Philemon Burgess and Mary Ridgely Dorsey
Husband Philemon Burgess 1
Born: 13 Dec 1761 - Anne Arundel, Maryland, (United States) Christened: Died: Buried:
Father: Captain Joseph Burgess (1727-1806) 2 3 Mother: Elizabeth Dorsey [dau. of Michael] (1735-After 1806) 2
Marriage: 18 Feb 1800 - Baltimore, Maryland, United States
Wife Mary Ridgely Dorsey 1
Born: 1765 Christened: Died: Buried:
Father: Thomas Dorsey (1737-1790) 4 5 6 Mother: Mary Ann Ridgely Warfield (Abt 1733- ) 4
Richard Burgess and Mary Gassaway
Husband Richard Burgess 7
Born: 1 Sep 1757 - Anne Arundel, Maryland, (United States) Christened: Died: 1821 - Allegany Co., Maryland, United States Buried:
Father: Captain Joseph Burgess (1727-1806) 2 3 Mother: Elizabeth Dorsey [dau. of Michael] (1735-After 1806) 2
Marriage: 25 Feb 1788 - Baltimore, Maryland, United StatesEvents
• Administration: of his estate, 1828, Allegany Co., Maryland, United States.
Wife Mary Gassaway 7
Born: Abt 1758 - Anne Arundel, Maryland, (United States) Christened: Died: Buried:
Father: Thomas Gassaway (1736-1806) 8 9 Mother: Sarah Dorsey [dau. of Capt. Edward] ( - ) 8 9
Elisha Warfield and Ruth Burgess
Husband Elisha Warfield 10
Born: 29 Nov 1741 - Elk Ridge, Anne Arundel (Howard), Maryland, (United States) Christened: Died: 16 Jul 1818 - Fayette, Kentucky, United States Buried:
Father: Benjamin Warfield ( - ) 4 Mother: Rebecca Ridgely ( - ) 4
Marriage: 6 Aug 1778
Other Spouse: Elizabeth Dorsey (1744-1776) 10 - Abt 1770 - Anne Arundel, Maryland, (United States)
Wife Ruth Burgess 11
Born: 10 May 1763 - Anne Arundel, Maryland, (United States) Christened: Died: - Anne Arundel, Maryland, United States Buried:
Father: Captain Joseph Burgess (1727-1806) 2 3 Mother: Elizabeth Dorsey [dau. of Michael] (1735-After 1806) 2
Research Notes: Wife - Ruth Burgess
Second wife of Elisha Warfield
Colonel William Burgess and Elizabeth Robins
Husband Colonel William Burgess 12 13 14
Born: Abt 1622 - Marlborough, Wiltshire, England Christened: Died: 24 Jan 1686 - Anne Arundel, Maryland, (United States) Buried: - "Mt. Stewart", Anne Arundel, Maryland, (United States)Marriage: Abt 1651 - Northampton Co., Virginia, (United States)
Other Spouse: Sophia Scarborough (Abt 1613-Bef 1685) 15 16 17 - Between 1658 and 1660 - Anne Arundel, Maryland, (United States)
Other Spouse: Ursula ( -1700) 12Events
• Relocated: from Virginia to Maryland, 1650.
• Commander-in-chief: of all forces raised by St. Maries, Kent, Charles Calvert and Anne Arundel counties, 1665.
• Delegate: to the Lower House, Bef 1682.
• Delegate: in the Upper House, 1682-1686.
• Probate: 19 Feb 1697, Anne Arundel, Maryland, (United States).
Wife Elizabeth Robins 12
AKA: Elizabeth Robinson Born: Christened: Died: Buried:
Father: Edward Robins (1602- ) 18 Mother:
1 M Edward Burgess 19
Born: Abt 1655 - All Hallows Parish, South River Hundred, Anne Arundel, Maryland, (United States) Christened: Died: 14 Mar 1723 - All Hallows Parish, South River Hundred, Anne Arundel, Maryland, (United States) Buried: - All Hallows Protestant Episcopal Church, Anne Arundel, Maryland, (United States)
2 M George Burgess 20
Born: Abt 1653 - All Hallows Parish, South River Hundred, Anne Arundel, Maryland, (United States) Christened: Died: 2 Dec 1704 - All Hallows Parish, South River Hundred, Anne Arundel, Maryland, (United States) Buried:
Burial Notes: Husband - Colonel William Burgess
From Historic Graves of Maryland, p. 12:
The inscription on Colonel Burgess' tomb is:
Here lyeth ye body of Wm. Burgess Esq who departed this life on ye 24 day of Janu Anno Domini 1686 Aged about 65 yrs. Leaving his dear beloved wife Ursuhla & Eleven children viz: seven sons and four daughters and 8 grandchildren. In his life time he was a member of His Lordship's Counsell of Estate, One of his Lordship's deputy Governors a Justice of ye High Provincial Court Collon of a Regiment of the trained Guards and sometime Generall of all the Miliarty Forces of this Province. His loving sometime Generall of all the Miliary forces of this Province. His loving wife Ursulah hid Execut. in testimony of her true responce and due regard to the worthy desserts of her dear departed husband,m hath erected this memorial.
Research Notes: Husband - Colonel William Burgess
2nd husband of Sophia Scarborough Ewen.
From Historic Graves of Maryland, p. 11:
"Another interesting cluster of graves is to be found on a farm belonging to the late General Steuart. It retains the name of Mt. Stewart, differently spelled, being after that of a former owner, Anthony Stewart, whom we shall have occasion to mention later. Here remain in a fairly good state of preservation the Burgess tombs. Col. William Burgess, who lived here in the seventeenth century, took an active part in the life of the period, holding among other offices, that of councillor, and having also served as deputy governor and as general of the military forces of the Province.
"As he married three times, he left a number of descendants, some of whom are interested in having these tombs removed from the field where heretofore they have been carefully protected to the more certain shelter of St. Anne's at Annapolis. Colonel Burgess married, first, Miss Elizabeth Robins, daughter of Edward Robins of Accomac county, Va., secondly, Mrs. Sophia Ewen, widow of Maj. Richard Ewen of Anne Arundel county, who left children, and, thirdly, Ursula, who survived him and becamse the wife of Mordacai Moore. Madame Ursula Moore died December 12, 1700, and was buried by the side of her first husband.
"Among the old Maryland wills, two testators mention the children of Col. William Burgesss: George Puddington makes George, William, Susanna and Edward legatees, while Nicholas Painter leaves property to Charles, William, Benjamin, Joseph, Elizabeth and Anne."
From,410563,410563 :
He died January 24, 1686, aged sixty-four years, and willed several thousand acres of land; among the tracts were, 'Betty's Choice,' 'Morley's Lott,' 'Bednall's Green,' 'Benjamin's Choice,' 'Benjamin's Addition,' 'West Puddington' 'Beard's Habitation,' 'Bessington,' and 'Burgess Choice,' 'and 1800 acres on one part whereof is a Town appointed called London,' and his message land to five of his seven sons, as sons, Edward and George, had been provided for before his will. His wife, Ursula, received the rest of his estate here and in England. His four daughters received money, plate and other personals. His seal-ring of gold was willed to his daughter, Susannah, wife of Major Nicholas Sewall, who was the daughter of Colonel Burgess, by his wife, the former Mrs. Richard Ewen. Colonel Burgess was of Wilts, England, coming in 1650 to South River, and had reached Virginia previously. Colonel Burgess bore arms, as the existing impression of his seal reveals, of a family of Truro, in Cornwall, but was akin to the Burgesses of Marlborough, Wilts County. His son Captain Burgess' wife, Sarah, was the daughter of Colonel Samuel and Ann (Ayres) Chew, the Quakeress, only daughter and heiress of William Ayres, of Nansemond County, Virginia, mentioned there in 1635.
