Charles H. Windham and Angelica Bonilla
Husband Charles H. Windham 1
Born: - Tennesee, United States Christened: Died: Buried:Marriage:Events
Marriage: 2 Oct 1915, Long Beach, Los Angeles, California, United States. 2 (Witness)
Residence: 435 Cedar Ave., 6 Oct 1915, Long Beach, Los Angeles, California, United States. 2
Wife Angelica Bonilla 1
Born: - Costa Rica Christened: Died: Buried:
1 F Marta Windham 1 3
AKA: Tata Windham Born: Abt 1894 - Costa Rica 2 Christened: Died: Buried:Spouse: Maxwell Raymond Wallace (1890-1979) 4 Marr: 2 Oct 1915 - Long Beach, Los Angeles, California, United States 2
Roger C. Bull and Karen Bonvillain
Husband Roger C. Bull (details suppressed for this person)
Born: Christened: Died: Buried:Marriage:
Wife Karen Bonvillain (details suppressed for this person)
Born: Christened: Died: Buried:
1 M Mathew Bull (details suppressed for this person)
Born: Christened: Died: Buried:Spouse: Michelle Laraine Fish (living)
Research Notes: Husband - Roger C. Bull
Roger C. Bull has experienced a George Plimpton type of life. His experiences include three university centers of learning in biology, chemistry, physics, criminology, psychology and sociology; a decade of law enforcement, most of those years in greater New Orleans; over thirty years of computer services, owning and operating Bull Data; writing poetry since 1957, terrorist novels since 2007, a legal novel in 2012 and a terrorist/spy thriller in 2013.
He's volunteered as an assistant Scoutmaster of Troop 196, Tiger Cub leader and Cubmaster for Pack 796. He was on the building committee for one church and acts as the publicist for his current church.
His hobbies include genealogy, reading, writing, working with electronics and outdoor activities.
His experiences in electronics includes constructing radio kits, servicing cellular telecommunications equipment, constructing computers from chip level and teaching himself binary, assembler, hexidecimal and hundreds of higher level computer languages.
He was an expert shooter with a revolver. He performed his own reloading and gunsmith work while he was in law enforcement.
His many clients provide him with helpful military and government information.
These life experiences evolved into a wealth of resources from which Roger drew his creative ideas.
Please visit Karen and Roger Bull's new website:
Award winning writer O'Neil De Noux had this to say about Roger's latest book:
"Non-stop action. Unlikely characters meld into a team in this complex drama with a twisting plot. Bull is no bull when it comes to this cool, hot book." -- O'Neil De Noux
< > Bookless and Christina MacLeod
Husband < > Bookless
Born: Abt 1852 Christened: Died: Buried:Marriage:
Wife Christina MacLeod
Born: Abt 1852 Christened: Died: Buried:
Father: Donald MacLeod of Tain (Abt 1825-Bef 1909) Mother: Catherine Munro (1828/1829- ) 5
Residence: 21 Apr 1909, Inverness, Scotland.
Research Notes: Wife - Christina MacLeod
From the will of Alexander Wallace 21 April 1909:
"To each of Mary Ann MacLeod, Moss Road, Tain and Mrs. Christina MacLeod or Bookless, Inverness, children of the said Donald MacLeod the sum of One hundred pounds sterling:"
<Robert> Boone and Sarah Cockey
Husband <Robert> Boone
Born: Christened: Died: Buried:Marriage: 1746
Wife Sarah Cockey
Born: 26 Feb 1721 - Maryland, (United States) Christened: Died: Buried:
Father: Capt. John Cockey (1680-1746) 6 7 Mother: Elizabeth Slade (1684-1780) 8 9 10
Research Notes: Husband - <Robert> Boone
His name may have been Thomas Boone. has Robert Boone. has Thomas Boone
Research Notes: Wife - Sarah Cockey
Notes: Marriage
Humphrey Boone and Ann Slade
Husband Humphrey Boone 11
Born: Christened: Died: Buried:Marriage:
Wife Ann Slade 11
Born: Christened: Died: Buried:
1 F Margaret Ann Boone 11 12 13
Born: 9 Nov 1758 - Anne Arundel, Maryland, (United States) Christened: Died: Jul 1834 Buried:Spouse: Captain John Dorsey (1751-1796) 11 14 15 16 Marr: 19 Mar 1782 - Baltimore Co., Maryland, (United States)
Captain John Dorsey and Margaret Ann Boone
Husband Captain John Dorsey 11 14 15 16
