr 1899 in Cornwall Twp (South Stormont), Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada and died on 27 Oct 1993 in Winchester (North Dundas), Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada at age 94.

Beryl married Archie Morrison.

+ 175 M    iii. Lloyd Earle Poapst 82 201 446 447 448 was born on 22 Aug 1900 in Northfield Station, Lunenburg (South Stormont), Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada and died on 3 Feb 1994 in Merrickville, Leeds and Grenville, Ontario, Canada at age 93.

+ 176 M    iv. Garnet Clare Poapst 82 201 449 450 451 was born on 4 Feb 1903, was christened on 8 Jun 1903 in Free Presbyterian Church, Lunenburg, Osnabruck Twp (South Stormont), Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada, and died on 17 May 1990 in Cornwall, Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada at age 87.

143. Elizabeth Poapst 82 339 340 was born on 20 Apr 1868 in Cornwall Twp, Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada, died on 18 Oct 1957 in <Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry>, Ontario, Canada at age 89, and was buried in <Grantley United Church Cemetery, Grantley, Williamsburg Twp>, Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada. Another name for Elizabeth was Lizzie Poapst.

Elizabeth married Alexander John Shaver,452 453 454 son of William Herman Shaver 456 and Catherine MacMillan,457 458 on 27 Dec 1893 in Free Presbyterian Church, Lunenburg, Osnabruck Twp (South Stormont), Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada.455 Alexander was born on 10 Sep 1866 in Osnabruck (South Stormont), Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Canada West (Ontario), Canada, died on 22 Jan 1957 in <Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry>, Ontario, Canada at age 90, and was buried in Grantley United Church Cemetery, Grantley, Williamsburg Twp, Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada.

Birth Notes: Lot-25, 9th concession

Children from this marriage were:

   177 M    i. Harold Shaver 129 was born on 18 Nov 1895 in Ontario, Canada.

   178 M    ii. Roy Norman Shaver 129 459 was born on 23 Dec 1897 in Ontario, Canada. Another name for Roy was Ray Norman Shaver.

   179 F    iii. Bessie Maude Shaver 129 460 was born on 10 Jun 1900 in Ontario, Canada.

145. Howard Alexander Poapst 82 129 345 346 was born on 16 Apr 1875 in Lunenburg, Osnabruck Twp (South Stormont), Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada, died in 1966 in <Cornwall, Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry>, Ontario, Canada at age 91, and was buried in Woodlawn Cemetery, Cornwall, Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada.347

Birth Notes: A Poapst family Bible has his birthdate as April 16th, 1875. Other sources has April 17, 1875.

Howard married Anna Marie Markell,461 462 daughter of Nelson Markell and Mary Pitts, on 16 May 1900 in Trinity Anglican Church, Cornwall, Ontario, Canada. Anna was born on 2 Sep 1876 and died in 1966 at age 90. Other names for Anna were Annie Markell and Hanna Markell.

Marriage Notes: From :
Howard A. Poapst
age: 25
Residence: Lunenburg, Ontario
Parents: Alexander Poapst and Emmeline Wereley
married: Anna Markell
age: 23
Residence: Osnabruck
Parents: Nelson Markell and Mary Pitts
Date: May 16, 1900, Rev. A. McGregor, Woodlands.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 180 M    i. Harold Alexander Poapst 463 464 465 466 467 was born on 3 Nov 1900, died on 24 Mar 1991 in Cornwall, Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada at age 90, and was buried in Saint Lawrence Valley Cemetery, Ingleside, Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada.

   181 F    ii. Dorothy Poapst

   182 M    iii. Ray Poapst

   183 F    iv. Leda May Poapst

147. Minerva Frances Paupst 357 358 was born in Jan 1860 in Canada West (Ontario), Canada, died in 1909 in Rolla, Rolette, North Dakota, United States at age 49, and was buried in Rolla Cemetery, Rolla, Rolette, North Dakota, United States. Another name for Minerva was Mary Paupst.

Minerva married John Eden Brown,468 469 son of David R. Brown 468 and Sarah A. Jardine,468 on 1 Jan 1880 in Free Presbyterian Church, Lunenburg, Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada.468 John was born in Sep 1858 in Cornwall (South Stormont), Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Canada West (Ontario), Canada, died on 22 Feb 1926 in Rolla, Rolette, North Dakota, United States at age 67, and was buried in Rolla Cemetery, Rolla, Rolette, North Dakota, United States.

Children from this marriage were:

   184 F    i. Jessie Pearl Brown 470 was born on 12 Jul 1888 in Rolette, Dakota Territory (North Dakota), United States, died on 2 Jun 1945 in Rolette, North Dakota, United States at age 56, and was buried in Rolla Cemetery, Rolla, Rolette, North Dakota, United States.

Jessie married Frank Addison Foley.471 Frank was born on 28 Dec 1877 in New Hope, Lincoln, Missouri, United States, died on 1 Oct 1968 in Torrance, Los Angeles, California, United States at age 90, and was buried in Pacific Crest Cemetery, Redondo Beach, Los Angeles, California, United States.

+ 185 F    ii. Roxie Geneva Brown 472 was born in Jan 1892 in Cornwall (South Stormont), Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada and was buried in Rolla Cemetery, Rolla, Rolette, North Dakota, United States.

148. Hiram Poapst 359 360 was born about 1864 in Northfield Station, Cornwall Twp, Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Canada West (Ontario), Canada, died on 13 Apr 1927 in Cornwall Twp (South Stormont), Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada about age 63, and was buried in Willis Cemetery, [North] Lunenburg, Osnabruck Twp (South Stormont), Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada. Another name for Hiram was Hiram Papst.

Death Notes: Obituary transcribed at

The Freeholder, Cornwall, ON - 28 April 1927

Northfield Station
Hiram Poapst
With deep regret the relatives and friends learned of the death of Hiram Poapst, which occurred at the Cornwall General Hospital on Wednesday, April 13, 1927. Mr. Poapst had been in ill health for some time and notwithstanding all that the best medical aid and tender nursing could do, passed away. The late Mr. Poapst, son of the late Mr. & Mrs. Ephraim Poapst, was born at Northfield Station 63 years ago. He had a very kind and jovial disposition and was beloved by all who knew him. The funeral which took place on Saturday, April 16, from his late residence, Northfield Station, was very largely attended, showing the high esteem in which he was held. The deepest sympathy of the community is extended to his widow, who was Vella McEwan, one son and two daughters, Minerva and Garret at home, and Mrs. J. P. Shaver, Arlington, New Jersey. He is survived by one grandson, John Wilbur Shaver, five sisters, Mrs. Alice Rombough, of Toronto; Mrs. May Gailfus, San Francisco, California; Mrs. William M. Bush, North Lunenburg; Mrs. Stella Widmeyer, North Dakota; Mrs. W. Salmon, of Morrisburg; and one brother, E. Poapst of Viceroy, Saskatchewan. The funeral services which were held at Willis United Church and North Lunenburg Cemetery were conducted by Rev. R. Wilson Carr. The pallbearers were Oscar Fickes, Adam Rupert, William Arbuthnot, Jacob Rupert, Daniel Eamer, Heber Wereley. Among the relatives present from a distance were: Mr. & Mrs. J. W. Shaver, Arlington, New Jersey; Mrs. Alice Rombough, Toronto; Mr. & Mrs. N. Ault, Mr. & Mrs. H. S. Prosser, Mr. & Mrs. W. Wood, Walter Wood, W. Rombough, Mr. & Mrs. H. Poapst, Mr. & Mrs. Harold Poapst, Cornwall; Mr. & Mrs. W. Salmon and family, Morrisburg; Mr. & Mrs. I. Meek, Mille Roches; Mr. & Mrs. A. Brown, Mrs. Elizabeth Markell, C. Markell, Dickinson Landing. The floral offerings were very beautiful and included the following Wreaths - The Family, Neighbors and Friends, Northfield; Mr. & Mrs. J. A. Munro and family, Ottawa. Cross - Mrs. Alice Rombough and family. Pillow - Mr. & Mrs. J. W. Shaver, Avonmore. Sprays - Mr. & Mrs. Heber Wereley, Mr. & Mrs. P. J. McEwan and Annie, Mr. & Mrs. W. Bush, Mr. & Mrs. H. S. Prosser, Mr. & Mrs. W. Salmon, Mr. & Mrs. Nelson Ault and family, Avonmore High School.

Research Notes: Obituary (from
The Freeholder, Cornwall, ON, 28 Apr 1927
Submitted by Marg McFarlane
Northfield Station
Hiram Poapst
With deep regret the relatives and friends learned of the death of Hiram Poapst, which occurred at the Cornwall General Hospital on Wednesday, April 13, 1927. Mr. Poapst had been in ill health for some time and notwithstanding all that the best medical aid and tender nursing could do, passed away. The late Mr. Poapst, son of the late Mr. & Mrs. Ephraim Poapst, was born at Northfield Station 63 years ago. He had a very kind and jovial disposition and was beloved by all who knew him. The funeral which took place on Saturday, April 16, from his late residence, Northfield Station, was very largely attended, showing the high esteem in which he was held. The deepest sympathy of the community is extended to his widow, who was Vella McEwan, one son and two daughters, Minerva and Garret at home, and Mrs. J. P. Shaver, Arlington, New Jersey. He is survived by one grandson, John Wilbur Shaver, five sisters, Mrs. Alice Rombough, of Toronto; Mrs. May Gailfus, San Francisco, California; Mrs. William M. Bush, North Lunenburg; Mrs. Stella Widmeyer, North Dakota; Mrs. W. Salmon, of Morrisburg; and one brother, E. Poapst of Viceroy, Saskatchewan. The funeral services which were held at Willis United Church and North Lunenburg Cemetery were conducted by Rev. R. Wilson Carr. The pallbearers were Oscar Fickes, Adam Rupert, William Arbuthnot, Jacob Rupert, Daniel Eamer, Heber Wereley. Among the relatives present from a distance were: Mr. & Mrs. J. W. Shaver, Arlington, New Jersey; Mrs. Alice Rombough, Toronto; Mr. & Mrs. N. Ault, Mr. & Mrs. H. S. Prosser, Mr. & Mrs. W. Wood, Walter Wood, W. Rombough, Mr. & Mrs. H. Poapst, Mr. & Mrs. Harold Poapst, Cornwall; Mr. & Mrs. W. Salmon and family, Morrisburg; Mr. & Mrs. I. Meek, Mille Roches; Mr. & Mrs. A. Brown, Mrs. Elizabeth Markell, C. Markell, Dickinson Landing. The floral offerings were very beautiful and included the following Wreaths - The Family, Neighbors and Friends, Northfield; Mr. & Mrs. J. A. Munro and family, Ottawa. Cross - Mrs. Alice Rombough and family. Pillow - Mr. & Mrs. J. W. Shaver, Avonmore. Sprays - Mr. & Mrs. Heber Wereley, Mr. & Mrs. P. J. McEwan and Annie, Mr. & Mrs. W. Bush, Mr. & Mrs. H. S. Prosser, Mr. & Mrs. W. Salmon, Mr. & Mrs. Nelson Ault and family, Avonmore High School.

Noted events in his life were:

• Occupation: farmer, 1897.

• Residence: 2 Jun 1921, Northfield Station, Cornwall Twp, Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada. 473

Hiram married Sevella M. E. McEwan,474 475 daughter of Hugh McEwan 476 and Esther Ault,476 on 20 Dec 1896 in Cornwall, Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada.476 Sevella was born on 28 Nov 1872 in Cornwall (South Stormont), Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada, died on 26 Dec 1938 in Lunenburg, Osnabruck Twp (South Stormont), Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada at age 66, and was buried in Lunenburg United Cemetery, Osnabruck Twp (South Stormont), Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada. Other names for Sevella were Sevilla M. E. McEwan and Vella McEwan.

Marriage Notes: Ceremony performed by Rev. A. Russell. Witnesses were Percy McEwan of Cornwall and Edith Grant of Charlottenburgh.

Children from this marriage were:

   186 M    i. < > Poapst 477 was born about 1877.

+ 187 M    ii. Garrett Andrew Poapst 478 479 was born on 21 Oct 1899 in Cornwall, Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada.480

   188 F    iii. Maisie Hazel Poapst 481 482 was born on 15 Mar 1902 in Cornwall, Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada483 and died in 1937 at age 35. Another name for Maisie was Maisie Hazel Papst.

Maisie married Jacob Wilbur Shaver,482 484 son of Herman Shaver and Elizabeth Dixon, on 9 Jul 1924 in Cornwall, Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada.485 Jacob was born <1900>.

   189 F    iv. Esther Minerva Poapst 486 was born on 29 Apr 1911 in Cornwall, Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada.

151. Effie Zaida Poapst 370 was born on 25 Mar 1873 in Cornwall (South Stormont), Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada,371 was christened on 25 Oct 1883 in Free Presbyterian Church, Lunenburg, Osnabruck Twp (South Stormont), Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada, died in 1967 in Osnabruck (South Stormont), Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada at age 94, and was buried in Willis Cemetery, [North] Lunenburg, Osnabruck Twp (South Stormont), Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada.372 Another name for Effie was Effie C. Poapst.

Birth Notes: A transcription of her baptism record on FamilySearch has her birthdate as 25 Mar 1873. Another source has 25 Mar 1875.

Noted events in her life were:

• Residence: 1921, North Lunenburg, Osnabruck, Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada.

Effie married William H. Bush.487 William was born in 1870, died in 1944 at age 74, and was buried in Willis Cemetery, [North] Lunenburg, Osnabruck Twp (South Stormont), Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada.

Children from this marriage were:

   190 M    i. Ralph Ira Charles Bush 488 was born <1894>, died on 30 Apr 1971 at age 77, and was buried in Willis Cemetery, [North] Lunenburg, Osnabruck Twp (South Stormont), Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada. Another name for Ralph was Ralph Ira Bush.

Ralph married Hazel Ruth Burton,488 489 daughter of George Burton 488 and Christina Moke,488 on 2 Sep 1920 in Osnabruck (South Stormont), Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada. Hazel was born on 14 Dec 1894, died on 7 Dec 1975 at age 80, and was buried in Willis Cemetery, [North] Lunenburg, Osnabruck Twp (South Stormont), Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada.

Noted events in her life were:

• Religion: Baptist.

   191 M    ii. Elias Ephriam Bush 490 was born on 24 Apr 1906,491 was christened on 6 May 1906 in Free Presbyterian Church, Lunenburg, Osnabruck Twp (South Stormont), Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada, died in 1987 at age 81, and was buried in Willis Cemetery, [North] Lunenburg, Osnabruck Twp (South Stormont), Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada.

152. Stella Sybil Poapst 373 was born on 6 Jun 1876 in Lunenburg, Osnabruck Twp (South Stormont), Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada, was christened on 24 Oct 1883 in Free Presbyterian Church, Lunenburg, Osnabruck Twp (South Stormont), Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada,374 died in 1965375 at age 89, and was buried in Willis Cemetery, [North] Lunenburg, Osnabruck Twp (South Stormont), Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada. Other names for Stella were Stella Sybil Paupst and Stella Widmeyer.

Birth Notes: A transcription of her baptismal record on FamilySearch has her birthdate as 05 Jun 1875.

Noted events in her life were:

• Immigrated: 1904, United States.

• Census: U.S., 1910, Rolla, Rolette, North Dakota, United States. 492

• Census: U.S., 1920, Rolette, North Dakota, United States.

• Census: U.S., 1930, Rolla, Rolette, North Dakota, United States. 493

Stella married Guido Widmeyer 494 495 on 7 Oct 1907 in Rolla, Rolette, North Dakota, United States. Guido was born in 1860 in Canada West (Ontario), Canada, died in 1924 at age 64, and was buried in Rolla Cemetery, Rolla, Rolette, North Dakota, United States.

Marriage Notes: From Gord Adams on 27 Nov 2011:
Note: (1907) "The Rolla, N.D., Herald says:- ' Guido Widmeyer and Miss Stella Paupst, both of Rolla, were married at the residence of the bride's sister. Mrs. C. R. Gailfus, in this city, on Monday, Oct. 7, Rev. J. P. Schell performing the ceremony. The groom has been a resident of Rolette and Towner county for many years and is one of the most successful and respected business men of this city at the present time. He came to Towner county in 1885, and settled on a homestead in northern Towner county. For years he lived on and worked a farm of nine quarter sections at Picton, which he owned jointly with C. R. Gailfus. About two years ago they sold the farm, since which time he has made Rolla his home. He is now a member of the Rollette County Abstracting Company. The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ephriam Paupst of Lunenburg, Ont., and a sister of Mrs. J. E. Brown and Mrs. C. R. Gailfus. She has been a resident of Rolla for a number of years and was one of the most popular young ladies in the city. The groom was dressed in conventional black and the bride was dressed in a brown suesine silk jumper suit, over a blouse of cream embroidered chiffon. The wedding was performed at 9:30 in the morning and after a wedding breadfast the newly married couple went by automobile to Gronna, where they took the train for the Twin Cities for a wedding trip of two or three weeks.' The Freeholder joins the bride's many Stormont friends in extending congratulations to the happy couple, and wishes them a long and happy married life." 367

Noted events in his life were:

• Immigrated: 1885, United States. 496

• Occupation: "Abstroitor" in real estate, 1910, Rolla, Rolette, North Dakota, United States.

• Census: U.S., 26 Apr 1910, Rolla, Rolette, North Dakota, United States.

• Occupation: farmer, 1920, Fairview, Rolette, North Dakota, United States.