Burgess, William, South R., A. A. County, 11th July, 1685; 19th Feb., 1686-7.
To son Edward, personalty conditionally; and to William and Eliza:, child. of sd. Edward,
to dau. Susanna, wife of Maj. Nicholas Sewell, and to grandchild., Charles and Jeanne Sewell, personalty.
To son George, personalty.
To son William at 21 yrs. of age, and hrs., plantation on South 33., 800 A., and containing the "Town of London;" also 480 A., "Betty's Choice," in Baltimore Co.
To son John at 21 yrs. of age, and hrs., "Morley's Lot," "Bednall Green," "Benjamin's Choice" and "Benjamin's Addition," 800 A., on Herring Ck.
To son Joseph at 21 yrs. of age, and hrs., "West Puddington," "Beard's Habitation," 1,300 A., on South B.
To son Benjamin at 21 yrs of age, and hrs., "Bessesston," nr. the Ridge, 300 A., and "Burgess' Choice," 400 A., on South R.
To son Charles at 21 yrs. of age, and hrs., 1,600 A. at hd. of Sassafras R., Cecil County, and 500 A. on Susquehannock R., Baltimore Co.
In event of death of any of afsd. 5 sons without issue, their share to pass to eld. survivor and hrs.
To daus. Eliza:, Anne and Susanna Burgess, personalty at 16 yrs. of age or marriage.
Wife Ursula, extx. and residuary legatee of estate, real and personal, in MD. and Eng., and to have care of sons and daus. afsd. during minority.
Overseers: Maj. Nich. Sewell, Maj. Nich. Gassaway, Capt. Henry Hanslap.
Test: Thos. Frances, Michael Cusack, Jno. Harison, Wm. Elvidge, Jno. Edwards. 4. 242.
William Burges, Esq. 18.89 I AA Oct 11 1687
Appraisers: Thomas Knighton, Maren Devall, Henry Ridgley.
List of debts: Maj. Nicholas Sewell, Col. Vincent Lowe, Elisabeth Larkins, Francis Downea, Madam Calvert, Robert Proctor, Nicholas Nichollson, George Burges, Col. Edward Pye, John Merriton, Gerrard Vansweringain, Job Evans, Maj. Peter Sawyer, Benjamin Lawrence, Philip Lynes, Henry Linch, Capt. Thomas Everard, Capt. Hune, James Neale, George Cornish (merchant) at London, Dr. Benjamin Arnatt, Henry Exon, Joseph Storey, John Longman, Thomas Ivery, John Stone, Capt. Jonathon Francis, George Parker, John Spicer (gentleman) of London, Charles Willmare, Jacob Delahay, Chr. Mettley, William Bison, Thomas Hollandworth, George Yates, Benjamin Caple, Merren Duvall, John Fairbrother, John Harberdine, James Lewis, Leonard Wayman, Walter Phelps, John Howard, Sr., Thomas Button, Robert Wade, John Jacobs, John Simpson, John Lineam, Robert Wade, John Walters, Richard Gott, Mark Richardson, John Willobey, William Yeildhall, Robert Conant, Robert Lockwood, Peter Impey, Thomas Hooker, Chr. Moate, Wolfran Hunt, Anthony Holland, John Brewer, Madam Jane Calvert, Richard Cheney, Sr., Mathias Haws, Alexander Macfarland, Col. Pye, John Gyles, William Jamas, James Powell, Thomas Pratt, John Nichollson, Edward Burges, Walter Carr, Card Hopkins, Mathew Hawkina, Richard Cheney, Jr., lawrence Draper, John Gressam, Thomas Guillock, Thomas Lunn, Richard Beard, Joseph Nailer, Province of Maryland, Henry Bonner, Thomas Pattison, George Ogg, John Gray, John Robinson, Robert Gott, James Maxfeild, Thomas Edwards, John Larkin, Thomas Standbank, Nicholas Aldridge, Dr. Moore, Abraham Childe, Henry Welch, William Elvn (?), John Harris, Henry Hanslap, Margarett Holland, John Heatchoct, Austin Hawkins, Ma-knew El list on, John Hawkins, Col. Darnall, Wharles Whitehead, James Stafford, John Smith, Sr., Robert Cover, chr. Tully, Thomas Hedge, John Purdey, John Talbot, Jacob Hooker, John Martin, Samuell Garland, Richard Royston, John Seiffin, Chr. Foster, Peter Barnett, Samuell Withers, John Morgan, Samuell Gray, James Mills, William Harris, John Griffin, Robert Watts, George Parker, Richard Webb, John Guile, John Spencer, Mathew Jones, John Brookes, John Stone, Francis Sandry, John Fletcher, Chr. Bayley, Robert Hooper.
William Burges, Esq. 18.108 A £2198.8.5 Mar 30 1698
The amount of the inventory also included #447169.
Payments to: Col. Taylor, Col. Elliott, John Larkin, widow Parker, Job Evans, Robert Carvile, Kenelm Cheseldyn, William Dent, Thomas Tourford (?), Philip Lines, John Edwards, Thomas Sparrow and his wife Anne Burges.
Legatees: Maj. Sewell and his wife (unnamed) and children (unnamed), George Burgess, Edward Burgess, Maj. Gassaway, Capt. Hanslap, William Burges.
Executrix: Ursula Moore, wife of Mr. Mordecay Moore.
Painter, Nicholas, A. A. Co., 17th Apr., 1684;
27th Dec., 1684.
To Nicholas Courtney, son of Thomas Courtney, St. Mary's County, and hrs., 1,000 A., "The Grove," in Dorchester Co.
To Charles, son of Col. William Burges, and hrs., 1,050 A. in Cecil County, and 700 A. nr. hd. of Severn, A. A. Co.
Eliza ; Burgess, dau. of sd. Col. Burges, and hrs., 700 A. on Wye R., Talbot Co.
To William. son of sd. Col. Burges, and hrs., 700 A. in Great Choptanke.
To Benjamin and Joseph, sons of Col. Burges afsd., and hrs., 1,000 A. in (Great Choptanke, and 400 A. at Tuckahoe, equally.
Anne Burgos, dau. of sd. Col. Burges, rights of 1,000 A., of 400 A., and 300 A. in Dorchester County, patented in the name of Charles Hutchins.
Ex.: Col. Wm. Burges.
Test : Ursula Burges, Nich. Withers, Sarah Gittings, Jno. Merlton. 4. 56.
Nicholas Painter 10.156 A AA £251.1.2 #94788 May 8 1686
The amount of the inventory is equivalent to #50211.
Received from: Thomas Browne, Col. Vincent Lowe, James Maxwell, Joseph Nailor, executors of Christopher Randall, Joseph Heathcoate.
List of debts: Col. Thomas Taillor, Dr. Oliver Guppie, Capt. Phineas Hide,
Col. William Burges, Maj. Thomas Francis, Capt. Henry Hanslapp, John Lynam, Mr. George Burges, Mr. George Parker, Mr. Edward Inglish, Elisabeth Bolton, Jacob Duhattaway, Mr. Thomas Dryfeild, Capt. Richard Hill, Thomas Bland, William Taylard.