Born: 31 Mar 1751 - Christ Church, Queen Caroline Parish, Anne Arundel, Maryland, (United States) Christened: Died: Jan 1796 Buried:
Father: John Dorsey (son of Caleb) of "New Year's Gift" (1708-1765) 17 18 Mother: Elizabeth Dorsey (1720-1803)
Marriage: 19 Mar 1782 - Baltimore Co., Maryland, (United States)
Wife Margaret Ann Boone 11 12 13
Born: 9 Nov 1758 - Anne Arundel, Maryland, (United States) Christened: Died: Jul 1834 Buried:
Father: Humphrey Boone ( - ) 11 Mother: Ann Slade ( - ) 11
1 M Caleb Dorsey [son of Col. John] 17 19 20
Born: Abt 1790 - <Anne Arundel>, Maryland, (United States) Christened: Died: 1820 - Anne Arundel, Maryland, United States Buried:Spouse: Ruth Hammond Griffith (1794-Bef 1854) 19 21 Marr: 7 Sep 1812 - Frederick Co., Maryland, United States
2 M Richard Dorsey 22
Born: 14 Aug 1791 - Queen Caroline Parish, Anne Arundel, Maryland, (United States) Christened: Died: Dec 1857 - <Frederick>, Maryland, United States Buried: - Mount Olivet Cemetery, Frederick, Maryland, United States
3 M Humphrey Dorsey 23
Born: 6 Nov 1793 Christened: Died: 28 Dec 1872 Buried:Spouse: Rachel Owings (1799-1861) 23 Marr: Oct 1816 - Baltimore, Maryland, United States
4 M Charles Boone Dorsey 24
Born: Christened: Died: 22 Jun 1821 Buried:
5 M Stephen Boone Dorsey 25
Born: Christened: Died: 1815 - Anne Arundel, Maryland, United States Buried:
6 F Margaret Anne Dorsey
AKA: Peggy Dorsey Born: Christened: Died: Buried:
Research Notes: Husband - Captain John Dorsey
From Revolutionary Patriots of Anne Arundel, pp. 50-51:
"DORSEY, JOHN, OF JOHN (March 31, 1751 - January, 1796). Son of John Dorsey and Elizabeth Dorsey. Married Margaret Boone in 1782 and had six children: Humphrey Dorsey, Caleb Dorsey, Charles Boone Dorsey, Stephen Boone Dorsey, Richard Dorsey, and Margaret Anne Dorsey Gaither. John was a Captain in the Elk Ridge Battalion in 1778 under Col. Thomas Dorsey and Lieutenant Colonel John Dorsey... He also took the Oath of Allegiance before Hon. John Dorsey on March 12, 1778, according to Source R-184, which cites as its source The Maryland State Papers, Red Book, Part 4, Item 155. However, this published list appears to be in error as the original lists show the name as 'John Dorsey of Ml.', which twould indicate John Dorsey of Michael, not John."
From The Dorsey Family, p. 158:
"The will of John Dorsey made April 8, 1765 and proved in 1765 left:
To sons John Dorsey, Richard Dorsey and their heirs to be equally divided, the tracts Dorsey's Range, the Addition to Dorsey's Range, Duvall's Range, the Defendant, Mineral Hill, and part of a tract What's Left, and also a parcel of land that Philemon Dorsey is to convey to me, and if either die without heirs, the whole to go to survivor and if both should die without heirs to be divided among other children
To son Caleb Dorsey, 3 negroes
To daughters Elinor Stringer, Achsah Dorsey, Ann Dorsey, Elizabeth Dorsey, and sons John Dorsey and Richard Dorsey, 150 pounds Sterling and 1 negro each
To granddaughters Elizabeth Dorsey and Mary Stringer, 1 negro each
To wife Elizabeth, 200 pounds Sterling, 8 negroes, one-third of estate
Exrs: wife Elizabeth and son Caleb Dorsey, empowered to sell house and lot in Frederick Town (Wiulls 35, f 258)
...The will of Elizabeth Dorsey made May 3, 1802 and proved December 10, 1803 left:
To son Richard Dorsey, one-half of a tract of land in Anne Arundel County
To orphan children of son John, remainder of tract of land
To son Richard Dorsey in trust, all lands in Montgomery County, which I derive from my brother Joshua Dorsey, to be held by said Richard for the use and benefit of daughter Elizabeth Boggess during her natural life and after her death to granddaughter Elizabeth Dorsey Boggess
To grandchildren Mortimer and Eliza Anne, children of son Richard, Caleb and Peggy Dorsey, children of son John, and Ellen stringer, daughter of daughter Eleanor, personalty
To son Richard Dorsey, all other property
Exr: son Richard Dorsey (A.A. Co. Wills J.C. No. 2, f. 259)"
This may be the John Dorsey who appears in the following lists:
From Inhabitants of Baltimore County 1763-1774, pp. 7-8:
[Among those listed are:]
Dorsey, Edward
Dorsey, John, Qtrs.
