Rhodri Mawr ap Merfyn King of Gwynedd & Powys & Seisyllwg and Angharad ferch Gwgon ap Meurig
Husband Rhodri Mawr ap Merfyn King of Gwynedd & Powys & Seisyllwg 1 2 3 4
AKA: Rhodri the Great, Rhodri Mawr, Roderick "the Great" Born: 789 - Caer Seiont (Caernarfon), Caernarfonshire, Wales Christened: Died: 878 - Anglesey, Wales 5 Buried:
Father: Merfyn ap Gwriad King of Gwynedd (Abt 0764-0844) 2 6 7 Mother: Nest verch Cadell ( - ) 4 8 9
• Became ruler: of Gwynedd on the death of his father, 844.
• Became ruler: of Powys on the death of his uncle, Cyngen, 855.
• Victory: over Horm, the leader of the Danes (the Northmen), 856, Anglesey, Wales.
• Became ruler: of Seisyllwg on the death of his grother-in-law, Gwgon, 871.
Wife Angharad ferch Gwgon ap Meurig 3 10
Born: Abt 811 - Ceredigion, Wales Christened: Died: Buried:
Father: Gwgon ap Meurig King of Seisyllwg ( - ) 11 Mother:
1 M Cadell ap Rhodri Mawr King of Seisyllwg 12 13
Born: Cir 827 - Deheubarth, Wales Christened: Died: 910 14 Buried:Spouse: Rheingar (Cir 0865- ) 12
2 M Anarawd ap Rhodri King of Gwynedd and Powys 1 3 13 15
Born: Abt 857 - <Gwynedd>, Wales Christened: Died: 916 - <Wales> 16 Buried:
3 M Merfyn ap Rhodri King of Powys 3 17
Born: Christened: Died: Abt 904 18 Buried:
4 F Nest verch Rhodri
Born: Christened: Died: Buried:
5 M Gwriad ap Rhodri 19
Born: Christened: Died: 878 - Anglesey, Wales 5 Buried:
Birth Notes: Husband - Rhodri Mawr ap Merfyn King of Gwynedd & Powys & Seisyllwg
May have been born sa late as 820.
Death Notes: Husband - Rhodri Mawr ap Merfyn King of Gwynedd & Powys & Seisyllwg
Killed in a battle against the English (Saxons) in 878.
Research Notes: Husband - Rhodri Mawr ap Merfyn King of Gwynedd & Powys & Seisyllwg
King of Gwynedd and Powys and Seisyllwg
From A History of Wales, pp. 78-79:
"A chain of marriages begins around 800 when Gwriad, a native of the Isle of Man, who perhaps had links with the Men of the North, married Esyllt of the line of Maelgwn Fawr; their son, Merfyn, became kind of Gwynedd in 825 on the death of Esyllt's uncle, Hywel ap Rhodri, the last of the male descendants of Maelgwn Gwynedd. Merfyn was the first of the lineage known to historians as the second dynasty of Gwynedd. He married Nest of the house of Powys, and their son, Rhodri, married Angharad of the house of Seisyllwg (Ceredigion and Ystrad Tywi). Rhodri became ruler of Gwynedd in 844 on the death of his father, of Powys in 855 on the death of his uncle, Cyngen, and of Seisyllwg in 871 on the death of his brother-in-law, Gwgon; he died in 878, king of a realm extending from Anglesey to Gower.
"A later generation of chroniclers hailed Rhodri ap Merfyn as Rhodri Mawr (Rhodri the Great), a distinction bestowed upon two other rulers in the same century--Charles the Great (Charlemagne, died 814) and Alfred the Great (died 899). The three tributes are of a similar nature--recognition of the achievements of men who contributed significantly to the growth of statehood among the nations of the Welsh, the Franks and the English. Unfortunately, the entire evidence relating to the life of Rhodri consists of a few sentences; yet he must have made a deep impression upon the Welsh, for in later centuries being of the line of Rhodri was a primary qualification for their rulers.
"Rhodri's fame sprang from his success as a warrior. That success was noted by The Ulster Chronicle and by Sedulius Scottus, an Irish scholar at the court of the Emperor Charles the Bald at Liège. It was his victory over the Northmen in 856 which brought him international acclaim...
"...Wales was less richly provided with the fertile land and with the navigable rivers which would have attracted [the Northmen], and the Welsh kings had considerable success in resisting them. Anglesey--a third of Bretland (Wales) according to Norse sources--bore the brunt of their attacks, and it was there, in 856, that Rhodri won his victory over Horm, the leader of the Danes, much to the delight of the Irish and the Franks.
"...By becoming the ruler of Powys, his mother's land, he inherited the old struggle between that kingdom and Mercia. Although Offa's Dyke had been constructed in order to define the territories of the Welsh and the English, this did not prevent the successors of Offa from attacking Wales... The pressure upon Powys continued; after 855, Rhodri was its defender, and he and his son, Gwriad, were killed in a battle against the English in 878."