• Census: U.S., 11 Feb 1920, Fairview, Rolette, North Dakota, United States. 497

Children from this marriage were:

   192 F    i. Margaret A. Widmeyer 498 was born about 1910 in North Dakota, United States.

   193 F    ii. Aurelia Widmeyer

Stella next married John M. Gray on 20 Sep 1938 in St. Paul's Manse, <Lunenburg>, Osnabruck Twp, Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada.

Noted events in his life were:

• Residence: 1938, North Lunenburg, Osnabruck, Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada.

155. Harry Elsworth Poapst 401 402 403 was born on 6 May 1878 in Lunenburg, Osnabruck Twp (South Stormont), Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada,404 was christened on 31 Oct 1884 in Free Presbyterian Church, Lunenburg, Osnabruck Twp (South Stormont), Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada, died on 5 Jun 1950 in Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California, United States at age 72, and was buried in Sunnyside Cemetery, Long Beach, Los Angeles, California, United States.405 Other names for Harry were Harry Ellsworth Paupst and Harry Ellsworth Poapst.

Birth Notes: Birth record in Cornwall Township, Stormont, Ontario. has 5 May 1878. Needs verification.

Christening Notes: Rosemary Benson has him baptized in the Church of Scotland in Lunenburg, same date.

Noted events in his life were:

• Graduated: Rochester State Hospital school of nursing, 1900, Rochester, Minnesota, United States.

• Occupation: Graduate nurse at Rochester State Hospital, 31 Jul 1902, Rochester, Minnesota, United States. 499

• Occupation: Head ward nurse, with 3/4 board and $39.50 per month, at Rochester State Hospital, 31 Jul 1906, Rochester, Minnesota, United States.

• Census: U.S., 1930, Long Beach, Los Angeles, California, United States. 500

• Residence: 1930 Cherry Ave., 1935, Signal HIll, Los Angeles, California, United States.

• Marriage: 12 Oct 1935, Long Beach, Los Angeles, California, United States. 501 (Witness)

• Census: U.S., 4 Apr 1940, Signal HIll, Los Angeles, California, United States. 502

• Occupation: grocer, Abt 1940, Long Beach, Los Angeles, California, United States.

Harry married Cecilia J. Rawn,503 504 505 daughter of Peter Rawn 506 and Mary A. Christianson,506 on 22 Jun 1906 in Saint Paul, Ramsey, Minnesota, United States.505 Cecilia was born about 1889 in Herning, Denmark, died on 23 Jul 1927 in Long Beach, Los Angeles, California, United States507 about age 38, and was buried in Sunnyside Cemetery, Long Beach, Los Angeles, California, United States.508 Other names for Cecilia were Cecilia Raure, Cecilie Raure, Celia Raure, and Cecilia Raven.

Children from this marriage were:

   194 M    i. Gordon Curtis Poapst 509 was born on 30 Jun 1908 in Anaheim, Orange, California, United States,510 died on 8 Jun 1966 in Los Angeles, California, United States511 at age 57, and was buried in Fort Rosecrans National Cemetery, San Diego, San Diego, California, United States.512

Gordon married Atoka Binyon,501 daughter of George Binyon and Abie Williford, on 12 Oct 1935 in Long Beach, Los Angeles, California, United States.501 Atoka was born <1907> in Lindsey, Oklahoma, United States. Another name for Atoka was Atoka Lee Ward.

Marriage Notes: Ceremony performed by Ewing S. Hudson, pastor of the Second Presbyterian Church of Long Beach, witnessed by his father, Harry E. Poapst, of Long Beach and Max. E. Holly of Long Beach.

Noted events in her life were:

• Occupation: waitress, 1935.

   195 F    ii. Helen R. Poapst 513 514 was born on 15 Oct 1910 in Rochester, Olmsted, Minnesota, United States, died on 28 Aug 1934 in Long Beach, Los Angeles, California, United States at age 23, and was buried in Sunnyside Cemetery, Long Beach, Los Angeles, California, United States.

Death Notes: According to, she "Deliberately drank bichloride of mercury."

156. Edith Pearl Poapst 73 223 406 407 was born on 3 Sep 1880 in <Lunenburg, Osnabruck Twp (South Stormont)>, Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada, was christened on 31 Oct 1884 in Church of Scotland, Lunenburg, Osnabruck Twp (South Stormont), Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada, died on 20 Oct 1943 in Los Angeles, California, United States at age 63, and was buried in Sunnyside Cemetery, Long Beach, Los Angeles, California, United States.408 Other names for Edith were Edith Pearl Paupst and Edith Pearl Poaps.

Birth Notes: From Wikipedia (
Eastern District was one of four districts of Upper Canada created in 1788 . It comprised the St. Lawrence-Quebec border area, now eastern Ontario. It was originally named Lunenburg District, likely for the Brunswick-Lüneburg , but was renamed in 1792. It was abolished in 1849.
The district was originally bounded to the west by a line running north from the mouth of the Gananoque River and to the east by Lower Canada . The district town was New Johnstown, later renamed Cornwall . In 1798, the district was reorganized to consist of the counties of:
Ontario (abolished in 1800)
In 1849, the district was replaced by the United Counties of Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry .

Christening Notes: May have been baptized in the Free Presbyterian Church, Lunenburg (same as the Church of Scotland?).

Death Notes: Death date from "Decree Establishing Death of Joint Tenant" dated 15 Aug 1944.

General Notes: Wallace family nickname "Monie."

Research Notes: Written evidence in Lorna Doone Wallace (Johnson) collection does not show Poapst spelled "Paupst." However, a postcard from Edith to her motherdated 19 February 1907, addresses her as "Mrs. Helen Poaps." Later family records and photographs consistently have "Poapst."

The text of Edith's holographic will, dated July 23rd, 1940 at Long Beach, California follows.

Long Beach, Calif.,
July 23rd, 1940.

To whom it may concern,

I have a one thousand dollar Life Insurance Policy (New York), No. 12 971 932. The annual Premium is $63.68 and the Policy was taken out Sept. 19th 1936. Cash surrender value $96.00.
I have 50 shares Capital stock in the Transport Oil Co. Cert. No. 1349. Address is 2nd floor, Merrit Bldg., 8th & Bdwy., Los Angeles, Calif.
I have 1/10 interest in Trust 560 held in the Farmer's and Merchant's Bank in Long Beach.
I have the mineral rights in half of Lot 26, Block 21, Back Bay Tract No. 1 as per map Book 10, at Page 146 of maps together with that portion of Riverside Drive adjoining said lot on the Northwest and that portion of the alley adjoining said lot on the Southeast, vacated by the city of Long Beach.
North half of lot 5 Block 58 Tract 1840 as per map recorded Book 31 at Page 41 in the office of San Bernardino Co. Recorder
I, Edith P. Wallace, this 10th day of October, 1942, do give and bequeath to my son Stanley H. Wallace, and my daughter, Lorna Wallace Johnson all my real and personal property to be disposed of as they jointly see fit so to do.
To my son Lind H. Wallace I give the sum of one dollar ($1.00), as I know Lorna and Stanley will be absolutely fair in their distribution of said property according to the justice of said distribution.
Edith P. Wallace
5567 California Ave.
Long Beach, Calif.
Lorna and Stanley are beneficiaries of my life insurance. Lorna's portion is to pay my funeral expenses and any outstanding bills, Stanley's to reimburse him for the money spent by him for me since Aug. 1941, and because he worked to help me pay a grocery bill of over $500.00, remaining out of school for this purpose one year.
Edith P. Wallace

Noted events in her life were:

• Graduated: Rochester State Hospital school of nursing, Jun 1901, Rochester, Minnesota, United States.

• Occupation: Graduate Nurse at Rochester State Hospital, 31 Jul 1902, Rochester, Minnesota, United States. 499

• Occupation: Head Ward Nurse, without board, at $36.00 per month at the Rochester State Hospital, 31 Jul 1904, Rochester, Minnesota, United States.

• Residence: 826 East 5th Street, Aug 1905, Rochester, Minnesota, United States.

• Residence: 303 Broadway, Jun 1906, Helena, Montana, United States.

• Residence: until 1908, Rochester, Minnesota, United States.

• Residence: 510 W. Center Street, 1908-abt 1909, Anaheim, Orange, California, United States.

• Residence: 311 Walnut Avenue, Abt 1909-1910, Long Beach, Los Angeles, California, United States.

• Residence: 1431 Linden Avenue, 1911-1935, Long Beach, Los Angeles, California, United States.

• Census: U.S., 7 Jan 1920, Long Beach, Los Angeles, California, United States. 388 (Household Member)

• Census: U.S., 11 Apr 1930, Long Beach, Los Angeles, California, United States. 515 (Household Member)

• Will: 23 Jul 1940, Long Beach, Los Angeles, California, United States.

• Residence: 1424 Linden Avenue, 1935-1939, Long Beach, Los Angeles, California, United States.

• Residence: 5567 California Avenue, 1939-1943, Long Beach, Los Angeles, California, United States.

Edith married William Havelock Wallace,73 223 516 517 son of John Donald Wallace 519 520 521 522 and Hannah Patmore,523 on 18 Mar 1911 in First Methodist Episcopal Church, Long Beach, Los Angeles, California, United States.518 William was born on 14 Sep 1870 in Elora (Centre Wellington), Nichol Twp, Wellington, Ontario, Canada, died on 6 Aug 1935 in <Long Beach, Los Angeles>, California, United States524 at age 64, and was buried in Sunnyside Cemetery, Long Beach, Los Angeles, California, United States.525

Marriage Notes: Ceremony performed by Henry I Rasmus, pastor of First Methodist Episcopal Church. Witnesses J. E. Springer of Los Angeles and Theodora Jayne of Anaheim.
Diary entry by William H. Wallace:
March 18, 1918 - Mon.
Seven years ago Edith and I were married in Long Beach by Dr. H. I. Rasmus in the parsonage with Jim Springer and Dora Jayne as best man and lady in the presence of Wm Rasmus & wife & Dr & Mrs Rasmus, then Dr. drove six of us to L.A. Jim & Dora following on train and we had our wedding dinner at Hotel Lankershim. Edith & I left that evening for San Francisco on our wedding trip and attended State YMCA Convention there, took in various sights, took steamboat to Sacramento, and Phe Larter had wedding breakfast ready for us upon our arrival home. Many changes have taken place in those short years.
Announcement published in a local [Anaheim?] paper:
Mrs. Helen Lind Poapst, informally announces the marriage of her daughter Edith to William Haveloch [sic] Wallace, on Saturday, March 18, at four o'clock, at Long Beach, Cal.
Owing to the recent severe illness of the bride's mother, the ceremony was quietly performed at the parsonage of the First M.E. church, Dr. H. I. Rasmus officiting, and only Miss Theodora Jayne of Anaheim and James Springer of Los Angeles being attendants.
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace went immediately to Los Angeles by automobile, and at 8 p.m. left on The Lark for San Francisco and other northern points of interest. On return they will be at home after May first at 1431 Linden Ave., Long Beach. No cards.
Miss Poapst is a sister of Mrs. J. L. Beebe and is well known in Anaheim, having made her home with Dr. and Mrs. Beebe previous to going to Long Beach. She has a host of friends in this city and vicinity, where she has been admired for her unusual beauty and cleverness and loved for the rare grace and charm of her personality.
Mr. Wallace, who is a nephew of Lieutenant-Governor Albert J. Wallace, is a prominent citizen and banker of Long Beach. He is known and resppected throughout California, not only as a successful man of affairs, but particularly for his earnest and efficient work in the Y.M.C.A., of which organization he is state treasurer.
Wherever they are known, friends and acquaintances of Mr. and Mrs. Wallace will rejoice at the union of two such useful and beautiful lives, while they wish them all the happiness they so well deserve.
Announcement published in a Long Beach paper, most likely The Long Beach Daily Telegraph, after the wedding:
W. H. Wallace Weds.
Of great interest to Long Beach owing to the pro9minence of the groom was the very quiet wedding of Mr. W. H. Wallace and Miss Edith Poapst Saturday afternoon in this city.
The services were read at four by Rev. H. I. Rasmus pastor of the First M. E. church at his residence. The bride was attired in her traveling gown. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace left later for Los Angeles, where they entertained a few friends at Hotel Lankershim, leaving for San Francisco later in the evening, where they will attend the Y.M.C.A. convention to be held there the latter part of the week. On their return Mr. and Mrs. Wallace will reside at 1431 Linden avenue. Mr. Wallace is one of the most prominent of Long Beach business men and was persident of the Exchange National Bank.
Miss Poapst ils a very attractive young woman who came here from Anaheim last summer with her mother, and is a sister-in-law of Dr. Beebe, a well-known physician of Anaheim. 526

Birth Notes: Elora is near Guelph in Ontario.

Death Notes: According to the Hamline University Alumni Bulletin in 1935 or 1936, "Mr. Wallace died in the Anaheim Hospital at Long Beach, California, after a short illness due to infection from an ulcerated tooth." The city of Anaheim is in Orange County; Long Beach is in Los Angeles County.

Noted events in his life were:

• Religion: a Methodist Episcopalian.

• Party: Republican.

• Moved: From Pilkington Tp to Wellington Tp, 1879, Elora (Centre Wellington), Nichol Twp, Wellington, Ontario, Canada.

• Immigrated: from Elora (Canada) to Lincoln, Nebraska (United States), Nov 1880, Lincoln, Lancaster, Nebraska, United States.

• Moved: From Lincoln to Drayton, North Dakota, Feb 1881.

• Acceded: Homestead patent, Apr 1881, Drayton, Pembina, Dakota Territory (North Dakota), United States. 527

• Attended: Hamline University, 1886, Saint Paul, Ramsey, Minnesota, United States.

• Attended: Hamline University, Sep-Dec 1887, Saint Paul, Ramsey, Minnesota, United States.

• Moved: From St. Paul to Pasadena, Dec 1887, Pasadena, Los Angeles, California, United States.

• Moved: From Pasadena to Drayton, Mar 1888, Drayton, North Dakota, United States.

• Attended: Hamline University, Sep 1888, Saint Paul, Ramsey, Minnesota, United States.

• Attended: Hamline University, 1893, Saint Paul, Ramsey, Minnesota, United States.

• Occupation: Conductor on street-car line, 1893, Saint Paul, Ramsey, Minnesota, United States.

• Occupation: traveling bookseller with his brother Ed during summer vacation, 1893, Nebraska, United States.

• Attended: Hamline University, 1894, Saint Paul, Ramsey, Minnesota, United States. 528

• Graduated: Hamline University with an A.B., 1895, Saint Paul, Ramsey, Minnesota, United States.

• Marriage: Mabel Gold, 21 Jul 1897, Renville, Minnesota, United States.

• Organized: the Bank of Belview, 1897, Belview, Redwood., Minnesota, United States.

• Organized: the Bank of Revere, 1898, Revere, Redwood, Minnesota, United States.

• Child: Donald Clare Wallace born on, 10 Jul 1898, Belview, Redwood., Minnesota, United States.

• Organized: the State Bank of Wabasso, 1899, Wabasso, Redwood, Minnesota, United States.

• Was instrumental: in buying the Bank of Vesta, 1900, Vesta, Redwood, Minnesota, United States.

• Census: U.S., 21 Jun 1900, Belview, Redwood, Minnesota, United States. 529

• Residence: 1901, Redwood Falls, Redwood, Minnesota, United States.

• Sold: the Bank of Belview, 1901.

• Organized: Gold-Stabeck State Bank with William H. Gold, 1901, Redwood Falls, Redwood, Minnesota, United States.

• Travel: to the Grand Canyon, Abt 1903.

• Invested: in Broadway Bank & Trust Co., 1905, <Los Angeles>, Los Angeles, California, United States.

• Moved: from Redwood Falls, Minnesota, 1905, Los Angeles, California, United States.

• Residence: 1905, Redwood Falls, Redwood, Minnesota, United States. 530

• Residence: 1431 Linden Avenue, 1905-1935, Long Beach, Los Angeles, California, United States.

• Served: Trustee of Hamline University, 1905, Saint Paul, Ramsey, Minnesota, United States.

• Travel: to explore possiblities of land development,, late 1905 to early 1906, Mexico.

• Sold: his banking interests in Minnesota, Jul 1905, Redwood, Minnesota, United States.

• Address: 1046 West 36th Street, 1906, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California, United States.

• Travel: while investigating property in Tepic Territory, Mexico, Apr-May 1906, Mexico.

• Served: as Director of the Long Beach YMCA, Long Beach, Los Angeles, California, United States.

• Served: as aTrustee of the First Methodist Episcopal Church, <Long Beach>, Los Angeles, California, United States.

• Organized: Exchange National Bank, 1907, Long Beach, Los Angeles, California, United States.

• Occupation: Cashier at Exchange National Bank, vice-president and director, 1907, Long Beach, Los Angeles, California, United States.

• Served: Campaign Manager for Long Beach Harbor bonds, 1907, Long Beach, Los Angeles, California, United States.

• Occupation: Vice President, Exchange National Bank, Long Beach, Los Angeles, California, United States.

• Member: of the Virginia Country Club, 1910-1928, Long Beach, Los Angeles, California, United States.

• Occupation: Director of Ornamental Brick & Stone Co., Abt 1910, <Los Angeles>, California, United States.

• Occupation: Director of General Appliance Manufacturing Co., Abt 1910, <Los Angeles>, California, United States.

• Occupation: Director of Citizens Savings Bank, Abt 1910, <Los Angeles>, California, United States.

