Captain Thomas Clagett Jr.
- Born: 1674, St. Leonard's, Calvert, Maryland, (United States)
- Marriage (1): Mary Keene about 1695
- Died: Mar 1733, "Weston" near Upper Marlborough, Prince George's, Maryland, (United States) at age 59
Another name for Thomas was Captain Thomas Claggett Jr.
Research Notes:
From :
Thomas received from his parents in 1702, "Weston", near Upper Marlborough, which was entailed upon him and his heirs "forever." He lived at Weston where he is said to have built a handsome home, surrounding it with a park in the English style. This house was destroyed by fire after the Revolution.
Thomas owned "Huntington" at Rock Creek; "Clagett's Purchase" (750 acres) in Montgomery Co., near what is now Bethesda; 300 acres near Beaver Dam, Prince George's Co.; and "Strife."
Thomas Clagett is mentioned as a justice of the peace for Prince George's County in 1712 and a Commissioner in 1707; a member of the House of Burgesses; and in 1703 Justice of Orphans Court." "Across the Years in Prince George's County" pg. 121
There is question as to whether "Weston" was in Prince George's or Calvert County, but county lines changed over the years and where it is now, may not be where it was then.
Last Will and Testament of Thomas Clagett In the name of God, Amen. I, Thomas Clagett of Prince George's County in the Province of Maryland, Being very Sick and Weak in Body But of perfect Sence and Memory praised Be Almighty God for the Same And Calling to Mind the Certainty of Death Doe make and Ordaine This my Last Will and Testament in Manner and forme following. My Soul I Recommend To Almighty God hoping Through The Merrits of my Saviour Jesus Christ To Receive full Pardon and Remission of all my Sins. My Body I Commit to ye Earth To be Decently Interr'd at The Discretion of my Executrix herafter named. And for what Worldly Godds it hath pleased God to Bestow on me I give and Bequeath as follows, Viz.
Item. I Give and Bequeath unto my Son Richard Clagett his heirs and Assignes for ever All That Tract or percell of Land Called huntington Lying near Rock Creek in the County aforesaid, Containing above Three hundred Acres which said Land I Purchased of Thomas Fletchall Deceased.
Item. I give and Bequeath unto my Daughter Elizabeth Prather her heirs and Assignes for ever one hundred & fifty acres of Land Lying near the Beaver Dam Branch x In Prince Georges County.
Item. I Give and Bequeath unto my Daughter Sarah Clagett her heirs and Assignes for Ever The Remaining part of ye Tract of Land aforesaid Lying near The Beverdam aforesaid Being One Hundred fifty Acres But if in Case The Tract of Land aforesaid Lying near ye Beaverdam aforesaid should not Containe Three hundred Acres of Land According to Survey, Then my true intent and meaning is That the Tract of Land Lying near the Beverdam aforesaid Be equally Divided Between my Daughters Elizabeth Prather, & Sarah Clagett their Heirs or Assignes for ever, Be the Quantity More or Less.
Item. I give and Bequeath unto my Two Sons John Clagett & Charles Clagett The Remaining Part of a Tract of Land Called Clagetts Purchase afte my Son Thomas Clagett hath Two Hundred Acres Land out for him According to my Deed of Gifts Lately Executed To Be equally Divided Between the aforesaid John Clagett & Charles Clagett Their Heirs or Assignes for ever Being about five hundred & Seventy Acres of Land.
Item. I Give and Bequeath unto my Loving Wife her Heirs & Assignes for Ever all that Tract or Percell of Land Called Briffe Containing about Three Hundred Acres of Land which I Purchased of Hugh Riley, The Said Land to be Sold By my Said Wife & the Purchase Money To be added to the Creditt of my personall Estate.
Item. I give and Bequeath unto my Loving Wife Mary Clagett One Third part of all my Personal Estate of what kind so ever after my Just Debts are fully Satisfied and paid, and the Legacy hereafter Bequeathed.
Item. I Give and Bequeath unto my Daughter Sarah Clagett One Feather bed & Furniture.
Item. I Give and Bequeath unto my Three Daughters The Remaining part of my personall Estate after satisfaction made as aforesaid & my Funeral Charges paid & Their Mothers Thirds & my Daughter Sarah Legacy taken out. Viz. My Daughters Martha Clagett, Margarett Clagett & Ann Clagett.
Lastly, It is my Will and Disire That my Loveing Wife Mary Clagett Be whole and Sole Executrix of This my Last Will & Testament.
In Testimony whereof I have hereunto Sett my hand and Seale This Twenty Sixth Day of January 1732.
Tho: Clagett (seal)
Signed Sealed and Acknowledged in the Presence of Charles Beavan Jeremiah Berry John Clagett Richard Keene
Prince Geo: County Sst. March ye 27 Anno Dom. 1733
Then Came Charles Beavin, John Clagett, Jeremiah Berry and Richard Keene and made Oath on the Holy Evangelists of Allmighty God that they Saw & heard Capt. Thomas Claget the Deced. Testator Sign Seal Publish and Declare the wthin Will to be his Last Will & Testament, And at the time of so doing, he was of Sound and perfect Memory to the best of their apprehension & in his presence & at his Request they subscribed the Same as Evidences Sworn before
Pet. Dent Dty Comy of Pr. Georges County
Thomas married Mary Keene, daughter of Henry Keene and Unknown, about 1695. (Mary Keene was born about 1672 in St. Leonard's, Calvert, Maryland, (United States) and died about 1759 in Calvert, Maryland, (United States).)