From Wikipedia - Rhodri the Great :
Rhodri the Great (in Welsh , Rhodri Mawr; occasionally in English , Roderick the Great) (c. 820-878) was the first ruler of Wales to be called 'Great', and the first to rule most of present-day Wales. He is referred to as "King of the Britons " by the Annals of Ulster . In some later histories, he is referred to as "King of Wales " but he did not rule all of Wales nor was this term used contemporaneously to describe him.
Lineage & inheritance
The son of Merfyn Frych , King of Gwynedd , and Nest ferch Cadell of the Royal line of Powys , he inherited the Kingdom of Gwynedd on his father's death in 844.
Defeat and death
On his return the following year, he and his son Gwriad were said to have been killed by the English under Alfred the Great , though the precise manner of his death is unknown. When his son, Anarawd ap Rhodri won a victory over the Mercians a few years later, it was hailed in the annals as "God's vengeance for Rhodri".
Rhodri died leaving three sons:
His heir, Anarawd ap Rhodri , who became the king of Gwynedd ;
His son Cadell ap Rhodri , who conquered Dyfed , which was later joined with Seisyllwg by Rhodri's grandson Hywel Dda to become Deheubarth . Like his grandfather, Hywel would come to rule most of Wales; and
His son Merfyn ap Rhodri , who became the king of the Powys .
When his maternal uncle Cyngen ap Cadell ruler of Powys died on a pilgrimage to Rome in 855 Rhodri inherited Powys. In 872 Gwgon, ruler of Seisyllwg in southern Wales, was accidentally drowned, and Rhodri added his Kingdom to his domains by virtue of his marriage to Angharad , Gwgon's sister. This made him the ruler of the larger part of Wales.
Resistance against Danes
Rhodri faced pressure both from the English and increasingly from the Danes , who were recorded as ravaging Anglesey in 854. In 856 Rhodri won a notable victory over the Danes, killing their leader Gorm (sometimes given as Horm). Two poems by Sedulius Scotus written at the court of Charles the Bald , King of the Western Franks , celebrate the victory of "Roricus" over the Norsemen.
In 877 Rhodri fought another battle against the Norse invaders on Anglesey, after which he had to flee to Ireland .
Death Notes: Child - Gwriad ap Rhodri
Gruffydd ap Gwilym Lord of Penrhyn and Cwchwillan and Generys verch Madog ap Gronwy Fychan
Husband Gruffydd ap Gwilym Lord of Penrhyn and Cwchwillan 20 21 22
AKA: Gruffydd ap Guilym, Griffith ap Gwilym Born: Abt 1322 - Penrhyn Castle, Llandegai, (Bangor), Caernarfonshire, (Gwynedd), Wales Christened: Died: 1405 - Austria-Hungary Buried:
Father: Gwilym ap Gruffydd ap Heilen Lord of Penrhyn and Cwchwillan (Abt 1300-After 1353) Mother: Eva verch Gruffydd ap David of Cwchwillan ( - )
Marriage: Abt 1360
Wife Generys verch Madog ap Gronwy Fychan 23 24 25 26
AKA: Generis verch Madoc of Penmynydd, Anglesey, Genesis verch Madoc, Generys verch Madog ap Goronwy Fychan Born: Abt 1326 - Penmynydd, Anglesey, Wales Christened: Died: Buried:
Father: Madog ap Goronwy Fychan of Tref Castell (Abt 1292- ) 24 27 Mother: Margred verch Robert (Abt 1304- ) 28
1 M Gwilym ap Gruffydd Lord of Penrhyn 20 26 29 30
AKA: Gwilym ap Gruffudd ap Gwilym of Penrhyn Born: Abt 1365 - Penrhyn Castle, Llandegai, (Bangor), Caernarfonshire, (Gwynedd), Wales Christened: Died: 1431 - Austria-Hungary Buried:Spouse: Morfydd verch Goronwy ap Tudur of Penmynydd ( -Bef 1405) 26 31 Marr: Abt 1390Spouse: Jonet Stanley of Hooton (Abt 1380-1466) 20 21 32 33 34 35 36 Marr: After 1405
2 F Jonet verch Gruffudd ap Gwilym
Born: Abt 1376 - Cetheiniog, Caernarfonshire, Wales Christened: Died: Buried:
3 M Robin ap Gruffydd of Cochwillan 20 25 26
AKA: Robert ab Gruffydd of Cwchwillan Born: Christened: Died: Buried:Spouse: Lowry verch Gronw ap Jevan of Eifionydd ( - ) 25
4 M Rhys ap Gruffydd of Nant in Tegeingl
Born: Christened: Died: Buried:
Research Notes: Husband - Gruffydd ap Gwilym Lord of Penrhyn and Cwchwillan
The History of the Princes, the Lords Marcher, and the Ancient Nobility of Powys Fadog, Vol. IV, p. 342 shows him as "Gruffydd Gwilym, Lord of Penrhyn and Cwchwillan," who was the second son of "Gwilym Gruffydd, Lord of Penrhyn and Cwchwillan."