• Census: 25 Apr 1910, Long Beach, Los Angeles, California, United States. 531

• Travel: Jun 1913, Cazadero, Sonoma, California, United States.

• Travel: Oct 1913, Nebraska, United States.

• Occupation: Vice President of the Bank of Long Beach, 1915, Long Beach, Los Angeles, California, United States.

• Member: of the Masonic Order, Long Beach, Los Angeles, California, United States.

• Occupation: vice president of the Bank of Long Beach, 1915, Long Beach, Los Angeles, California, United States. 532

• Travel: Jun 1916, Mexico.

• Served: as Treasurer and Director of the State Executive Committee of California Young Men's Christian Association, Abt 1917-1918, <Los Angeles>, California, United States.

• Occupation: Secretary of YMCA, 1918-1919, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California, United States.

• Travel: 1919, Canada.

• Occupation: Executive Secretary of YMCA, 1920, <Long Beach>, Los Angeles, California, United States.

• Census: U.S., 7 Jan 1920, Long Beach, Los Angeles, California, United States. 388

• Office: Executive Secretary, Y.M.C.A., May 1920, Long Beach, Los Angeles, California, United States.

• Travel: with his brother Ed, Mar 1921, San Diego, California, United States.

• Office: Y.M.C.A. Secretary, 22 Apr 1921, Long Beach, Los Angeles, California, United States.

• Travel: 23 Jun 1921, Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States.

• Travel: 28 Jun 1921, College Camp, Wisconsin, United States.

• Travel: to Yosemite National Park, 1924.

• Member: Charter Member of the Pacific Coast Club, 1925-1929, Long Beach, Los Angeles, California, United States.

• Travel: to Yellowstone National Park, 1925.

• Travel: to Porland, Vancouver, Columbia River, Sacramento, 1926.

• Member: Long Beach Chapter No. 84, R. A. M., 6 Apr 1926, Long Beach, Los Angeles, California, United States.

• Member: Los Angeles Athletic Club, 1929, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California, United States.

• Occupation: Real estate broker, 1930, <Long Beach>, Los Angeles, California, United States.

• Census: U.S., 11 Apr 1930, Long Beach, Los Angeles, California, United States. 515

• Occupation: Assistant City Manager for the City of Long Beach, 14 Jul 1930-1932, Long Beach, Los Angeles, California, United States.

• Served: as Vice-President and Director of the Chamber of Commerce, Abt 1931, <Long Beach>, Los Angeles, California, United States.

• Occupation: Purchasing Agent for the City of Long Beach, Abt 1932, Long Beach, Los Angeles, California, United States.

• Residence: 1424 Linden Avenue, 1934, Long Beach, Los Angeles, California, United States.

• Occupation: Licensed Real Estate Salesman, 1935, Long Beach, Los Angeles, California, United States.

• Member: Kiwanis Club, Abt 1932, Long Beach, Los Angeles, California, United States.

• Earthquake: 10 Mar 1933, Long Beach, Los Angeles, California, United States.

• Member: of Odd Fellows.

• Member: of Modern Woodmen of America.

• Member: of United Workman.

• Member: Al Malaikah Temple (Shriners), 1935, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California, United States.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 196 M    i. Donald Clare Wallace [Sr.] 223 was born on 10 Jul 1898 in Belview, Redwood, Minnesota, United States,533 died on 25 May 1985 in Los Angeles, California, United States534 at age 86, and was buried in Sunnyside Cemetery, Long Beach, Los Angeles, California, United States.535 (Relationship to Father: Biological, Relationship to Mother: Step)

+ 197 F    ii. Helen Theo Wallace 223 was born on 30 Sep 1901 in Belview, Redwood, Minnesota, United States,536 died on 21 May 1973 in Colma, San Mateo, California, United States537 538 at age 71, and was buried in Cypress Lawn Memorial Park, Colma, San Mateo, California, United States.539 (Relationship to Father: Biological, Relationship to Mother: Step)

+ 198 M    iii. Lind Havelock Wallace 223 540 was born on 13 Jan 1912 in <Long Beach, Los Angeles>, California, United States and died before 1962 in Baja California, Mexico.

+ 199 M    iv. Stanley Harwood Wallace was born on 8 Sep 1916 in California, United States541 and died on 7 Oct 1997 in Sepulveda, Los Angeles, California, United States at age 81.

+ 200 F    v. Lorna Doone Wallace 542 543 was born on 22 Apr 1921 in Long Beach, Los Angeles, California, United States, died on 21 Mar 2006 in Panorama City, Los Angeles, California, United States at age 84, and was buried on 24 Mar 2006 in Eternal Valley, Newhall, Los Angeles, California, United States.

previous  Sixth Generation  Next

170. Bernice Mabel Grant 84 435 was born on 30 Oct 1879.

Bernice married Lyall Norman.544

Children from this marriage were:

   201 M    i. Grant Hadden Norman 214 545 was born on 26 Apr 1904.

   202 F    ii. Amy Marie Norman 214 546 was born on 10 Jul 1909.

171. Stanley Claude Grant 436 was born on 13 Oct 1883 in Osnabruck Twp (South Stormont), Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada.433 Another name for Stanley was Stanley Claude Grant.

Noted events in his life were:

• Residence: 510 W. 3rd St., 1917, Duluth, Saint Louis, Minnesota, United States.

• Registered: U.S. Draft, 12 Sep 1917, Duluth, Saint Louis, Minnesota, United States. 547

• Occupation: street car operator for Duluth Street Car Co.

Stanley married Winnifred Wright.436

The child from this marriage was:

   203 F    i. Evelyn Louise Grant 84 548 was born on 6 May 1906.

175. Lloyd Earle Poapst 82 201 446 447 448 was born on 22 Aug 1900 in Northfield Station, Lunenburg (South Stormont), Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada and died on 3 Feb 1994 in Merrickville, Leeds and Grenville, Ontario, Canada at age 93.

Research Notes: His name is "Lloyd Earle Poapst" in a Poapst family Bible. This branch of the family pronounces the name "pops."

Wayne Poapst relates the story that his father (Lloyd Poapst) spotted "John Poapst, San Diego" as a writer in the Reader's Digest and guessed that John was a relation and sent him a letter. "...the John my father wrote to was of the Ephriam Poapst family - John Poapst of San Diego, CA wrote back to dad in May 1968 - he said the post office traced him because his name was in the phone book (at that time, over a million people in the city and suburbs).

Noted events in his life were:

• Owned: house next door to that of his grandfather, Alexander Poapst, in the 8th concession, 1930, Cornwall Twp (South Stormont) Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada.

Lloyd married Helen Marion Burton 549 on 26 Jun 1924 in Osnabruck Baptist Church, Osnabruck, Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada. Helen was born on 4 Dec 1902 in Lindsay, Victoria, Ontario, Canada and died on 2 Jun 2000 in Merrickville, Leeds and Grenville, Ontario, Canada at age 97.

Children from this marriage were:

   204 M    i. Wayne Burton Poapst

   205 F    ii. Corinne Gail Poapst

176. Garnet Clare Poapst 82 201 449 450 451 was born on 4 Feb 1903, was christened on 8 Jun 1903 in Free Presbyterian Church, Lunenburg, Osnabruck Twp (South Stormont), Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada, and died on 17 May 1990 in Cornwall, Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada at age 87. Other names for Garnet were Clare Poapst and G. Clare Poapst.

Birth Notes: FamilySearch has 1 Feb 1903, but it also spells his mother's last name "Eaman." May not be accurate.

Burial Notes: The minister at his funeral was Rev. Robert Pentinga.

Research Notes: According to Wayne Poapst, he went by the name "Clare." His name was written as "G. Clare Poapst."

Noted events in his life were:

• Inherited: his father's house, originally built by his grandfather Alexander Poapst, in the 8th concession, 1927, Cornwall Twp, Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada.

Garnet married Mabel Alma Phillips 214 550 on 11 Nov 1925 in Cornwall, Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada. Mabel was born on 18 Mar 1901 in Brantford, Brant, Ontario, Canada and died on 29 Apr 1948 in Lunenburg, Osnabruck Twp (South Stormont), Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada at age 47. Another name for Mabel was Mable Alma Phillips.

Burial Notes: The minister at her funeral was Rev. Colin Rudd.

Children from this marriage were:

   206 F    i. Margaret Mary Poapst 82 551 was born on 12 Jan 1927 in Cornwall, Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada and died on 23 Jan 2009 in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada at age 82.

   207 M    ii. Garnet William E. Poapst

Garnet married Rita Macdonald.

Garnet next married Claire Manson 214 552 on 10 Jun 1953. Claire was born in 1908 and died on 1 Aug 1980 at age 72.

Burial Notes: The minister at her funeral was Larry Stokes.

180. Harold Alexander Poapst 463 464 465 466 467 was born on 3 Nov 1900, died on 24 Mar 1991 in Cornwall, Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada at age 90, and was buried in Saint Lawrence Valley Cemetery, Ingleside, Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada.

Research Notes: A Poapst family Bible has his name "Harold Alexander Poapst," as does an official record of his birth (middle name Alex). Another source has first name Howard, but that is probably incorrect. kjf

Harold married Lena Beatrice Wert 553 554 on 1 Sep 1920. Lena was born on 29 Mar 1900 in <Osnabruck Twp or Cornwall Twp>, Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada, died on 8 Nov 1980 in Long Sault (South Stormont), Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada at age 80, and was buried in Saint Lawrence Valley Cemetery, Ingleside, Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada.

Birth Notes: Another source has b. 24 Mar 1899.

Children from this marriage were:

   208 F    i. Helen M. Poapst

   209 F    ii. Dorothy Joy Poapst

   210 M    iii. Roy Poapst

   211 M    iv. Ray Poapst

185. Roxie Geneva Brown 472 was born in Jan 1892 in Cornwall (South Stormont), Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada and was buried in Rolla Cemetery, Rolla, Rolette, North Dakota, United States.

Roxie married Dr. James P. Widmeyer.555 James was born on 9 Dec 1868 in Ayton, Grey, Ontario, Canada, died in Mar 1941 at age 72, and was buried in Rolla Cemetery, Rolla, Rolette, North Dakota, United States.

Noted events in his life were:

• Occupation: physician with a general practice, 1930, Rolla, Rolette, North Dakota, United States.

• Census: U.S., 7 Apr 1930, Rolla, Rolette, North Dakota, United States. 556

The child from this marriage was:

   212 M    i. Dr. Lionel John Widmeyer 557 was born on 24 Jan 1899, died on 5 Mar 1966 at age 67, and was buried in Rolla Cemetery, Rolla, Rolette, North Dakota, United States.

187. Garrett Andrew Poapst 478 479 was born on 21 Oct 1899 in Cornwall, Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada.480 Another name for Garrett was Garnet Andrew Poapst.

Birth Notes: Canada Births and Baptisms transcribed his birthdate as 23 Oct 1899. Ron Poapst(?) had 21 Oct 1899.

Garrett married Alma Munro, daughter of John Alexander Munro. Another name for Alma was Elma Munro.

Children from this marriage were:

   213 M    i. Ron Garrett Poapst 477 was born <1931> in <Cornwall or Stormont>, Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada and died on 12 Aug 2016 in Cornwall, Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada558 at age 85.

Death Notes: Obituary from The Ottawa Citizen on August 16, 2016:

Peacefully at the Cornwall Community Hospital on Friday, August 12, 2016 age 85 years. Ron Garrett Poapst of Lunenburg. Oldest son of Alma and Garrett Poapst. Ron was the very best friend of Kim and Claude Pariesien and the brother of Janice, Pat and the late Greg Poapst. Following graduation from Carleton University with an M.A. in comparative literature, Ron continued his teaching career with the Ottawa Carleton District School Board. Ron's family would especially like to thank the nursing staff, Dr. Westergaard and Dr. Surani of the Intensive Care Unit at the Cornwall Community Hospital for their Professional, kind and respectful care. In keeping with his wishes, cremation has taken place. In lieu of flowers, please consider donations to the Hemo Dialysis Unit at the Cornwall Community Hospital or the Canadian Diabetic Association would be appreciated by the family. Online condolences may be made at - See more at:

Burial Notes: In keeping with his wishes, he was cremated.

   214 F    ii. Janice Poapst

   215 U    iii. Pat Poapst

   216 M    iv. Greg Poapst 559 was born after 1932 and died before 2016.

196. Donald Clare Wallace [Sr.] 223 was born on 10 Jul 1898 in Belview, Redwood, Minnesota, United States,533 died on 25 May 1985 in Los Angeles, California, United States534 at age 86, and was buried in Sunnyside Cemetery, Long Beach, Los Angeles, California, United States.535

General Notes: Bio dated 29 Jan 1918:

"Donald Clare Wallace was born at Belview, Redwood County, Minnesota, July 10, 1898 and was graduated from Long Beach Poly High in 1916. The fall of that year he entered the Alma Mater of his father, William H. Wallace, Hamline University, S. Paul, Minn. and throughout the season played center in a victorious foot ball team, not missing a minute of any game.

"In the spring in St. Paul he enlisted in the navy but was not called from his studies, the call coming the day after commencement. He went immediately to Goat Island, San Francisco, where he was put to work as a wireless operator, where he has been ever since, being promoted step by step until on January 5th, 1918, at the age of 19 years he was made first class petty officer. By his own study and practice while in the high school here he became an expert electrician and radio operator, constructed his own plant at his home and helping to pay his school expenses by manufacturing apparatus for other amateur operators, winding armatures, coils, etc. As an expert electrician he has been called from his work at Goat Island at different times for special work, having at one time spent two weeks on a Government light tender out in the ocean reconstructing the wireless plant and having spent several weeks at Marshall, Marin County, which is at the terminus of the oriental cable."

Research Notes: Mother = William H. Wallace's first wife. Half-brother of Lorna Wallace (stepson of Edith Poapst).
Transcription of a brief autobiography, typed by Donald C. Wallace when he was 19 years old:

January 29, 1918.

Donald Clare Wallace was born at Belview, Redwood County, Minnesota, July 10, 1898 and was graduated from Long Beach Poly High in 1916. The fall of that year he entered the Alma Mater of his father, William H. Wallace, Hamline University, St. Paul, Minn. and throughout the season played center in a victorious foot ball team, not missing a minute of any game.

In the spring in St. Paul he enlisted in the navy but was not called from his studies, the call coming the day after commencement. He went immediately to Goat Island, San Francisco, where he was put to work as wireless operator, where he has been ever since, being promoted step by step until on January 5th, 1918, at the age of 19 years he was made first class petty officer. By his own study and practice wile in the high school here he became an expert electrician and radio operator, constructing his own plant at his home and helping to pay his school expenses by manufacturing apparatus for other amateur operators, winding armatures, coils, etc. As an expert electrician he has been called from his work at Goat Island at different times for special work, having at one time spent two weeks on a Government light tender out in the ocean reconstructing the wireless plant and having spent several weeks at Marshall, Marin County, which is at the terminus of the oriental cable.
Transcription of a dateless newspaper clipping, probably from a Long Beach newspaper, probably written about 1929, follows.

Long Beach Radio Expert
Chats with Commander
Byrd in Antarctic.
For fifteen minutes early this morning Don Wallace, well known Long Beach radio expert and operator of Station W6AM, talked with Commander Byrd at the latter's base in the Middle Antarctic, near the South Pole, conditions being unusually favorable.
"Commander Byrd expressed his pleasure at again hearing from me after an absence of three weeks," said Mr. Wallace in reporting on the radio talk. "We talked from 12:15 to 12:30 Sunday morning, and he then signed off as he was scheduled to talk with a Dollar Steamship Line station.
"Last night, according to Commander Byrd, it was 40 degrees below zero at his station, and the night was clear, with a drop curtain of variable aurora, of which he was attempting to get a motion picture.
"Saturday was warm, the thermometer reading about 10 degrees above zero, according to the explorer, and he did much needed work on the top of his radio tower, but while at work a twenty-five mile wind came up and he was glad to finish the work which he was doing on his variable antennae pulley.
"Commander Byrd reported that he now has almost all of his needed equipment in his radio laboratory, having moved it from the main building. He asked me to relay a message to Manila to a relative of one of the men belonging to his expedition."
Commander Byrd's station near the South Pole is WFA, and Mr. Wallace has been in communication with the explorer a number of times.

Noted events in his life were:

• Census: U.S., 21 Jun 1900, Belview, Redwood, Minnesota, United States. 529 (Household Member)

• Residence: Apr 1906, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California, United States.

• Camped: at YMCA Camp on Catalina Island, Aug 1909, Avalon, California, United States.

• Graduated: Long Beach Polytechnic High School, <Jun> 1916, Long Beach, Los Angeles, California, United States.

• Census: 25 Apr 1910, Long Beach, Los Angeles, California, United States. 531 (Household Member)

• Enrolled: Hamline University, Abt Sep 1916, Saint Paul, Ramsey, Minnesota, United States.

• Enlisted: United States Navy, May 1917.

• Travel: in California, Oregon and Washington, Jul-Aug 1916, United States.

• Promoted: to First Class Petty Officer in the U.S. Navy, 5 Jan 1918.

• Discharged: from the U.S. Navy, by 11 Sep 1919.

• Resumed his college education: at Hamline University, Sep 1919, Saint Paul, Ramsey, Minnesota, United States.

• Census: U.S., 1920, Long Beach, Los Angeles, California, United States. 560

• Census: U.S., 7 Jan 1920, Long Beach, Los Angeles, California, United States. 388 (Household Member)

• Radio Pioneer: Shortwave 9DR, 22 Feb 1922, Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States.

