Names |
Born |
Died |
(No surname) |
Alasia di SaluzzoS |
died 25 Sep 1292 |
AlianorS |
born 1241, Castile, Spain |
died 28 Nov 1290, Harby, Nottinghamshire, England |
AnnP |
born 1610, Kettering, Northamptonshire, England |
AsenathS |
died Apr 1792 |
Beatrice of EnglandC |
born 1242 |
died 1275 |
Beatrice of SavoyP |
Blanche de NavarreS,P,S,P |
born Bet 1245 and 1250 |
died 2 May 1302, Paris, (Île-de-France), France |
Blanche of LancasterC |
born Abt 1305 |
died 1380 |
CarleneP |
CatharineP |
CatherineS |
CatherineP |
Catherine of TalacreS |
ClarissaP |
ClemenceS |
Constance of YorkC |
born Abt 1374 |
died 29 Nov 1416, <Reading Abbey, Reading, Berkshire, England> |
DamarisS,P |
David II of ScotlandS |
DebbieS |
Diana (Princess)S,C |
Edmund "Crouchback" 1st Earl of Lancaster, Earl of LeicesterC,P |
born 16 Jan 1245, London, England |
died 5 Jun 1296, Bayonne, France |
Edmund of Langley, 1st Duke of YorkC |
born 5 Jun 1341, Kings Langley, Hertfordshire, England |
died 1 Aug 1402, Kings Langley, Hertfordshire, England |
Edward I "Hammer of the Scots"C,C,C |
born 17 Jun 1239, Westminster Palace, London, England |
died 7 Jul 1307, Burgh-by-Sands, Cumberland, England |
Edward I of Bar, Comte de BarC |
born 1284 |
died 1336 |
Edward II of England (King)C |
born 25 Apr 1284, Caernarfon Castle, Caernarfonshire, Gwynedd, Wales |
died 21 Sep 1327, <Berkeley Castle, > near Gloucester, Gloucestershire, England |
Edward III King of EnglandC |
born 13 Nov 1312, Windsor Castle, Windsor, Berkshire, England |
died 21 Jun 1377, Sheen Palace, Richmond, Surrey, England |
Edward of CaenarvonC |
born 25 Apr 1284, Caernarfon Castle, Caernarfonshire, Gwynedd, Wales |
died 21 Sep 1327, <Berkeley Castle, > near Gloucester, Gloucestershire, England |
Edward of WindsorC |
born 13 Nov 1312, Windsor Castle, Windsor, Berkshire, England |
died 21 Jun 1377, Sheen Palace, Richmond, Surrey, England |
Eleanor |
born 1215 |
died 13 Apr 1275 |
EleanorS |
born 1285 |
EleanorC |
born 1215 |
died 13 Apr 1275 |
EleanorC |
born 1285 |
Eleanor Countess of GueldersC |
born 1318 |
Eleanor of AquitaineP |
born Abt 1124 |
died 31 Mar 1204, Fontevrault |
Eleanor of Castile, Countess of PonthieuS |
born 1241, Castile, Spain |
died 28 Nov 1290, Harby, Nottinghamshire, England |
Eleanor of EnglandC,P |
born 18 Jun 1269 |
died 29 Aug 1298, <Westminster Abbey, London, England> |
Eleanor of LancasterS,C,P,P |
born Abt 1318, England |
died 11 Jan 1372, Arundel Castle, West Sussex, England |
Eleanor of ProvenceS |
born Abt 1223 |
died 25 Jun 1291, Amesbury, Wiltshire, England |
Eleanor of WoodstockC |
born 1318 |
ElizabethS |
born Abt 1350, <Nettlestead, Suffolk>, England |
bur. Newhouse Abbey, Lincolnshire, England |
ElizabethP,P |
died After Jun 1405 |
Elizabeth II of England (Queen)C,P |
Elizabeth of EnglandC,C,C |
born 7 Aug 1282, Rhuddlan Castle, Rhuddlan, Denbighshire, Wales |
died 5 May 1316, Quendon, Essex, England |
EthelS |
died After 2 Jun 1975 |
FannieS |
Fernando III of Castile King of Castile and LeonP |
FloraS |
George VI of England (King)S |
Gladys DhuC |
born Abt 1206, Caernarvonshire, Wales |
died 1251, Windsor, Berkshire, England |
Gruffydd Fychan II Lord of Glyndyfrdwy & Cynllaith OwainS |
born Bef 1330 |
died 1369 |
Gwladus DduC |
born Abt 1206, Caernarvonshire, Wales |
died 1251, Windsor, Berkshire, England |
HelenS |
HeleneC |
born Abt 1207 |
died 1253 |
Henry 3rd Earl of Lancaster, Earl of LeicesterS,C,P |
born Abt 1281, Grosmont Castle, Monmouthshire, England |
died 25 Mar 1345, Canons Monastery, England |
Henry II "Curtmantel" King of EnglandP |
born 5 Mar 1132, Le Mans, France |
died 6 Jul 1189, <Fontévrault Abbey, France> |
Henry III of England (King)C |
born 1 Oct 1207, Winchester Castle, Winchester, (Hampshire), England |
died 16 Nov 1272, Westminster Palace, London, England |
Henry III Count of BarS,P |
born 1259, Naples, Italy |
died Sep 1302 |
Henry of Grosmont 1st Duke of LancasterC |
born Abt 1300 |
died 1360-1361 |
Henry of Lancaster, Earl of Lancaster, Earl of LeicesterS,C,P |