From Reifsnyder-Gillam Ancestry, p. 57:
'Wm. Vaughan (Vychan) Chamberlain of No. Wales (son of Gwilym ab Gruffydd ab Gullym ab Gruffydd ab Heilen, by his 2d wife Sioned (Jonet) D. of Sir W. Stanley of Hooton, Chamberlain of No. Wales and Chester), and had all the land of his father, adn the lands also of Paris, (from whom Paris Mountain), by his mother's influence, and in the 18th year of Henry VI. (1440) he got himself made a denizen of England, under covenant that he should not marry any Welsh woman, so he married Alice, dau. and heir of Sir Richard Dalton, kt., by a daughter of Lord Clifford, his wife. Their son, Sir william Griffith, Hael (the Liberal), m. Jane, dau. of Sir Wm. Troutbeck, Kt., by his wife, a sister to Sir Thomas Stanley.'
From Welsh Biography Online (http://yba.llgc.org.uk/en/s1-GRIF-PEN-1300.html) :
"(2) GRIFFITH AP GWILYM (d. 1405) m. (c. 1360) Generys, daughter and heiress of Madog ap Goronwy Fychan who was third in descent from Ednyfed Fychan through his son, Goronwy , ancestor of the Tudors (see under Ednyfed Fychan ). She brought to her husband lands at Gwredog in Anglesey, together with her share of the family lands at 'Gafael Goronwy ab Ednyfed,' in the township of Cororion in Caernarvonshire. 'Gafael Goronwy ab Ednyfed' was the nucleus of the Penrhyn estate and the whole Gafael corresponds roughly to the present Penrhyn demesne, or park. This marriage marks the first link between the Griffith family and Penrhyn, but Griffith ap Gwilym lived throughout his life in north-east Wales. With his brother BLEDDYN, he d. in rebellion with Owain Glyndwr (q.v.) before Oct. 1406, but Bleddyn's descendants, together with those of Griffith ap Gwilym, through his youngest son, Rhys, continued to be represented in Flintshire and Denbighshire until the 16th cent. The personal connection of the family with Anglesey and Caernarvonshire began with the eldest and second sons of Griffith ap Gwilym."
By the will of Gwilym ap Griffith of Llaniestyn, dated 1375, the son of Gwilym ap Griffith ap Heilen and Eva verch Griffith, Griffith ap Gwilym inherited further lands in Anglesey and Caernarvonshire.
Research Notes: Wife - Generys verch Madog ap Gronwy Fychan
Daughter and heiress of Madog ap Goronwy Fychan
From Welsh Biography Online (http://yba.llgc.org.uk/en/s1-GRIF-PEN-1300.html) :
"(2) GRIFFITH AP GWILYM (d. 1405) m. (c. 1360) Generys, daughter and heiress of Madog ap Goronwy Fychan who was third in descent from Ednyfed Fychan through his son, Goronwy , ancestor of the Tudors (see under Ednyfed Fychan ). She brought to her husband lands at Gwredog in Anglesey, together with her share of the family lands at 'Gafael Goronwy ab Ednyfed,' in the township of Cororion in Caernarvonshire. 'Gafael Goronwy ab Ednyfed' was the nucleus of the Penrhyn estate and the whole Gafael corresponds roughly to the present Penrhyn demesne, or park. This marriage marks the first link between the Griffith family and Penrhyn, but Griffith ap Gwilym lived throughout his life in north-east Wales. With his brother BLEDDYN, he d. in rebellion with Owain Glyndwr (q.v.) before Oct. 1406, but Bleddyn's descendants, together with those of Griffith ap Gwilym, through his youngest son, Rhys, continued to be represented in Flintshire and Denbighshire until the 16th cent. The personal connection of the family with Anglesey and Caernarvonshire began with the eldest and second sons of Griffith ap Gwilym."
From Annals and Antiquities, Vol. I, p. 362: "Gruffydd ap Gwilym, of Penrhyn and Cochwillan, by Generis, his wife, dau. and h. of Madoc ap Grono, or Gronwy, Fychan, of Penmynydd, Anglesey ("ap Gronwy ap Ednyfed Fychan"--Dwnn), had three sons and two daus."
From History of the Princes, the Lords Marcher, Vol. IV, p. 342: "Generys, d. of Goronwy Fychan ab Goronwy ab Ednyfed Fychan of Tref Castell, Penmynydd, Arddreiniog, and Tref Gayan." 20
Notes: Marriage
Source: Welsh Biography Online (http://yba.llgc.org.uk/en/s1-GRIF-PEN-1300.html)
Birth Notes: Child - Gwilym ap Gruffydd Lord of Penrhyn
Glenda Turcks http://wc.rootsweb.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=DESC&db=nanatea&id=I33919 gives b. abt 1330, d. abt 1431. Another source says b. abt 1365.