• Residence: 823 Snelling St., 22 Feb 1922, Saint Paul, Ramsey, Minnesota, United States.

• Residence: Jun 1924, Minneapolis, Hennepin, Minnesota, United States.

• Radio Pioneer: Shortwave W6AM.

• Residence: by 1929, Long Beach, Los Angeles, California, United States.

• Census: U.S., 1930, Long Beach, Los Angeles, California, United States. 561

• Occupation: Manager of radio store, 1930, Los Angeles, California, United States.

• Census: U.S., 1940, Long Beach, Los Angeles, California, United States. 562

• Occupation: Manager & manufacturer's representative, 1940, Los Angeles, California, United States.

• Radio Pioneer: "Radio Ranch", by 1942, Palos Verdes, Los Angeles, California, United States.

• Residence: 4214 Country Club Drive, 1942, Long Beach, Los Angeles, California, United States.

Donald married Bertha Pauline Lindquist,223 563 daughter of John B. Lindquist and Hilda Paulson, on 24 Nov 1921 in Saint Paul, Ramsey, Minnesota, United States.564 Bertha was born on 26 Sep 1898 in Fargo, Cass, North Dakota, United States,565 566 died on 18 Apr 1971 in Los Angeles, California, United States567 at age 72, and was buried in Sunnyside Cemetery, Long Beach, Los Angeles, California, United States.568

Birth Notes: Her birthplace was given as South Dakota on the marriage certificate of her son William. All other sources have North Dakota, and that is what family notes have as well.

Family notes state that she was born in Mud Lkae, North Dakota. However, Betty Jean's marriage certificate gives Bertha's birthplace as Fargo, North Dakota.

Noted events in her life were:

• Census: U.S., 1910, Moorhead, Clay, Minnesota, United States.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 217 M    i. William Havelock Wallace II 1 391 was born on 24 Aug 1922 in Minnesota, United States565 and died on 31 Jul 2014 in Long Beach, Los Angeles, California, United States569 at age 91.

+ 218 M    ii. Donald Clare Wallace Jr. 223 570 was born on 24 Jun 1924 in Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States, died on 16 Feb 2008 in Long Beach, Los Angeles, California, United States at age 83, and was buried in Sunnyside Cemetery, Long Beach, Los Angeles, California, United States.571

   219 F    iii. Betty Jean Wallace 223 572 was born on 10 Nov 1925 in Minneapolis, Hennepin, Minnesota, United States565 and died on 21 Dec 2003 at age 78.

Death Notes: Death date of 21 Dec 2003 may be in error. The obituary of her brother Donald in 2008 lists her as a survivor.

Betty married Russell Hamilton Green Jr.,223 son of Russell Hamilton Green 566 573 and Marian A. Saville, on 8 May 1948 in St. Luke's Church, Long Beach, Los Angeles, California, United States.566 Russell was born on 9 Jan 1924 in Los Angeles, California, United States.

Marriage Notes: Ceremony performed by Perry S. M. Austin, rector, at St. Luke's Church in Long Beach, witnessed by <Lawrence> A. Green of Palos Verdes Estates.

Noted events in his life were:

• Occupation: Petroleum engineer, 8 May 1948, Los Angeles, California, United States.

• Residence: 1809 Via , 8 May 1948, Palos Verdes, Estates, Los Angeles, California, United States.

• Residence: State Hwy, 2006, Healdsburg, Sonoma, California, United States. 574

197. Helen Theo Wallace 223 was born on 30 Sep 1901 in Belview, Redwood, Minnesota, United States,536 died on 21 May 1973 in Colma, San Mateo, California, United States537 538 at age 71, and was buried in Cypress Lawn Memorial Park, Colma, San Mateo, California, United States.539 Another name for Helen was Theo Bloom.

Death Notes: Died from pancreatic cancer. According to her great-grandson (in 2016), "Theo" died in 1972 in San Francisco. However the birthdate and place in the California Death Index make it likely that she died on 21 May 1973 in San Mateo county as Theo Bloom. That Theo Bloom was buried at Cypress Lawn Memorial Park. Jack Bloom (her husband?) is also buried there; his death date is 24 Sep 1972.

Research Notes: Went by the name "Theo" as an adult. Her name reads "Helen Theo McBride Bloom" in her will.

Mother = William H. Wallace's first wife, Mabel Gold. Half-brother of Lorna Wallace (stepdaughter of Edith Poapst Wallace).

Noted events in her life were:

• Residence: 1043 West 36th Street, Abt 1906, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California, United States.

• Census: 25 Apr 1910, Long Beach, Los Angeles, California, United States. 531 (Household Member)

• Residence: 1917-1918, Portland, Multnomah, Oregon, United States.

• Occupation: schoolteacher.

• Census: U.S., 2 Jan 1920, Portland, Multnomah, Oregon, United States. 575

• Residence: 1338-C Stevenson Street, Abt 1940, San Francisco, San Francisco, California, United States. 576

Helen married Jasha Blumenschein.577 Jasha was born on 9 Nov 1896 in Wisconsin, United States,578 died on 24 Sep 1972 in <San Francisco, San Francisco, California, United States> at age 75, and was buried in Cypress Lawn Memorial Park, Colma, San Mateo, California, United States.579 Other names for Jasha were Jack Bloom and Pappy Bloom.

Birth Notes: The Jack Bloom who died on 24 Sep 1972 In San Francisco county, California, was born on 9 Nov 1896 in Wisconsin. This is contrary to the recollections of his wife's grandchildren, who believe he was born in Russia. Because both Jack Bloom and Theo Bloom are both interred at Cypress Lawn, where death dates match up with the California Death Index, this researcher is using Wisconsin.

Death Notes: A family member recalls his passing away around 1971. However, a
Theo Bloom and Jack Bloom are both buried at Cypress Lawn Memorial Park. It is quite likely that they are "our" people. That Jack died on 24 Sep 1972, and Theo died on 21 May 1973.

Helen next married < > McBride.

Helen next married Charles Burrill about 1920. Charles was born about 1901. Other names for Charles were Charles Burrell and Charley Burrill.

Birth Notes: This researcher has been unable to find a record of Charley Burrill's birth as of 10 Jan 2016.

The child from this marriage was:

+ 220 F    i. Florence Eleanor Burrill 537 580 was born on 24 Mar 1921 in Portland, Multnomah, Oregon, United States and died on 28 Nov 1964 in Massachusetts, United States at age 43.

198. Lind Havelock Wallace 223 540 was born on 13 Jan 1912 in <Long Beach, Los Angeles>, California, United States and died before 1962 in Baja California, Mexico.

Noted events in his life were:

• Census: U.S., 7 Jan 1920, Long Beach, Los Angeles, California, United States. 388 (Household Member)

• Census: U.S., 11 Apr 1930, Long Beach, Los Angeles, California, United States. 515 (Household Member)

• Travel: from Long Beach during the Great Railroad Strike of 1922, Between Aug and Sep 1922, Oregon, United States.

• Graduated: Polytechnic High School, <Jun> 1931, Long Beach, Los Angeles, California, United States. 581

• Occupation: deliveryman for a dairy, 1933, Los Angeles, California, United States.

• Residence: 1424 Linden Avenue, 1933, Long Beach, Los Angeles, California, United States.

• Residence: 1345 E. 56th St., 1940, Long Beach, Los Angeles, California, United States.

• Census: U.S., 15 Apr 1940, Long Beach, Los Angeles, California, United States. 582

Lind married Lucile Genevieve McFarland,583 584 daughter of Clyde McFarland and Minnie Beveridge, on 25 Sep 1933 in Los Angeles, California, United States.584 Lucile was born on 10 Jun 1914 in Kansas, United States and died on 17 Jan 1992 in Orange, California, United States585 at age 77. Another name for Lucile was Mrs. Lucile Wallace.

Marriage Notes: Ceremony performed by Baptist minister B. B. Braden, witnessed by H. A. Philippi and Viola Philippi.

Noted events in her life were:

• Occupation: department store clerk, 1933.

• Residence: 1560 American Avenue, 1933, Long Beach, Los Angeles, California, United States.

• Census: U.S., 15 Apr 1940, Long Beach, Los Angeles, California, United States. 582 (Household Member)

Children from this marriage were:

+ 221 M    i. Richard Allen Wallace

   222 M    ii. Larry Lind Wallace

Larry married Diane.

199. Stanley Harwood Wallace was born on 8 Sep 1916 in California, United States541 and died on 7 Oct 1997 in Sepulveda, Los Angeles, California, United States at age 81.

Research Notes: Source: Family records of Lorna (Wallace) Johnson and Virginia M. Wallace.

Noted events in his life were:

• Census: U.S., 7 Jan 1920, Long Beach, Los Angeles, California, United States. 388 (Household Member)

• Census: U.S., 11 Apr 1930, Long Beach, Los Angeles, California, United States. 515 (Household Member)

• Graduated: Long Beach Polytechnic High School, Jun 1935, Long Beach, Los Angeles, California, United States.

Stanley married Mildred Moyer, daughter of Clyde Moyer 586 and Emma Dawson. Mildred was born on 13 May 1921 in Eugene, Lane, Oregon, United States, died on 23 Sep 1976 in Santa Rosa, Sonoma, California, United States at age 55, and was buried in Santa Rosa Memorial Park, Santa Rosa, Sonoma, California, United States.587 Another name for Mildred was Millie Moyer.

Birth Notes: She was born on Friday the 13th.

Death Notes: Death date from Julie Pepper.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 223 F    i. Virginia Moyer Wallace

+ 224 M    ii. Arthur Havelock Wallace was born on 9 Mar 1954 in Van Nuys, Los Angeles, California, United States and died on 1 Oct 2006 in Northridge, Los Angeles, California, United States at age 52.

200. Lorna Doone Wallace 542 543 was born on 22 Apr 1921 in Long Beach, Los Angeles, California, United States, died on 21 Mar 2006 in Panorama City, Los Angeles, California, United States at age 84, and was buried on 24 Mar 2006 in Eternal Valley, Newhall, Los Angeles, California, United States. Another name for Lorna was Mrs. Lorna Wallace Johnson.

Birth Notes: Attending physician at birth was J[ay] L. Beebe, M.D., husband of her aunt Hetty.

Noted events in her life were:

• Residence: 1431 Linden Avenue, 1921-1935, Long Beach, Los Angeles, California, United States.

• Census: U.S., 11 Apr 1930, Long Beach, Los Angeles, California, United States. 515 (Household Member)

• Graduated: Long Beach Polytechnic High School ("Poly"), Feb 1939, Long Beach, Los Angeles, California, United States.

• Earthquake: 10 Mar 1933, Long Beach, Los Angeles, California, United States.

Lorna married DeWayne Burton Johnson,572 588 son of Alexander L Johnson 73 572 589 590 and Lula Mae Talbot,73 572 591 on 22 Aug 1942 in Long Beach, Los Angeles, California, United States. DeWayne was born on 18 Apr 1920 in Newman Grove, Madison, Nebraska, United States, died on 31 Dec 2014 in Holy Cross Medical Center, Mission Hills, Los Angeles, California, United States at age 94, and was buried in Eternal Valley, Newhall, Los Angeles, California, United States. Another name for DeWayne was DeWayne "Doc" Johnson.

Birth Notes: Attending physician Frank Jensen. Born at 11:00 a.m. Sunday, April 18, 1920. Original spelling of first name on birth certificate, "Dwaine," was corrected by hand to "DeWayne." Born in State of Nebraska, County of Madison, Township of Shell Creek, City of Newman Grove.

From DeWayne B. Johnson's book "I Have Met a Lot of Generals," 2007:
"My hometown and place of my birth was Newman Grove, located in the Shell Creek Valley of southwest Madison County. It was named after Lewis Warren's son, Newman, who had helped his father plant a grove of cottonwood trees on their timber claim. After the boy's death at age 21, his father was instrumental in naming the new post office, located near the cottonwood grov, 'Newman Grove.'"

About Dr. Frank Jensen from (NE WebGen Project) :
Frank Jensen
A physician at Newman Grove, Nebraska since 1903, Frank Jensen was born at Council Bluffs, Iowa, July 22, 1880, the son of Lars and Mary (Sandstrom) Jensen. His father, who was a farmer, was born in Denmark in 1851 and died at El Reno, Oklahoma, July 10, 1915; he served as justice of the peace for years. His mother was born in Denmark and died at El Reno, Oklahoma, October 1, 1902.
Dr. Jensen attened (sic) rural school and was a student at Western Iowa College, Council Bluffs, for two years. In 1903 he received the M. D. degree at the University of Nebraska. He is past president of the Madison County Medical Society, and the Elkhorn Valley Medical society, and is a member of the medical firm Jensen & Morris at Newmann Grove, Nebraska. He served as first mayor of the city and has been active in civic affairs there for several years.
He is a member of the American Medical Association, and the Nebraska State Medical Society. His fraternal organizations include: Odd Fellows; Modern Woodmen of America; Royal Neighbors of America; and Rebekahs. He has been a member of the Red Cross for many years He is a Scottish Rite Mason and Shriner.
His marriage to Rose Emoline Batten was solemnized at Plattsmouth, Nebraska, October 6, 1906. Mrs. Jensen, who was a milliner, was born at Plattsmouth, June 1, 1884, and died at Newman Grove, December 10, 1912. One son was born to them, Russell J., born November 23, 1909, who is a musician and instructor of piano at Norfolk, Nebraska. On February 15, 1928, Dr. Jensen was married to Inger Engelsgjerd at Newman Grove. They have a daughter, Frances Joan, born August 26, 1930. Residence: Newman Grove.

Noted events in his life were:

• Moved: Moved to Burbank, California from Nebraska, 1930, Burbank, Los Angeles, California, United States.

• Moved: Moved to Long Beach from Burbank, 1941, Long Beach, Los Angeles, California, United States.

• Residence: 3747 Elm Avenue, 1942, Long Beach, Los Angeles, California, United States.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 225 F    i. Karen Gail Johnson

+ 226 F    ii. Christine Adele Johnson

   227 F    iii. Janine Elizabeth Johnson

Janine married Paul John Poletti. They had no children.

previous  Seventh Generation  Next

217. William Havelock Wallace II 1 391 was born on 24 Aug 1922 in Minnesota, United States565 and died on 31 Jul 2014 in Long Beach, Los Angeles, California, United States569 at age 91. Other names for William were Bill Wallace and William Havelock Wallace Jr.

Death Notes: Obituary from the Long Beach Press-Telegram from Aug. 5 to Aug. 7, 2014:

William Havelock Wallace William Havelock Wallace was born on August 24, 1922 and passed away on July 31, 2014, after a brief illness, in Long Beach, California. Bill was an electronics manufacturing representative for Wallace & Wallace, an early tech company founded by his father. He was a Long Beach Polytechnic High School graduate, World War II Navy veteran, proud USC graduate and Sigma Chi fraternity member, and loving husband and father. Bill excelled at golf, so he gave up his prized sailboat and joined Virginia Country Club, where he played to a 7 handicap for years. Bill and his wife, Margaret, being avid world travelers, visited 42 countries, playing golf wherever they stayed. Bill made 14 holes-in-one and "shot his age," or better, 156 times. After aviation training during WW II, Bill advanced to the IFR rating as a private pilot. He volunteered his time to civic and youth groups, including Little League Baseball, Community Hospital Long Beach, and Cancer League. Active with the L. B. Boy Scouts, in 1990, Bill was rewarded with the highest recognition a Boy Scout volunteer leader may attain: the Silver Beaver Award. Bill proudly wore the Red Blazer of the Committee of 300 Bd. of Governors, LB Gran Prix, being a sports car enthusiast. The last 5 years of Bill's life were made especially joyful by the devoted care-giving and constant companionship of his daughter Joni and her son Christopher. Bill was an amazing aviator, flying his Cessna 182 throughout the West with son Bob who shared his love of golf, along with grandchildren co-pilots Christopher and Johnathon.

Bill is survived by his children, Joni Wallace Swanson and Robert "Bob" Wallace; grandchildren Christopher Swanson and Johnathon Hughes; sister and brother-in-law Betty Jean and Russell Green; sister-in-law Carol Poitevin Stahl; and many nieces and nephews. He was predeceased by his wife of 57 years, Margaret Ann Beckley Wallace; parents Bertha Lindquist and Donald Clare Wallace; and brother Donald C. Wallace Jr.

A memorial service will be held at 11 a.m. on Friday, August 8, at Stricklin/Snively Mortuary, 1952 Long Beach Blvd., Long Beach, CA. In lieu of flowers, the family suggests donations be made to the Wallace Sisters Foundation for Girls Golf at LB Poly High School, the Aquarium of the Pacific, or your favorite charity . Please sign the guestbook at .
Published in the Long Beach Press-Telegram from Aug. 5 to Aug. 7, 2014 - See more at:

Research Notes: Source: Family records of Lorna (Wallace) Johnson has no dates. Photograph from July 1929 has dates.

Noted events in his life were:

• Residence: 4214 Country Club Dr., 24 Mar 1951, Long Beach, Los Angeles, California, United States.

• Residence: 2008, Long Beach, Los Angeles, California, United States.

William married Margaret Ann Beckley,592 daughter of Harold Lewis Beckley and Margaret Adele Doty, on 24 Mar 1951 in Long Beach, Los Angeles, California, United States.593 Margaret was born about 1932 in California, United States and died on 25 Feb 2009 about age 77.

Marriage Notes: Ceremony performed by Episcopal priest Hiram B. Crosby.