Ex.: Col. William Burges.
Nicholas Painter 10.193 A AA #83270 Mar 4 1688
Received from: John Ashby, Richard Wells, Robert Gover, John Giles, John Worrell, Thomas Thomas, Stephen Hancock.
Mentions: Peter Impey, executors of Maj. John Welsh, estate of Robert Francklin.
Payments to: John Gray, John Smith, John Rutter, William Groves (alias William Grose), Thomas Richardson, Col. George Talbot, John Morgan, Edward Osborne, Daniell Taylor, William Hallett, Stephen Sebastian, Richard Burnett, George Oldfeild, Abraham Clark, Thomas Coverdale, Edward Hansley, William Bawler, Roger Bishopp, Edward Howard, John Reynold, John Blomfeild.
Executrix: Mrs. Ursula Moore (alias Ursula Burges) (relict), executrix of Col. William Burges (executor of deceased).
Beard, Richard, A. A. Co.,24th July, 1675; 10th Aug., 1681.
To wife Rachel, execx., home plantation during life.
To sons Richard and John and hrs., sd. plantation at death of wife afsd., and all other lands except those mentioned below:
To dau. Ruth and her sons, part of "Timber Neck" and sd. Richard's share in event of his death without issue.
To dau. Rebecca and her sons, part of "Indian Range;" also son John's portion in event of his death without issue.
To dau. Rachel Clarke and her sons, all lands above mentioned in event of death of other child., viz., Richard, John, Ruth, and Rebecca, without issue.
Overseers: Brother-in-law Wm.Burgess, and sons afsd. of testator.
Test: Geo. Green, Jno. Easter, Eliza: Cornton, Thos. Pinethwickie. 2.143.
Richard Beard 7C.6 I AA #19067 ( abt Sept 1681)
Appraisers: Thomas Besson, John Gray.
Richard Beard 9.14 A AA #19067 #19282 Feb 26 1685
Payments to: Col. William Surges, Mr. Robert Franklin, Mr. Peter Pagan, Mr. Henry Hanslap.
Administrator: Richard Beard.
Puddington, George, South River, Anne Arundel County, 15th Aug., 1674; 24th Sept., 1674. To son-in-law Robert Francklin, kinsman James Chilsott and Augustine Skinner, each child of son Richard Beard, any 2 of brother or sister's child, coming into the country within 2 yrs.; to each of grandson Neale Clerk's child., and to George, William, and Sussanna Burgess, child. of Capt. William Burgess, personalty. To wife Jane, certain moneys in lieu of her interest in estate. Edward Burgess, son of Capt. Burgess afsd., ex. and residuary legatee of estate, real and personal. Test: Nath. Heathcote, Charity Stone, Wm. Broome, Wm. Laus, Wm. Burgess. 2. 6.
Editors: According to Patents 2:614, George Puddington of Anne Arundel County, immigrated in 1649 with Jane Puddington, Elizabeth Robins, Mary Puddington, Comfort Puddington, Thomas Hippesty, John Burrage, & Margaret Joye (Gibb)
Contributed by: James Hughes
URL title: Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1670/1-1675Volume 65, Page 619
Henry Allenson
Wm Burges executr
George Puddington
James Hughes 2006-09-29 19:16:30
Proceedings of the County Courts of Kent (1648-1676), Talbot (1662-1674), and Somerset (1665-1668)Volume 54, Page 563
To all Expian people to whome these psents writting Shall Come
Henry Allenson of the Citty of york Marchant sendeth Greeting
Knowe you me the said Henry Allenson to haue Constituted and in
my place Sett my well beloued Richard Bacock of the Citty of york
Merchant my true and Law full Attorny to ask demand Leuy Recouer
And Reciue for me and in my name and to my pper use of George
Fuddington and Robert Franckland in the County of Anne Arran
deli of the puince of Maryland Merchants & of Either of them all
such wares Merchandize or Commodityes or debts by them Con
tracted wtsoeuer which they or Eighter of them haue in their or
Either of their Costodys Or possessions to me in Anywise belong
ing Giuing and by thesese Psents granting unto my said Attorny
or depputy my whole power And Authority In the pmisses if need
shall Require to sue and psue the said George Puddington & Robert
Franckland or Either of them their or Either of their heires Execu
tors or Administrators for me and in my name in Any Courtt wtso~
euer Before Any Judge or Justices to use Any other Lawfull wayes
or Meanes for Recovery of the same and alsoe to Compound Seale and deliuer Letters of Accquittances or Any Other Lawfull dis
No.2 charge for me and in my name and to doe Execute pforme and finish for me and in my name all and singuler things which shall be
Expediant and nescesary Conserneing the pmisses And as throughly
And wholly as I my Selfe might Or Could doe in or About the same
and wtsoeuer my Sd Attorny shall doe or Cause to be done in the
pmisses I promisse to Allow Confirme Pforme And Establish and
thereto I bind me my heires And Executors by these psents wittnsse
my hand And Seale this Seauenth day of September in the yeare of
our Lord god According to the Computacon of the Church of Eng
land one thousand Sixe hundred seauenty And one
Wittnsses hereof Hen: Allenson
John Pawson
Wm Idelle
Tho: Wellerne
Samll Jefferson
Contributed by: James Hughes
URL title: Ancestral Records and Portraits vol 1 , Page 248
COLONEL WILLIAM BURGESS (1622-1686), settled first in Northampton County, Va., but followed Governor William Stone to Maryland, and settled on South River, bringing there a company of one hundred and fifty "adventurers." In 1661, he was in command of the South River Rangers; in 1664, he was High Sheriff of Anne Arundel County, and in 1665 he was Commander-in-chief of all the forces of the five western shore counties. He was a member of the Council of the State of Maryland, a Justice of the Provincial Court, and a Deputy-Governor from 1678 to 1683.2 He married Elizabeth, the daughter of Edward Robins, who was born in England 1602, and came to Virginia 1615, in the bark Thomas; he lived in Northampton and Accomac Counties, and built "Newport House," now Eyreville.
EDWARD BURGESS (1651-1703), went to Maryland with his father, Colonel William, and was a Justice of the Provincial Court of Anne Arundel County, and one of the Quorum 1685; also "Captain of the Foote." He married Sarah, the daughter of Samuel and Anne (Ayres) Chew. Their daughter, Sarah, married Benjamin Gaither.
Historic Graves of Maryland and the District of Columbia By Helen West Ridgely, National Society of the Colonial Dames of America;
On the other side of Annapolis, across the Severn river and on the road to "Whitehall," lies "Bellefield," ... Another interesting cluster of graves is to be found on a farm belonging to the late General Steuart. It retains the name of Mt. Stewart, differently spelled, being after that of a former owner, Anthony Stewart, whom we shall have occasion to mention later. Here remain in a fairly good state of preservation the Burgess tombs. Col. William Burgess, who lived here in the seventeenth century, took an active part in the life of the period, holding among other offices, that of councillor, and having also served as deputy governor and as general of the military forces of the Province. As he married three times, he left a number of descendants, some of whom are interested in having these tombs removed from the field where heretofore they have been carefully protected to the more certain shelter of St. Anne's at Annapolis. Colonel Burgess married, first, Miss Elizabeth Robins, daughter of Edward Robins of Accomac county, Va., secondly, Mrs. Sophia Ewen, widow of Maj. Richard Ewen of Anne Arundel county, who left children, and, thirdly, Ursula, who survived him and became the wife of Mordacai Moore. Madame Ursula Moore died December 12, 1700, and was buried by the side of her first husband. Among the old Maryland wills, two testators mention the children of Col. William Burgess: George Puddington makes George, William, Susanna and Edward legatees, while Nicholas Painter leaves property to Charles, William, Benjamin, Joseph, Elizabeth and Anne.