Llywelyn ap Heilyn of Bodorgan and Angharad verch Gwilym ap Gruffydd
Husband Llywelyn ap Heilyn of Bodorgan 37 38 39
AKA: Llewellyn ap Heilen of Bodorgan, Llywelyn Ap Hwlcyn Born: Cir 1400 Christened: Died: Buried:Marriage:
Other Spouse: Marsli verch Ieuan Llwyd ( - )
Wife Angharad verch Gwilym ap Gruffydd 38
Born: Christened: Died: Buried:
1 M Meurig ap Llewelyn of Bodorgan 40 41 42 43
AKA: Meirig ap Llywelyn of Bodorgan, Meyrick Ap Llywelyn of Bodorgan![]()
Born: Bef 1451 - Bodorgan, Llangadwaladr, Anglesey, Wales Christened: Died: 30 Nov 1538 Buried:Spouse: Margaret ferch Ieuan Fychan ap Ieuan ( - ) 40Spouse: Margaret verch Rowland ap Howell of Caer Geilwg ( - )
Research Notes: Husband - Llywelyn ap Heilyn of Bodorgan
He fought in the battle of Bosworth.
From Welsh Biography Online:
"MEYRICK family, Bodorgan , Anglesey . This family is descended from Cadafael, lord of Cedewain in Powys, but it was in the Tudor period that it first came into prominence. LLEWELYN AP HEILYN fought under Henry Tudor at the battle of Bosworth; his son MEURIG AP LLEWELYN served under Henry VIII, was promoted to be captain of the bodyguard, and was given the Crown Lease of the manor of Aberffraw."
Research Notes: Wife - Angharad verch Gwilym ap Gruffydd
The History of the Princes, the Lords Marcher, Vol. VI, P. 202, has "Angharad, d. of Gwilym ab Gruffydd ab Davydd ab Gruffydd ab Sychan ab Gruffydd ab Llywelyn ab Caswallawn ab Howel ab Owain Gwynedd."
Iorwerth ab Gwrgeneu ab Uchtryd' ab Aleth
Husband Iorwerth ab Gwrgeneu ab Uchtryd' ab Aleth
Born: Christened: Died: Buried:
Father: Gwrgeneu ab Uchtryd' ab Aleth ( - ) Mother:
Born: Christened: Died: Buried:
1 M Cynddelw ab Iorwerth ab Gwrgeneu
Born: Christened: Died: Buried:
Research Notes: Husband - Iorwerth ab Gwrgeneu ab Uchtryd' ab Aleth
Source: The History of the Princes, the Lords Marcher, and the Ancient Nobility of Powys Fadog, Vol. 6, by J. Y. W. Lloyd, London, 1887, p. 113 (from Lewys Dwnn, vol. ii, p. 277).
Meirchion ap Gwrwst
Husband Meirchion ap Gwrwst 44
Born: Cir 430 Christened: Died: Buried:
Father: Gwrwst ap Ceneu (Cir 0400- ) 45 Mother:
Born: Christened: Died: Buried:
1 M Elidir ap Meirchion 46
Born: Cir 457 Christened: Died: Buried:
David ap Gwyn
Husband David ap Gwyn 47
Born: Christened: Died: Buried:Marriage:
Born: Christened: Died: Buried:
1 F Lucy verch David ap Gwyn 48
Born: Christened: Died: Buried:Spouse: Ieuan ap Gruffudd ( - )
Hugh Gwyn of Peniarth, High Sheriff of Carnaerfonshire and Jane verch Owen ap Hugh Owen
Husband Hugh Gwyn of Peniarth, High Sheriff of Carnaerfonshire 49 50
AKA: Hugh Gwyn of Bodvel, Hugh ap Gwyn of Peniarth., High Sheriff of Carnaerfonshire, Hugh Gwynn, Hugh Gwyn ap John Wynne ap Williams of Pennardd Born: 1538 Christened: 1538 Died: After 1611 Buried:
Father: John Wynne ap William (Abt 1512- ) Mother: Jonet ferch Gruffudd ( - ) 51
Marriage: 1565 - Peniarth, Caernarfon, Caernarfonshire, WalesEvents
• Appointed: High Sheriff of Caernarvonshire, 2 Dec 1599 or 1600.
• Appointed: Justice of the Peace, 11 May 1611.
Wife Jane verch Owen ap Hugh Owen
AKA: Jane Owen Born: Between 1538 and 1550 - Bodowen (Bodeon), Llangadwaladr, Anglesey, Wales Christened: Died: Buried:
Father: Owen Ap Hugh Owen of Bodeon, High Sheriff of Anglesey (Abt 1518-1613) 52 53 54 55 56 57 Mother: Sibill Griffith (Abt 1530-Abt 1580)
1 F Sibill verch Hugh Gwyn of Peniarth
AKA: Sibyl Gwynn, Sibill Hugh, Sybil Hugh, Sybil verch Hugh ap Gwyn Born: betw 1566 and 1575 - Peniarth, Caernarfon, Caernarfonshire, Wales Christened: Died: - Gadfa, Rhiwargor, Llanwyddn, Montgomeryshire, Wales Buried:Spouse: John Powell of Gadfa, Llanwddyn, Montgomeryshire (Abt 1567-1636) 58 Marr: Bef 20 Sep 1588 - Llanwyddn, Montgomeryshire, Wales
2 F Eleanor verch Hugh Gwyn of Peniarth
AKA: Ellen verch Hugh Gwyn Born: Christened: Died: After 1646 Buried:Spouse: Rev. Richard Nanney Rector of Llangelynin ( - )
Research Notes: Husband - Hugh Gwyn of Peniarth, High Sheriff of Carnaerfonshire
Source: FamilySearch.org AFN: 1VXC-6QS (11/10/06) has b. and christened 1538.