Noted events in her life were:

• Residence: 4323 California Ave., 24 Mar 1951, Long Beach, Los Angeles, California, United States.

Children from this marriage were:

   228 M    i. Robert Wallace

+ 229 F    ii. Joni Wallace

218. Donald Clare Wallace Jr. 223 570 was born on 24 Jun 1924 in Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States, died on 16 Feb 2008 in Long Beach, Los Angeles, California, United States at age 83, and was buried in Sunnyside Cemetery, Long Beach, Los Angeles, California, United States.571 Another name for Donald was Donald Clare "Huna" Wallace.

Death Notes: Died from cancer.

Research Notes: Obituary at
Donald C. Wallace, Jr., born June 24, 1924, passed February 16, 2008 from cancer. He was a lawyer and activist who devoted himself to family and Long Beach. Donald was the founder and co-chair of Ad Hoc Poly High School Interracial Committee 1967); chair of California State University Headquarters Committee from 1962-08, raised $35 million for statewide headquarters and lobbied for CSULB as site; on board of Long Beach Memorial Hospital for 16 years, led expansion, chairman 1980-81; later awarded highest adult honor (1965) with Long Beach Area Council Boy Scouts of America (1952-67; president 1966-67); legal advisor to the Children's Dental Center and Foundation, 1954-1980. He supported his wife Elizabeth Wallace's 21-year career on the Long Beach Board of Education (4-term president). He was also the president of Virginia Country Club (1965-66); petitioned CIF on behalf of his daughters to play on Poly golf team. Donald was born in Minneapolis, MN to Donald C. Wallace, Sr. and Bertha Lindquist Wallace and moved to Long Beach as a child. While at Poly High he played football, edited the sports pages and won city tennis championship. At Stanford he played football and pledged Phi Delta Phi. He was sent by the Navy to Cal Tech in '42 and was appointed to the Naval Academy in '43 football, national champ lacrosse). Among his 46 classmates were President Jimmy Carter and Vice-Presidential candidate Jim Stockdale. While on the USS Columbus (CA-74), he witnessed the fall of China in 1948. He declined a Naval Intel post to come home and marry Liz. He attended Stanford Law School ('51) with classmate Sandra Day O'Connor. He raised four children. Donald is survived by his wife of 60 years, Elizabeth Wailes Wallace; brother, William Wallace of Long Beach; sister, Betty Jean Green of Healdsburg; son, Alex, a Long Beach attorney; son, Don III of New York City, writer; and daughter, Nancy Lungren of Sacramento, Deputy Secretary Public Affairs, Dept. Food & Ag. His beloved daughter, Anne (McAndrews) preceded him in death on February 9, 2008. He is mourned by grandchildren, Jenny and David Hedley; Ashley and Sean Wallace; Alanna, Brian Jr. and Patrick Lungren; Rory Donald Wallace; brother-in-law, Russell Green; sister-in-law, Margaret Wallace; goddaughter, Joni Wallace Swanson; daughter-in-law, Mindy Pennybacker; and son-in-law, Brian Lungren; and family and friends.
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No funeral service information has been provided by the family or the funeral home.

Noted events in his life were:

• Occupation: lawyer.

• Residence: 4470 Olive Avenue, Long Beach, Los Angeles, California, United States.

• Graduated: Long Beach Polytechnic High School, 1941, Long Beach, Los Angeles, California, United States.

• Graduated: Stanford University, Abt 1945, Stanford, Santa Clara, California, United States.

• Graduated: Stanford Law School, 1951, Stanford, Santa Clara, California, United States.

Donald married Elizabeth Ann Wailes 592 594 in 1948. Elizabeth was born on 27 Jun 1925, died on 23 Jan 2013 in Long Beach, Los Angeles, California, United States at age 87, and was buried in Sunnyside Cemetery, Long Beach, Los Angeles, California, United States.

Children from this marriage were:

   230 M    i. Alexander W. Wallace

+ 231 M    ii. Donald Clare Wallace III

   232 F    iii. Nancy Wallace

Nancy married Lungren.

   233 F    iv. Anne Elizabeth Wallace 595 was born on 13 Sep 1953, died on 9 Feb 2008596 at age 54, and was buried in Sunnyside Cemetery, Long Beach, Los Angeles, California, United States.

Anne married someone in 1977.

220. Florence Eleanor Burrill 537 580 was born on 24 Mar 1921 in Portland, Multnomah, Oregon, United States and died on 28 Nov 1964 in Massachusetts, United States at age 43. Another name for Florence was Kelly Burrill.

Birth Notes: She was sixteen when she gave birth to Theo Dawn on 2 Mar 1938. In photographs, Florence looks no more than 6 months older than Lorna Wallace. Lorna was born 22 April 1921. Florence was probably born between November 1920 and February 1921.
According to granddaughter Debbie, Florence was born in a lumberjack camp in Oregon.
Letter from Maud (Wallace) Healy to her brother Will Wallace:
1023 Lewis Blvd.
Grand Forks, N. D.
April 1st 1921
My dear Will -
Lo you are a grand daddy now and I am a grand aunt. I have written Helen in response to the announcement received of the arrival of Florence Eleanor.
I hope Edith is keeping at least in fair health, and I cannot help hoping she has a little daughter this time, particularly as this is to be "the last visit from the stork" in your family.
You surly (sic) had an interesting trip to San Diego with Ed. Thats one journey I have not had yet, a trip to San [section lost]
...Olson of Drayton died a couple of weeks ago - and Mrs. James Bellamy a week ago.
There seems to be a dearth of news and as I have written two other letters I am feeling pretty tired. I have had a very "hard" cold for over a week now - but am decidedly on the mend to-day. My love to your family and self - your loving sister, Maud.

Death Notes: Cause of death: Cervical cancer.

Burial Notes: She was cremated, at her request.

Research Notes: Although Lorna Wallace's niece (Florence's mother, Helen, was Lorna's half-sister), Florence was approximately the same age as Lorna and they were good friends.

She went by the name "Kelly." Her birth certificate has Burrill as her father and her surname. She was raised by her mother, Helen Theo. She was called "Cuddles" by her grandchildren.

According to her aunt Maud Wallace Healy, her name was Florence Eleanor. Her granddaughter Debbie thought her middle name was Elaine.

She was the second wife of her first husband

Noted events in her life were:

• Moved: from San Francisco, 1945, Massachusetts, United States.

Florence married William Peter Sigmund about 1937. The marriage ended in divorce about 1939. William was born about 1910 in New Jersey, United States.

Noted events in his life were:

• Occupation: mechanic for W.P.A., 1938, San Francisco, California, United States.

The child from this marriage was:

+ 234 F    i. Theo Dawn Sigmund 537 was born on 2 Mar 1938 in San Francisco, San Francisco, California, United States597 and died on 29 Apr 2011 in Puerto Rico at age 73. (Relationship to Father: Biological, Relationship to Mother: Biological)

Florence next married < > Dolliver.

The child from this marriage was:

+ 235 F    i. Theo Dawn Sigmund 537 was born on 2 Mar 1938 in San Francisco, San Francisco, California, United States597 and died on 29 Apr 2011 in Puerto Rico at age 73. (Relationship to Father: Biological, Relationship to Mother: Biological)

Florence next married Freeman Johnson.

Florence next married Harold Collins.598 Harold died after 1964.

221. Richard Allen Wallace

Richard married Patricia E. Hoiles, daughter of < > Hoiles.

Children from this marriage were:

   236 M    i. Gregory J. Wallace

   237 M    ii. Jeffrey Lind Wallace

Jeffrey married Liz.

+ 238 M    iii. Brian A. Wallace

223. Virginia Moyer Wallace

Virginia married William Gary Pepper.

The child from this marriage was:

   239 F    i. Julie Teresa Pepper

Virginia next married Said Lahlou.

The child from this marriage was:

   240 F    i. Julie Teresa Pepper

224. Arthur Havelock Wallace was born on 9 Mar 1954 in Van Nuys, Los Angeles, California, United States and died on 1 Oct 2006 in Northridge, Los Angeles, California, United States at age 52.

Arthur married Lynn Rahn.

The child from this marriage was:

+ 241 F    i. Melody Marie Wallace

225. Karen Gail Johnson

Karen married George Michael Fish, son of LeRoy Paschal Fish 599 600 and Carol Jean Kirk,.601

Children from this marriage were:

+ 242 M    i. David Aaron Fish

+ 243 M    ii. Kenneth LeRoy Fish

   244 F    iii. Michelle Laraine Fish

Michelle married Mathew Bull, son of Roger C. Bull and Karen Bonvillain.

226. Christine Adele Johnson

Christine married James Emmet Fowler, son of James Emmet Fowler 602 and Madeline Savarese.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 245 F    i. Danielle Marie Fowler

   246 F    ii. Nicole Alexis Fowler

Christine next married Sherridan M. "Sam" Smith.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 247 F    i. Danielle Marie Fowler

   248 F    ii. Nicole Alexis Fowler

previous  Eighth Generation  Next

229. Joni Wallace

Joni married Terry Swanson.

Children from this marriage were:

   249 M    i. Bobby

   250 M    ii. Christopher Swanson

231. Donald Clare Wallace III

Donald married Mindy Eun Soo Pennybacker.

The child from this marriage was:

   251 M    i. Rory Donald Soon Chong Wallace

234. Theo Dawn Sigmund 537 was born on 2 Mar 1938 in San Francisco, San Francisco, California, United States597 and died on 29 Apr 2011 in Puerto Rico at age 73. Other names for Theo were Theo Dawn Dolliver, Teddy Sigmund, and Theo Dawn Burrill Sigmund.

Birth Notes: Dist. No.3801, City and County of San Francisco
March 2, 1938
Child's name: Theo Dawn Sigmund
Father's name: William Peter Sigmund
Father's birthplace: New Jersey
Age at last birthday: 28
Mother's maiden name: Florence Burrill
Mother's birthplace: Portland, Oregon
Age at last birthday: 16
Address of both parents:
1338-C Stevenson Street
San Francisco, Calif.

Research Notes: The name on her birth certificate is Theo Dawn Sigmund. Her mother's surname is Burrill.

Her nickname was "Teddy."

Noted events in her life were:

• Residence: 1945, Massachusetts, United States.

• Residence: 1962-2011, Puerto Rico.

Theo had a relationship with Michael Delaney.

Theo married Raul Meregildo Medina.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 252 F    i. Debra Ann Dolliver

+ 253 F    ii. Carmelita Reyes Medina

   254 M    iii. Ricardo Raul Medina

Ricardo married someone.

+ 255 M    iv. Kelly Michael Medina 598 was born on 17 Apr 1960 in Framingham, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States and died on 9 Sep 1992 in Puerto Rico at age 32.

   256 M    v. Ralph Harold Medina

   257 M    vi. Steven Scott Medina

Theo had a relationship with Julio Desiderio.

Their child was:

   258 M    i. Julio Desiderio Jr. 598 was born on 3 Nov 1969 in Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico and died in 2000 at age 31. Another name for Julio was Jay Medina.

235. Theo Dawn Sigmund 537 was born on 2 Mar 1938 in San Francisco, San Francisco, California, United States597 and died on 29 Apr 2011 in Puerto Rico at age 73. Other names for Theo were Theo Dawn Dolliver, Teddy Sigmund, and Theo Dawn Burrill Sigmund.

Birth Notes: Dist. No.3801, City and County of San Francisco
March 2, 1938
Child's name: Theo Dawn Sigmund
Father's name: William Peter Sigmund
Father's birthplace: New Jersey
Age at last birthday: 28
Mother's maiden name: Florence Burrill
Mother's birthplace: Portland, Oregon
Age at last birthday: 16
Address of both parents:
1338-C Stevenson Street
San Francisco, Calif.

Research Notes: The name on her birth certificate is Theo Dawn Sigmund. Her mother's surname is Burrill.

Her nickname was "Teddy."

Noted events in her life were:

• Residence: 1945, Massachusetts, United States.

• Residence: 1962-2011, Puerto Rico.

Theo had a relationship with Michael Delaney.

(Duplicate Line. See Person 234)

Theo married Raul Meregildo Medina.

(Duplicate Line. See Person 234)

Theo next had a relationship with Julio Desiderio.

(Duplicate Line. See Person 234)

238. Brian A. Wallace

Brian married Jodi.

The child from this marriage was:

   260 M    i. Peyton Racer Wallace

241. Melody Marie Wallace

Melody married Michael Hansen.

Children from this marriage were:

   261 M    i. Gabe Michael Hansen

   262 M    ii. Cole Hansen

242. David Aaron Fish

David married Ella Patricia Allred, daughter of Kevin Allred and Carlene.

Children from this marriage were:

   263 M    i. Lehi Dominic Fish

   264 M    ii. Hyrum James Fish

243. Kenneth LeRoy Fish

Kenneth married Peggy Nicole Underwood, daughter of Fredrick Priestly Underwood and Peggy Matthews.

Children from this marriage were:

   265 M    i. Cohen Adam Fish

   266 M    ii. Liam Frederick Fish

   267 F    iii. Elizabeth Ann Fish

   268 F    iv. Sarah Phayla Fish

245. Danielle Marie Fowler

Danielle married Jeffrey Coates.

Children from this marriage were:

   269 F    i. Kayla Cheyenne Maga

   270 M    ii. Adam James Coates

   271 M    iii. Adrian Alexander Coates

   272 F    iv. Ashlynn Coates

Danielle had a relationship with Danny Maga.

Their child was:

   273 F    i. Kayla Cheyenne Maga

247. Danielle Marie Fowler

Danielle married Jeffrey Coates.

(Duplicate Line. See Person 245)

Danielle had a relationship with Danny Maga.

(Duplicate Line. See Person 245)

previous  Ninth Generation  Next

252. Debra Ann Dolliver

Debra married Jose Padilla, son of Angel Saturno Padilla and Luisa < >.

Children from this marriage were:

   274 F    i. Theo Ann Padilla

+ 275 F    ii. Sonia Padilla

+ 276 F    iii. Raquel Padilla

253. Debra Ann Dolliver

Debra married Jose Padilla, son of Angel Saturno Padilla and Luisa < >.

(Duplicate Line. See Person 252)

255. Ricardo Raul Medina

Ricardo married someone.

His child was:

   277 M    i. Ricardo Medina Jr.

previous  Tenth Generation

275. Sonia Padilla

Sonia married Luis < >.

Children from this marriage were:

   278 F    i. Lucy Ann < >

   279 M    ii. Isaiah < >

276. Raquel Padilla

Raquel married Jesse Ledesma.

Children from this marriage were:

   280 M    i. Jaden Ledesma

   281 M    ii. Eli Ledesma

   282 F    iii. Mia Ledesma



2. Benson, Rosemary, Our Combined Families (Online family tree hosted by, Cit. Date: 4 Jul 2003.

3. <Poaps, Richard A. "Sam">, Papst and Smiley Family History (,, FamilyTree.htm. Cit. Date: Abt 2004.

4. Website - Genealogy,

5. Correspondence, Email from George Cloakey 21 Dec 2009. Cit. Date: 21 Dec 2009.

6. Web - Message Boards, Discussion Groups, Email, "Minutes of Commissioners Conspiracies" (from George Cloakey email 21 Dec 2009).

7. Pringle, J. F, Lunenburgh or the Old Eastern District: Its Settlement and Early Progress (Cornwall, Ontario: Standard Printing House, 1890.), p. 388.

8. Web - Message Boards, Discussion Groups, Email, Lt. Col. Ervan Amidon's records (from George Cloakey email 21 Dec 2009).

9. Personal Documents, Lorna Doone Wallace (Johnson) family documents & photographs.

10. Web - Message Boards, Discussion Groups, Email, Email from George Cloakey 21 Dec 2009.

11. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001, (Rosemary Benson). Cit. Date: 22 Dec 2004.

12. Benson, Rosemary, Our Combined Families (Online family tree hosted by, Cit. Date: 5 Jul 2003.

13. <Poaps, Richard A. "Sam">, Papst and Smiley Family History (, Cit. Date: Abt 2004.

14. <Poaps, Richard A. "Sam">, Papst and Smiley Family History (, Cit. Date: Abt 2004.

15. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001, (Rosemary Benson).

16. Benson, Rosemary, Our Combined Families (Online family tree hosted by, Cit. Date: 4 Jul 2003.

17. Correspondence, Email from George Cloakey 21 dec 2009. Cit. Date: 21 Dec 2009.

18. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001,

19. Benson, Rosemary, Our Combined Families (Online family tree hosted by, Cit. Date: 4 Jul 2003.

20. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001,

21. Website:,

22. Benson, Rosemary, Our Combined Families (Online family tree hosted by, Cit. Date: 4 Jul 2003.

23. Wereley, Bill, Eden's Tree Genealogy: Home of the Wereley-Savey Family Tree (, Cit. Date: 3 Dec 2005.

24., Find A Grave Memorial # 100919746. Cit. Date: 14 Jan 2016.

25. Website - Genealogy, (Rosemary Benson). Cit. Date: 23 Dec 2004.

26. Poaps, John, Papst Family Canadianwebs (, Cit. Date: Abt 2004.

27. Website - Genealogy,

28. <Poaps, Richard A. "Sam">, Papst and Smiley Family History (, Cit. Date: Abt 2004.

29. Pringle, J. F, Lunenburgh or the Old Eastern District: Its Settlement and Early Progress (Cornwall, Ontario: Standard Printing House, 1890.), p. 389.

30. Pringle, J. F, Lunenburgh or the Old Eastern District: Its Settlement and Early Progress (Cornwall, Ontario: Standard Printing House, 1890.), p. 408.