Susanna is also mentioned by Susan Billingsly in her will made December 7, 1663. As this lady, the widow of James Billingsly, alludes also to her brothers Richard and John
Ewen, the sequence of names would lead one to suppose that family loyalty had gone so far as to cause the widow Ewen to name her daughter by her Burgess marriage after her
first husband's sister. The inscription on Colonel Burgess' tomb is :
Here lyeth ye body of Wm. Burgess Esq who departed this life on ye
24 day of Janu Anno Domini 1686 Aged about 64 yrs. Leaving his dear beloved wife Ursuhla & Eleven children viz: seven sons and four daughters and 8 grandchildren. In his life time he was a member of His Lordships Counsel of Estate, One of his Lordships deputy Governours a Justice of ye High Provincial Court Collon of a Regiment of the trained Guards and sometime Generall of all the Military forces of this Province. His loving wife Ursulah his Execut. in testimony of her true respect and due regard to the worthy deserts of her dear departed husband, hath erected this Memorial.
On the tombs of his son, William, and his daughter, Anne,
are the following inscriptions :
Here lyeth the Body of William Burgess the eldest son that coll. William Burgess had by his Dear and Loveing wife Ursella, he departed this life the 28th Day of June in the . . . year of his age, Anno Domini 1698.
Here lyeth Interred ye Body of Anne the wife of Thomas Sparrow daughter of William Burgess and Ursulla his wife, who was born on Thursday the 7th of Oct. 1680 Married on Tuesday ye 8th June 1697 Sickened the 25th day of ye same month and dyed on Sunday ye 25 of July 1697. This stone is erected as a Lasting Memorial of the person above Mentioned, by her surviving husband Mr. Thomas Sparrow.
Death Notes: Child - Edward Burgess
May have died on 4 March 1722/23
Colonel William Burgess and Sophia Scarborough
Husband Colonel William Burgess 12 13 14
Born: Abt 1622 - Marlborough, Wiltshire, England Christened: Died: 24 Jan 1686 - Anne Arundel, Maryland, (United States) Buried: - "Mt. Stewart", Anne Arundel, Maryland, (United States)Marriage: Between 1658 and 1660 - Anne Arundel, Maryland, (United States)
Other Spouse: Elizabeth Robins ( - ) 12 - Abt 1651 - Northampton Co., Virginia, (United States)
Other Spouse: Ursula ( -1700) 12Events
• Relocated: from Virginia to Maryland, 1650.
• Commander-in-chief: of all forces raised by St. Maries, Kent, Charles Calvert and Anne Arundel counties, 1665.
• Delegate: to the Lower House, Bef 1682.
• Delegate: in the Upper House, 1682-1686.
• Probate: 19 Feb 1697, Anne Arundel, Maryland, (United States).
Wife Sophia Scarborough 15 16 17
AKA: Sophia Ewell Scarborough,17 Suffa Scarborough Born: Abt 1613 - <England> Christened:![]()
Died: Bef 1685 - Maryland, (United States) Buried:
Other Spouse: Major Richard Ewen (Abt 1608-1669) 17 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 - Abt 1625 - <England>Events
• Lived: on Plantation Ewengton, Maryland.
1 M William Burgess Jr. 30
Born: 1673 Christened: Died: 28 Jun 1698 Buried: - "Mt. Stewart", Anne Arundel, Maryland, (United States)
2 F Susannah Burgess
AKA: Susanna Burgess Born: Christened: Died: Buried:
Burial Notes: Husband - Colonel William Burgess
From Historic Graves of Maryland, p. 12:
The inscription on Colonel Burgess' tomb is:
Here lyeth ye body of Wm. Burgess Esq who departed this life on ye 24 day of Janu Anno Domini 1686 Aged about 65 yrs. Leaving his dear beloved wife Ursuhla & Eleven children viz: seven sons and four daughters and 8 grandchildren. In his life time he was a member of His Lordship's Counsell of Estate, One of his Lordship's deputy Governors a Justice of ye High Provincial Court Collon of a Regiment of the trained Guards and sometime Generall of all the Miliarty Forces of this Province. His loving sometime Generall of all the Miliary forces of this Province. His loving wife Ursulah hid Execut. in testimony of her true responce and due regard to the worthy desserts of her dear departed husband,m hath erected this memorial.
Research Notes: Husband - Colonel William Burgess
2nd husband of Sophia Scarborough Ewen.
From Historic Graves of Maryland, p. 11:
"Another interesting cluster of graves is to be found on a farm belonging to the late General Steuart. It retains the name of Mt. Stewart, differently spelled, being after that of a former owner, Anthony Stewart, whom we shall have occasion to mention later. Here remain in a fairly good state of preservation the Burgess tombs. Col. William Burgess, who lived here in the seventeenth century, took an active part in the life of the period, holding among other offices, that of councillor, and having also served as deputy governor and as general of the military forces of the Province.
"As he married three times, he left a number of descendants, some of whom are interested in having these tombs removed from the field where heretofore they have been carefully protected to the more certain shelter of St. Anne's at Annapolis. Colonel Burgess married, first, Miss Elizabeth Robins, daughter of Edward Robins of Accomac county, Va., secondly, Mrs. Sophia Ewen, widow of Maj. Richard Ewen of Anne Arundel county, who left children, and, thirdly, Ursula, who survived him and becamse the wife of Mordacai Moore. Madame Ursula Moore died December 12, 1700, and was buried by the side of her first husband.
"Among the old Maryland wills, two testators mention the children of Col. William Burgesss: George Puddington makes George, William, Susanna and Edward legatees, while Nicholas Painter leaves property to Charles, William, Benjamin, Joseph, Elizabeth and Anne."
From,410563,410563 :
He died January 24, 1686, aged sixty-four years, and willed several thousand acres of land; among the tracts were, 'Betty's Choice,' 'Morley's Lott,' 'Bednall's Green,' 'Benjamin's Choice,' 'Benjamin's Addition,' 'West Puddington' 'Beard's Habitation,' 'Bessington,' and 'Burgess Choice,' 'and 1800 acres on one part whereof is a Town appointed called London,' and his message land to five of his seven sons, as sons, Edward and George, had been provided for before his will. His wife, Ursula, received the rest of his estate here and in England. His four daughters received money, plate and other personals. His seal-ring of gold was willed to his daughter, Susannah, wife of Major Nicholas Sewall, who was the daughter of Colonel Burgess, by his wife, the former Mrs. Richard Ewen. Colonel Burgess was of Wilts, England, coming in 1650 to South River, and had reached Virginia previously. Colonel Burgess bore arms, as the existing impression of his seal reveals, of a family of Truro, in Cornwall, but was akin to the Burgesses of Marlborough, Wilts County. His son Captain Burgess' wife, Sarah, was the daughter of Colonel Samuel and Ann (Ayres) Chew, the Quakeress, only daughter and heiress of William Ayres, of Nansemond County, Virginia, mentioned there in 1635.