From the bookReifsnyder-Gillam Ancestry, edited by Thomas Allen Glenn (Philadelphia, 1902), provided by books.google.com, p. 47:
"[John Powell, aka John ap Howell Gôch] married Sibill, daughter (seventh child) of Hugh Gwyn, Esquire, of Peniarth, Caernarvonshire, by Jane, daughter of Owen ap Hugh, of Bodeon, Anglesey [see footnote 5, p. 47], and sister unto Sir Hugh Owen, Barrister-at-Law and Recorder of Caermarthen, ancestor to the Owens, Baronets, of Orielton, Pembrokeshire. Hugh Gwyn [see footnote 6, p. 47] was High Sheriff of Caernarvonshire from 2 December 1599-1600, and was commissioned one of the Justices of the Peace for that county, 11 May, 1611.
"Owen ap Hugh, of Bodeon, Anglesey, was High Sheriff of Anglesey, 30 November, 1562-63, 1579-80 (30 November), and died 1613. His second wife, mother of Jane, who married Hugh Gwyn, was Sibill, youngest daughter of Sir William Griffith, Knt., of Penrhyn, Caernarvonshire, Chamberlain of North Wales, by his second wife, Jane, daughter of John Puleston, of Bers and Havod y Wern."
From p. 59:
"X. JANE OWEN, who married Hugh Gwyn, of Peniarth, High Sheriff of Caernarvonshire from 2 December, 1599-1600, and Justice of the Peace 11 May, 1611. Their daughter, Sibill (XI), married John Powell, of Gadfa, Llanwddyn, Montygomeryshire, and had Elizabeth (XII), who married Humphrey ap Hugh, of Llwyn du (see page 47)."
From The History of the Gwydir Family by Sir John Wynne (Oswestry, 1878), p. 78 :
"...in Evioneth of old there were two sects or kindred, the one lineally descended of Owen Gwynedd, Prince of Wales, consisting then and now of four houses, viz. Keselgyfarch, y Llys ynghefn y fann, now called Ystimkegid, Clenenny, and Brynkir, Glasfrin or Cwmstrallyn; the other sect descended of Collwyn, whereof are five houses or more; viz. Whelog, Bron y foel, Berkin, Gwnfryn, Talhenbont, and the house of Hugh Gwyn ap John Wynne ap William called Pennardd, all descended of their common ancestor, Jevan ap Einion ap Gruffith."
Research Notes: Wife - Jane verch Owen ap Hugh Owen
Source: FamilySearch.org AFN: FJH2-8Q & AFN: 1VGP-2NM
Verified: http://www.varrall.net/pafg26.htm#629. However, this source has no children listed for Hugh Gwyn and Jane Owen. (??)
Archives Network Wales (www.archivesnetworkwales.com) lists Poole, solicitors, of Caernarfon, papers GS 0219 X/POOLE & states "...Poole acted as agents in North Wales for the Owen family of Orielton, Pembrokeshire, and Bodeon, Llangadwaladr, Anglesey."
From the book Reifsnyder-Gillam Ancestry, Edited by Thomas Allen Glenn at the request of Howard Reifsnyder, privately printed, Philadelphia, 1902, provided by http://books.google.com, p. 59:
"X. JANE OWEN, who married Hugh Gwyn, of Peniarth, High Sheriff of Caernarvonshire from 2 December, 1599-1600, and Justice of the Peace 11 May, 1611. Their daughter, Sibill (XI), married John Powell, of Gadfa, Llanwddyn, Montygomeryshire, and had Elizabeth (XII), who married Humphrey ap Hugh, of Llwyn du (see page 47)."