31. Website - Genealogy,

32. Website - Genealogy,

33. Web - Message Boards, Discussion Groups, Email, Email from George Cloakey 21 Dec 2009, quoting Lt. Col. Ervan Amidon.

34. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001,

35. Benson, Rosemary, Our Combined Families (Online family tree hosted by, Cit. Date: 4 Jul 2003.

36. <Poaps, Richard A. "Sam">, Papst and Smiley Family History (, Cit. Date: Abt 2004.

37. Correspondence, Email from George Cloakey 21 Dec 2009, quoting Lt. Col. Ervan Amidon. Cit. Date: 21 Dec 2009.

38. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001,

39. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001,

40. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001,

41. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001,

42. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001,

43. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001,

44. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001,

45. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001,

46. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001, (Rosemary Benson).

47. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001,

48. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001,

49. Correspondence, Email from George Cloakey 21 dec 2009. Cit. Date: 21 Dec 2009.

50. Benson, Rosemary, Our Combined Families (Online family tree hosted by, Cit. Date: 14 Jun 2006.

51. Poaps, John, Papst Family Canadianwebs (, Cit. Date: Abt 2003.

52. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001, (Rosemary Benson).

53. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001,

54. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001, (Rosemary Benson).

55. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001,

56. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001, (Rosemary Benson).

57. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001, (Rosemary Benson).

58. Benson, Rosemary, Our Combined Families (Online family tree hosted by, Cit. Date: 8 Feb 2003.

59. Poaps, John, Papst Family Canadianwebs (,

60. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001, (Rosemary Benson).

61. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001,

62. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001, (Rosemary Benson).

63. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001, (Rosemary Benson).

64. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001, (Rosemary Benson).

65. Website:, Transcription of gravestones at Willis United Cemetery. Cit. Date: 2000.

66. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001, (Rosemary Benson).

67. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001, (Rosemary Benson).

68. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001, (Rosemary Benson).

69. Web - Message Boards, Discussion Groups, Email, Cit. Date: 13 Feb 2004. Donald Byers at Ont-Stormont-Dundas-Glengarry-L Archives.

70. Website - Genealogy, (Rosemary Benson). Cit. Date: 9 Jul 2002.

71. Wereley, Bill, Eden's Tree Genealogy: Home of the Wereley-Savey Family Tree (, Cit. Date: 3 Dec 2005.

72., Find A Grave Memorial # 100920429. Cit. Date: 14 Jan 2016.

73. Johnson, DeWayne B. and Lorna Wallace Johnson, Johnson/Wallace Family Tree, Cit. Date: Abt 1950.

74. Website - Genealogy, (Rosemary Benson). Cit. Date: 14 Jun 2007.

75. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001, (Rosemary Benson). Cit. Date: 14 Jun 2007.

76. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001, (Rosemary Benson). Cit. Date: 14 Jun 2007.

77. Website - Genealogy,

78. Website - Genealogy,*CM/contentclass/PICT/contentid/ZZZZZXX8/propertyname/Original/~/John_F._Poapst_and_Margaret_headstone.jpg. Cit. Date: 26 Oct 2011.

79. Benson, Rosemary, Our Combined Families (Online family tree hosted by, Cit. Date: 4 Jul 2003.

80. Correspondence, Email from George Cloakey 29 Dec 2009. Cit. Date: 29 Dec 2009.

81. Web - Message Boards, Discussion Groups, Email, Lt. Col. Amidon, according to George Cloakey 29 Dec 2009.

82. Johan Adam Papst U.E., Descendants and Ancestors,*CM&contentclass=PICT&categoryid=250. Cit. Date: 10 Sep 2011. Poapst Family Bible.

83. Benson, Rosemary, Our Combined Families (Online family tree hosted by, Cit. Date: 4 Jul 2003.

84. Johan Adam Papst U.E., Descendants and Ancestors,*CM&contentclass=PICT&categoryid=250. Cit. Date: 30 Oct 2011. Poapst Family Bible.

85. Correspondence, Karen Sleva email. Cit. Date: 6/25/12.

86. Benson, Rosemary, Our Combined Families (Online family tree hosted by, Cit. Date: 4 Jul 2003.

87. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001, (Laura Donohue)
. Cit. Date: 23 Aug 2010.

88. Benson, Rosemary, Our Combined Families (Online family tree hosted by, Cit. Date: 4 Jul 2003.

89. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001, (Rosemary Benson).

90. Benson, Rosemary, Our Combined Families (Online family tree hosted by, Cit. Date: 4 Jul 2003.

91. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001, (Rosemary Benson).

92. Benson, Rosemary, Our Combined Families (Online family tree hosted by, Cit. Date: 4 Jul 2003.

93. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001, (Rosemary Benson). Cit. Date: 4 Jul 2003.

94. Benson, Rosemary, Our Combined Families (Online family tree hosted by, Cit. Date: 4 Jul 2003.

95. Website - Genealogy,

96. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001, (Rosemary Benson). Cit. Date: 4 Jul 2003.

97. Benson, Rosemary, Our Combined Families (Online family tree hosted by, Cit. Date: 4 Jul 2003.

98. Website - Genealogy,

99. Benson, Rosemary, Our Combined Families (Online family tree hosted by, Cit. Date: 14 Jun 2007.

100., (Rosemary Benson). Cit. Date: 14 Jun 2007.

101. Benson, Rosemary, Our Combined Families (Online family tree hosted by, Cit. Date: 9 Jan 2005.

102. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001,

103. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001, (Rosemary Benson). Cit. Date: 22 Sep 2004.

104. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001,

105. Pringle, J. F, Lunenburgh or the Old Eastern District: Its Settlement and Early Progress (Cornwall, Ontario: Standard Printing House, 1890.), p. 391.

106. Pringle, J. F, Lunenburgh or the Old Eastern District: Its Settlement and Early Progress (Cornwall, Ontario: Standard Printing House, 1890.), p. 407.

107. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001,

108. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001, (Rosemary Benson).

109. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001,

110. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001,

111. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001, (Rosemary Benson).

112. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001,

113. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001,

114. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001,

115. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001,

116. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001,

117. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001,

118. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001,

119. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001,

120. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001,

121. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001, (Rosemary Benson). Cit. Date: 30 Nov 2001.

122. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001,

123. Benson, Rosemary, Our Combined Families (Online family tree hosted by, Cit. Date: 14 Jun 2007.

124. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001, (Rosemary Benson). Cit. Date: 14 Jun 2007.

125. Benson, Rosemary, Our Combined Families (Online family tree hosted by, Cit. Date: 14 Jun 2007.

126. Johan Adam Papst U.E., Descendants and Ancestors,*CM&contentid=ZZZZZYWU&contentclass=HIST (John Poaps). Cit. Date: 19 Aug 2004.

127. Benson, Rosemary, Our Combined Families (Online family tree hosted by, Cit. Date: 14 Jun 2007.

128. Benson, Rosemary, Our Combined Families (Online family tree hosted by, Cit. Date: 14 Jun 2007.

129. <Poaps, Richard A. "Sam">, Papst and Smiley Family History (, Cit. Date: Abt 2003.

130. FamilySearch Pedigree Resource File (, Cit. Date: 21 Sep 2003.

131. Benson, Rosemary, Our Combined Families (Online family tree hosted by, Cit. Date: 14 Jun 2007.

132. Benson, Rosemary, Our Combined Families (Online family tree hosted by, Cit. Date: 14 Jun 2007.

133. Benson, Rosemary, Our Combined Families (Online family tree hosted by, Cit. Date: 14 Jun 2007.

134. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001, (David L. Muir). Cit. Date: 15 Jan 2011.

135. Benson, Rosemary, Our Combined Families (Online family tree hosted by, Cit. Date: 14 Jun 2007.

136. Website - Genealogy,

137. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001, (David L. Muir). Cit. Date: 16 Jan 2011.

138. Benson, Rosemary, Our Combined Families (Online family tree hosted by, Cit. Date: 14 Jun 2007.

139. Benson, Rosemary, Our Combined Families (Online family tree hosted by, Cit. Date: 14 Jun 2007.

140. Benson, Rosemary, Our Combined Families (Online family tree hosted by, Cit. Date: 9 Jul 2002.

141. <Poaps, Richard A. "Sam">, Papst and Smiley Family History (, Cit. Date: Abt 2002.

142. Website - Genealogy,

143. Benson, Rosemary, Our Combined Families (Online family tree hosted by, Cit. Date: 14 Jun 2007.

144. Benson, Rosemary, Our Combined Families (Online family tree hosted by, Cit. Date: 14 Jun 2007.

145. Benson, Rosemary, Our Combined Families (Online family tree hosted by, Cit. Date: 14 Jun 2007.

146. Benson, Rosemary, Our Combined Families (Online family tree hosted by, Cit. Date: 14 Jun 2007.

147. Website - Genealogy,

148. Benson, Rosemary, Our Combined Families (Online family tree hosted by, Cit. Date: 14 Jun 2007.

149. Benson, Rosemary, Our Combined Families (Online family tree hosted by, Cit. Date: 14 Jun 2007.

150. Website - Genealogy,

151. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001,

152. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001, Cit. Date: 15 Jul 2013.

153. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001, Cit. Date: 15 Jul 2013.

154. Website - Genealogy, Cit. Date: 15 Jul 2013.

155. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001, Cit. Date: 15 Jul 2013.

156. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001, Cit. Date: 15 Jul 2013.

157. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001,

158. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001, (from John Poaps).

159. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001, (from John Poaps).

160. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001, (Rosemary Benson).

161. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001,

162. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001, (Rosemary Benson).

163. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001,

164. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001, (Rosemary Benson).

165. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001,

166. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001,

167. FamilySearch Historical Files (, "Ontario Marriages, 1800-1910," database, FamilySearch ( : accessed 15 January 2016), Peter Henry Fetterley and Elizabeth Bedstead, 11 Jun 1840; citing Eastern District,Ontario; FHL microfilm 928,968. Cit. Date: 14 Jan 2016.

168. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001, (Rosemary Benson).

169. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001,

170. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001, (Rosemary Benson).

171. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001,

172. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001,

173. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001, (Rosemary Benson).

174. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001,

175. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001, (Rosemary Benson).

176. Benson, Rosemary, Our Combined Families (Online family tree hosted by, Cit. Date: 14 Jun 2007.

177. Benson, Rosemary, Our Combined Families (Online family tree hosted by, Cit. Date: 14 Jun 2007.

178. Benson, Rosemary, Our Combined Families (Online family tree hosted by, Cit. Date: 14 Jun 2007.

179. Pringle, J. F, Lunenburgh or the Old Eastern District: Its Settlement and Early Progress (Cornwall, Ontario: Standard Printing House, 1890.), p. 275.

180., Cit. Date: 24 Oct 2011.

181., Cit. Date: 28 Mar 2007.

182. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001, (Rosemary Benson). Cit. Date: 14 Jun 2007.

183. Wereley, Bill, Eden's Tree Genealogy: Home of the Wereley-Savey Family Tree (, Cit. Date: Abt 2001.

184. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001, (Jan Jordan Lokensgard). Cit. Date: 8 Mar 2006.

185. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001, (David L. Muir). Cit. Date: 16 Jan 2011.

186., Cit. Date: 25 May 2005.

187. <Poaps, Richard A. "Sam">, Papst and Smiley Family History (, Cit. Date: Abt 2003.

188. Poaps, John, Papst Family Canadianwebs (, Cit. Date: 2001.

189., Cit. Date: 25 May 2005.

190. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001, (David L. Muir). Cit. Date: 16 Jan 2011.

191. Johan Adam Papst U.E., Descendants and Ancestors,*CM&contentid=ZZZZZY6L&contentclass=HIST (Gord Adams). Cit. Date: 6 Nov 2007.

192. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001, (Rosemary Benson).

193. Benson, Rosemary, Our Combined Families (Online family tree hosted by, Cit. Date: 4 Jul 2003.

194. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001, (Rosemary Benson).

195. Benson, Rosemary, Our Combined Families (Online family tree hosted by, Cit. Date: 4 Jul 2003.

196. Benson, Rosemary, Our Combined Families (Online family tree hosted by, Cit. Date: 14 Jun 2007.

197. Benson, Rosemary, Our Combined Families (Online family tree hosted by, Cit. Date: 4 Jul 2003.

198. Website:, Cit. Date: 2000. Transcription of gravestones at Willis United Cemetery.

199. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001, (Rosemary Benson). Cit. Date: 12 Jan 2005.

200. Wereley, Bill, Eden's Tree Genealogy: Home of the Wereley-Savey Family Tree (, Cit. Date: 3 Dec 2005.

201. Correspondence, Wayne Poapst e-mail messages. Cit. Date: 10 Mar 2012.

202., Find A Grave Memorial# 168454594. Cit. Date: 19 Feb 2017.

203. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001, (Rosemary Benson).

204. Benson, Rosemary, Our Combined Families (Online family tree hosted by, Cit. Date: 4 Jul 2003.

205. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001, (Rosemary Benson).

206. Benson, Rosemary, Our Combined Families (Online family tree hosted by, Cit. Date: 4 Jul 2003.

207. Website - Genealogy,

208. Website:,

209. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001, (Rosemary Benson).

210. Benson, Rosemary, Our Combined Families (Online family tree hosted by, Cit. Date: 4 Jul 2003.

211., Find A Grave Memorial# 181795367. Cit. Date: 29 Oct 2017.

212. FamilySearch Pedigree Resource File (, (J Poaps). Cit. Date: 21 Sep 2003.

213. Benson, Rosemary, Our Combined Families (Online family tree hosted by, Cit. Date: 4 Jul 2003.

214. Website - Genealogy,*CM&contentclass=PICT&categoryid=250 (Poapst family Bible). Cit. Date: 30 Oct 2011.

215. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001, (Rosemary Benson. Cit. Date: 4 Jul 2003.

216. Benson, Rosemary, Our Combined Families (Online family tree hosted by, Cit. Date: 4 Jul 2003.

217., Find A Grave Memorial# 166646175. Cit. Date: 27 Sep 2016.

218. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001, (Rosemary Benson).

219. Benson, Rosemary, Our Combined Families (Online family tree hosted by, Cit. Date: 9 Jul 2002.

220., Find A Grave Memorial# 155554847. Cit. Date: 26 Oct 2016.

221., Find A Grave Memorial# 163535465. Cit. Date: 26 Oct 2016.

222., Find A Grave Memorial# 165226657. Cit. Date: 26 Oct 2016.

223. Personal Documents, Lorna D. Wallace (Johnson) family documents & photographs.

224. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001, (Rosemary Benson). Cit. Date: 11 Jan 2005.

225. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001, (Eileen Backen Gardiner). Cit. Date: 31 Mar 2010.

226. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001, (Rosemary Benson).

227. Benson, Rosemary, Our Combined Families (Online family tree hosted by, Cit. Date: 14 Jun 2007.

228. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001, (Eileen Backen Gardiner). Cit. Date: 31 Mar 2010.

229. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001, (Rosemary Benson). Cit. Date: 14 Jun 2007.

230. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001, (Jan Jordan Lokensgard). Cit. Date: 4 Apr 2007.

231. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001, (Rosemary Benson).

232., "Pedigree Resource File," database, FamilySearch ( : accessed 24 October 2011), entry for John /Wood/. Cit. Date: 25 May 2005.

233. Poaps, John, Papst Family Canadianwebs (, (J. Poaps). Cit. Date: 2001.

234. Johan Adam Papst U.E., Descendants and Ancestors,*CM&contentid=ZZZZZYWU&contentclass=HIST (John Poaps and Jessie E. Robertson). Cit. Date: 19 Aug 2004.

235. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001, (Eileen Backen Gardiner). Cit. Date: 31 Mar 2010.

236. Benson, Rosemary, Our Combined Families (Online family tree hosted by, Cit. Date: 2 Oct 2004.

237. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001, (Rosemary Benson).

238. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001, (Rosemary Benson). Cit. Date: 14 Jun 2007.

239. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001, (David L. Muir). Cit. Date: 16 Jan 2011.

240. Benson, Rosemary, Our Combined Families (Online family tree hosted by, Cit. Date: 24 Dec 2001.

241. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001,

242. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001,

243. Benson, Rosemary, Our Combined Families (Online family tree hosted by, Cit. Date: 14 Jun 2007.

244. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001, (Rosemary Benson).

245. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001, (Rosemary Benson).

246., Find A Grave Memorial# 109085071. Cit. Date: 23 Jan 2017.

247. Website - Genealogy,

248. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001, (Rosemary Benson).

249. Benson, Rosemary, Our Combined Families (Online family tree hosted by, Cit. Date: 24 Dec 2001.

250. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001, (Rosemary Benson).

251. Benson, Rosemary, Our Combined Families (Online family tree hosted by, Cit. Date: 14 Jun 2007.

252. Benson, Rosemary, Our Combined Families (Online family tree hosted by, Cit. Date: 4 Jul 2003.

253. Benson, Rosemary, Our Combined Families (Online family tree hosted by, Cit. Date: 4 Jul 2003.

254. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001, (Rosemary Benson).

255. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001, (Rosemary Benson).

256. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001, (Rosemary Benson).

257. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001,

258. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001, (Rosemary Benson).

259. Benson, Rosemary, Our Combined Families (Online family tree hosted by, Cit. Date: 9 Jul 2002.

260. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001, (Rosemary Benson). Cit. Date: 14 Jun 2007.

