Richard Haye and Maud Vernon
Husband Richard Haye 1
Born: Abt 1125 - Sussex, England Christened: Died: Bef 1185 Buried:Marriage: Abt 1148 - Shipbroke, Cheshire, England
Wife Maud Vernon 1
Born: Abt 1127 - <Shipbroke, Cheshire>, England Christened: Died: Buried:
1 F Nichola Haye 1
Born: Abt 1151 - Sussex, England Christened: Died: Buried:Spouse: Gerald Camville (Abt 1135- ) 1 Marr: Abt 1171 - Sussex, England
Ezra Healey and Sally Stewart
Husband Ezra Healey 2
Born: 1807 - Sunderland, Bennington, Vermont, United States Christened: Died: <1890> Buried: - Elizabethtown, Leeds, Ontario, Canada
Father: Jabez Healy (1763-1827) 3 Mother: Grace Bailey (1765-1811) 4
Marriage: 6 Aug 1809 5
Other Spouse: Eunice ChipmanEvents
Occupation: Methodist circuit rider, Ontario, Canada.
Wife Sally Stewart 6
Born: 4 May 1790 - Hartford, Washington, New York, United States Christened: Died: 1890 - Ontario, Canada Buried:
1 F Permelia Healy 7
Born: 2 Feb 1816 - Potsdam, St. Lawrence, New York, United States Christened: Died: 16 May 1904 - New York, United States Buried:
2 M Rev. Almon Healy 8
Born: 15 Mar 1821 - Potsdam, St. Lawrence, New York, United States Christened: Died: 13 Jan 1900 - Long Beach, Los Angeles, California, United States 9 Buried: - Bellevue Memorial Park, Ontario, San Bernardino, California, United States 10Spouse: Lucy Wood (1825-1900) 11 12 13 14 Marr: 30 Jan 1843 - Augusta Twp, Grenville (Leeds and Grenville), Upper Canada (Ontario), Canada 15
3 F Malissa Matilda Healey
AKA: Melissa Matilda Healey Born: 4 Dec 1825 - Upper Canada (Ontario), Canada Christened: Died: 5 Jul 1871 - Drayton, Wellington, Ontario, Canada 16 Buried:Spouse: John Simmons (Abt 1819-1891) 17 Marr: 22 Feb 1845 - Johnstown, Grenville (Leeds and Grenville), Canada West (Ontario), Canada 17
Research Notes: Husband - Ezra Healey
Excerpts from a posting by Dave Minder in 2001-2002 on
The Reverend Dr. Ezra Healy was descended from English Sea Captain William Healy who migrated to Cambridge, Massachusetts about 1630 becoming one of New England's first settlers. William's descendents remained in Massachusetts for more than a century. Ezra's great grandfather Jabez Healy migrated to the wilderness of Shoreham, Vermont where he farmed: Rev. Josiah F. Goodhue wrote in the "History of the Town of Shoreham, Vermont 1761-1861" that Jabez settled a little east from where John Jones now lives, about 1785; soon sold that place, and settled on the farm now owned by Ira Bascom. Jabez remained in Shoreham, but his son Ezra was called to be a Methodist minister in the wilderness of Eastern Ontario. Jabez brother Benjamin, was also in Shoreham where he was a member of the Universalist Society. Clearly religious freedom was available in the United States. Jabez and Benjamin's uncle, Ebenezer, migrated from Massachusetts to Cayuga, New York where he was to be the first settler in the town of Sennett. E. Storke writes: "Deacon Healy was as sincere, devoted and very liberal member of the Baptist Church. In his barn, erected in 1796, now standing, and owned by his grandson, Philo W. Healy, the Baptist Association was formed in 1801 and its members were always free and welcome guests in his house." As an occupation, Ebenezer ran a tavern which was "liberally patronized, the bar especially so. Everyone at that time drank intoxicants, dominis, deacons and professors alike."
Dr. Rev. Ezra's grandfather Rev. Ezra Sr. was born on March 14, 1790 in Shoreham, Vermont, and died December 27, 1849 in Elizabethtown, Ontario. He was not only a preacher but, like his father, a farmer. Ezra was mentioned in "Leeds and Grenville: Their first Two Hundred Years" by Ruth McKenzie.
"Another preacher of note was Rev. Ezra Healy who went to the Rideau circuit in 1822. Mr. Healy came from Vermont. As circuit preacher, he had to cover a very large territory, but he had great physical stamina. A contemporary described him: (As) the portly, presentable and prepossessing Ezra Healy. He stood six feet and one and one-half inch in his stocking feet. He had enjoyed but six months of schooling in his whole life -- yet many thought (his sermons) wonderful. He had a warm, affectionate heart... combined with a great amount of religious fervour."
A clipping from The Ottawa Journal, Sat., May 22, 1971 refers to Ezra Healy riding the Methodist circuit between the Rideau and Ottawa Rivers "in the wilderness". It notes that Wesley United Church in Stittsville, Ontario, dates back to a class formed by Mr. Healy in 1819.
Ezra and his family finally settled in the Brockville area where he became the first minister of Greenbush Church. "Services were held as early as 1831, before the floor was put in. The church was built as a community church to be used by Methodists, Quakers, and Bible Christians."
Ezra died at the age of 59 helping a neighbour fight a house fire. The inscription on his monument at the Greenbush cemetery reads:
"Ezra Healy, aged 59 years, 41 years he faithfully served his God, 29 were spent with great acceptability and usefulness in the ministry; being rendered instrumental in the conversion of many souls."
Birth Notes: Child - Rev. Almon Healy
His gravestone has "1819-1900."
The 1880-1920 U.S. Census records of his son E.A. Healy give his place of birth as New York.
Death Notes: Child - Rev. Almon Healy
Obituary from Los Angeles Herald:
Long Beach, Jan. 13.-The Rev. Almon Healy, after a long and useful life, passed away at his home here at 1 o'clock this morning. Mr. Healy, with his wife, came to this place about six years ago and by his earnest, faithful life and heartfelt and consistent work in the service of the Master, he became the best known and most beloved servant of the Lord in Long Beach. Mr. Healy would, if he had lived until next March, have reached his 80th birthday, he having been born in Canada in March, 1821. The deceased leaves a wife, four sons and one daughter, all of whom are in California--Ezra A. Healy, pastor of Westlake Methodist church, and James Healy, also a pastor in this conference, being among them; the other sons, Henry and Frank, and Mrs. Dayman-his daughter-also being well known and useful citizens of this and San Bernardino counties. Mr. Healy was hale and vigorous up to few weeks ago and never let slip an opportunity wherein he could serve the Master and his life ended as he wished-in harness.
John Simmons and Malissa Matilda Healey
Husband John Simmons 17
Born: Abt 1819 - <Wexford, Ireland> Christened: Died: 27 May 1891 - Midland, Pembina, North Dakota, United States Buried:Marriage: 22 Feb 1845 - Johnstown, Grenville (Leeds and Grenville), Canada West (Ontario), Canada 17
Wife Malissa Matilda Healey
AKA: Melissa Matilda Healey Born: 4 Dec 1825 - Upper Canada (Ontario), Canada Christened: Died: 5 Jul 1871 - Drayton, Wellington, Ontario, Canada 16 Buried:
Father: Ezra Healey (1807-1890) 2 Mother: Sally Stewart (1790-1890) 6
Research Notes: Husband - John Simmons
Excerpts from a posting by Dave Minder in 2001-2002 on
The same year that Rev. Ezra Sr. died in the fire [1866?], his daughter Melissa from his first marriage, settled in Maryborough Township, on the outskirts of Drayton, with her husband John Simmons. John was born in Ireland. His family had pioneered in the Brockville area where John and Melissa met. John and Melissa were the ancestors of the Simmons bridge builders of Maryborough Township. John's obituary reads:
One of Drayton's earliest pioneers in the person of John Simmons now sleeps his last sleep on the prairies of North Dakota. He was laid to rest on Sunday 28th May at Drayton, Dakota. He was born in 1819, of Irish descent, and attained an age few men reach viz: four scour years. He immigrated into the Queen's bush from Brockville in 1849, having married in 1848 Melissa Healey, sister of Almon Healey. The family consisted of three daughters and four sons, viz: Tunis, Harriet, Maria, Albert, Alva, Lydice and Alexander. His wife died about the year 1871 and was buried in the old Methodist cemetery in this village. About five or six years ago he left Ontario for Dakota along with his son Tunis to join several of the family who had preceded them. He was in fairly good health until within a short time of his death.
His greatest desire for several months previous to his demise, was that he might be able to return to his native home in Ontario and be buried in the same plot beside his wife. The old family residence on Main Street was torn down only two months ago and stood on the site on which Mr. Arthur Samis is now building a new brick residence.
He was a man possessed of good moral principles, and it was often remarked that he was equal if not superior in managing affairs for the public to all others of his day. In fact it was generally conceded that he looked after others people's rights more than after his own, and he often disobliged himself in order to oblige his neighbors. His advice was often asked by men in better position in life than he was; but when John Simmons could not devise some plan to overcome a difficulty harmoniously it was generally given up, even by men who considered themselves his superior. In politics he was a life-long Reformed; in religion a Methodist, and although he wavered at times he found great consolation in trusting in his Savior in whom he had faith that he would some day be found among those who had washed their robes in the blood of the Lamb, and the writer has every reason to believe that the deceased has passed through the pearly gates into the celestial city where sorrow and sighing shall flee away.
Rev. Almon Healy and Lucy Wood
Husband Rev. Almon Healy 8
Born: 15 Mar 1821 - Potsdam, St. Lawrence, New York, United States Christened: Died: 13 Jan 1900 - Long Beach, Los Angeles, California, United States 20 Buried: - Bellevue Memorial Park, Ontario, San Bernardino, California, United States 10
Father: Ezra Healey (1807-1890) 2 Mother: Sally Stewart (1790-1890) 6
Marriage: 30 Jan 1843 - Augusta Twp, Grenville (Leeds and Grenville), Upper Canada (Ontario), Canada 15Events
Religion: Methodist.