Pasgen ap Gwyn ap Gruffydd
Husband Pasgen ap Gwyn ap Gruffydd 59
Born: Christened: Died: Buried:
Father: Gwyn ap Gruffydd Lord of Cegidva and Deuddwr ( - ) 59 Mother:
Born: Christened: Died: Buried:
1 M Cynwrig ap Pasgen ap Gwyn 59
Born: Christened: Died: Buried:
Tudor ap Gwyn ap Peredwr
Husband Tudor ap Gwyn ap Peredwr 60 61
Born: Christened: Died: Buried:
Father: Gwyn ap Peredwr ap Goronwy ( - ) 60 61 Mother:
Born: Christened: Died: Buried:
1 M Llewelyn "the Terrible" ap Tudor Lord of Talybont, Merionethshire 60 62
AKA: Llewelyn ab Tudor of Peniarth Born: Bef 1283 Christened: Died: Bef 9 Aug 1343 - <Talybont, Merionethshire (Gwynedd), Wales> Buried:
Owain I Gwynedd Prince of North Wales and Gwladys verch Llywarch
Husband Owain I Gwynedd Prince of North Wales 63 64 65
AKA: Owain ap Gruffudd, Owain Gwynedd ap Gruffydd ap Rhys Prince of North Wales Born: Abt 1100 Christened: Died: 28 Nov 1170 Buried: - Bangor Cathedral, Bangor, Gwynedd, Wales
Father: Gruffydd ap Cynan Prince of North Wales (Gwynedd) (1055-1137) 66 67 Mother: Angharad verch Owain ap Edwin of Tegeingl (Abt 1065-1162) 66 68
Other Spouse: Christina verch Gronw ap Owen ap Edwin ( - )
Wife Gwladys verch Llywarch
AKA: Gladys verch Llywarch ap Trahaearn Born: Christened: Died: Buried:
Father: Llywarch ap Trahaearn ( -Abt 1129) Mother: Dyddgu of Builth ( - )
1 M Iorwerth Drwyndwn ap Owain Gwynedd Prince of North Wales
AKA: Iorwerth ap Owain Gwynedd Prince of North Wales, Iorwerth ap Owen Gwynedd Prince of North Wales Born: Christened: Died: Abt 1174 Buried:Spouse: Marared ferch Madog ap Maredudd ( - )
2 M Cynan ap Owain Gwynedd
Born: Christened: Died: Buried:
Research Notes: Husband - Owain I Gwynedd Prince of North Wales
Second of Gruffudd ap Cynan's three sons.
Source: Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700 by Frederick Lewis Weis and Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr, ed. by William R. Beall & Kaleen E. Beall, Baltimore, 2008, Line 176B-25 (Gladys) and 239-6, which states "(Arthur Jones, The History of Gruffydd ap Cynan (Manchester, 1910), a translation and analysis of a twelfth century biography of griffith, is the source for this pedigree, with details verified and amplified from the Irish Annals, especially the Annals of Innisfallen, of Ulster, and of the Four Masters)."
From A History of Wales, p. 121:
"The Norman hold upon Deheubarth was especially fragile. There, Gruffudd ap Rhys ap Tewdwr and his wife Gwenllian were killed in an attack upon the invaders, but by about 1150 their sons had succeeded in seizing almost the whole of Ystrad Tywi and much of Dyfed. In 1153, they also took possession of Ceredigion where the power of the house of Clare had been extinguished in 1136 by the sons of Gruffudd ap Cynan. Owain ap Gruffudd--Owain Gwynedd, the ruler of Gwynedd from 1137 until his death in 1170--was the most promient of the sons of Gruffudd. He also took advantage of the 'Anarchy', largely at the expense of the earldom of Chester and the kingdom of Powys. When Henry II came to the throne, Rhuddlan, Ystrad Alun, Iâl and Tegeingl had fallen to Owain, and his realm extended almost to the walls of Chester. Although Poweys lost some of its northernmost commotes to Gwynedd, the 'Anarchy' gave its ruler the apportunity to capture the lordship of Oswestry. At the same time, the lordship of Usk became part of the territories of the descendants of Caradog ap Gruffudd, lords of Caerleon."
From Wikipedia - Owain Gwynedd :
Owain Gwynedd (in English, "Owen") (c. 1100-November 28 , 1170 ), alternatively known by the patronymic "Owain ap Gruffydd". He is occasionally referred to as Owain I of Gwynedd, or Owain I of Wales on account of his claim to be King of Wales . He is considered to be the most successful of all the north Welsh princes prior to his grandson, Llywelyn the Great . He was known as Owain Gwynedd to distinguish him from another contemporary Owain ap Gruffydd, ruler of part of Powys who was known as Owain Cyfeiliog . Owain Gwynedd was a member of the House of Aberffraw , a descendant of the senior branch from Rhodri Mawr .
Owain's father, Gruffydd ap Cynan , was a strong and long-lived ruler who had made the principality of Gwynedd the most influential in Wales during the sixty-two years of his reign, using the island of Anglesey as his power base. His mother, Angharad ferch Owain , was the daughter of Owain ab Edwin . Owain was the second of three sons of Gruffydd and Angharad.
Owain is thought to have been born on Anglesey about the year 1100. By about 1120 Gruffydd had grown too old to lead his forces in battle and Owain and his brothers Cadwallon and later Cadwaladr led the forces of Gwynedd against the Normans and against other Welsh princes with great success. His elder brother Cadwallon was killed in a battle against the forces of Powys in 1132, leaving Owain as his father's heir. Owain and Cadwaladr, in alliance with Gruffydd ap Rhys of Deheubarth , won a major victory over the Normans at Crug Mawr near Cardigan in 1136 and annexed Ceredigion to their father's realm.