Burgess, William, South R., A. A. County, 11th July, 1685; 19th Feb., 1686-7.
To son Edward, personalty conditionally; and to William and Eliza:, child. of sd. Edward,
to dau. Susanna, wife of Maj. Nicholas Sewell, and to grandchild., Charles and Jeanne Sewell, personalty.
To son George, personalty.
To son William at 21 yrs. of age, and hrs., plantation on South 33., 800 A., and containing the "Town of London;" also 480 A., "Betty's Choice," in Baltimore Co.
To son John at 21 yrs. of age, and hrs., "Morley's Lot," "Bednall Green," "Benjamin's Choice" and "Benjamin's Addition," 800 A., on Herring Ck.
To son Joseph at 21 yrs. of age, and hrs., "West Puddington," "Beard's Habitation," 1,300 A., on South B.
To son Benjamin at 21 yrs of age, and hrs., "Bessesston," nr. the Ridge, 300 A., and "Burgess' Choice," 400 A., on South R.
To son Charles at 21 yrs. of age, and hrs., 1,600 A. at hd. of Sassafras R., Cecil County, and 500 A. on Susquehannock R., Baltimore Co.
In event of death of any of afsd. 5 sons without issue, their share to pass to eld. survivor and hrs.
To daus. Eliza:, Anne and Susanna Burgess, personalty at 16 yrs. of age or marriage.
Wife Ursula, extx. and residuary legatee of estate, real and personal, in MD. and Eng., and to have care of sons and daus. afsd. during minority.
Overseers: Maj. Nich. Sewell, Maj. Nich. Gassaway, Capt. Henry Hanslap.
Test: Thos. Frances, Michael Cusack, Jno. Harison, Wm. Elvidge, Jno. Edwards. 4. 242.
William Burges, Esq. 18.89 I AA Oct 11 1687
Appraisers: Thomas Knighton, Maren Devall, Henry Ridgley.
List of debts: Maj. Nicholas Sewell, Col. Vincent Lowe, Elisabeth Larkins, Francis Downea, Madam Calvert, Robert Proctor, Nicholas Nichollson, George Burges, Col. Edward Pye, John Merriton, Gerrard Vansweringain, Job Evans, Maj. Peter Sawyer, Benjamin Lawrence, Philip Lynes, Henry Linch, Capt. Thomas Everard, Capt. Hune, James Neale, George Cornish (merchant) at London, Dr. Benjamin Arnatt, Henry Exon, Joseph Storey, John Longman, Thomas Ivery, John Stone, Capt. Jonathon Francis, George Parker, John Spicer (gentleman) of London, Charles Willmare, Jacob Delahay, Chr. Mettley, William Bison, Thomas Hollandworth, George Yates, Benjamin Caple, Merren Duvall, John Fairbrother, John Harberdine, James Lewis, Leonard Wayman, Walter Phelps, John Howard, Sr., Thomas Button, Robert Wade, John Jacobs, John Simpson, John Lineam, Robert Wade, John Walters, Richard Gott, Mark Richardson, John Willobey, William Yeildhall, Robert Conant, Robert Lockwood, Peter Impey, Thomas Hooker, Chr. Moate, Wolfran Hunt, Anthony Holland, John Brewer, Madam Jane Calvert, Richard Cheney, Sr., Mathias Haws, Alexander Macfarland, Col. Pye, John Gyles, William Jamas, James Powell, Thomas Pratt, John Nichollson, Edward Burges, Walter Carr, Card Hopkins, Mathew Hawkina, Richard Cheney, Jr., lawrence Draper, John Gressam, Thomas Guillock, Thomas Lunn, Richard Beard, Joseph Nailer, Province of Maryland, Henry Bonner, Thomas Pattison, George Ogg, John Gray, John Robinson, Robert Gott, James Maxfeild, Thomas Edwards, John Larkin, Thomas Standbank, Nicholas Aldridge, Dr. Moore, Abraham Childe, Henry Welch, William Elvn (?), John Harris, Henry Hanslap, Margarett Holland, John Heatchoct, Austin Hawkins, Ma-knew El list on, John Hawkins, Col. Darnall, Wharles Whitehead, James Stafford, John Smith, Sr., Robert Cover, chr. Tully, Thomas Hedge, John Purdey, John Talbot, Jacob Hooker, John Martin, Samuell Garland, Richard Royston, John Seiffin, Chr. Foster, Peter Barnett, Samuell Withers, John Morgan, Samuell Gray, James Mills, William Harris, John Griffin, Robert Watts, George Parker, Richard Webb, John Guile, John Spencer, Mathew Jones, John Brookes, John Stone, Francis Sandry, John Fletcher, Chr. Bayley, Robert Hooper.
William Burges, Esq. 18.108 A £2198.8.5 Mar 30 1698
The amount of the inventory also included #447169.
Payments to: Col. Taylor, Col. Elliott, John Larkin, widow Parker, Job Evans, Robert Carvile, Kenelm Cheseldyn, William Dent, Thomas Tourford (?), Philip Lines, John Edwards, Thomas Sparrow and his wife Anne Burges.
Legatees: Maj. Sewell and his wife (unnamed) and children (unnamed), George Burgess, Edward Burgess, Maj. Gassaway, Capt. Hanslap, William Burges.
Executrix: Ursula Moore, wife of Mr. Mordecay Moore.
Painter, Nicholas, A. A. Co., 17th Apr., 1684;
27th Dec., 1684.
To Nicholas Courtney, son of Thomas Courtney, St. Mary's County, and hrs., 1,000 A., "The Grove," in Dorchester Co.
To Charles, son of Col. William Burges, and hrs., 1,050 A. in Cecil County, and 700 A. nr. hd. of Severn, A. A. Co.
Eliza ; Burgess, dau. of sd. Col. Burges, and hrs., 700 A. on Wye R., Talbot Co.
To William. son of sd. Col. Burges, and hrs., 700 A. in Great Choptanke.
To Benjamin and Joseph, sons of Col. Burges afsd., and hrs., 1,000 A. in (Great Choptanke, and 400 A. at Tuckahoe, equally.
Anne Burgos, dau. of sd. Col. Burges, rights of 1,000 A., of 400 A., and 300 A. in Dorchester County, patented in the name of Charles Hutchins.
Ex.: Col. Wm. Burges.
Test : Ursula Burges, Nich. Withers, Sarah Gittings, Jno. Merlton. 4. 56.
Nicholas Painter 10.156 A AA £251.1.2 #94788 May 8 1686
The amount of the inventory is equivalent to #50211.
Received from: Thomas Browne, Col. Vincent Lowe, James Maxwell, Joseph Nailor, executors of Christopher Randall, Joseph Heathcoate.
List of debts: Col. Thomas Taillor, Dr. Oliver Guppie, Capt. Phineas Hide,
Col. William Burges, Maj. Thomas Francis, Capt. Henry Hanslapp, John Lynam, Mr. George Burges, Mr. George Parker, Mr. Edward Inglish, Elisabeth Bolton, Jacob Duhattaway, Mr. Thomas Dryfeild, Capt. Richard Hill, Thomas Bland, William Taylard.
Ex.: Col. William Burges.