Census: Canadian, 1871, Maryborough, Wellington, Ontario, Canada. 21
Occupation: farmer, until 1878, Maryborough, Wellington, Ontario, Canada.
Occupation: clergyman, 1880, Drayton, Pembina, Dakota Territory (North Dakota), United States.
Census: U.S., 14 Jun 1880, Drayton, Pembina, Dakota Territory (North Dakota), United States. 22
Acquired: Homestead patent, 10 Aug 1881, Drayton, Pembina, Dakota Territory (North Dakota), United States. 23
Voter registration: 23 Sep 1892, Pasadena, Los Angeles, California, United States. 24
Moved: Abt 1894, Long Beach, Los Angeles, California, United States.
Voter registration: 15 Jun 1896, Long Beach, Los Angeles, California, United States.
Wife Lucy Wood 11 12 13 14
Born: 2 Jul 1825 - Augusta Twp, Grenville (Leeds and Grenville), Upper Canada (Ontario), Canada Christened: Died: 15 Jan 1900 - Long Beach, Los Angeles, California, United States Buried: - Bellevue Memorial Park, Ontario, San Bernardino, California, United StatesEvents
Census: U.S., 1880, Drayton, Pembina, Dakota Territory (North Dakota), United States.
1 M Ezra Anthony Healy 12 25
AKA: Rev. E. A. Healy Born: 25 Mar 1844 - Smith's Falls, Lanark, Canada West (Ontario), Canada Christened: Died: 17 Aug 1931 - Los Angeles, California, United States 26 27 Buried: - Inglewood Park Cemetery, Inglewood, Los Angeles, California, United StatesSpouse: Mary Priscilla Edmunds (Abt 1845-After 1930) 12 Marr: 15 Jul 1872 - Maryborough, Wellington, Ontario, Canada
2 M Henry Wilkinson Healy 28 29 30
Born: Jun 1847 - <Canada West (Ontario)>, Canada Christened: Died: 5 May 1928 - San Bernardino, California, United States 31 32 Buried: - Bellevue Memorial Park, Ontario, San Bernardino, California, United States 33Spouse: Lucy Ann Dales (1850-1892) 29 34 35 Marr: Bef 1869Spouse: Caroline Craig (1859-1943) 36 37 Marr: 16 Oct 1895 - Long Beach, Los Angeles, California, United States 38
3 F Serena Healy
Born: 10 Oct 1850 - <Canada West (Ontario), Canada> Christened: Died: 19 Jun 1882 Buried: - Drayton Cemetery, Drayton, Pembina, North Dakota, United States 39Spouse: Dr. Albert Joseph Wallace (1853-1939) 40 41 Marr: After 1880
4 M Rev. James C. Healy 42
AKA: Rev. J. C. Healy Born: May 1854 - Canada Christened: Died: 30 Nov 1905 - East Los Angeles (Los Angeles), Los Angeles, California, United States 43 44 Buried: - Mountain View Cemetery, Pasadena (Altadena), Los Angeles, California, United States 45Spouse: Matilda Frances Wallace (1855-1935) 46 47 Marr: Abt 1878 - North Dakota, United States
5 M George Washington Healy 48 49
Born: 21 Sep 1857 - Canada Christened: Died: 5 Sep 1948 - Ontario, San Bernardino, California, United States Buried: - Bellevue Memorial Park, Ontario, San Bernardino, California, United States 50Spouse: Deborah Armanella Kerfoot (1864-1945) 51 52 53 54 Marr: 15 Dec 1886 - <Drayton, Pembina, North Dakota, United States>
6 M Francis Asbury Healy 55
AKA: Francis A. Healy, Frank Asbury Healy Born: 1860 - Canada Christened: Died: 25 Mar 1955 - Riverside, California, United States 56 Buried: - Corona Sunnyslope Cemetery, Corona, Riverside, California, United States 57Spouse: Grace E. Seabrooke (1869-1955) Marr: 6 Dec 1893 - Pasadena, Los Angeles, California, United States 58
7 F Laura L. Healy 59
Born: <26 Oct 1862> - Canada Christened: Died: <29 Nov 1947> - <Los Angeles, California>, United States Buried:Spouse: Peter Dayman (living)
8 F Lucy E. Healy 60
Born: Abt 1866 - Canada Christened: Died: Buried:
Birth Notes: Husband - Rev. Almon Healy
His gravestone has "1819-1900."
The 1880-1920 U.S. Census records of his son E.A. Healy give his place of birth as New York.
Death Notes: Husband - Rev. Almon Healy
Obituary from Los Angeles Herald:
Long Beach, Jan. 13.-The Rev. Almon Healy, after a long and useful life, passed away at his home here at 1 o'clock this morning. Mr. Healy, with his wife, came to this place about six years ago and by his earnest, faithful life and heartfelt and consistent work in the service of the Master, he became the best known and most beloved servant of the Lord in Long Beach. Mr. Healy would, if he had lived until next March, have reached his 80th birthday, he having been born in Canada in March, 1821. The deceased leaves a wife, four sons and one daughter, all of whom are in California--Ezra A. Healy, pastor of Westlake Methodist church, and James Healy, also a pastor in this conference, being among them; the other sons, Henry and Frank, and Mrs. Dayman-his daughter-also being well known and useful citizens of this and San Bernardino counties. Mr. Healy was hale and vigorous up to few weeks ago and never let slip an opportunity wherein he could serve the Master and his life ended as he wished-in harness.
Research Notes: Husband - Rev. Almon Healy
His name appears as Almond Healy in the 1871 Canada census. The correct spelling is "Almon."
This Almon Healy was most likely the father of Rev. James C. Healy, husband of Matilda Frances Wallace.
His obituary lists the following surviving children, all in California:
Ezra A. Healy, pastor of Westlake Methodist Church
James Healy, "also a pastor in this conference"
Henry Healy
Frank Healy
Mrs. [ ] (Healy) Dayman
One or more of the above were residing in San Bernardino county on 13 January 1900. The others were in Los Angeles County.
George W. Healy is not mentioned as a surviving child, though this researcher speculates he was also a son of Almon Healy.
He was likely the "Rev. Almon Healy" identfied as one of the early settlers in Drayton, North Dakota, after the original 12 settlers had erected some cabins and begun to farm there.
From the "History of Drayton, ND" (
In late March 1878 a group of individuals met in Drayton, Ontario, Canada, for the purpose of planning their migration to the newly explored lands of the province of Manitoba. The decision was made to leave Drayton on April 10. The original party consisted of J. Walter Fawcett, his wife and child, Ezra Healy, his wife and child, Albert Wallace, Wesley Patmore, James Healy, Harry Wallace, and George W. Healy. This small group was joined enroute by Alexander McCrea, and they traveled by rail to a point 12 miles east of Grand Forks, ND. They had their baggage shipped to Fisher's Landing (then the northermost end of the railway), from which they traveled on foot and wagon through the Red River Valley to Pembina, ND. Impressed with the area, they decided to stay, and A. W. McCrea, as eldest man in the company was given the right to choose the spot for a new settlement. He chose the present location of Drayton, which was eventurally named for the settlers' Canadian hometown.
Within weeks of the first settlers' arrival, at least three cabins had been erected, and prairie was broken to begin farming on each of the claims selected by members of the little colony. The population was augmented by the arrival of other individuals attracted by letters from their settler friends, including Henry Healy, Frank Wallace, Rev. Almon Healy and his wife, A. W. McCrea's family, William Mills, Frank Healy, Robert Tweedlie, Nathan Upham, James Bellamy, T. U. Henry,l Ambrose Smith, Joseph Smith and his son D. K. Smith, R. B. Richardson, Isaac Mussel, and Charles, Frank, and Richard Edwards and their mother.
Excerpts from a posting by Dave Minder in 2001-2002 on
The Rev. Dr. Ezra's father, Almon Healy, was the son of Abigail Stewart and the step son of Eunice Chipman, a descendant of at least four of those best known pioneers, the passengers of the Mayflower - John Howland and his wife Elizabeth the daughter of Pilgrim John Tilley and his wife Elizabeth who were on the boat. Passenger William Holmes was also an ancestor. Eunice Chipman's Puritan ancestor pioneered not only in Plymouth but in Barnstable and Connecticut in the 1600s. In the late 1700s, Chipmans were named as founders of Ezra Sr.'s birthplace, Shoreham, Vermont. In the early 1800s, Eunice's family found their way to the Brockville area. While the original Pilgrim may have left England for religious freedom, that is not what brought them to the bush of Vermont and then to Ontario. The biography of relative Timothy F. Chipman, a soldier, politician and an entrepreneur in Vermont, presents an insight into this family:
"In his declining years, he resigned his public stations and retired to private life. In the year 1810, during a revival of religion, he became a hopeful convert, and with his wife and several of his children united with the congregational church at Shoreham. He sustained his Christian profession unblemished and found the doctrines and promises of scripture the joy of his soul, until the day of his death, which occurred at his homestead on his original purchase, in the seventieth year of his age." 19
Research Notes: Wife - Lucy Wood
From the "City History" of Drayton, North Dakota (
In late March 1878 a group of individuals met in Drayton, Ontario, Canada, for the purpose of planning their migration to the newly explored lands of the province of Manitoba. The decision was made to leave Drayton on April 10. The original party consisted of J. Walter Fawcett, his wife and child, Ezra Healy, his wife and child, Albert Wallace, Wesley Patmore, James Healy, Harry Wallace, and George W. Healy. This small group was joined enroute by Alexancer McCrea, and they traveled by rail to a point 12 miles east of Grand Forks, ND. They had their baggage shipped to Fisher's Landing (then the northermost end of the railway), from which they traveled on foot and wagon through the Red River Valley to Pembina, ND. Impressed with the area, they decided to stay, and A. W. McCrea, as eldest man in the company was given the right to choose the spot for a new settlement. He chose the present location of Drayton, which was eventurally named for the settlers' Canadian hometown.