born Abt 1281, Grosmont Castle, Monmouthshire, England |
died 25 Mar 1345, Canons Monastery, England |
IforP |
IsabelP,P |
died After Jun 1405 |
Isabel of Lancaster, Abess of AmbresburyC |
born Abt 1317 |
died After 1347 |
IsabellaC |
born 1214 |
died 1241 |
Isabella of AngoulêmeS |
born Abt 1186 |
died 31 May 1246, Fontévrault Abbey, France |
Isabella of Castile, Duchess of YorkS |
born Abt 1355 |
died 23 Dec 1392, Kings Langley, Hertfordshire, England |
Isabella of FranceS |
born Abt 1295, Paris, (Île-de-France), France |
died 22 Aug 1358 |
James of AldithleyP |
born Abt 1225, Audley, Staffordshire, England |
JaneS |
JeanneC |
born 1295 |
died 1361 |
Jeanne Countess of PonthieuP |
died 1279 |
Jeanne de NavarreP |
born Jan 1272 |
died 2 Apr 1305 |
JoanP |
Joan of AcreC,P |
born 1272, Acre, Syria |
died 23 Apr 1307 |
Joan of LancasterC |
born Abt 1312 |
died 1345 |
Joan of the TowerC |
born 1321 |
Joan Princess of GwyneddC,C |
born Bef 1200 |
died Bet 30 Mar 1236 and Feb 1237 |
Joan Queen Consort of ScotlandC |
born 1210 |
died 1238 |
Joan Queen of ScotsC |
born 1321 |
Joanna Lady of WalesC |
born Bef 1200 |
died Bet 30 Mar 1236 and Feb 1237 |
Joanna of AcreC,P |
born 1272, Acre, Syria |
died 23 Apr 1307 |
John "Lackland" of England (King)P |
born 24 Dec 1166 or 1167, Beaumont Palace, Oxford, England |
died 19 Oct 1216, Newark Castle, Lincolnshire, England |
John Count of Holland and ZealandS |
John King of EnglandP |
born 24 Dec 1166 or 1167, Beaumont Palace, Oxford, England |
died 19 Oct 1216, Newark Castle, Lincolnshire, England |
John Lord ConyersC,P |
born Abt 1524, <Hornby Castle, North Riding>, Yorkshire, England |
died Jun 1557 |
John of Eltham, Earl of CornwallC |
born 1316 |
KarenS |
KatharineC |
born 1253 |
died 1257 |
LeonorS |
born 1241, Castile, Spain |
died 28 Nov 1290, Harby, Nottinghamshire, England |
Llewellyn the Great Prince of GwyneddS |
born Abt 1173, <Dolwyddelan>, Wales |
died 11 Apr 1240, Cistercian Abbey of Aberconwy, Wales |
Llywelyn II Prince of North WalesS |
born Abt 29 Sep 1252 |
died 11 Dec 1282, Brecon, (Breconshire), Powys, (Wales) |
Llywelyn the Great Prince of GwyneddS |
born Abt 1173, <Dolwyddelan>, Wales |
died 11 Apr 1240, Cistercian Abbey of Aberconwy, Wales |
Luisa di CevaP |
MargaretP |
Margaret [of England]C |
born 1240 |
died 1275 |
Margaret Duchess of NorfolkC |
died 24 Mar 1399 |
Marguerite of FranceS |
born Abt 1275 |
died 14 Feb 1317-1318, Marlborough Castle, Marlborough, Wiltshire, England |
Maria de PadillaP |
born 1334 |
died 1361 |
MarieS |
Marie of BrabantP |
died 1321 |
MarilynS |
MaryP |
Mary of LancasterC |
born Abt 1320 |
died 1362 |
Matilda of BrabantP |
born 1224 |
died 29 Sep 1288 |
Maud of LancasterC |
born Abt 1310 |
died 1377 |
Pedro "the Cruel" King of CastileP |
born 30 Aug 1334 |
died 23 Mar 1369 |
Philip "the Fair" King of FranceP |
born 1268, Fontainebleau |
died 29 Nov 1314 |
Philip III "the Bold" King of FranceP |
born 1245 |
died 5 Oct 1285, Perpignan, Roussillon, Catalonia, France |
Philip IV King of FranceP |
born 1268, Fontainebleau |
died 29 Nov 1314 |
PhilippaS |
Philippa of HainaultS |
born 24 Jun 1311 |
died 15 Aug 1369, Windsor Castle, Windsor, Berkshire, England |
Ramon Berenguer IV Count of Provence and ForcalquierP |
born 1195 |
died 19 Aug 1245, Aix-en-Provence, France |
ReginaS |
Reinoud II of GueldersS |
Richard 1st Earl of Cornwall, King of the RomansC |
born 5 Jan 1209 |
died 2 Apr 1272 |
Richard of ArundelS,S,C,P,P |
born Abt 1313 |
died 24 Jan 1376, Arundel, West Sussex, England |
Robert I "the Good" Count of ArtoisP |
born 1216 |
died 8 Feb 1250 |
SarahP |
Seer de QuincyP |
born 1155 |
died 3 Nov 1219, Palestine |
Simon de Montfort, Earl of LeicesterS |
born Abt 1208, Normandy, France |
died 4 Aug 1265, Evesham, Worcestershire, England |
SiwanC |
born Bef 1200 |
died Bet 30 Mar 1236 and Feb 1237 |
SusS |
Thomas I di Saluzzo, Marquis of SaluzzoP |
Thomas of Brotherton, Earl of NorfolkC |
born 1 Jun 1300 |
died 1338 |
William Count of Hainaut, Holland & ZeelandP |