Nicholas Painter 10.193 A AA #83270 Mar 4 1688
Received from: John Ashby, Richard Wells, Robert Gover, John Giles, John Worrell, Thomas Thomas, Stephen Hancock.
Mentions: Peter Impey, executors of Maj. John Welsh, estate of Robert Francklin.
Payments to: John Gray, John Smith, John Rutter, William Groves (alias William Grose), Thomas Richardson, Col. George Talbot, John Morgan, Edward Osborne, Daniell Taylor, William Hallett, Stephen Sebastian, Richard Burnett, George Oldfeild, Abraham Clark, Thomas Coverdale, Edward Hansley, William Bawler, Roger Bishopp, Edward Howard, John Reynold, John Blomfeild.
Executrix: Mrs. Ursula Moore (alias Ursula Burges) (relict), executrix of Col. William Burges (executor of deceased).
Beard, Richard, A. A. Co.,24th July, 1675; 10th Aug., 1681.
To wife Rachel, execx., home plantation during life.
To sons Richard and John and hrs., sd. plantation at death of wife afsd., and all other lands except those mentioned below:
To dau. Ruth and her sons, part of "Timber Neck" and sd. Richard's share in event of his death without issue.
To dau. Rebecca and her sons, part of "Indian Range;" also son John's portion in event of his death without issue.
To dau. Rachel Clarke and her sons, all lands above mentioned in event of death of other child., viz., Richard, John, Ruth, and Rebecca, without issue.
Overseers: Brother-in-law Wm.Burgess, and sons afsd. of testator.
Test: Geo. Green, Jno. Easter, Eliza: Cornton, Thos. Pinethwickie. 2.143.
Richard Beard 7C.6 I AA #19067 ( abt Sept 1681)
Appraisers: Thomas Besson, John Gray.
Richard Beard 9.14 A AA #19067 #19282 Feb 26 1685
Payments to: Col. William Surges, Mr. Robert Franklin, Mr. Peter Pagan, Mr. Henry Hanslap.
Administrator: Richard Beard.
Puddington, George, South River, Anne Arundel County, 15th Aug., 1674; 24th Sept., 1674. To son-in-law Robert Francklin, kinsman James Chilsott and Augustine Skinner, each child of son Richard Beard, any 2 of brother or sister's child, coming into the country within 2 yrs.; to each of grandson Neale Clerk's child., and to George, William, and Sussanna Burgess, child. of Capt. William Burgess, personalty. To wife Jane, certain moneys in lieu of her interest in estate. Edward Burgess, son of Capt. Burgess afsd., ex. and residuary legatee of estate, real and personal. Test: Nath. Heathcote, Charity Stone, Wm. Broome, Wm. Laus, Wm. Burgess. 2. 6.
Editors: According to Patents 2:614, George Puddington of Anne Arundel County, immigrated in 1649 with Jane Puddington, Elizabeth Robins, Mary Puddington, Comfort Puddington, Thomas Hippesty, John Burrage, & Margaret Joye (Gibb)
Contributed by: James Hughes
URL title: Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1670/1-1675Volume 65, Page 619
Henry Allenson
Wm Burges executr
George Puddington
James Hughes 2006-09-29 19:16:30
Proceedings of the County Courts of Kent (1648-1676), Talbot (1662-1674), and Somerset (1665-1668)Volume 54, Page 563
To all Expian people to whome these psents writting Shall Come
Henry Allenson of the Citty of york Marchant sendeth Greeting
Knowe you me the said Henry Allenson to haue Constituted and in
my place Sett my well beloued Richard Bacock of the Citty of york
Merchant my true and Law full Attorny to ask demand Leuy Recouer
And Reciue for me and in my name and to my pper use of George
Fuddington and Robert Franckland in the County of Anne Arran
deli of the puince of Maryland Merchants & of Either of them all
such wares Merchandize or Commodityes or debts by them Con
tracted wtsoeuer which they or Eighter of them haue in their or
Either of their Costodys Or possessions to me in Anywise belong
ing Giuing and by thesese Psents granting unto my said Attorny
or depputy my whole power And Authority In the pmisses if need
shall Require to sue and psue the said George Puddington & Robert
Franckland or Either of them their or Either of their heires Execu
tors or Administrators for me and in my name in Any Courtt wtso~
euer Before Any Judge or Justices to use Any other Lawfull wayes
or Meanes for Recovery of the same and alsoe to Compound Seale and deliuer Letters of Accquittances or Any Other Lawfull dis
No.2 charge for me and in my name and to doe Execute pforme and finish for me and in my name all and singuler things which shall be
Expediant and nescesary Conserneing the pmisses And as throughly
And wholly as I my Selfe might Or Could doe in or About the same
and wtsoeuer my Sd Attorny shall doe or Cause to be done in the
pmisses I promisse to Allow Confirme Pforme And Establish and
thereto I bind me my heires And Executors by these psents wittnsse
my hand And Seale this Seauenth day of September in the yeare of
our Lord god According to the Computacon of the Church of Eng
land one thousand Sixe hundred seauenty And one
Wittnsses hereof Hen: Allenson
John Pawson
Wm Idelle
Tho: Wellerne
Samll Jefferson
Contributed by: James Hughes
URL title: Ancestral Records and Portraits vol 1 , Page 248
COLONEL WILLIAM BURGESS (1622-1686), settled first in Northampton County, Va., but followed Governor William Stone to Maryland, and settled on South River, bringing there a company of one hundred and fifty "adventurers." In 1661, he was in command of the South River Rangers; in 1664, he was High Sheriff of Anne Arundel County, and in 1665 he was Commander-in-chief of all the forces of the five western shore counties. He was a member of the Council of the State of Maryland, a Justice of the Provincial Court, and a Deputy-Governor from 1678 to 1683.2 He married Elizabeth, the daughter of Edward Robins, who was born in England 1602, and came to Virginia 1615, in the bark Thomas; he lived in Northampton and Accomac Counties, and built "Newport House," now Eyreville.
EDWARD BURGESS (1651-1703), went to Maryland with his father, Colonel William, and was a Justice of the Provincial Court of Anne Arundel County, and one of the Quorum 1685; also "Captain of the Foote." He married Sarah, the daughter of Samuel and Anne (Ayres) Chew. Their daughter, Sarah, married Benjamin Gaither.
Historic Graves of Maryland and the District of Columbia By Helen West Ridgely, National Society of the Colonial Dames of America;
On the other side of Annapolis, across the Severn river and on the road to "Whitehall," lies "Bellefield," ... Another interesting cluster of graves is to be found on a farm belonging to the late General Steuart. It retains the name of Mt. Stewart, differently spelled, being after that of a former owner, Anthony Stewart, whom we shall have occasion to mention later. Here remain in a fairly good state of preservation the Burgess tombs. Col. William Burgess, who lived here in the seventeenth century, took an active part in the life of the period, holding among other offices, that of councillor, and having also served as deputy governor and as general of the military forces of the Province. As he married three times, he left a number of descendants, some of whom are interested in having these tombs removed from the field where heretofore they have been carefully protected to the more certain shelter of St. Anne's at Annapolis. Colonel Burgess married, first, Miss Elizabeth Robins, daughter of Edward Robins of Accomac county, Va., secondly, Mrs. Sophia Ewen, widow of Maj. Richard Ewen of Anne Arundel county, who left children, and, thirdly, Ursula, who survived him and became the wife of Mordacai Moore. Madame Ursula Moore died December 12, 1700, and was buried by the side of her first husband. Among the old Maryland wills, two testators mention the children of Col. William Burgess: George Puddington makes George, William, Susanna and Edward legatees, while Nicholas Painter leaves property to Charles, William, Benjamin, Joseph, Elizabeth and Anne.