Within weeks of the first settlers' arrival, at least three cabins had been erected, and prairie was broken to begin farming on each of the claims selected by members of the little colony. The population was augmented by the arrival of other individuals attracted by letters from their settler friends, including Henry Healy, Frank Wallace, Rev. Almon Healy and his wife, A. W. McCrea's family, William Mills, Frank Healy, Robert Tweedlie, Nathan Upham, James Bellamy, T. U. Henry,l Ambrose Smith, Joseph Smith and his son D. K. Smith, R. B. Richardson, Isaac Mussel, and Charles, Frank, and Richard Edwards and their mother. 19
Death Notes: Child - Ezra Anthony Healy
Obituary from the Los Angeles Times, 19 Aug 1931, p. 24:
Dean Emeritus of U.S.C. School of Religion, 87 Years of Age, Was "Grand Old Man of Campus"
Dr. Ezra A. Healy,l 87 years of age, dean emeritus of the school of religion of the University of Southern California and known among thousands of students as "the grand old man of the camp0us," died early yesterday at the family residence, 625 West Thirty-fourth street, following several months of illness induced by a broken hip suffered by a fall to the pavement.
Funeral services will be conducted at 2:30 p.m. tomorrow at University Methodist Church, with interment following at Inglewood Cemetery. In charge of the services will be Rev. William C. Hodgson, pastor of the church, assisted by Dr. R. B. von KleinSmid, president of the University of Southern California, Dr. George F. Bovard, president emeritus, and Drs. Alfred Inwood, S. S. Samson and Bruce Baxter. Dean Walter Skeele of the college of music of the University of Southern California, will preside at the organ.
Born at Smith's Falls, Ont., Can., March 25, 1844, Dean Healy was graduated from Victoria University in 1872, subsequently being awarded degrees of master of arts and doctor of divinity by his alma mater. He married Miss Mary Priscilla Edmunds July 5, 1872.
Entering the Methodist ministry in 1867, Dr. Healy was a successful pastor of churches at Stratford, Mitchell and Montreal, Can., until 1878 when he moved to Grand Forks, N. D., at which city he helped to found and became one of the first trustees of the University of North Dakota.
Coming to Los Angeles more than thirty years ago, Dean Healy soon became influential in the religious and educational progress of Southern California. He received the degree of LL.D. from the University of Southern California and in 1907 became dean of the Maclay College of Theology of that institution. He continued as active dean until 1921 and then was engaged in teaching for several years. At one time he was president of the Board of Trustees of the University of Southern California and at the time of his death was an honorary member of the board.
A permanent member of the Southern California Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, Dean Healy was widely known and esteemed as a minister who, while progressive in his attitude toward modern life and scientific achievements, never faltered in his advocacy of the fundamentals of the Christian religion.
Besides his widow and his daughter, Miss Winifred Healy, Dr. Healy leaves two brothers, George Healy of Ontario, Cal., and Frank Healy of Corona; his sister, Mrs. Peter Dayman of Long Beach, and his brother-in-law, Alfred [sic] Wallace, formerly Lieutenant-Governor of California.
Death Notes: Child - Henry Wilkinson Healy
Obituary from The Los Angeles Times, 8 May 1928, p. 32:
ONTARIO, May 7.--Funeral services for Henry W. Healy, 80 years of age, one of the pioneer orange growers of Southern California, will be held at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning at Draper's chapel with burial in Bellevue Cemetery. Dr. Lincoln A. Ferris, pastor of the First Methodist Church, of which Mr. Healy was a member, will officiate.
Mr. Healy had been engaged in raising oranges in Ontario district for the past thirty-three years.
Death Notes: Child - Serena Healy
Probably died in childbirth. Serena's tombstone reads "Serena and her Babe."
Burial Notes: Child - Serena Healy
Serena and her Babe.
Wife of Albert J. Wallace
Born Oct. 12, 1850
Died June 19, 1882
Inscription difficult to decipher in photograph on Something like "How do thy ... me round."
Death Notes: Child - Rev. James C. Healy
Obituary from Los Angeles Express, 30 November 1905:
Sudden Death of Minister
Rev. J. C. Healy, Pastor of Asbury Methodist Episcopal Church, Passes Away at California Hospital
Stomach Trouble Cause of Demise
Was Sick About Ten Days and Succumbs to Effects of Long-Delayed Operation--Funeral Will Take Place Saturday
Rev. J. C. Healy, pastor of Asbury Methodist Episcopal church of this city, died this morning at 11 o'clock in the California hospital, where he was moved yesterday afternoon from his home. He had been sick about ten days with an old stomach trouble. The operation was for gall-stones, but was too late. The patient did not rally from the operation.
Decedent was born in Canada in 1854, and received his education at the University of Victoria college. He moved to North Dakota in 1878, and there was married to Miss Matilda Wallace, a sister of A. J. Wallace of this city.
In 1886 he moved to the Southern California conference, serving as pastor on several charges. He was well beloved as a pastor and was noted for building up weak charges. He was on his third year at Asbury church, during which time he built a fine, new church home. His wife survives him and an only son, Fred W. Healy, with the German-American Savings bank of this city.
Decedent was a brother of Dr. E. A. Healy, pastor of University M. E. church.
Funeral will be held from Asbury Methodist church at 1 p.m. Saturday.
Obituary from the Los Angeles Times, Friday, 1 Dec 1905:
Prominent and Successful East Los Angeles Methodist Minister Succumbs Soon After Operation. Man of Unassuming Manner, "He Went About Doing Good."
Rev. J. C. Healy, pastor of the Asbury Methodist Episcopal Church, on North Workman street, East Los Angelews, died at 11 o'clock yesterday morning at the California Hospital.
He had been ill only ten days, and his condition was not considered secious [sic] until within the past two days. A complications of stomach troubles set in, and an operation became necessary. This was performed on Wednesday evening, but despite the utmost care of the physicians, de3ath ensued fourteen hours later.
The funeral services will be held tomorrow at 1 o'clock, in the Asbury Church. Several ministers with whom the deceased had long been associated, will take part in the services, and the principal address will be made by Dr. J. B. Green, who for several years was Mr. Healy's presiding elder.
Rev. Mr. Healy was a member of the Southern California Conference Quintette, which often sang at the conference sessions and other Methodist meetings of pominence. The music at the funeral services will be by the remaining four members of the quintette, D. B. C. Cory of Vincent Church, Rev. G. W. Coultas of South Pasadena, Rev. L. D. Van Arnum of Alhambra, Rev. C. A. Todd.
The interment will be in Mountain View Cemetery, Pasadena.
The deceased leaves a widow and one son, Fred Healy of the German-American Savings Bank. He also leaves a sister, Mrs. Dayman of Long Beach and four brothers, Henry Healy of Ontario, Frank Healy of Stockton, G. W. Healy of Drayton, N. D., and Dr. E. A. Healy, pastor of the University Methodist Church, Los Angeles.
J. C. Healy was born in Canada, 51 years ago, and was educated at the Victoria University, Ontario. He began his ministry in North Dakota, in the church of Walhalla, in that State. For a time he was assistant pastor, with Rev. Matt Hughes, in Wesley Church, Minneapolis.
Burial Notes: Child - Rev. James C. Healy
Gravestone reads:
1854 - 1905
1855 - 1935
They went about doing good
Birth Notes: Child - George Washington Healy
Although Canadian by birth according to census data, he may have been born in North Dakota or New York.
Death Notes: Child - George Washington Healy
California Death Index gives his father as "Healy" and his mother as "Wood."
Burial Notes: Child - George Washington Healy
His gravestone is shared with his wife, Armanella Kerfoot Healy, who predeceased him in 1945.
Death Notes: Child - Francis Asbury Healy
California Death Index, 1940-1997, gives his father's name as Healy and his mother's as Wood.
Burial Notes: Child - Francis Asbury Healy
Buried with Grace Seabrooke Healy.
Roscoe Henderson Hupper and Dorothy Healy
Husband Roscoe Henderson Hupper 63
Born: 11 Mar 1883 - Thomaston, Knox, Maine, United States 64 Christened: Died: 9 May 1967 - New York, New York, United States 65 Buried: - J. Gary Nichols Cemetery, Saint George, Knox, Maine, United States 66
Father: Joel H. Hupper (1853-1920) 67 Mother: Mary E. Alden (1854-1944) 68
Marriage: 13 Jun 1924 - New York City, New York, New York, United StatesEvents
Application: U.S. Passport, 17 May 1923, New York, New York, United States. 69
Wife Dorothy Healy 63
Born: 13 Sep 1899 - Michigan City, Nelson, North Dakota, United States Christened: Died: 25 Apr 2003 - New York City, New York, New York, United States 70 Buried: - Ridge Church (South Parish) Cemetery, Tenants Harbor, Knox, Maine, United States
Father: Dr. Henry Herbert Healy (1869-1935) 71 Mother: Mary Maud Wallace (1869-1942) 72 73
Census: U.S., 1 Jun 1900, Michigan Village, Nelson, North Dakota, United States. 74 (Household Member)
Census: U.S., 16 Jan 1920, Grand Forks, Grand Forks, North Dakota, United States. 75 (Household Member)
Census: U.S., 3 May 1910, Grand Forks, Grand Forks, North Dakota, United States. 76 (Household Member)
Application: U.S. passport, 17 May 1923, New York, New York, United States. 77
1 M John Roscoe Hupper (details suppressed for this person)
Born: Christened: Died: Buried:
2 M Roger Wallace Hupper (details suppressed for this person)
Born: Christened: Died: Buried:
3 M Joel Henry Hupper (details suppressed for this person)
Born: Christened: Died: Buried:
Death Notes: Wife - Dorothy Healy
Obituary from The New York Times 2 May 2003:
HUPPER - Dorothy Healy. Died peacefully on April 25, 2003 at her home in NYC, in her 104th year. Wife of the late Roscoe H. Hupper, a longtime leading admiralty lawyer and senior partner of the Burlingham, Hupper & Kennedy firm. Mother of John R. Hupper of NYC, Roger W. Hupper of Tampa, FL and the late Joel H. Hupper; grandmother of John R. Hupper Jr., Gail J. Hupper, Craig W. Hupper, Anne H. Gans and David R. Hupper; great grandmother of five great granddaughters and three great-grandsons. Daughter of the late Dr. Herbert H. Healy and Maud Wallace Healy of Grand Forks, ND. Graduate of the University of North Dakota; since the 1920s a resident of NYC and Martinsville, ME. Long active in and Chairman of the Music Committee of the Studio Club of the NYC YWCA. For over 50 years a member of The Blue Hill Troupe Ltd, for which she performed many of the leading contralto roles in Gilbert & Sullivan operettas. President of the Board of Trustees of the Presbyterian Home for Aged Women and thereafter of the James Lenox House Association. Elder and longtime Chairman of the Public Worship and Music Committees of the Madison Avenue Presbyterian Church. Services at the Madison Avenue Presbyterian Church at 11 A.M. on Thursday, May 8, 2003; interment thereafter at the Ridge Church Cemetery in Martinsville, ME. In lieu of flowers, contributions to the James Lenox House Association, Inc., 49 East 73rd Street, NY, NY 10021 or to the Madison Avenue Presbyterian Church, 921 Madison Avenue, NY, NY 10021 would be appreciated.