Owain had originally designated Rhun ab Owain Gwynedd as his successor. Rhun was Owain's favourite son, and his premature death in 1147 plunged his father into a deep melancholy, from which he was only roused by the news that his forces had captured Mold castle. Owain then designated Hywel ab Owain Gwynedd as his successor, but after his death Hywel was first driven to seek refuge in Ireland by Cristin's sons, Dafydd and Rhodri, then killed at the battle of Pentraeth when he returned with an Irish army. Dafydd and Rhodri split Gwynedd between them, but a generation passed before Gwynedd was restored to its former glory under Owain's grandson Llywelyn the Great .Rhun ab Owain Gwynedd (illegitimate) Hywel ab Owain Gwynedd (illegitimate)Iorwerth ab Owain Gwynedd (from first wife Gwladys (Gladys) ferch Llywarch)Maelgwn ab Owain Gwynedd , Lord of Ynys MônGwenllian ferch Owain Gwynedd Dafydd ab Owain Gwynedd (from second wife Cristina (Christina) ferch Gronw)Rhodri ab Owain Gwynedd Angharad ferch Owain Gwynedd Margaret ferch Owain Gwynedd Iefan ab Owain Gwynedd Cynan ab Owain Gwynedd , Lord of Meirionnydd (illegitimate)Rhirid ab Owain Gwynedd (illegitimate)Madoc ab Owain Gwynedd (illegitimate)Cynwrig ab Owain Gwynedd (illegitimate)Gwenllian II ferch Owain Gwynedd (also shared the same name with a sister) Einion ab Owain Gwynedd (illegitimate)Iago ab Owain Gwynedd (illegitimate)Ffilip ab Owain Gwynedd (illegitimate)Cadell ab Owain Gwynedd (illegitimate)Rotpert ab Owain Gwynedd (illegitimate)Idwal ab Owain Gwynedd (illegitimate)Other daughters
Research Notes: Wife - Gwladys verch Llywarch
Source: Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700 by Frederick Lewis Weis and Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr, ed. by William R. Beall & Kaleen E. Beall, Baltimore, 2008, Line 176B-25
1. http://www.familysearch.org, Cit. Date: 17 Jul 2009.
2. Davies, John, A History of Wales. (Rev. ed. New York: Penguin Group, 2007.), pp. 78-79.
3. Website:, http://www.varrall.net/pafg58.htm#1160.
4. Wikipedia.org, Rhodri the Great.
5. Ingram, James, translator, The Annales Cambriae 447-954 (The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. London: Everyman Press, 1912.), 877 Rhodri and his son Gwriad is killed by the Saxons.
6. Wikipedia.org, Merfyn Frych; Rhodri the Great. Cit. Date: 22 Sep 2009.
7. Website:, http://www.varrall.net/pafg58.htm#1162.
8. Davies, John, A History of Wales. (Rev. ed. New York: Penguin Group, 2007.).
9. Website:, http://www.varrall.net/pafg58.htm#1741.
10. Davies, John, A History of Wales. (Rev. ed. New York: Penguin Group, 2007.), pp. 80-81.
11. Davies, John, A History of Wales. (Rev. ed. New York: Penguin Group, 2007.), PP.80-81.
12. Website:, http://www.varrall.net/pafg58.htm#1159.
13. Davies, John, A History of Wales. (Rev. ed. New York: Penguin Group, 2007.), p. 83.
14. Ingram, James, translator, The Annales Cambriae 447-954 (The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. London: Everyman Press, 1912.), 909 King Cadell son of Rhodri dies.
15. Wikipedia.org, Anarawd ap Rhodri; Rhodri the Great. Cit. Date: 20 Sep 2009.
16. Ingram, James, translator, The Annales Cambriae 447-954 (The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. London: Everyman Press, 1912.).
17. Wikipedia.org, Merfyn ap Rhodri. Cit. Date: 20 Sep 2009.
18. Ingram, James, translator, The Annales Cambriae 447-954 (The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. London: Everyman Press, 1912.), 903 Merfyn son of Rhodri died and Llywarch son of Hyfaidd dies.
19. Davies, John, A History of Wales. (Rev. ed. New York: Penguin Group, 2007.), p. 82.
20. Lloyd, Jacob Youde William, The History of the Princes, the Lords Marcher, and the Ancient Nobility of Powys Fadog, and the Ancient Lords of Arwystli, Cedewen, and Meirionydd. (Vol. 4. London: Whiting & Co., 1884.), p. 342.
21. Glenn, Thomas Allen, ed, Reifsnyder-Gillam Ancestry. (Philadelphia: (Privately Printed), 1902.), p. 57.
22. Honourable Society of Cymmrodorion, Dictionary of Welsh Biography (National Library of Wales. 2007. Welsh Biography Online. <http://wbo.llgc.org.uk/en/index.html> ), http://yba.llgc.org.uk/en/s1-GRIF-PEN-1300.html) :.