Susanna is also mentioned by Susan Billingsly in her will made December 7, 1663. As this lady, the widow of James Billingsly, alludes also to her brothers Richard and John
Ewen, the sequence of names would lead one to suppose that family loyalty had gone so far as to cause the widow Ewen to name her daughter by her Burgess marriage after her
first husband's sister. The inscription on Colonel Burgess' tomb is :
Here lyeth ye body of Wm. Burgess Esq who departed this life on ye
24 day of Janu Anno Domini 1686 Aged about 64 yrs. Leaving his dear beloved wife Ursuhla & Eleven children viz: seven sons and four daughters and 8 grandchildren. In his life time he was a member of His Lordships Counsel of Estate, One of his Lordships deputy Governours a Justice of ye High Provincial Court Collon of a Regiment of the trained Guards and sometime Generall of all the Military forces of this Province. His loving wife Ursulah his Execut. in testimony of her true respect and due regard to the worthy deserts of her dear departed husband, hath erected this Memorial.
On the tombs of his son, William, and his daughter, Anne,
are the following inscriptions :
Here lyeth the Body of William Burgess the eldest son that coll. William Burgess had by his Dear and Loveing wife Ursella, he departed this life the 28th Day of June in the . . . year of his age, Anno Domini 1698.
Here lyeth Interred ye Body of Anne the wife of Thomas Sparrow daughter of William Burgess and Ursulla his wife, who was born on Thursday the 7th of Oct. 1680 Married on Tuesday ye 8th June 1697 Sickened the 25th day of ye same month and dyed on Sunday ye 25 of July 1697. This stone is erected as a Lasting Memorial of the person above Mentioned, by her surviving husband Mr. Thomas Sparrow.
Birth Notes: Wife - Sophia Scarborough
Some sources say she was born in Maryland, but it is more likely that she was born in England, possibly also married there. Anne Arundel County was not founded until around 1649/1650.
Research Notes: Wife - Sophia Scarborough
A small handful of sources show Sophia Scarborough's father as Mathias or Mathew Scarborough. As I have been unable to find corroborating evidence, this name does not appear in my genealogy. A generation later, there was a Mathias Scarborough who was prominent in Maryland and well documented, but unrelated as far as I can determine.
kjf 23 Oct 2009
The reliability of the following is also in question since Anne Arundel County was not founded until the mid-17th century.
From :
2. Sophia Ewell SCARBOROUGH * was born in 1613 in Anne Arundel, Maryland. She lived in Plantation Ewengton, Maryland. She died in Annapolis, Anne Arundel, Maryland. She was a 6th g grandmother to Althea Current. She a 2nd great grandmother of Charles F. Carroll of Carrollton Manor. She was a 2nd great grandmother to Margaret Richardson.
Burial Notes: Child - William Burgess Jr.
From Historic Graves of Maryland, p. 12:
Here lyeth the Body of William Burgess the eldest son that Coll. William Bugess had by his Dear and Loveing wife Ursella, he departed this life the 28th Day of June in the ... year of his age, Anno Domini 1698.
Gerald de Prendergast and < > de Burgh
Husband Gerald de Prendergast 31
Born: Christened: Died: Buried:Marriage:
Wife < > de Burgh 31
Born: Christened: Died: Buried:
Father: Richard Mor de Burgh Lord of Connacht ( - ) 31 Mother: Egidia de Lacy ( - ) 31
1 F Maud de Prendergast 32
Born: 17 Mar 1243 Christened: Died: Buried:Spouse: Maurice FitzMaurice FitzGerald 3rd Lord of Offaly ( -1286) 31 33
Hubert de Burgh 1st Earl of Kent and Beatrix de Warren
Husband Hubert de Burgh 1st Earl of Kent 34 35
Born: Abt 1173 - <Norfolk>, England Christened: Died: Buried:Marriage: After 1209
Wife Beatrix de Warren 34
AKA: Beatrice de Warenne Born: Abt 1177 - <Wormegay, Norfolk>, England Christened: Died: Buried:
Father: William de Warenne of Wormegay (Abt 1151- ) 34 35 Mother:
Other Spouse: Doun Bardolf (Abt 1173-1209) 34 - Abt 1198 - Norfolk, England
Hugh Burgh Lord of Mowthey or Mawddwy and Elizabeth de la Pole
Husband Hugh Burgh Lord of Mowthey or Mawddwy
Born: Christened: Died: 18 Aug 1430 Buried:Marriage:
Wife Elizabeth de la Pole
Born: Christened: Died: 3 Nov 1403 Buried:
Father: John de la Pole ( - ) Mother: Elizabeth Corbet (1375-Bef 1403)
1 M Sir John Burgh Lord of Mowthey, or Mawddwy, Merionethshire 36
Born: 12 Jun 1414 - Wattlesburgh, <Shropshire, England> Christened: - Church of Alberbury, Wattlesburgh, <Shropshire, England> Died: 1471 Buried:
Research Notes: Husband - Hugh Burgh Lord of Mowthey or Mawddwy
From the book Reifsnyder-Gillam Ancestry, Edited by Thomas Allen Glenn at the request of Howard Reifsnyder, privately printed, Philadelphia, 1902, provided by, p. 42:
"[Sir John Burgh] was son of Hugh Burgh, Lord of Mowthey or Mawddwy (died 18 August, 1430), and Elizabeth his wife, daughter of John de la Pole, Lord of Mawddwy (died 3 November, 1403, sole heiress to her brother, Fulk), and Elizabeth his wife (born 7 May, 1375; died prior 1403), daughter of Sir Fulk Corbet, of Wattelesburg, and Moreton Corbet.
Research Notes: Wife - Elizabeth de la Pole
From the book Reifsnyder-Gillam Ancestry, Edited by Thomas Allen Glenn at the request of Howard Reifsnyder, privately printed, Philadelphia, 1902, provided by, pp. 41-42:
"[Sir John Burgh] was son of Hugh Burgh, Lord of Mowthey or Mawddwy (died 18 August, 1430), and Elizabeth his wife, daughter of John de la Pole, Lord of Mawddwy (died 3 November, 1403, sole heiress to her brother, Fulk), and Elizabeth his wife (born 7 May, 1375; died prior 1403), daughter of Sir Fulk Corbet, of Wattelesburg, and Moreton Corbet.
"John de la Pole was son of William de la Pole (living 1352-3), son of Griffith de la Pole, Lord of Mawddwy (of age 1319), son of William, fourth son of Griffith ap Wenwynnyn, Prince of Upper Powys, descended from Bleddyn ap Cynfyn, Prince of Powys, murdered 1073."