HUPPER - Dorothy. The Board of Directors of the James Lenox House Association mourns the death of our revered honorary board member and former President, Dorothy Hupper, on April 25th, who devoted many years to our organization. She oversaw the development and construction of James Lenox House on the site of the former Presbyterian Home for Aged Women in the 1970s. Her steadfastness and indomitable spirit will guide us. Paul J. Massey, Jr., President Friedhilde Milburn, Exec. Dir.
Edward Warren Healy and Hazel Maree Redmon
Husband Edward Warren Healy (details suppressed for this person)
Born: Christened: Died: Buried:
Father: Fredrick Wallace Healy (1883-1971) Mother: Stella Beatrice Goldman (1886- )
Wife Hazel Maree Redmon
Born: <1910> - South Dakota, United States Christened: Died: Buried:
Notes: Marriage
Ceremony performed by Rev. Harold E. Doty, Baptist ministser, witnessed by Edward's father, James C. Healy of Lomita, and Neville S. Redmon of Inglewood.
< > Martin and Frances Healy
Husband < > Martin (details suppressed for this person)
Born: Christened: Died: Buried:Marriage:
Wife Frances Healy
Born: Abt 1899 - California, United States Christened: Died: Buried:
Father: Francis Asbury Healy (1860-1955) 55 Mother: Grace E. Seabrooke (1869-1955)
Census: U.S., 1 Jun 1900, Ontario, San Bernardino, California, United States. 78 (Household Member)
1 M Daniel Martin (details suppressed for this person)
Born: Christened: Died: Buried:
Francis Asbury Healy and Grace E. Seabrooke
Husband Francis Asbury Healy 55
AKA: Francis A. Healy, Frank Asbury Healy Born: 1860 - Canada Christened: Died: 25 Mar 1955 - Riverside, California, United States 56 Buried: - Corona Sunnyslope Cemetery, Corona, Riverside, California, United States 57
Father: Rev. Almon Healy (1821-1900) 8 Mother: Lucy Wood (1825-1900) 11 12 13 14
Marriage: 6 Dec 1893 - Pasadena, Los Angeles, California, United States 58Events
Census: U.S., 1880, Drayton, Pembina, Dakota Territory (North Dakota), United States.
Occupation: farmer, 1880, Drayton, Pembina, Dakota Territory (North Dakota), United States.
Census: U.S., 14 Jun 1880, Drayton, Pembina, Dakota Territory [North Dakota], United States. 79 (Household Member)
Voter registration: 1 Aug 1892, Pasadena, Los Angeles, California, United States. 80
Voter registration: 25 Aug 1890, Pasadena, Los Angeles, California, United States.
Marriage: 16 Oct 1895, Long Beach, Los Angeles, California, United States. 38 (Witness)
Voter registration: 17 Jun 1896, Pasadena, Los Angeles, California, United States.
Census: U.S., 1 Jun 1900, Ontario, San Bernardino, California, United States. 78
Census: U.S., 14 May 1910, Long Beach, Los Angeles, California, United States. 81
Residence: 1905, Stockton, San Joaquin, California, United States.
Census: U.S., 1920, Fresno, California, United States. 82
Census: U.S., 1930, Long Beach, Los Angeles, California, United States.
Residence: 1931, Corona, Riverside, California, United States.
Census: U.S., 1940, Corona, Temescal Twp, Riverside, California, United States. 83
Wife Grace E. Seabrooke
AKA: Grace E. Seabrook Born: 1869 - <Nova Scotia>, Canada Christened: Died: 1955 84 Buried: - Corona Sunnyslope Cemetery, Corona, Riverside, California, United States
Father: George H. Seabrook 85 Mother: Martha Lawrence
Census: Canada, 1871, Maitland, Hants, Nova Scotia, Canada. 86
Census: U.S., 1 Jun 1900, Ontario, San Bernardino, California, United States. 78 (Household Member)
1 F Dorothy Lawrence Healy 87 88
AKA: Dorothea Healy Born: 29 Jun 1895 - California, United States Christened: Died: 18 May 1967 - Riverside, California, United States Buried: - Corona Sunnyslope Cemetery, Corona, Riverside, California, United States
2 F Mary W. Healy 89
Born: 4 Jan 1897 - Ontario, San Bernardino, California, United States Christened: Died: 5 Aug 1973 - Riverside, California, United States Buried:
3 F Frances Healy
Born: Abt 1899 - California, United States Christened: Died: Buried:Spouse: < > Martin (living)
4 M George S. Healy
Born: Apr 1900 - <San Bernardino>, California, United States Christened: Died: Buried:
Death Notes: Husband - Francis Asbury Healy
California Death Index, 1940-1997, gives his father's name as Healy and his mother's as Wood.
Burial Notes: Husband - Francis Asbury Healy
Buried with Grace Seabrooke Healy.
Research Notes: Husband - Francis Asbury Healy
Listed in the 1880 U.S. census in the household of Ezra A. Healy and Mary P. Healy as Ezra's brother. This would make him a son of Rev. Almon Healy. Further, the California Death Index, 1940-1997, gives his father's name as Healy and his mother's as Wood.
He was most likely the "Frank Healy" identfied as one of the early settlers in Drayton, North Dakota, after the original 12 settlers had erected some cabins and begun to farm there.
From the "History of Drayton, ND" (
In late March 1878 a group of individuals met in Drayton, Ontario, Canada, for the purpose of planning their migration to the newly explored lands of the province of Manitoba. The decision was made to leave Drayton on April 10. The original party consisted of J. Walter Fawcett, his wife and child, Ezra Healy, his wife and child, Albert Wallace, Wesley Patmore, James Healy, Harry Wallace, and George W. Healy. This small group was joined enroute by Alexancer McCrea, and they traveled by rail to a point 12 miles east of Grand Forks, ND. They had their baggage shipped to Fisher's Landing (then the northermost end of the railway), from which they traveled on foot and wagon through the Red River Valley to Pembina, ND. Impressed with the area, they decided to stay, and A. W. McCrea, as eldest man in the company was given the right to choose the spot for a new settlement. He chose the present location of Drayton, which was eventurally named for the settlers' Canadian hometown.
Within weeks of the first settlers' arrival, at least three cabins had been erected, and prairie was broken to begin farming on each of the claims selected by members of the little colony. The population was augmented by the arrival of other individuals attracted by letters from their settler friends, including Henry Healy, Frank Wallace, Rev. Almon Healy and his wife, A. W. McCrea's family, William Mills, Frank Healy, Robert Tweedlie, Nathan Upham, James Bellamy, T. U. Henry,l Ambrose Smith, Joseph Smith and his son D. K. Smith, R. B. Richardson, Isaac Mussel, and Charles, Frank, and Richard Edwards and their mother. 62
Birth Notes: Wife - Grace E. Seabrooke
She was born at sea.
Notes: Marriage
Ceremony performed by Wyllys Hall, Rector of All Saints Church, witnessed by William Hagadorn of Pasadena and Walton O'Brien of Pasadena.
George Robert Healy and Dorothy Kopli
Husband George Robert Healy (details suppressed for this person)
Born: Christened: Died: Buried:
Father: Russell Kerfoot Healy (1893-1975) Mother: Genevieve Hodgson
Wife Dorothy Kopli (details suppressed for this person)
Born: Christened: Died: Buried:
1 M David George Healy (details suppressed for this person)
Born: Christened: Died: Buried:
George Washington Healy and Deborah Armanella Kerfoot
Husband George Washington Healy 48 49
Born: 21 Sep 1857 - Canada Christened: Died: 5 Sep 1948 - Ontario, San Bernardino, California, United States Buried: - Bellevue Memorial Park, Ontario, San Bernardino, California, United States 50
Father: Rev. Almon Healy (1821-1900) 8 Mother: Lucy Wood (1825-1900) 11 12 13 14
Marriage: 15 Dec 1886 - <Drayton, Pembina, North Dakota, United States>Events
Immigrated: from Canada to the United States, 1878.
Occupation: farmer, 1900, Drayton, Pembina, North Dakota, United States.
Census: U.S., 22 Jun 1900, Drayton, Pembina, North Dakota, United States. 90
Residence: 1905, Drayton, Pembina, Dakota Territory (North Dakota), United States.
Census: U.S., 1910, Drayton, Pembina, North Dakota, United States.
Census: North Dakota, 1915, Pembina, North Dakota, United States. 91
Census: U.S., 2 Jan 1920, St. Paul, Ramsey, Minnesota, United States. 92
Census: U.S., 1930, Ontario, San Bernardino, California, United States. 93
Census: U.S., 1940, Ontario, San Bernardino, California, United States.
Wife Deborah Armanella Kerfoot 51 52 53 54
AKA: Armanella Kerfoot Born: 31 Jul 1864 - Franktown, Lanark, Canada West (Ontario), Canada Christened: Died: 23 Jan 1945 - Ontario, San Bernardino, California, United States Buried: - Bellevue Memorial Park, Ontario, San Bernardino, California, United States
Father: Robert George Kerfoot (1841-1926) 94 Mother: Elizabeth Jane Foster (1841-1911) 95
Immigrated: from Canada to the United States, 1875.