Wells, Valentine
"Note by William N. Wilkins: The last six pages of Delaware Hundred are missing. Last page of this Hundred is marked as #22. The names on these missing pages however, can be deterined from the index; thus, all of the names are shown.
Ibid., pp. 27-41:
"The petitions for and against the removal of the county seat of Baltimore County from Joppa to Baltimore Town in 1768 are discussed at length in the Archives of Maryland, Vol. 61 (Appendix). Notices were posted in January, 1768 at the door of the courthouse in Joppa, at the church door of St. Paul's Parish, at the church door of St. Thomas' Parish, at the church door of St. John's Parish, at the church door of St. George's Parish, at the door of the chapel of St. George's Parish, at the door of the chapel of St. John's Parish, and at the house called St. Thomas' Chapel in St. Thomas' Parish, by Absalom Butler and sworn to before the Honorable Benjamin Rogers. Notices were printed in English and German. Tabulations indicate that 2,271 voted for the removal of the courthouse, and 901 voted against it. (It should be noted that some signatures are missing due to the disintegration of the paper, and there also appears to be some who signed more than once.) Five years later, Harford County separated from Baltimore County and set up its court house at Bush (Harford Town) in 1774 and at Bel Air in 1782.
"...Thomas Cockey...Joshua Owings...Charles Ridgely... Samuel Owings... John Cockey... Benjamin Wells, Charles Wells... George Wells... Caleb Warfield, Nathaniel Stinchcomb... William Coale...Christopher Randall, Jr.... J. Cockey Owings... William Wells, Jr.... William Wells...Edward Talbott... Edward Cockey... Benjamin Talbott... Charles Ridgely (son William)... Elisha Dorsey... Alexander Wells, Nathaniel Owings...Nathaniel Stinchcomb, Sr....Lott Owings... Anthony Arnold... Richard Owings... William Cockey... John Talbott (son Edward)... Richard Owings... William Slade... Edward Talbot... Vachel Dorsey... Christopher Owings, Richard Owings... Edward Dorsey (son John)... Lancelott Dorsey, Charles Dorsey (son Nathan), Ely Dorsey... Henry Dorsey...Samuel Dorsey, Jr.... Joshua Owings, Jr.... Samuel Owings... John Wells... Thomas Owings... Henry Butler... George Dorsey...
Ibid., pp. 57-60:
[Among those listed are:]
Dorsey, Edward; Edward Dorsey; John Goodlan; Wm. Shavens; William Price; Joseph Holdin; Comfort
Dorsey, Basel (Qtr.); Thomas Gilbert; Henry Gilbert
Dorsey, Caly
Dorsey, Nicholas; Abrim, Soloman
Dorsey, Charles (of Nich.); Joseph Chapman; John Carter; John Langley; George Miller; Absilam Frisel
Dorsey, Nicholas Jr.; William Aston; John Martin; Thomas Miller
Dorsey, John (Qtr.); Ka(?)es Conener; Edward Gattle; Thomas Giffiry; John Poe; John Mikes; John Cocks; Richard Williams; Harry Cater Cub
Dorsey, Ely (Qtr.); John Randle; Will; Joe
Dorsey, Ely
Owings, Richard (son of Samuel); James Riley;l John Highnmarsh; Timothy Philips
Wilmoth, John (Qtr); Jiry; Bess; Dinis Downey
"On Reverse side: Delaware Hundred Taxes 462 examined by JSH. The Hole Amount of Taxes is 501: Richard Owings, son of Sam."