Thomas FitzJohn 2nd Earl of Kildare and Joan de Burgh
Husband Thomas FitzJohn 2nd Earl of Kildare 37
AKA: Thomas FitzGerald 2nd Earl of Kildare Born: Christened: Died: Buried:Marriage:
Wife Joan de Burgh
Born: Christened: Died: Buried:
Father: Richard de Burgh Earl of Ulster ( - ) Mother:
Other Spouse: Sir John Darcy of Knaith ( - ) 37
Research Notes: Wife - Joan de Burgh
Source: Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700 by Frederick Lewis Weis and Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr, ed. by William R. Beall & Kaleen E. Beall, Baltimore, 2008, Line 7-31 (James Botiller)
Sir John Darcy of Knaith and Joan de Burgh
Husband Sir John Darcy of Knaith 37
Born: Christened: Died: Buried:Marriage:
Wife Joan de Burgh
Born: Christened: Died: Buried:
Father: Richard de Burgh Earl of Ulster ( - ) Mother:
Other Spouse: Thomas FitzJohn 2nd Earl of Kildare ( - ) 37
1 F Elizabeth Darcy
AKA: Anne Darcy Born: Christened: Died: 24 Mar 1389 or 1390 Buried:Spouse: James Botiller 2nd Earl of Ormond (1331-1382) Marr: Abt 1346
Research Notes: Husband - Sir John Darcy of Knaith
Source: Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700 by Frederick Lewis Weis and Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr, ed. by William R. Beall & Kaleen E. Beall, Baltimore, 2008, Line 7-31 (James Botiller)
Research Notes: Wife - Joan de Burgh
Source: Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700 by Frederick Lewis Weis and Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr, ed. by William R. Beall & Kaleen E. Beall, Baltimore, 2008, Line 7-31 (James Botiller)
1. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001,
2. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001,
3. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001,
4. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001,
5. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001,
6. Peden, Henry C., Jr, Revolutionary Patriots of Anne Arundel County Maryland (Westminster, MD: Heritage Books, 2006.), p. 55.
7. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001,
8. Dorsey, Maxwell Jay, Jean Muir Dorsey, Nannie Ball Nimmo, The Dorsey family: descendants of Edward Darcy-Dorsey of Virginia and Maryland for five generations, and allied families (Orig. Pub. M. J. Dorsey, 1946; reprinted by Genealogical Publishing Co., 1997.), p. 145.
9. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001,
10. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001,
11. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001,
12. Ridgely, Helen W, Historic Graves of Maryland and the District of Columbia (New York: The Grafton Press, 1908.), p. 11.
13. Website:,,410563,410563.
14. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001,
15., Compact Disc #126 Pin #3959771
.16., Compact Disc #88 Pin #5335 (Rod Blackman).
17. Website:,
18. Warfield, J. D, The Founders of Anne Arundel and Howard Counties, Maryland. (Baltimore: Kohn & Pollock, 1905), p. 49.
19. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001,
20. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001,
21. Baltimore: Its History and Its People (Vol. 3. New York: Lewis Historical Publishing Company, 1912.), pp. 794-795.
22. Richardson, Hester Dorsey, Side-Lights on Maryland History with Sketches of Early Maryland Families. (Vol. 2. Baltimore: Williams and Wilkins, 1913.), p. 427.
23. Website:,
24. Website:,
25., Compact Disc #88 Pin #5334 (Rod Blackman).
26. Website:, (Ancestors of Christine Ensor) #2082.
27. Website - Genealogy,
28. Web - Message Boards, Discussion Groups, Email,
29. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001,
30. Rutherford, William Kenneth, Anna Clay Zimmer Rutherford, Genealogical History of Our Ancestors: (Vol. 1. 1989), p. 107.
31., Juliana FitzGerald.
32., Juliana FitzGerald. Cit. Date: 2 Sep 2009.
33. Weis, Frederick Lewis and Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr; William R. Beall and Kaleen E. Beall, eds, Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700 (8th ed. Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Company, 2008.), Line 178-6, 54-31 (Thomas de Clare).
34., Cit. Date: 18 Jul 2009.
35. Weis, Frederick Lewis and Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr; William R. Beall and Kaleen E. Beall, eds, Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700 (8th ed. Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Company, 2008.), Line 94-29 (Cecily de Baliol).
36. Glenn, Thomas Allen, ed, Reifsnyder-Gillam Ancestry. (Philadelphia: (Privately Printed), 1902.), pp. 41-42.
37. Weis, Frederick Lewis and Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr; William R. Beall and Kaleen E. Beall, eds, Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700 (8th ed. Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Company, 2008.), Line 7-31 (James Botiller).
1 <i></i>. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001,
2 <i></i>. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001,
3 <i></i>. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001,
4 <i></i>. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001,
5 <i></i>. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001,
6 Peden, Henry C., Jr, <i>Revolutionary Patriots of Anne Arundel County Maryland</i> (Westminster, MD: Heritage Books, 2006.), p. 55.
7 <i></i>. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001,
8 Dorsey, Maxwell Jay, Jean Muir Dorsey, Nannie Ball Nimmo, <i>The Dorsey family: descendants of Edward Darcy-Dorsey of Virginia and Maryland for five generations, and allied families</i> (Orig. Pub. M. J. Dorsey, 1946; reprinted by Genealogical Publishing Co., 1997.), p. 145.
9 <i></i>. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001,
10 <i></i>. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001,
11 <i></i>. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001,
12 Ridgely, Helen W, <i>Historic Graves of Maryland and the District of Columbia</i> (New York: The Grafton Press, 1908.), p. 11.
13 Website:,,410563,410563.
14 <i></i>. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001,
<i></i>, Compact Disc #126 Pin #3959771
16 <i></i>, Compact Disc #88 Pin #5335 (Rod Blackman).
17 Website:,
18 Warfield, J. D, <i>The Founders of Anne Arundel and Howard Counties, Maryland.</i> (Baltimore: Kohn & Pollock, 1905), p. 49.
19 <i></i>. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001,
20 <i></i>. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001,
21 <i>Baltimore: Its History and Its People</i> (Vol. 3. New York: Lewis Historical Publishing Company, 1912.), pp. 794-795.
22 Richardson, Hester Dorsey, <i>Side-Lights on Maryland History with Sketches of Early Maryland Families.</i> (Vol. 2. Baltimore: Williams and Wilkins, 1913.), p. 427.
23 Website:,
24 Website:,
25 <i></i>, Compact Disc #88 Pin #5334 (Rod Blackman).
26 Website:, (Ancestors of Christine Ensor) #2082.
27 Website - Genealogy,
28 Web - Message Boards, Discussion Groups, Email,
29 <i></i>. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001,
30 Rutherford, William Kenneth, Anna Clay Zimmer Rutherford, <i>Genealogical History of Our Ancestors:</i> (Vol. 1. 1989), p. 107.
31 <i></i>, Juliana FitzGerald.
32 <i></i>, Juliana FitzGerald. Cit. Date: 2 Sep 2009.
33 Weis, Frederick Lewis and Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr; William R. Beall and Kaleen E. Beall, eds, <i>Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700</i> (8th ed. Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Company, 2008.), Line 178-6, 54-31 (Thomas de Clare).
34 <i></i>, Cit. Date: 18 Jul 2009.
35 Weis, Frederick Lewis and Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr; William R. Beall and Kaleen E. Beall, eds, <i>Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700</i> (8th ed. Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Company, 2008.), Line 94-29 (Cecily de Baliol).
36 Glenn, Thomas Allen, ed, <i>Reifsnyder-Gillam Ancestry.</i> (Philadelphia: (Privately Printed), 1902.), pp. 41-42.
Weis, Frederick Lewis and Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr; William R. Beall and Kaleen E. Beall, eds, <i>Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700</i> (8th ed. Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Company, 2008.), Line 7-31 (James Botiller).
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