Census: U.S., 22 Jun 1900, Drayton, Pembina, North Dakota, United States. 90 (Household Member)
Census: U.S., 2 Jan 1920, St. Paul, Ramsey, Minnesota, United States. 92 (Household Member)
Census: U.S., 1930, Ontario, San Bernardino, California, United States. 93
1 M Roy Harvard Healy
Born: 1 Jun 1888 Christened: Died: 15 Dec 1891 - Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada Buried:
2 M Russell Kerfoot Healy 90
AKA: Russell K. Healey, Russel Kerfoot Healy Born: 5 Apr 1893 - Drayton, North Dakota, United States 96 Christened: Died: 27 Jan 1975 - Fifield, Price, Wisconsin, United States Buried: - Forest Home Cemetery, Fifield, Price, Wisconsin, United StatesSpouse: Genevieve Hodgson (living)
3 F Florence Healy 90
Born: 26 Apr 1895 - North Dakota, United States Christened: Died: Buried:
Birth Notes: Husband - George Washington Healy
Although Canadian by birth according to census data, he may have been born in North Dakota or New York.
Death Notes: Husband - George Washington Healy
California Death Index gives his father as "Healy" and his mother as "Wood."
Burial Notes: Husband - George Washington Healy
His gravestone is shared with his wife, Armanella Kerfoot Healy, who predeceased him in 1945.
Research Notes: Husband - George Washington Healy
One of the original 12 settlers who immigrated from Drayton, Ontario, Canada to the present location of Drayton, North Dakota.
From the "History of Drayton, ND" (
In late March 1878 a group of individuals met in Drayton, Ontario, Canada, for the purpose of planning their migration to the newly explored lands of the province of Manitoba. The decision was made to leave Drayton on April 10. The original party consisted of J. Walter Fawcett, his wife and child, Ezra Healy, his wife and child, Albert Wallace, Wesley Patmore, James Healy, Harry Wallace, and George W. Healy. This small group was joined enroute by Alexander McCrea, and they traveled by rail to a point 12 miles east of Grand Forks, ND. They had their baggage shipped to Fisher's Landing (then the northermost end of the railway), from which they traveled on foot and wagon through the Red River Valley to Pembina, ND. Impressed with the area, they decided to stay, and A. W. McCrea, as eldest man in the company was given the right to choose the spot for a new settlement. He chose the present location of Drayton, which was eventurally named for the settlers' Canadian hometown.
Within weeks of the first settlers' arrival, at least three cabins had been erected, and prairie was broken to begin farming on each of the claims selected by members of the little colony. The population was augmented by the arrival of other individuals attracted by letters from their settler friends, including Henry Healy, Frank Wallace, Rev. Almon Healy and his wife, A. W. McCrea's family, William Mills, Frank Healy, Robert Tweedlie, Nathan Upham, James Bellamy, T. U. Henry,l Ambrose Smith, Joseph Smith and his son D. K. Smith, R. B. Richardson, Isaac Mussel, and Charles, Frank, and Richard Edwards and their mother. 61 62
Birth Notes: Wife - Deborah Armanella Kerfoot
Her daughter Florence gives her birthplace as Franktown, Ontario. Another source has Beck, Ontario. They are in the same county.
Research Notes: Wife - Deborah Armanella Kerfoot
Her name appears in the 1910 U.S. Census as Deborah A. Healey. She usually went by Armanella.
Transcription of History written in March, 1950, by Miss Florence Healy [her daughter], Ontario, Calif.:
Deborah Armanella Kerfoot, Daughter of Robert G. Kerfoot and Elizaberth Jane Foster Kerfoot, Irish Canadians moved to Drayton, Dakota Territory in April 1881 at the age of sixteen. She was born at Franktown, Ontario, Canada, July 31, 1864. The eldest of a family of seven children. Her brothers and sisters were John Brewster, George Osbon, Luena Alma, Newman Jackson, Myrtle Erma, and Freeman Foster.
On coming to Drayton they first lived in town until a house could be built on their farm six miles south west of Drayton. No neighbors the first year, or school. No time for play as her mother was not well and all the mittens and socks, underwear, overalls, etc. had to be made by hand for a family of nine. No house could be seen in any direction that first year. Large flocks of ducks, geese, and brant flew over in the spring and fall.
Mr. Kerfoot immediately began effords [sic] to have a school organized in the late fall of 1882 school began. Families were moving in fast so there was a fair sized attendance. This school has since then been known as the Kerfoot school, and then the teacher boarded and lived with the Kerfoots, or until they later moved to town.
The school was the social center for the neighborhood, also church and singing school in the winter months. Families attending this school were Fergusons, Allens, Heneys, Dunbars, McLeans.
Armanella Kerfoot was married on Dec. 15, 1886 to Geo. W. Healy who was the founder of Drayton, or one of the group of Twelve. To them was born Three children:
Roy Harvard, June 1, 1888. Died Dec. 15, 1891 in Vancouver, B.C. on his way to California.
Russell Kerfoot, April [5] 1893. He married in June 1923, to Geneiveve [sic] Hodgson. Their Two sons, George Robert, May 31, 1923 who married Dorothy Kopli, they have one son David George, June 3, 1949. John Russell born Jan 14, 1926. married Patricia Rust, Aug 3, 1946
Florence Healy born April 26, 1895
Armanella Kerfoot Healy came by train to St. Vincent, Minn. and by wagon from there to Drayton. Household goods came by boat on the Red River from Fisher's Landing.
Mrs. Healy died in Ontario Cal. Jan 23, 1945, and her husband died Sept. [5] 1948. Both are buried there.
1., Cit. Date: 4 Aug 2009.
2., Cit. Date: 29 Oct 2016.
3., Cit. Date: 10 Nov 2016.
4., Cit. Date: 10 Nov 2016.
5. FamilySearch Pedigree Resource File (, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, "Pedigree Resource File," database, FamilySearch ( : accessed 2016-11-10), entry for Sally Stewart, submitted by lwhitney2755296. Cit. Date: 10 Nov 2016.
6., Cit. Date: 29 Oct 2016.
7. FamilySearch Pedigree Resource File (, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, "Pedigree Resource File," database, FamilySearch ( : accessed 2016-11-10), entry for Permelia Healy, submitted by lwhitney2755296. Cit. Date: 10 Nov 2016.
8., Cit. Date: 29 Oct 2016.
9. "GONE TO HIS REWARD DEATH OF REV. ALMON HEALY OF LONG BEACH," Los Angeles Herald, 14 JAN 1900, online archives. Cit. Date: 6 Jul 2014; (California Digital Newspaper Collection,
10., Find A Grave Memorial# 44538436. Cit. Date: 9 Jun 2016.
11. FamilySearch Historical Files (, "United States Census, 1880," index and images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 06 Jul 2014), Lucy Healy in household of Almon Healy, Drayton, Pembina, Dakota Territory, United States; citing sheet 76C, NARA microfi. Cit. Date: 6 Jul 2014.
12. FamilySearch Historical Files (, "Ontario Marriages, 1869-1927," index, FamilySearch ( : accessed 07 Jul 2014), Almone Healy in entry for Ezra Anthony Healy and Mary Priscilla Edmunds, 15 Jul 1872; citing registration , Maryborough, Wellingto. Cit. Date: 6 Jul 2014.
13., Find A Grave Memorial# 44538405. Cit. Date: 9 Jun 2016.
14., Cit. Date: 29 Oct 2016.
15. FamilySearch Ancestral File (, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, "International Genealogical Index (IGI)," database, FamilySearch ( : accessed 2016-11-10), entry for Almond Healey. Cit. Date: 10 Nov 2016.
16. WikiTree(, Rec. Date: 1 Nov 2016. Cit. Date: 1 Nov 2016.
17. WikiTree(, Rec. Date: 1 Nov 2016. Cit. Date: 1 Nov 2016.
18., Cit. Date: 9 Nov 2016.
19. Drayton, North Dakota - City History (
20. "GONE TO HIS REWARD DEATH OF REV. ALMON HEALY OF LONG BEACH," Los Angeles Herald, 14 JAN 1900, online archives. Cit. Date: 6 Jul 2014.
21. FamilySearch Historical Files (, "Canada Census, 1871," database with images, FamilySearch ( : 13 November 2014), Almo Healy, Maryborough, North Wellington, Ontario, Canada; citing p. 72, line 16; Library and Archives Canada film number C-9. Cit. Date: 30 Sep 2016.
22. FamilySearch Historical Files (, "United States Census, 1880," index and images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 06 Jul 2014), Almon Healy, Drayton, Pembina, Dakota Territory, United States; citing sheet 76C, NARA microfilm publication T9. Cit. Date: 6 Jul 2014.
23. Digital Horizons: Life on the Northern Plains(, Homestead Maps of Pembina County. Rec. Date: 31 Oct 2016. Cit. Date: 1 Nov 2016; "Prepared under the direction of the Pembina County Pioneer Daughter" in 1989.
24. FamilySearch Historical Files (, "California, Great Registers, 1866-1910," index, FamilySearch ( : accessed 06 Jul 2014), Almon Healy, 23 Sep 1892; citing p. 447, Pasadena, Los Angeles, California, United States; FHL microfilm 976929. Cit. Date: 6 Jul 2014.
25., Cit. Date: 9 Nov 2016.
26. FamilySearch Historical Files (, "California Death Index, 1905-1939," database with images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 5 June 2016), Ezra A Healy, 17 Aug 1931; citing 42932, Department of Health Services, Vital Statistics Department, Sacram. Cit. Date: 5 Jun 2016.
27. Obituary, Los Angeles Times (Los Angeles, California), 19 Aug 1931, p. 24. Cit. Date: 9 Nov 2016.
28. FamilySearch Historical Files (, "Ontario Births, 1869-1912," index, FamilySearch ( : accessed 07 Jul 2014), Henry Herbert Healy, 29 Dec 1869; citing Wellington, Ontario, Canada, registration number ; FHL microfilm 1844885. Cit. Date: 6 Jul 2014.
29. FamilySearch Historical Files (, "United States Census, 1880," index and images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 07 Jul 2014), Henry W Healy, Drayton, Pembina, Dakota Territory, United States; citing sheet 76C, NARA microfilm publication T9. Cit. Date: 6 Jul 2014.