Ibid., pp. 97-99:
[Among those listed are:]
*Col. John Dorsey
William Lux -25
*Ann Lux, widow
Charles Ridgely, Jr. - 3
Ridgely & Nicholson, acct., William Robinson - 0
*Richard Ridgely
Frank H. Booth and Eleanor Healy
Husband Frank H. Booth 26
Born: Christened: Died: Buried:Marriage: 16 Mar 1931 - New York City, New York, New York, United States
Wife Eleanor Healy 26
Born: 15 Oct 1897 - Michigan City, Nelson, North Dakota, United States Christened: Died: Buried:
Father: Dr. Henry Herbert Healy (1869-1935) 27 Mother: Mary Maud Wallace (1869-1942) 28 29
Census: U.S., 1 Jun 1900, Michigan Village, Nelson, North Dakota, United States. 30 (Household Member)
Census: U.S., 16 Jan 1920, Grand Forks, Grand Forks, North Dakota, United States. 31 (Household Member)
Census: U.S., 3 May 1910, Grand Forks, Grand Forks, North Dakota, United States. 32 (Household Member)
1 M Henry Healy Booth (details suppressed for this person)
Born: Christened: Died: Buried:
Research Notes: Husband - Frank H. Booth
This may be the Frank H. Booth who died 12 Nov 1940 and is buried at Arlington National Cemetery.
Ragnar Boresen and Janine Elizabeth Johnson
Husband Ragnar Boresen (details suppressed for this person)
Born: Christened: Died: Buried:Marriage:
Wife Janine Elizabeth Johnson (details suppressed for this person)
Born: Christened: Died: Buried:
Father: DeWayne Burton Johnson (1920-2014) Mother: Lorna Doone Wallace (1921-2006)
Other Spouse: Paul John Poletti
Sir Euseby Isham and Anne Borlase
Husband Sir Euseby Isham
Born: Christened: Died: Buried:Marriage:
Wife Anne Borlase
Born: Christened: Died: Buried:
1 M William Isham
Born: Christened: Died: Buried:Spouse: Mary Brett ( - )
Nigel de Saint Sauveur and Godehilda Borrel
Husband Nigel de Saint Sauveur 33
AKA: Nigel de St. Sauveur Born: Abt 969 - <Saint-Sauveur-le-Vicomte, (Manche), Normandy, France> Christened: Died: 1045 Buried:Marriage: Abt 991 - St. Sauveur-le-Vicomte, (Manche), Normandy, France
Wife Godehilda Borrel 34
AKA: Godehilda Borrell Born: Abt 971 - Barcelona, Barcelona, Arag๓n, Spain Christened: Died: Buried:
Father: Raimund Borrel de Barcelona (0972-1018) 35 Mother: Ermensinde de Carcassonne (Abt 0975-1058) 36
1 M Ivo Saint Sauveur 37
AKA: Ivo de St. Sauveur Born: Abt 1026 - <Normandy, France> Christened: Died: Buried:Spouse: Emme de Bretagne (Abt 1026- ) 36 Marr: Abt 1042 - Normandy, France
1. FamilySearch Historical Files (, "California, County Marriages, 1850-1952," database with images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 14 January 2016), Maxwell R Wallace and Marta Windham, 02 Oct 1915; citing Los Angeles, California, United States, c. Cit. Date: 14 Jan 2016.
2. FamilySearch Historical Files (, "California, County Marriages, 1850-1952," database with images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 4 June 2016), Mary Larter in entry for Maxwell R Wallace and Marta Windham, 02 Oct 1915; citing Los Angeles, Califor. Cit. Date: 3 Jun 2016.
3. Web - Message Boards, Discussion Groups, Email, Cit. Date: 10/21/11.
4. FamilySearch Historical Files (, "California Death Index, 1940-1997," database, FamilySearch ( : accessed 10 June 2016), Maxwell Raymond Wallace, 11 Nov 1979; Department of Public Health Services, Sacramento. Cit. Date: 9 Jun 2016.
5. (, 1841 Census, SCT1841/81, Rosskeen - Ross and Cromarty, Enumeration District 7, Civil Parish Rosskeen,Folio 0 Page 11 Address: Inchdown. Cit. Date: 6 Sep 2013.
6. Ridgely, Helen W, Historic Graves of Maryland and the District of Columbia (New York: The Grafton Press, 1908.), pp. 140-141.