261. Benson, Rosemary, Our Combined Families (Online family tree hosted by, Cit. Date: 14 Jun 2007.

262. Web - Message Boards, Discussion Groups, Email, E.

263., Cit. Date: 24 Oct 2011.

264. Website - Genealogy,

265., Cit. Date: 20 Nov 2011.

266. FamilySearch Pedigree Resource File (, Cit. Date: 21 Sep 2003.

267. FamilySearch Pedigree Resource File (, (J Poaps). Cit. Date: 21 Sep 2003.

268. Website - Genealogy,

269. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001,

270. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001,

271. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001,

272. Website - Genealogy,

273. FamilySearch Pedigree Resource File (, (J Poaps). Cit. Date: 21 Sep 2003.

274. FamilySearch Pedigree Resource File (, (J Poaps). Cit. Date: 21 Sep 2003.

275. Website - Genealogy,

276. Benson, Rosemary, Our Combined Families (Online family tree hosted by, Cit. Date: 14 Jun 2007.

277. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001,

278. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001, (Rosemary Benson).

279. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001, (Rosemary Benson).

280. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001,

281. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001,

282. Benson, Rosemary, Our Combined Families (Online family tree hosted by, Cit. Date: 14 Jun 2007.

283. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001,

284. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001,

285. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001,

286. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001, (Rosemary Benson).

287. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001, (Rosemary Benson).

288. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001, (Rosemary Benson).

289. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001, (Rosemary Benson).

290. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001,

291. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001, (Rosemary Benson).

292. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001,

293. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001, (Rosemary Benson).

294. Website:, (1879 H. Belden map).

295. Website - Genealogy,

296. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001, (from John Poaps).

297. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001, (from John Poaps).

298. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001, (John Poaps).

299. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001, (Rosemary Benson).

300. Benson, Rosemary, Our Combined Families (Online family tree hosted by, Cit. Date: 14 Jun 2007.

301., Cit. Date: 24 Oct 2011.

302. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001, (Rosemary Benson).

303. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001, (Rosemary Benson).

304. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001, (Rosemary Benson).

305. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001, (David L. Muir). Cit. Date: 16 jan2011.

306. Benson, Rosemary, Our Combined Families (Online family tree hosted by, Cit. Date: 19 Dec 2001.

307. <Poaps, Richard A. "Sam">, Papst and Smiley Family History (, Cit. Date: Abt 2003.

308. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001,

309. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001, (David L. Muir). Cit. Date: 16 Jan 2011.

310. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001, (Rosemary Benson).

311. Benson, Rosemary, Our Combined Families (Online family tree hosted by, Cit. Date: 14 Jun 2007.

312. Website:,

313. Website:,

314., Cit. Date: 29 Oct 2011.

315. Benson, Rosemary, Our Combined Families (Online family tree hosted by, Cit. Date: 6 Aug 2002.

316. <Poaps, Richard A. "Sam">, Papst and Smiley Family History (, Cit. Date: Abt 2004.

317. Wereley, Bill, Eden's Tree Genealogy: Home of the Wereley-Savey Family Tree (, Cit. Date: 3 Dec 2005.

318. Wereley, Bill, Eden's Tree Genealogy: Home of the Wereley-Savey Family Tree (, Cit. Date: 3 Dec 2005.

319., Find A Grave Memorial# 168454730. Cit. Date: 19 Feb 2017.

320. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001, (Rosemary Benson). Cit. Date: 8 Jan 2005.

321. Benson, Rosemary, Our Combined Families (Online family tree hosted by, Cit. Date: 10 Jul 2003.

322., Find A Grave Memorial# 111626016. Cit. Date: 30 Sep 2016.

323., Find A Grave Memorial# 111626016.

324. Benson, Rosemary, Our Combined Families (Online family tree hosted by, Cit. Date: 10 Jul 2003.

325. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001, (Rosemary Benson). Cit. Date: 14 Jun 2007.

326. Benson, Rosemary, Our Combined Families (Online family tree hosted by, Cit. Date: 10 Jul 2003.

327. Correspondence, Wayne Poapst email messages. Cit. Date: 10 Mar 2012.

328., Find A Grave Memorial# 172792901. Cit. Date: 19 Feb 2017.

329. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001, (Rosemary Benson).

330. Benson, Rosemary, Our Combined Families (Online family tree hosted by, Cit. Date: 10 Jul 2003.

331. Correspondence, Wayne Poapst e-mail messages. Cit. Date: 10 mary 2012.

332., Find A Grave Memorial# 172786403. Cit. Date: 19 Feb 2017.

333. Benson, Rosemary, Our Combined Families (Online family tree hosted by, Cit. Date: 10 Jul 2003.

334., Find A Grave Memorial# 172793464. Cit. Date: 19 Feb 2017.

335. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001, (William D. Wereley). Cit. Date: 3 Dec 2005.

336. Personal Documents, Photographs in collection of Lorna Doone Wallace.

337. Benson, Rosemary, Our Combined Families (Online family tree hosted by, Cit. Date: 12 Jul 2003.

338. FamilySearch Historical Files (, "California Death Index, 1940-1997," database, FamilySearch ( : accessed 25 May 2016), Poapst in entry for Lydia A Poapst, 28 May 1944; Department of Public Health Services, Sacramento. Cit. Date: 24 May 2016.

339. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001, (Rosemary Benson).

340. Benson, Rosemary, Our Combined Families (Online family tree hosted by, Cit. Date: 10 Jul 2003.

341. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001, (Rosemary Benson).

342. Benson, Rosemary, Our Combined Families (Online family tree hosted by, Cit. Date: 10 Jul 2003.

343., Cit. Date: 29 Oct 2011.

344., Find A Grave Memorial# 172793547. Cit. Date: 19 Feb 2017.

345. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001, (Rosemary Benson).

346. Benson, Rosemary, Our Combined Families (Online family tree hosted by, Cit. Date: 10 Jul 2003.

347., Find A Grave Memorial# 172796333. Cit. Date: 19 Feb 2017.

348. Benson, Rosemary, Our Combined Families (Online family tree hosted by, Cit. Date: 9 Mar 2003.

349. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001, (Rosemary Benson).

350., (Rosemary Benson). Cit. Date: 10 Jul 2003.

351. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001, (Rosemary Benson).

352., (Rosemary Benson). Cit. Date: 14 Jun 2007.

353. Correspondence, Wayne Poapst e-mail. Cit. Date: 10 Mar 2012.

354. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001, (Rosemary Benson). Cit. Date: 29 Aug 2000.

355. Benson, Rosemary, Our Combined Families (Online family tree hosted by, Cit. Date: 29 Aug 2000.

356. Canadian GenWeb (Hosted by Rootsweb, an community), The Freeholder, Cornwall, ON - 2 June 1921
Submitted by Marg McFarlane.

357. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001, (Rosemary Benson). Cit. Date: 12 Jul 2003.

358., Find A Grave Memorial# 57452550. Cit. Date: 7 Jun 2016.

359. Website:,

360., Find A Grave Memorial# 123531719. Cit. Date: 23 May 2016.

361. Correspondence, Conversation with Ron Poapst. Cit. Date: 29 Oct 2011.

362. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001, (David L. Muir). Cit. Date: 16 Jan 2011.

363. FamilySearch Historical Files (, Cit. Date: 27 Nov 2011.

364. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001, (Rosemary Benson). Cit. Date: 28 Sep 2002.

365. FamilySearch Historical Files (, Cit. Date: 27 Nov 2011.

366., Find A Grave Memorial# 85390069.

367. Johan Adam Papst U.E., Descendants and Ancestors,*CM&c=content&htx=View&ContentClass=PICT&ContentID=ZZZZZX6R. Cit. Date: 27 Nov 2011.

368., Find A Grave Memorial# 85389983. Cit. Date: 23 Jan 2017.

369. Johan Adam Papst U.E., Descendants and Ancestors,*CM&contentid=ZZZZZX6P&contentclass=PICT&categoryid=0. Cit. Date: 27 Nov 2011.

370. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001, (Rosemary Benson). Cit. Date: 9 May 2003.

371. FamilySearch Historical Files (, "Ontario Births, 1869-1911," database with images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 7 June 2016), Effie Poapst, 25 Mar 1873; citing Birth, Cornwall, , Ontario, Canada, citing Archives of Ontario, Toronto; FHL micro. Cit. Date: 7 Jun 2016.

372., Find A Grave Memorial# 109073634. Cit. Date: 27 Sep 2016.

373. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001, (Rosemary Benson). Cit. Date: 28 Sep 2002.

374. FamilySearch Historical Files (, Cit. Date: 27 Nov 2011.

375., Find A Grave Memorial# 109087409. Cit. Date: 23 Jan 2017.

376. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001, (Rosemary Benson). Cit. Date: 28 Sep 2002.

377. FamilySearch Historical Files (, Cit. Date: 27 Nov 2011.

378., Find A Grave Memorial# 174931284. Cit. Date: 23 Jan 2017.

379. Website - Genealogy, Http://

380., Find A Grave Memorial# 174931336. Cit. Date: 23 Jan 2017.

381., Find A Grave Memorial# 167253720. Cit. Date: 23 Jan 2017.

382., Find A Grave Memorial# 167253912. Cit. Date: 23 Jan 2017.

383. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001, (Rosemary Benson).

384. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001, (Rosemary Benson). Cit. Date: 11 Jan 2005.

385. Correspondence, Wayne Poapst e-mail message. Cit. Date: 9 Mar 2012.

386., Find A Grave Memorial # 37600882. Cit. Date: 27 May 2016.

387., Cit. Date: 28 Aug 2011.

388. FamilySearch Historical Files (, "United States Census, 1920," database with images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 4 January 2016), Donald C Wallace in household of William H Wallace, Long Beach, Los Angeles, California, United States; citing s. Cit. Date: 4 Jan 2016.

389. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001,

390. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001,

391. Johnson, DeWayne B. and Lorna Wallace Johnson, Johnson/Wallace Family Tree.

392., Find A Grave Memorial # 68581615. Cit. Date: 6 Jan 2016.

393., Find A Grave Mrmorial # 68581143. Cit. Date: 6 Jan 2016.

394. FamilySearch Historical Files (, "California, County Marriages, 1850-1952," database with images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 23 May 2016), J Lee Beebe and Hetty Eva Poapst, 18 May 1904; citing Orange, California, United States, county courth. Cit. Date: 23 May 2016.

395., Find A Grave Memorial # 11246982. Cit. Date: 6 Jan 2016.

396., Find A Grave Memorial # 11246994.

397. FamilySearch Historical Files (, "United States Census, 1880," database with images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 23 May 2016), Beebe in household of Norman Beebe, Lake Crystal, Blue Earth, Minnesota, United States; citing enumeration district. Cit. Date: 23 May 2016.

398. FamilySearch Historical Files (, "United States Census, 1910," database with images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 23 May 2016), J L Beebe, Anaheim, Orange, California, United States; citing enumeration district (ED) ED 44, sheet 26A, NARA micr. Cit. Date: 23 May 2016.

399. FamilySearch Historical Files (, "United States World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918," database with images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 23 May 2016), Jay Lee Beebe, 1917-1918; citing Orange County no 2, California, United States. Cit. Date: 23 May 2016.

400. FamilySearch Historical Files (, "United States Census, 1940," database with images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 23 May 2016), Jay Lee Beebe, Anaheim, Anaheim Judicial Township, Orange, California, United States; citing enumeration district (. Cit. Date: 23 May 2016.

401. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001, (Rosemary Benson). Cit. Date: 10 Jan 2005.

402. Personal Documents, Family photographs (Lorna Doone Wallace collection).

403. Benson, Rosemary, Our Combined Families (Online family tree hosted by, Cit. Date: 14 Jun 2007.

404., Cit. Date: 23 Aug 2011.

405., Find A Grave Memorial # 157853266. Cit. Date: 27 May 2016.

406. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001, (Rosemary Benson). Cit. Date: 14 Jun 2007.

407. Benson, Rosemary, Our Combined Families (Online family tree hosted by, Cit. Date: 14 Jun 2007.

408., Find A Grave Memorial # 99420612&. Cit. Date: 4 Jan 2016.

409. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001,

410. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001,

411. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001,

412. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001,

413. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001,

414. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001,

415. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001,

416. Website - Genealogy,

417., Find A Grave Memorial# 109076339. Cit. Date: 23 Jan 2017.

418. FamilySearch Historical Files (, Cit. Date: 27 Nov 2011.

419. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001, (Rosemary Benson). Cit. Date: 31 Dec 2004.

420., Find A Grave Memorial# 111626014. Cit. Date: 30 Sep 2016.

421., Find A Grave Memorial# 111626014.

422., (Rosemary Benson). Cit. Date: 12 Jul 2003.

423., (Rosemary Benson). Cit. Date: 12 Jul 2003.

424., Cit. Date: 29 Oct 2011.

425., Find A Grave Memorial# 111626015. Cit. Date: 27 Sep 2016.

426., Find A Grave Memorial# 111626015. Cit. Date: 30 Sep 2016.

427., Cit. Date: 12 Jul 2003.

428., Cit. Date: 29 Oct 2011.

429., Cit. Date: 12 Jul 2003.

430., Cit. Date: 29 Oct 2011.

431. Benson, Rosemary, Our Combined Families (Online family tree hosted by, Cit. Date: 14 Jun 2007.

432. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001, (Bill Rombough). Cit. Date: 22 Sep 2011.

433. FamilySearch Historical Files (, "Canada Births and Baptisms, 1661-1959," database, FamilySearch ( : accessed 7 June 2016), Stanley Claud Grant, 13 Oct 1883; citing Osnabruck Township, Stormont, Ontario, 13 Oct 1883, reference 499; FHL micr. Cit. Date: 7 Jun 2016.

434. Benson, Rosemary, Our Combined Families (Online family tree hosted by, Cit. Date: 3 Oct 2000.

435. Benson, Rosemary, Our Combined Families (Online family tree hosted by, Cit. Date: 14 Jun 2007.

436. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001, (William D. Wereley). Cit. Date: 3 Dec 2005.

437. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001, (William D. Wereley). Cit. Date: 3 Dec 2005.

438. Website:,

439. Website - Genealogy,

440. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001, (David L. Muir). Cit. Date: 16 Jan 2011.

441. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001, (David L. Muir). Cit. Date: 16 Jan 2011.

442. Benson, Rosemary, Our Combined Families (Online family tree hosted by, Cit. Date: 4 Jul 2003.

443. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001, (David L. Muir). Cit. Date: 16 Jan 2011.

444. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001, (David L. Muir). Cit. Date: 16 Jan 2011.

445. Benson, Rosemary, Our Combined Families (Online family tree hosted by, Cit. Date: 12 Jul 2003.

446., Cit. Date: 29 Oct 2011.

447. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001, (David L. Muir). Cit. Date: 16 Jan 2011.

448. Benson, Rosemary, Our Combined Families (Online family tree hosted by, Cit. Date: 12 Jul 2003.

449., Cit. Date: 29 Oct 2011.

450. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001, (David L. Muir). Cit. Date: 16 Jan 2011.

451. Benson, Rosemary, Our Combined Families (Online family tree hosted by, Cit. Date: 14 Jun 2007.

452. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001, (Rosemary Benson).

453. Benson, Rosemary, Our Combined Families (Online family tree hosted by, Cit. Date: 14 Jun 2007.

454. Rootsweb Homepages (Hosted by Rootsweb, an Community.), Cit. Date: 13 Nov 2011.

455. Website:, record of 1893 marriages in Stormont, Glengarry & Dundas counties.

456. Benson, Rosemary, Our Combined Families (Online family tree hosted by, Cit. Date: 14 Jun 2007.

457. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001, (Rosemary Benson).

458. Benson, Rosemary, Our Combined Families (Online family tree hosted by, Cit. Date: 14 Jun 2007.

459. Benson, Rosemary, Our Combined Families (Online family tree hosted by, Cit. Date: 14 Jun 2007.

460. Benson, Rosemary, Our Combined Families (Online family tree hosted by, Cit. Date: 14 Jun 2007.

461. Benson, Rosemary, Our Combined Families (Online family tree hosted by, Cit. Date: 23 Dec 2004.

462. <Poaps, Richard A. "Sam">, Papst and Smiley Family History (,

463., Cit. Date: 30 Oct 2011.

464. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001, (David L. Muir). Cit. Date: 16 Jan 2011.

465. Benson, Rosemary, Our Combined Families (Online family tree hosted by, Cit. Date: 14 Jun 2007.

466. Johan Adam Papst U.E., Descendants and Ancestors,*CM&contentclass=PICT&categoryid=250. Cit. Date: 10 Sep 2011.

467. FamilySearch Historical Files (, Cit. Date: 27 Nov 2011.

468. FamilySearch Historical Files (, Cit. Date: 27 Nov 2011.

469., Find A Grave Memorial# 57452458. Cit. Date: 7 Jun 2016.

470., Find A Grave Memorial# 57061371. Cit. Date: 7 Jun 2016.

471., ind A Grave Memorial# 111566867. Cit. Date: 7 Jun 2016.

472., Find A Grave Memorial# 57451988. Cit. Date: 7 Jun 2016.

473., Find A Grave Memorial# 123532345. Cit. Date: 23 Jan 2017.

474. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001, (Rosemary Benson). Cit. Date: 20 Jul 2001.

475. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001,

476. FamilySearch Historical Files (, "Ontario Marriages, 1869-1927," database with images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 24 May 2016), Hiram Poapst and Sevella Mcewan, 20 Dec 1896; citing registration , Cornwall, Stormont, Ontario, Canada, Archives. Cit. Date: 23 May 2016.