30. FamilySearch Historical Files (, "California Great Registers, 1866-1910," database, FamilySearch ( : accessed 9 June 2016), Henry Wilkinson Healy, 11 Aug 1898; citing Voter Registration, Ontario, San Bernardino, California, United States, c. Cit. Date: 9 Jun 2016.
31. FamilySearch Historical Files (, "California Death Index, 1905-1939," database with images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 9 June 2016), Henry W Healy, 05 May 1928; citing 26832, Department of Health Services, Vital Statistics Department, Sacra. Cit. Date: 9 Jun 2016.
32. Obituary, "Final Rites for Pioneer Rancher," Los Angeles Times (Los Angeles, California), p. 32. Cit. Date: 3 Nov 2016.
33., Find A Grave Memorial# 150060792. Cit. Date: 2 Oct 2016.
34. FamilySearch Historical Files (, "Canada Births and Baptisms, 1661-1959," database, FamilySearch ( : accessed 27 May 2016), Henry W. Healy in entry for Clara Adelaide Healy, 01 Nov 1876; citing Drayton, Wellington, Ontario, 01 Nov 1876, ref. Cit. Date: 26 May 2016.
35., Find A Grave Memorial# 112728787. Cit. Date: 11 Jun 2016.
36. FamilySearch Historical Files (, "United States Census, 1900," database with images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 9 June 2016), Henry W Healy, Ontario Township, San Bernardino, California, United States; citing sheet 6B, family 160, NARA micro. Cit. Date: 9 Jun 2016.
37. FamilySearch Historical Files (, "California Death Index, 1940-1997," database, FamilySearch ( : 26 November 2014), Caroline Craig Healy, 24 Nov 1943; Department of Public Health Services, Sacramento. Cit. Date: 2 Oct 2016.
38. FamilySearch Historical Files (, "California, County Marriages, 1850-1952," database with images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 9 June 2016), Henry W Healy and Carrie Craig, 16 Oct 1895; citing Los Angeles, California, United States, county cou. Cit. Date: 9 Jun 2016.
39., Find A Grave Memorial# 22134091. Cit. Date: 5 Jun 2016.
40. Los Angeles Times, Los Angeles Times (1923-Current File): Feb 24, 1939; ProQuest Historical Newspapers: Los Angeles Times (1881-1990) pg. A12. Cit. Date: 6 Jul 2014.
41., Find A Grave Memorial# 7681672. Cit. Date: 5 Jun 2016.
42. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001,
43. Website:, Claremont Colleges Digital Library Obituary, Los Angeles Times (Los Angeles, California), 1 Dec 1905, p. 7. Cit. Date: 8 Nov 2016. Obtained from
45., Find A Grave Memorial# 55103125.
46. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001,
47., Find A Grave Memorial# 55103141. Cit. Date: 27 Sep 2016.
48. FamilySearch Historical Files (, "California, Death Index, 1940-1997," index, FamilySearch ( : accessed 06 Jul 2014), George Washington Healy, 05 Sep 1948; citing Department of Public Health Services, Sacramento. Cit. Date: 6 Jul 2014.
49., Cit. Date: 29 Oct 2016.
50., Find A Grave Memorial # 44537721. Cit. Date: 6 Jul 2014.
51., Cit. Date: 6 Jul 2014.
52. FamilySearch Historical Files (, "California Death Index, 1940-1997," database, FamilySearch ( : accessed 10 June 2016), Armanella Healy, 23 Jan 1945; Department of Public Health Services, Sacramento. Cit. Date: 10 Jun 2016.
53., Cit. Date: 29 Oct 2016.
54. Digital Horizons: Life on the Northern Plains( : accessed 31 Oct 2016), Pioneer Women's Histories: Drayton and Bowesmont, p. 38. Rec. Date: 31 Oct 2016. Cit. Date: 31 Oct 2016; "Mrs. Geo. W.Healy." History written in March, 1950, By Miss Florence Healy, Ontario, Calif.
55. FamilySearch Historical Files (, "United States Census, 1880," index and images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 07 Jul 2014), Francis A Healy in household of Ezra A Healy, Drayton, Pembina, Dakota Territory, United States; citing sheet 76D, NARA m. Cit. Date: 6 Jul 2014.
56. FamilySearch Historical Files (, "California, Death Index, 1940-1997," index, FamilySearch ( : accessed 07 Jul 2014), Francis Asbury Healy, 25 Mar 1955; citing Department of Public Health Services, Sacramento. Cit. Date: 6 Jul 2014.
57., Find A Grave Memorial # 88803146. Cit. Date: 6 Jul 2014.
58. FamilySearch Historical Files (, "California, County Marriages, 1850-1952," database with images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 5 June 2016), Frank A Healy and Grace E Seabrooke, 06 Dec 1893; citing Los Angeles, California, United States, count. Cit. Date: 5 Jun 2016.
59. FamilySearch Historical Files (, "California Death Index, 1940-1997," database, FamilySearch ( : accessed 11 June 2016), Healy in entry for Laura Dayman, 29 Nov 1947; Department of Public Health Services, Sacramento. Cit. Date: 10 Jun 2016.
60. FamilySearch Historical Files (, "United States Census, 1880," index and images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 06 Jul 2014), Lucy E Healy in household of Almon Healy, Drayton, Pembina, Dakota Territory, United States; citing sheet 76C, NARA micro. Cit. Date: 6 Jul 2014.
61. Website:, Cit. Date: 30 Oct 2016.
62. Drayton, North Dakota - City History (, Cit. Date: 12 Jul 2014.
63. Personal Documents, Handwritten list of family members and dates, probably by Edith (Poapst) Wallace. Cit. Date: After 25 Feb 1939.
64. FamilySearch Historical Files (, (Passport application 1922 for Eleanor Hupper). Cit. Date: 4 Oct 2016.
65. Social Security Death Index, "United States Social Security Death Index," database, FamilySearch ( : 19 May 2014), Roscoe Hupper, May 1967; citing U.S. Social Security Administration, Death Master File, database (Alexandria, Virginia: N. Cit. Date: 10 Oct 2016.
66. FamilySearch Historical Files (, "Maine, J. Gary Nichols Cemetery Collection, ca. 1780-1999," database with images, FamilySearch ( : 9 October 2015), Roscoe Henderson Hupper, ; citing Saint George, Knox, Maine, United States, Cemetery New. Cit. Date: 10 Oct 2016.
67., Find A Grave Memorial# 59578661. Cit. Date: 8 Oct 2016.
68., Find A Grave Memorial# 59578689. Cit. Date: 8 Oct 2016.
69. FamilySearch Historical Files (, "United States Passport Applications, 1795-1925," database with images, FamilySearch ( : 13 October 2015), Roscoe H Hupper, 1923; citing Passport Application, , source certificate #152347, Passport Applicat. Cit. Date: 4 Oct 2016.
70. Obituary, The New York Times, 2 May 2003 ( Cit. Date: 2 Jan 2016.
71. Personal Documents, Handwritten list probably by Edith Poapst (Wallace). Cit. Date: After 25 Feb 1939.
72. Personal Documents, Lorna Doone Wallace (Johnson) family documents & photographs.
73. Website:,
74. FamilySearch Historical Files (, "United States Census, 1900," index and images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 07 Jul 2014), Henry H Healy, Dahlen, Michigan, Nash & Samia Townships Michigan village, Nelson, North Dakota, United States; citing she. Cit. Date: 6 Jul 2014.
75. FamilySearch Historical Files (, "United States Census, 1920," index and images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 07 Jul 2014), Henry H Healy, Grand Forks Ward 6, Grand Forks, North Dakota, United States; citing sheet 10B, family 209, NARA microfilm. Cit. Date: 6 Jul 2014.
76. FamilySearch Historical Files (, "United States Census, 1910," database with images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 15 January 2016), Henry H Healy, Grand Forks Ward 6, Grand Forks, North Dakota, United States; citing enumeration district (ED) E. Cit. Date: 14 Jan 2016.
77. FamilySearch Historical Files (, "United States Passport Applications, 1795-1925," database with images, FamilySearch ( : 13 October 2015), Dorothy Healy Hupper in entry for Roscoe H Hupper, 1923; citing Passport Application, , source cert. Cit. Date: 10 Oct 2016.
78. FamilySearch Historical Files (, "United States Census, 1900," index and images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 07 Jul 2014), Frank Healy, Ontario Township, San Bernardino, California, United States; citing sheet 12B, family 306, NARA microfilm pu. Cit. Date: 6 Jul 2014.
79. FamilySearch Historical Files (, "United States Census, 1880," database with images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 5 June 2016), Ezra A Healy, Drayton, Pembina, Dakota Territory, United States; citing enumeration district ED 77, sheet 76D, NARA. Cit. Date: 5 Jun 2016.
80. FamilySearch Historical Files (, "California, Great Registers, 1866-1910," index, FamilySearch ( : accessed 07 Jul 2014), Frank Asbury Healy, 01 Aug 1892; citing p. 280, Pasadena, Los Angeles, California, United States; FHL microfilm 976929. Cit. Date: 6 Jul 2014.
81. FamilySearch Historical Files (, "United States Census, 1910," database with images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 5 June 2016), Frank C Helay, Long Beach Ward 5, Los Angeles, California, United States; citing enumeration district (ED) ED 45, s. Cit. Date: 5 Jun 2016.
82. FamilySearch Historical Files (, "United States Census, 1920," index and images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 07 Jul 2014), Francis A Healy, Township 15, Fresno, California, United States; citing sheet 26A, family 559, NARA microfilm publication. Cit. Date: 6 Jul 2014.
83. FamilySearch Historical Files (, "United States Census, 1940," index and images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 07 Jul 2014), Francis A Healy, Corona, Temescal Judicial Township, Riverside, California, United States; citing enumeration district (E. Cit. Date: 6 Jul 2014.
84., Cit. Date: 6 Jul 2014.
85. FamilySearch Historical Files (, "Canada Marriages, 1661-1949," database, FamilySearch ( : accessed 6 June 2016), George H. Seabrook and Martha Lawrence, 02 Oct 1866; citing Maitland, Hants, Nova Scotia, reference p 13 cn 20; FHL microfilm. Cit. Date: 5 Jun 2016.