7., Find A Grave Memorial# 63747212. Cit. Date: 27 Sep 2016.
8. Ridgely, Helen W, Historic Graves of Maryland and the District of Columbia (New York: The Grafton Press, 1908.), p. 141.
9., Find A Grave Memorial # 63747353. Cit. Date: 27 Sep 2016.
11. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001,
12. Dorsey, Maxwell Jay, Jean Muir Dorsey, Nannie Ball Nimmo, The Dorsey family: descendants of Edward Darcy-Dorsey of Virginia and Maryland for five generations, and allied families (Orig. Pub. M. J. Dorsey, 1946; reprinted by Genealogical Publishing Co., 1997.), p. 159.
13. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001,
14. Dorsey, Maxwell Jay, Jean Muir Dorsey, Nannie Ball Nimmo, The Dorsey family: descendants of Edward Darcy-Dorsey of Virginia and Maryland for five generations, and allied families (Orig. Pub. M. J. Dorsey, 1946; reprinted by Genealogical Publishing Co., 1997.), pp. 158-159.
15. Peden, Henry C., Jr, Revolutionary Patriots of Anne Arundel County Maryland (Westminster, MD: Heritage Books, 2006.), pp. 50-51.
16. Peden, Henry C., Jr, Inhabitants of Baltimore County 1763-1774. (Westminster, MD: Family Line Publications, 1989.).
17. Dorsey, Maxwell Jay, Jean Muir Dorsey, Nannie Ball Nimmo, The Dorsey family: descendants of Edward Darcy-Dorsey of Virginia and Maryland for five generations, and allied families (Orig. Pub. M. J. Dorsey, 1946; reprinted by Genealogical Publishing Co., 1997.), p. 158.
18. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001,
.19. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001,
20. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001,
21. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001,
22. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001,
23. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001,
24. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001,
25. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001,
26. Personal Documents, Handwritten list of family members and dates, probably by Edith (Poapst) Wallace. Cit. Date: After 25 Feb 1939.
27. Personal Documents, Handwritten list probably by Edith Poapst (Wallace). Cit. Date: After 25 Feb 1939.
28. Personal Documents, Lorna Doone Wallace (Johnson) family documents & photographs.
29. Website:,
30. FamilySearch Historical Files (, "United States Census, 1900," index and images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 07 Jul 2014), Henry H Healy, Dahlen, Michigan, Nash & Samia Townships Michigan village, Nelson, North Dakota, United States; citing she. Cit. Date: 6 Jul 2014.
31. FamilySearch Historical Files (, "United States Census, 1920," index and images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 07 Jul 2014), Henry H Healy, Grand Forks Ward 6, Grand Forks, North Dakota, United States; citing sheet 10B, family 209, NARA microfilm. Cit. Date: 6 Jul 2014.
32. FamilySearch Historical Files (, "United States Census, 1910," database with images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 15 January 2016), Henry H Healy, Grand Forks Ward 6, Grand Forks, North Dakota, United States; citing enumeration district (ED) E. Cit. Date: 14 Jan 2016.
33., Compact Disc #125 Pin #895721 Maitland Dirk Brower.
34., Compact Disc #125 Pin #887106 Maitland Dirk Brower.
35., Compact Disc #125 Pin #875489 Maitland Dirk Brower.
36., Compact Disc #125 Pin #879338 Maitland Dirk Brower.
37., Compact Disc #125 Pin #890120 Maitland Dirk Brower.
1 <i>FamilySearch Historical Files</i> (, "California, County Marriages, 1850-1952," database with images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 14 January 2016), Maxwell R Wallace and Marta Windham, 02 Oct 1915; citing Los Angeles, California, United States, c. Cit. Date: 14 Jan 2016.
2 <i>FamilySearch Historical Files</i> (, "California, County Marriages, 1850-1952," database with images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 4 June 2016), Mary Larter in entry for Maxwell R Wallace and Marta Windham, 02 Oct 1915; citing Los Angeles, Califor. Cit. Date: 3 Jun 2016.
3 Web - Message Boards, Discussion Groups, Email, Cit. Date: 10/21/11.
4 <i>FamilySearch Historical Files</i> (, "California Death Index, 1940-1997," database, FamilySearch ( : accessed 10 June 2016), Maxwell Raymond Wallace, 11 Nov 1979; Department of Public Health Services, Sacramento. Cit. Date: 9 Jun 2016.