477. Correspondence, Ronald Poapst. Cit. Date: 29 Oct 2011.

478. Correspondence, Ron Poapst. Cit. Date: 29 Oct 2011.

479. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001, (Rosemary Benson). Cit. Date: 14 Jun 2007.

480. FamilySearch Historical Files (, "Canada Births and Baptisms, 1661-1959," database, FamilySearch ( : accessed 24 May 2016), Hiram Poapst in entry for Garrett Andrew Poapst, 23 Oct 1899; citing Cornwall, Stormout, Ontario, 23 Oct 1899, refer. Cit. Date: 23 May 2016.

481. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001, (Rosemary Benson). Cit. Date: 14 Jun 2007.

482. Website - Genealogy, Cit. Date: 2009.

483. FamilySearch Historical Files (, /ark:/61903/1:1:KZ16-T7L : accessed 24 May 2016), Hiram Poapst in entry for Maisie Hazel Poapst, 15 Mar 1902; citing Birth, Cornwall, Stormont, Ontario, Canada, citing Archives of Ontario, Toronto; FHL microfilm 2,130,573. Cit. Date: 23 May 2016.

484. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001, (Rosemary Benson). Cit. Date: 14 Jun 2007.

485. FamilySearch Historical Files (, "Ontario Marriages, 1869-1927," database with images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 24 May 2016), Jacob Wilbur Shaver and Maisie H Poapst, 09 Jul 1924; citing registration , Cornwall, Stormont and Dundas and Gl. Cit. Date: 23 May 2016.

486. FamilySearch Historical Files (, "Ontario Births, 1869-1911," database with images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 24 May 2016), Hiram Poapst in entry for Esther Minerva Poapst, 29 Apr 1911; citing Birth, Cornwall, Stormont, Ontario, Canada, cit. Cit. Date: 23 May 2016.

487., Find A Grave Memorial # 109073610. Cit. Date: 23 May 2016.

488. FamilySearch Historical Files (, "Ontario Marriages, 1869-1927," database with images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 24 May 2016), Ralph Ira Charles Bush and Hazel Ruth Burton, 02 Sep 1920; citing registration , Osnabruck, Stormont, Ontario, Ca. Cit. Date: 23 May 2016.

489., Find A Grave Memorial # 109073393. Cit. Date: 27 Sep 2016.

490., Find A Grave Memorial# 109073668. Cit. Date: 23 May 2016.

491. FamilySearch Historical Files (, "Canada Births and Baptisms, 1661-1959," database, FamilySearch ( : accessed 24 May 2016), Effie Poapst in entry for Elias Ephriam Bush, 24 Apr 1906; citing , 24 Apr 1906, reference 2:GRPPGJ; FHL microfilm 9. Cit. Date: 23 May 2016.

492. FamilySearch Historical Files (, Cit. Date: 27 Nov 2011.

493. FamilySearch Historical Files (, Cit. Date: 27 Nov 2011.

494. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001, (Rosemary Benson). Cit. Date: 14 Jun 2007.

495., Find A Grave Memorial# 57749992. Cit. Date: 6 Jun 2016.

496. FamilySearch Historical Files (, Cit. Date: 27 Nov 2011.

497. FamilySearch Historical Files (, Cit. Date: 27 Nov 2011.

498. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001, (Rosemary Benson). Cit. Date: 14 Jun 2007.

499. Minnesota Board of Control of State Institutions, editor, First Biennial Report of the Board of Control of State Institutions of Minnesota., Period Ending, July 31, 1902. (St. Paul, Minn.: Pioneer Press Company, 1903), 130.

500., Cit. Date: 28 Aug 2011.

501. FamilySearch Historical Files (, "California, County Marriages, 1850-1952," database with images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 28 May 2016), Cecelia Raven in entry for Gordon Curtis Poapst and Atoka Lee Ward, 12 Oct 1935; citing Los Angeles, C. Cit. Date: 28 May 2016.

502., Cit. Date: 6 Jan 2016.

503. Website - Genealogy,

504., Find A Grave Memorial #157853603. Cit. Date: 27 May 2016.

505. FamilySearch Historical Files (, "Minnesota, County Marriages, 1860-1949", database with images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 28 May 2016), Harry E Poapst and Cecilie J or Cecilia J Rawn, 1906. Cit. Date: 28 May 2016.

506., Cit. Date: 27 May 2016.

507. FamilySearch Historical Files (, "California Death Index, 1905-1939," database with images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 21 January 2016), Cecilia Poapst, 1927; citing 35490, Department of Health Services, Vital Statistics Department, Sacrame. Cit. Date: 20 Jan 2016.

508., Find A Grave Memorial #157853603. Cit. Date: 3 Jun 2016.

509. Benson, Rosemary, Our Combined Families (Online family tree hosted by, Cit. Date: 14 Jun 2007.

510. FamilySearch Historical Files (, "California Birth Index, 1905-1995," database, FamilySearch ( : accessed 21 January 2016), Gordon C Poapst, 30 Jun 1908; citing Orange, California, United States, Department of Health Services, Vital Statist. Cit. Date: 20 Jan 2016.

511. FamilySearch Historical Files (, "California Death Index, 1940-1997," database, FamilySearch ( : accessed 21 January 2016), Gordon C Poapst, 08 Jun 1966; Department of Public Health Services, Sacramento. Cit. Date: 20 Jan 2016.

512., Find A Grave Memorial # 77148533. Cit. Date: 20 Jan 2016.

513. Benson, Rosemary, Our Combined Families (Online family tree hosted by, Cit. Date: 14 Jun 2007.

514., Find A Grave Memorial # 37600842. Cit. Date: 27 May 2016.

515. FamilySearch Historical Files (, "United States Census, 1930", database with images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 4 January 2016), Lorna Doone Wallace in entry for William H Wallace, 1930. Cit. Date: 4 Jan 2016.

516. Harper, Franklin, ed, Who's Who on the Pacific Coast: A Biographical Compilation of Notable Living Contemporaries West of the Rocky Mountains. (Los Angeles: Harper Publishing Co., 1913.), p. 587.

517. John William Leonard, editor, Who's Who in Finance, Banking and Insurance (New York, NY: Joseph & Sefton, 1911), pp. 38-39.

518., Cit. Date: 23 Aug 2011.

519. Ross, Peter, History of Long Island: From Its Earliest Settlement to the Present Time, vol. III (New York, 1903.), p. 114.

520. Personal Documents, Family records of Lorna Doone Wallace (Johnson).

521. "Hon. John D. Wallace, Pembina County," The Record, March 1807, vol. 2, no. 1, p. 1. Cit. Date: 15 Aug 2010; The Record historical magazine was published at Fargo, N.D. from 1895 to 1905 by Col. C. A. Lounsberry. Copies of The Record are available from the microfilmed collection at the Institute for Regional Studies, North Dakota State University. See the online index at

522. Compendium of History and Biography of North Dakota (Chicago: Geo. A. Ogle & Co., 1900), 834. Cit. Date: 18 Jan 2016; Digitized on Google Books

523. Personal Documents, Family records of Lorna (Wallace) Johnson.

524. Personal Documents.

525., Find A Grave Memorial # 37927426. Cit. Date: 3 Jun 2016.

526. Personal Documents, Wm H Wallace [journal] YMCA L.A. March 16, 1918 to May 20, 1918 (incl.). Cit. Date: 21 Jan 2016.

527. Digital Horizons: Life on the Northern Plains (, Homestead Maps of Pembina County. Rec. Date: 31 Oct 2016. Cit. Date: 1 Nov 2016; "Prepared under the direction of the Pembina County Pioneer Daughter" in 1989.

528. The Liner (Hamline University, St. Paul, Minn.), 1895, pp. 102-103. Cit. Date: 12 Jan 2016.

529. FamilySearch Historical Files (, "United States Census, 1900," database with images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 4 January 2016), Donald Wallace in household of Wm Wallace, Kintire & Swedes Forest Townships Belview village, Redwood, Minnesota. Cit. Date: 4 Jan 2016.

530. The Liner (Hamline University, St. Paul, Minn.), 1905, p. 41. Cit. Date: 12 Jan 2016.

531. FamilySearch Historical Files (, "United States Census, 1910," database with images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 4 January 2016), Donald Wallace in household of William H Wallace, Long Beach Ward 7, Los Angeles, California, United States; cit. Cit. Date: 4 Jan 2016.

532. George W. Kingsbury, History of Dakota Territory. South Dakota: Its History and Its People. (Chicago: S. J. Clarke Publishing Co., 1915), IV. Rec. Date: 10 Apr 2011. Cit. Date: 6 Jan 2016.

533. FamilySearch Historical Files (, "Minnesota Births and Christenings, 1840-1980," database, FamilySearch ( : accessed 4 January 2016), Donald Clare Wallace, 10 Jul 1898; citing Belview, Redwood, Minnesota, reference v B p 23; FHL microfilm 1. Cit. Date: 4 Jan 2016.

534. FamilySearch Historical Files (, "California Death Index, 1940-1997," database, FamilySearch ( : accessed 3 June 2016), Donald C Wallace, 25 May 1985; Department of Public Health Services, Sacramento. Cit. Date: 3 Jun 2016.

535., Find A Grave Memorial# 37927393. Cit. Date: 3 Jun 2016.

536. FamilySearch Historical Files (, "Minnesota Births and Christenings, 1840-1980," database, FamilySearch ( : accessed 31 December 2015), Helen Theo Wallace, 30 Sep 1901; citing Belview, Redwood, Minnesota, reference v B p 70; FHL microfilm 1. Cit. Date: 30 Dec 2015.

537. Correspondence, Ricardo R. Medina Dolliver beginning 27 Dec 2015. Cit. Date: 30 Aug 2016.

538. FamilySearch Historical Files (, "California Death Index, 1940-1997," database, FamilySearch ( : 26 November 2014), Theo Bloom, 21 May 1973; Department of Public Health Services, Sacramento. Cit. Date: 21 Feb 2017.

539., Find A Grave Memorial# 87569009. Cit. Date: 21 Feb 2017.

540. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001,

541. Fish, Karen Johnson. Rec. Date: 9 Apr 2009.

542. Birth Certificate, Cit. Date: 22 Apr 1921.

543. Personal Documents, Family records of Lorna (Wallace) Johnson. Cit. Date: 3 Mar 2017.

544. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001, (Rosemary Benson). Cit. Date: 14 Jun 2007.

545. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001, (Rosemary Benson). Cit. Date: 14 Jun 2007.

546. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001, Cit. Date: 14 Jun 2007.

547. FamilySearch Historical Files (, "United States World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918," database with images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 7 June 2016), Stanley Claude Grant, 1917-1918; citing Duluth City no 2, Minnesota, United Stat. Cit. Date: 7 Jun 2016.

548. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001, (Bill Rombough). Cit. Date: 22 Sep 2011.

549. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001, (David L. Muir). Cit. Date: 16 Jan 2011.

550. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001, (David L. Muir). Cit. Date: 16 Jan 2011.

551. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001, (David L. Muir). Cit. Date: 16 Jan 2011.

552. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001, (David L. Muir). Cit. Date: 16 Jan 2011.

553. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001, (David L. Muir). Cit. Date: 16 Jan 2011.

554. Benson, Rosemary, Our Combined Families (Online family tree hosted by, Cit. Date: 14 Jun 2007.

555., Find A Grave Memorial# 57452374. Cit. Date: 7 Jun 2016.

556. FamilySearch Historical Files (, "United States Census, 1930", database with images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 8 June 2016), Roxie G Widmeyer in entry for James P Widmeyer, 1930. Cit. Date: 7 Jun 2016.

557., Find A Grave Memorial# 114136462. Cit. Date: 7 Jun 2016.

558. Obituary, Cit. Date: 25 Aug 2016.

559. Obituary, Cit. Date: 30 Aug 2016.

560., Cit. Date: 28 Aug 2011.

561. FamilySearch Historical Files (, "United States Census, 1930", database with images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 4 January 2016), Donald C Wallace, 1930. Cit. Date: 4 Jan 2016.

562. FamilySearch Historical Files (, "United States Census, 1940," database with images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 4 January 2016), Don C Wallace, Councilmanic District 7, Long Beach, Long Beach Judicial Township, Los Angeles, California, Unite. Cit. Date: 4 Jan 2016.

563. Obituary, Died at age 72.

564. Correspondence, Don Gold beginning 7 Sep 2016. Cit. Date: 22 Sep 2016.

565. Personal Documents, 1929 photograph labelled by Donald C. Wallace.

566. FamilySearch Historical Files (, "California, County Marriages, 1850-1952," database with images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 4 January 2016), Domald Clare Walace in entry for Russell Hamilton Green and Betty Jean Wallace, 08 May 1948; citing. Cit. Date: 4 Jan 2016.

567. FamilySearch Historical Files (, "California Death Index, 1940-1997," database, FamilySearch ( : accessed 4 June 2016), Bertha L Wallace, 18 Apr 1971; Department of Public Health Services, Sacramento. Cit. Date: 3 Jun 2016.

568., Find A Grave Memorial# 37927360. Cit. Date: 3 Jun 2016.

569. Obituary, Cit. Date: 8 Sep 2016.

570. Obituary,

571., Find A Grave Memorial# 139018891. Cit. Date: 3 Jun 2016.

572. Johnson, DeWayne B, I Have Met a Lot of Generals: A Journalist's Notebook. (Northridge: (Privately Printed), 2007.).

573., Find A Grave Memorial # 41656307. Cit. Date: 20 Sep 2016.

574. FamilySearch Historical Files (, "United States Public Records, 1970-2009," database, FamilySearch ( : 23 May 2014), Russell H Green, Residence, Healdsburg, California, United States; a third party aggregator of publicly available informati. Cit. Date: 20 Sep 2016.

575. FamilySearch Historical Files (, "United States Census, 1920," database with images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 22 February 2017), Helen E Wallace in household of Francis A Coleman, Portland, Multnomah, Oregon, United States; citing ED 95, s. Cit. Date: 21 Feb 2017.

576. Correspondence, Debbie (Medina) Padilla beginning 2 Sep 2016. Cit. Date: 9 Sep 2016.

577. Correspondence, Ricardo R. Medina beginning 31 Aug 2016. Cit. Date: 2 Sep 2016.

578. FamilySearch Historical Files (, Find A Grave Memorial# 87568996. Cit. Date: 21 Feb 2017.

579., Find A Grave Memorial# 87568996. Cit. Date: 21 Feb 2017.

580. Correspondence, Letter from Maud (Wallace) Healy to her brother William H. Wallace 1 April 1921 (See birth note.). Cit. Date: 1 Apr 1921.

581. Website:, Transcription of 1931 yearbook at:

582. FamilySearch Historical Files (, "United States Census, 1940," database with images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 27 May 2016), Lind Wallace, Councilmanic District 9, Long Beach, Long Beach Judicial Township, Los Angeles, California, United St. Cit. Date: 27 May 2016.

583. Personal Documents, DeWayne B. Johnson family documents & photographs.

584. FamilySearch Historical Files (, "California, County Marriages, 1850-1952," database with images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 28 January 2016), Lind Havelcok Wallace and Lucile Genevieve Mcfarland, 25 Sep 1933; citing Los Angeles, California. Cit. Date: 28 Jan 2016.

585. FamilySearch Historical Files (, "California Death Index, 1940-1997," database, FamilySearch ( : 26 November 2014), Lucile Genevieve Patterson, 17 Jan 1992; Department of Public Health Services, Sacramento. Cit. Date: 15 Sep 2016.

586. Fish, Karen Johnson. Rec. Date: 9 Apr 2009, Julie Pepper.

587., Find A Grave Memorial# 74287214. Cit. Date: 3 Jun 2016.

588. Fish, Karen Johnson. Rec. Date: 9 Apr 2009, Cit. Date: 9 Apr 2009.

589. Fish, Karen Johnson. Rec. Date: 9 Apr 2009, Johnson, DeWayne Burton. Cit. Date: 9 Apr 2009.

590. Personal Documents, Johnson, DeWayne Burton. Cit. Date: 9 Apr 2009.

591. Personal Documents, DeWayne B. Johnson family documents & photographs. Cit. Date: 9 Apr 2009.

592. Personal Documents, Alex Wallace. Cit. Date: 20 Apr 2009.

593. FamilySearch Historical Files (, "California, County Marriages, 1850-1952," database with images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 4 January 2016), Donald Clare Wallace in entry for William Havelock Wallace and Margaret Ann Beckley, 24 Mar 1951; c. Cit. Date: 4 Jan 2016.

594., Find A Grave Memorial# 139018934. Cit. Date: 3 Jun 2016.

595., Find A Grave Memorial # 139018962. Cit. Date: 4 Jan 2016.

596. Obituary, Obituary of her father, Donald C. Wallace, Jr., on 16 February 2008.

597. FamilySearch Historical Files (, "California Birth Index, 1905-1995," database, FamilySearch ( : 27 November 2014), Theo Dawn Sigmund, 02 Mar 1938; citing San Francisco, California, United States, Department of Health Services, Vital Statis. Cit. Date: 4 Sep 2016.

598. Correspondence, Debbie Medina beginning 3 Sep 2016. Cit. Date: 11 Sep 2016.

599. Fish, Karen Johnson. Rec. Date: 9 Apr 2009, Fish, George Michael.

600. Personal Documents, Fish, LeRoy Paschal. Cit. Date: 9 Apr 2009.

601. Birth Certificate, Cit. Date: 9 Apr 2009.

602., Cit. Date: 18 Jun 2013.

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