86. FamilySearch Historical Files (, "Canada Census, 1871," database, FamilySearch ( : accessed 6 June 2016), Grace Seabrook, Maitland, Hants, Nova Scotia, Canada; citing p. 33, line 1; Library and Archives Canada film number C-10395, Public Ar. Cit. Date: 5 Jun 2016.
87. FamilySearch Historical Files (, "California Death Index, 1940-1997," database, FamilySearch ( : accessed 5 June 2016), Dorothy L Healy, 18 May 1967; Department of Public Health Services, Sacramento. Cit. Date: 5 Jun 2016.
88., Memorial # 88802609. Cit. Date: 19 Feb 2018.
89. FamilySearch Historical Files (, "California Death Index, 1940-1997," database, FamilySearch ( : accessed 5 June 2016), Mary W Healy, 05 Aug 1973; Department of Public Health Services, Sacramento. Cit. Date: 5 Jun 2016.
90. FamilySearch Historical Files (, "United States Census, 1900," index and images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 06 Jul 2014), George W Healy, Midland & Drayton Townships Drayton town, Pembina, North Dakota, United States; citing sheet 10A, family. Cit. Date: 6 Jul 2014.
91. FamilySearch Historical Files (, "North Dakota Census, 1915," database with images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 19 January 2016), Geo W Healy, Pembina, North Dakota, United States; citing family number 30, line number 139, State Historical S. Cit. Date: 19 Jan 2016.
92. FamilySearch Historical Files (
93. FamilySearch Historical Files (, "United States Census, 1930," index and images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 07 Jul 2014), George W Healy, Ontario, San Bernardino, California, United States; citing enumeration district (ED) 0039, sheet 12B, fam. Cit. Date: 6 Jul 2014.
94., Cit. Date: 29 Oct 2016.
95., Cit. Date: 29 Oct 2016.
96. FamilySearch Historical Files (, "United States World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918," database with images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 19 January 2016), Russell Kenfoot Healy, 1917-1918; citing Marshall County, Minnesota, United. Cit. Date: 19 Jan 2016.
1 <i></i>, Cit. Date: 4 Aug 2009.
2, Cit. Date: 29 Oct 2016.
3, Cit. Date: 10 Nov 2016.
4, Cit. Date: 10 Nov 2016.
5 <i>FamilySearch Pedigree Resource File</i> (, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, "Pedigree Resource File," database, FamilySearch ( : accessed 2016-11-10), entry for Sally Stewart, submitted by lwhitney2755296. Cit. Date: 10 Nov 2016.
6, Cit. Date: 29 Oct 2016.
7 <i>FamilySearch Pedigree Resource File</i> (, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, "Pedigree Resource File," database, FamilySearch ( : accessed 2016-11-10), entry for Permelia Healy, submitted by lwhitney2755296. Cit. Date: 10 Nov 2016.
8, Cit. Date: 29 Oct 2016.
9 "GONE TO HIS REWARD DEATH OF REV. ALMON HEALY OF LONG BEACH," <i>Los Angeles Herald</i>, 14 JAN 1900, online archives. Cit. Date: 6 Jul 2014; (California Digital Newspaper Collection,
10 <i></i>, Find A Grave Memorial# 44538436. Cit. Date: 9 Jun 2016.
11 <i>FamilySearch Historical Files</i> (, "United States Census, 1880," index and images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 06 Jul 2014), Lucy Healy in household of Almon Healy, Drayton, Pembina, Dakota Territory, United States; citing sheet 76C, NARA microfi. Cit. Date: 6 Jul 2014.
12 <i>FamilySearch Historical Files</i> (, "Ontario Marriages, 1869-1927," index, FamilySearch ( : accessed 07 Jul 2014), Almone Healy in entry for Ezra Anthony Healy and Mary Priscilla Edmunds, 15 Jul 1872; citing registration , Maryborough, Wellingto. Cit. Date: 6 Jul 2014.
13 <i></i>, Find A Grave Memorial# 44538405. Cit. Date: 9 Jun 2016.
14, Cit. Date: 29 Oct 2016.
15 <i>FamilySearch Ancestral File</i> (, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, "International Genealogical Index (IGI)," database, FamilySearch ( : accessed 2016-11-10), entry for Almond Healey. Cit. Date: 10 Nov 2016.
16 <i>WikiTree</i>(, Rec. Date: 1 Nov 2016. Cit. Date: 1 Nov 2016.
17 <i>WikiTree</i>(, Rec. Date: 1 Nov 2016. Cit. Date: 1 Nov 2016.
18, Cit. Date: 9 Nov 2016.
19 <i>Drayton, North Dakota - City History</i> (
20 "GONE TO HIS REWARD DEATH OF REV. ALMON HEALY OF LONG BEACH," <i>Los Angeles Herald</i>, 14 JAN 1900, online archives. Cit. Date: 6 Jul 2014.
21 <i>FamilySearch Historical Files</i> (, "Canada Census, 1871," database with images, FamilySearch ( : 13 November 2014), Almo Healy, Maryborough, North Wellington, Ontario, Canada; citing p. 72, line 16; Library and Archives Canada film number C-9. Cit. Date: 30 Sep 2016.
22 <i>FamilySearch Historical Files</i> (, "United States Census, 1880," index and images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 06 Jul 2014), Almon Healy, Drayton, Pembina, Dakota Territory, United States; citing sheet 76C, NARA microfilm publication T9. Cit. Date: 6 Jul 2014.
23 <i>Digital Horizons: Life on the Northern Plains</i>(, Homestead Maps of Pembina County. Rec. Date: 31 Oct 2016. Cit. Date: 1 Nov 2016; "Prepared under the direction of the Pembina County Pioneer Daughter" in 1989.
24 <i>FamilySearch Historical Files</i> (, "California, Great Registers, 1866-1910," index, FamilySearch ( : accessed 06 Jul 2014), Almon Healy, 23 Sep 1892; citing p. 447, Pasadena, Los Angeles, California, United States; FHL microfilm 976929. Cit. Date: 6 Jul 2014.
25, Cit. Date: 9 Nov 2016.
26 <i>FamilySearch Historical Files</i> (, "California Death Index, 1905-1939," database with images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 5 June 2016), Ezra A Healy, 17 Aug 1931; citing 42932, Department of Health Services, Vital Statistics Department, Sacram. Cit. Date: 5 Jun 2016.
27 Obituary, Los Angeles Times (Los Angeles, California), 19 Aug 1931, p. 24. Cit. Date: 9 Nov 2016.
28 <i>FamilySearch Historical Files</i> (, "Ontario Births, 1869-1912," index, FamilySearch ( : accessed 07 Jul 2014), Henry Herbert Healy, 29 Dec 1869; citing Wellington, Ontario, Canada, registration number ; FHL microfilm 1844885. Cit. Date: 6 Jul 2014.
29 <i>FamilySearch Historical Files</i> (, "United States Census, 1880," index and images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 07 Jul 2014), Henry W Healy, Drayton, Pembina, Dakota Territory, United States; citing sheet 76C, NARA microfilm publication T9. Cit. Date: 6 Jul 2014.
30 <i>FamilySearch Historical Files</i> (, "California Great Registers, 1866-1910," database, FamilySearch ( : accessed 9 June 2016), Henry Wilkinson Healy, 11 Aug 1898; citing Voter Registration, Ontario, San Bernardino, California, United States, c. Cit. Date: 9 Jun 2016.
31 <i>FamilySearch Historical Files</i> (, "California Death Index, 1905-1939," database with images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 9 June 2016), Henry W Healy, 05 May 1928; citing 26832, Department of Health Services, Vital Statistics Department, Sacra. Cit. Date: 9 Jun 2016.
32 Obituary, "Final Rites for Pioneer Rancher," Los Angeles Times (Los Angeles, California), p. 32. Cit. Date: 3 Nov 2016.
33 <i></i>, Find A Grave Memorial# 150060792. Cit. Date: 2 Oct 2016.
34 <i>FamilySearch Historical Files</i> (, "Canada Births and Baptisms, 1661-1959," database, FamilySearch ( : accessed 27 May 2016), Henry W. Healy in entry for Clara Adelaide Healy, 01 Nov 1876; citing Drayton, Wellington, Ontario, 01 Nov 1876, ref. Cit. Date: 26 May 2016.
35 <i></i>, Find A Grave Memorial# 112728787. Cit. Date: 11 Jun 2016.
36 <i>FamilySearch Historical Files</i> (, "United States Census, 1900," database with images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 9 June 2016), Henry W Healy, Ontario Township, San Bernardino, California, United States; citing sheet 6B, family 160, NARA micro. Cit. Date: 9 Jun 2016.
37 <i>FamilySearch Historical Files</i> (, "California Death Index, 1940-1997," database, FamilySearch ( : 26 November 2014), Caroline Craig Healy, 24 Nov 1943; Department of Public Health Services, Sacramento. Cit. Date: 2 Oct 2016.
38 <i>FamilySearch Historical Files</i> (, "California, County Marriages, 1850-1952," database with images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 9 June 2016), Henry W Healy and Carrie Craig, 16 Oct 1895; citing Los Angeles, California, United States, county cou. Cit. Date: 9 Jun 2016.
39 <i></i>, Find A Grave Memorial# 22134091. Cit. Date: 5 Jun 2016.
40 <i>Los Angeles Times</i>, Los Angeles Times (1923-Current File): Feb 24, 1939; ProQuest Historical Newspapers: Los Angeles Times (1881-1990) pg. A12. Cit. Date: 6 Jul 2014.
41 <i></i>, Find A Grave Memorial# 7681672. Cit. Date: 5 Jun 2016.
42 <i></i>. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001,
Website:, Claremont Colleges Digital Library
44 Obituary, Los Angeles Times (Los Angeles, California), 1 Dec 1905, p. 7. Cit. Date: 8 Nov 2016. Obtained from
45 <i></i>, Find A Grave Memorial# 55103125.