5 (, 1841 Census, SCT1841/81, Rosskeen - Ross and Cromarty, Enumeration District 7, Civil Parish Rosskeen,Folio 0 Page 11 Address: Inchdown. Cit. Date: 6 Sep 2013.
6 Ridgely, Helen W, <i>Historic Graves of Maryland and the District of Columbia</i> (New York: The Grafton Press, 1908.), pp. 140-141.
7 <i></i>, Find A Grave Memorial# 63747212. Cit. Date: 27 Sep 2016.
8 Ridgely, Helen W, <i>Historic Graves of Maryland and the District of Columbia</i> (New York: The Grafton Press, 1908.), p. 141.
9 <i></i>, Find A Grave Memorial # 63747353. Cit. Date: 27 Sep 2016.
10 <i></i>.
11 <i></i>. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001,
12 Dorsey, Maxwell Jay, Jean Muir Dorsey, Nannie Ball Nimmo, <i>The Dorsey family: descendants of Edward Darcy-Dorsey of Virginia and Maryland for five generations, and allied families</i> (Orig. Pub. M. J. Dorsey, 1946; reprinted by Genealogical Publishing Co., 1997.), p. 159.
13 <i></i>. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001,
14 Dorsey, Maxwell Jay, Jean Muir Dorsey, Nannie Ball Nimmo, <i>The Dorsey family: descendants of Edward Darcy-Dorsey of Virginia and Maryland for five generations, and allied families</i> (Orig. Pub. M. J. Dorsey, 1946; reprinted by Genealogical Publishing Co., 1997.), pp. 158-159.
15 Peden, Henry C., Jr, <i>Revolutionary Patriots of Anne Arundel County Maryland</i> (Westminster, MD: Heritage Books, 2006.), pp. 50-51.
16 Peden, Henry C., Jr, <i>Inhabitants of Baltimore County 1763-1774.</i> (Westminster, MD: Family Line Publications, 1989.).
17 Dorsey, Maxwell Jay, Jean Muir Dorsey, Nannie Ball Nimmo, <i>The Dorsey family: descendants of Edward Darcy-Dorsey of Virginia and Maryland for five generations, and allied families</i> (Orig. Pub. M. J. Dorsey, 1946; reprinted by Genealogical Publishing Co., 1997.), p. 158.
<i></i>. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001,
19 <i></i>. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001,
20 <i></i>. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001,
21 <i></i>. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001,
22 <i></i>. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001,
23 <i></i>. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001,
24 <i></i>. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001,
25 <i></i>. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001,
26 Personal Documents, Handwritten list of family members and dates, probably by Edith (Poapst) Wallace. Cit. Date: After 25 Feb 1939.
27 Personal Documents, Handwritten list probably by Edith Poapst (Wallace). Cit. Date: After 25 Feb 1939.
28 Personal Documents, Lorna Doone Wallace (Johnson) family documents & photographs.
29 Website:,
30 <i>FamilySearch Historical Files</i> (, "United States Census, 1900," index and images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 07 Jul 2014), Henry H Healy, Dahlen, Michigan, Nash & Samia Townships Michigan village, Nelson, North Dakota, United States; citing she. Cit. Date: 6 Jul 2014.
31 <i>FamilySearch Historical Files</i> (, "United States Census, 1920," index and images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 07 Jul 2014), Henry H Healy, Grand Forks Ward 6, Grand Forks, North Dakota, United States; citing sheet 10B, family 209, NARA microfilm. Cit. Date: 6 Jul 2014.
32 <i>FamilySearch Historical Files</i> (, "United States Census, 1910," database with images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 15 January 2016), Henry H Healy, Grand Forks Ward 6, Grand Forks, North Dakota, United States; citing enumeration district (ED) E. Cit. Date: 14 Jan 2016.
33 <i></i>, Compact Disc #125 Pin #895721 Maitland Dirk Brower.
34 <i></i>, Compact Disc #125 Pin #887106 Maitland Dirk Brower.
35 <i></i>, Compact Disc #125 Pin #875489 Maitland Dirk Brower.
36 <i></i>, Compact Disc #125 Pin #879338 Maitland Dirk Brower.
<i></i>, Compact Disc #125 Pin #890120 Maitland Dirk Brower.
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