46 <i></i>. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001,
47 <i></i>, Find A Grave Memorial# 55103141. Cit. Date: 27 Sep 2016.
48 <i>FamilySearch Historical Files</i> (, "California, Death Index, 1940-1997," index, FamilySearch ( : accessed 06 Jul 2014), George Washington Healy, 05 Sep 1948; citing Department of Public Health Services, Sacramento. Cit. Date: 6 Jul 2014.
49, Cit. Date: 29 Oct 2016.
50 <i></i>, Find A Grave Memorial # 44537721. Cit. Date: 6 Jul 2014.
51 <i></i>, Cit. Date: 6 Jul 2014.
52 <i>FamilySearch Historical Files</i> (, "California Death Index, 1940-1997," database, FamilySearch ( : accessed 10 June 2016), Armanella Healy, 23 Jan 1945; Department of Public Health Services, Sacramento. Cit. Date: 10 Jun 2016.
53, Cit. Date: 29 Oct 2016.
54 <i>Digital Horizons: Life on the Northern Plains</i>( : accessed 31 Oct 2016), Pioneer Women's Histories: Drayton and Bowesmont, p. 38. Rec. Date: 31 Oct 2016. Cit. Date: 31 Oct 2016; "Mrs. Geo. W.Healy." History written in March, 1950, By Miss Florence Healy, Ontario, Calif.
55 <i>FamilySearch Historical Files</i> (, "United States Census, 1880," index and images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 07 Jul 2014), Francis A Healy in household of Ezra A Healy, Drayton, Pembina, Dakota Territory, United States; citing sheet 76D, NARA m. Cit. Date: 6 Jul 2014.
56 <i>FamilySearch Historical Files</i> (, "California, Death Index, 1940-1997," index, FamilySearch ( : accessed 07 Jul 2014), Francis Asbury Healy, 25 Mar 1955; citing Department of Public Health Services, Sacramento. Cit. Date: 6 Jul 2014.
57 <i></i>, Find A Grave Memorial # 88803146. Cit. Date: 6 Jul 2014.
58 <i>FamilySearch Historical Files</i> (, "California, County Marriages, 1850-1952," database with images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 5 June 2016), Frank A Healy and Grace E Seabrooke, 06 Dec 1893; citing Los Angeles, California, United States, count. Cit. Date: 5 Jun 2016.
59 <i>FamilySearch Historical Files</i> (, "California Death Index, 1940-1997," database, FamilySearch ( : accessed 11 June 2016), Healy in entry for Laura Dayman, 29 Nov 1947; Department of Public Health Services, Sacramento. Cit. Date: 10 Jun 2016.
60 <i>FamilySearch Historical Files</i> (, "United States Census, 1880," index and images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 06 Jul 2014), Lucy E Healy in household of Almon Healy, Drayton, Pembina, Dakota Territory, United States; citing sheet 76C, NARA micro. Cit. Date: 6 Jul 2014.
61 Website:, Cit. Date: 30 Oct 2016.
62 <i>Drayton, North Dakota - City History</i> (, Cit. Date: 12 Jul 2014.
63 Personal Documents, Handwritten list of family members and dates, probably by Edith (Poapst) Wallace. Cit. Date: After 25 Feb 1939.
64 <i>FamilySearch Historical Files</i> (, (Passport application 1922 for Eleanor Hupper). Cit. Date: 4 Oct 2016.
65 <i>Social Security Death Index</i>, "United States Social Security Death Index," database, FamilySearch ( : 19 May 2014), Roscoe Hupper, May 1967; citing U.S. Social Security Administration, Death Master File, database (Alexandria, Virginia: N. Cit. Date: 10 Oct 2016.
66 <i>FamilySearch Historical Files</i> (, "Maine, J. Gary Nichols Cemetery Collection, ca. 1780-1999," database with images, FamilySearch ( : 9 October 2015), Roscoe Henderson Hupper, ; citing Saint George, Knox, Maine, United States, Cemetery New. Cit. Date: 10 Oct 2016.
67 <i></i>, Find A Grave Memorial# 59578661. Cit. Date: 8 Oct 2016.
68 <i></i>, Find A Grave Memorial# 59578689. Cit. Date: 8 Oct 2016.
69 <i>FamilySearch Historical Files</i> (, "United States Passport Applications, 1795-1925," database with images, FamilySearch ( : 13 October 2015), Roscoe H Hupper, 1923; citing Passport Application, , source certificate #152347, Passport Applicat. Cit. Date: 4 Oct 2016.
70 Obituary, The New York Times, 2 May 2003 ( Cit. Date: 2 Jan 2016.
71 Personal Documents, Handwritten list probably by Edith Poapst (Wallace). Cit. Date: After 25 Feb 1939.
72 Personal Documents, Lorna Doone Wallace (Johnson) family documents & photographs.
73 Website:,
74 <i>FamilySearch Historical Files</i> (, "United States Census, 1900," index and images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 07 Jul 2014), Henry H Healy, Dahlen, Michigan, Nash & Samia Townships Michigan village, Nelson, North Dakota, United States; citing she. Cit. Date: 6 Jul 2014.
75 <i>FamilySearch Historical Files</i> (, "United States Census, 1920," index and images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 07 Jul 2014), Henry H Healy, Grand Forks Ward 6, Grand Forks, North Dakota, United States; citing sheet 10B, family 209, NARA microfilm. Cit. Date: 6 Jul 2014.
76 <i>FamilySearch Historical Files</i> (, "United States Census, 1910," database with images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 15 January 2016), Henry H Healy, Grand Forks Ward 6, Grand Forks, North Dakota, United States; citing enumeration district (ED) E. Cit. Date: 14 Jan 2016.
77 <i>FamilySearch Historical Files</i> (, "United States Passport Applications, 1795-1925," database with images, FamilySearch ( : 13 October 2015), Dorothy Healy Hupper in entry for Roscoe H Hupper, 1923; citing Passport Application, , source cert. Cit. Date: 10 Oct 2016.
78 <i>FamilySearch Historical Files</i> (, "United States Census, 1900," index and images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 07 Jul 2014), Frank Healy, Ontario Township, San Bernardino, California, United States; citing sheet 12B, family 306, NARA microfilm pu. Cit. Date: 6 Jul 2014.
79 <i>FamilySearch Historical Files</i> (, "United States Census, 1880," database with images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 5 June 2016), Ezra A Healy, Drayton, Pembina, Dakota Territory, United States; citing enumeration district ED 77, sheet 76D, NARA. Cit. Date: 5 Jun 2016.
80 <i>FamilySearch Historical Files</i> (, "California, Great Registers, 1866-1910," index, FamilySearch ( : accessed 07 Jul 2014), Frank Asbury Healy, 01 Aug 1892; citing p. 280, Pasadena, Los Angeles, California, United States; FHL microfilm 976929. Cit. Date: 6 Jul 2014.
81 <i>FamilySearch Historical Files</i> (, "United States Census, 1910," database with images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 5 June 2016), Frank C Helay, Long Beach Ward 5, Los Angeles, California, United States; citing enumeration district (ED) ED 45, s. Cit. Date: 5 Jun 2016.
82 <i>FamilySearch Historical Files</i> (, "United States Census, 1920," index and images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 07 Jul 2014), Francis A Healy, Township 15, Fresno, California, United States; citing sheet 26A, family 559, NARA microfilm publication. Cit. Date: 6 Jul 2014.
83 <i>FamilySearch Historical Files</i> (, "United States Census, 1940," index and images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 07 Jul 2014), Francis A Healy, Corona, Temescal Judicial Township, Riverside, California, United States; citing enumeration district (E. Cit. Date: 6 Jul 2014.
84 <i></i>, Cit. Date: 6 Jul 2014.
85 <i>FamilySearch Historical Files</i> (, "Canada Marriages, 1661-1949," database, FamilySearch ( : accessed 6 June 2016), George H. Seabrook and Martha Lawrence, 02 Oct 1866; citing Maitland, Hants, Nova Scotia, reference p 13 cn 20; FHL microfilm. Cit. Date: 5 Jun 2016.
86 <i>FamilySearch Historical Files</i> (, "Canada Census, 1871," database, FamilySearch ( : accessed 6 June 2016), Grace Seabrook, Maitland, Hants, Nova Scotia, Canada; citing p. 33, line 1; Library and Archives Canada film number C-10395, Public Ar. Cit. Date: 5 Jun 2016.
87 <i>FamilySearch Historical Files</i> (, "California Death Index, 1940-1997," database, FamilySearch ( : accessed 5 June 2016), Dorothy L Healy, 18 May 1967; Department of Public Health Services, Sacramento. Cit. Date: 5 Jun 2016.
88 <i></i>, Memorial # 88802609. Cit. Date: 19 Feb 2018.
89 <i>FamilySearch Historical Files</i> (, "California Death Index, 1940-1997," database, FamilySearch ( : accessed 5 June 2016), Mary W Healy, 05 Aug 1973; Department of Public Health Services, Sacramento. Cit. Date: 5 Jun 2016.
90 <i>FamilySearch Historical Files</i> (, "United States Census, 1900," index and images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 06 Jul 2014), George W Healy, Midland & Drayton Townships Drayton town, Pembina, North Dakota, United States; citing sheet 10A, family. Cit. Date: 6 Jul 2014.
91 <i>FamilySearch Historical Files</i> (, "North Dakota Census, 1915," database with images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 19 January 2016), Geo W Healy, Pembina, North Dakota, United States; citing family number 30, line number 139, State Historical S. Cit. Date: 19 Jan 2016.
92 <i>FamilySearch Historical Files</i> (
93 <i>FamilySearch Historical Files</i> (, "United States Census, 1930," index and images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 07 Jul 2014), George W Healy, Ontario, San Bernardino, California, United States; citing enumeration district (ED) 0039, sheet 12B, fam. Cit. Date: 6 Jul 2014.
94, Cit. Date: 29 Oct 2016.
95, Cit. Date: 29 Oct 2016.
<i>FamilySearch Historical Files</i> (, "United States World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918," database with images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 19 January 2016), Russell Kenfoot Healy, 1917-1918; citing Marshall County, Minnesota, United. Cit. Date: 19 Jan 2016.
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