23. http://wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001, http://worldconnect.rootsweb.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=mjr6387&id=I64661.
24. http://wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001, http://worldconnect.rootsweb.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=:752644&id=I34986958.
25. Nicholas, Thomas, Annals and Antiquities of the Counties and County Families of Wales (Vol. 1. London: Longmans, Green, Reader, & Co., 1872), p. 362.
26. Honourable Society of Cymmrodorion, Dictionary of Welsh Biography (National Library of Wales. 2007. Welsh Biography Online. <http://wbo.llgc.org.uk/en/index.html> ), http://yba.llgc.org.uk/en/s1-GRIF-PEN-1300.html.
27. http://wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001, http://worldconnect.rootsweb.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=mjr6387&id=I64660 has.
28. http://wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001, http://worldconnect.rootsweb.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=mjr6387&id=I64455.
29. http://www.familysearch.org, Compact Disc #94 Pin #316910 (submitted by Samuel Taylor "Sam" Geer).
30. http://wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001, http://worldconnect.rootsweb.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=mjr6387&id=I64690.
31. Burke, John and John Bernard Burke, A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Landed Gentry of Great Britain & Ireland, Vol. 1 (London, 1847), p. 737.
32. Honourable Society of Cymmrodorion, Dictionary of Welsh Biography (National Library of Wales. 2007. Welsh Biography Online. <http://wbo.llgc.org.uk/en/index.html> ), http://yba.llgc.org.uk/en/s1-GRIF-PEN-1300.html. Cit. Date: 2008.
33. http://www.familysearch.org, Disc #94 Pin #316911 (submitted by Samuel Taylor "Sam" Geer).
34. Website:, http://www.penrose.org/getperson.php?personID=I40748&tree=penrose.
35. http://wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001, http://worldconnect.rootsweb.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=mjr6387&id=I45150.
36. http://wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001, http://wc.rootsweb.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=DESC&db=nanatea&id=I33919 (Glenda Turcks).
37. Website:, http://www.varrall.net/pafg43.htm#947.
38. Lloyd, Jacob Youde William, The History of the Princes, the Lords Marcher, and the Ancient Nobility of Powys Fadog (Vol. 6. London: Whiting & Co., 1887.), p. 202.
39. Honourable Society of Cymmrodorion, Dictionary of Welsh Biography (National Library of Wales. 2007. Welsh Biography Online. <http://wbo.llgc.org.uk/en/index.html> ), ttp://yba.llgc.org.uk/en/s-MEYR-BOD-1485.html.
40. Website:, http://www.varrall.net/pafg43.htm#944.
41. Lloyd, Jacob Youde William, The History of the Princes, the Lords Marcher, and the Ancient Nobility of Powys Fadog (Vol. 6. London: Whiting & Co., 1887.).
42. Website:, Archives Network Wales - Bodorgan Manuscripts.
43. Honourable Society of Cymmrodorion, Dictionary of Welsh Biography (National Library of Wales. 2007. Welsh Biography Online. <http://wbo.llgc.org.uk/en/index.html> ), http://yba.llgc.org.uk/en/s-MEYR-BOD-1485.html.
44. Website:, http://www.varrall.net/pafg59.htm#1172.
45. Website:, http://www.varrall.net/pafg59.htm#1173.
46. Website:, http://www.varrall.net/pafg59.htm#1171.
47. http://wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001, http://wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=rogerws1&id=I9384.
48. http://wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001, http://wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=rogerws1&id=I9383.
49. Glenn, Thomas Allen, ed, Reifsnyder-Gillam Ancestry. (Philadelphia: (Privately Printed), 1902.), pp. 47, 59.
50. Wynne, John, The History of the Gwydir Family. (Oswestry: Woodall and Venables, 1878.), p. 59.
51. Website:, http://www.varrall.net/pafg42.htm#921.
52. Honourable Society of Cymmrodorion, Dictionary of Welsh Biography (National Library of Wales. 2007. Welsh Biography Online. <http://wbo.llgc.org.uk/en/index.html> ), http://yba.llgc.org.uk/en/s-OWEN-BOD-1545.html.
53. Glenn, Thomas Allen, ed, Reifsnyder-Gillam Ancestry. (Philadelphia: (Privately Printed), 1902.), pp. 47, 58-59.
54. Website:, http://www.varrall.net/pafn12.htm#293.
55. http://www.familysearch.org, AFN: 1N84-D63 & AFN: 1VGP-2L7.
56. Website:, Archives Network Wales (www.archivesnetworkwales.com).
57. Website - Genealogy, http://www.genuki.org.uk/big/wal/AGY/Llangadwaladr/index.html.
58. Glenn, Thomas Allen, ed, Reifsnyder-Gillam Ancestry. (Philadelphia: (Privately Printed), 1902.), pp. 46-48. Cit. Date: 15 Apr 2009.
59. Lloyd, Jacob Youde William, The History of the Princes, the Lords Marcher, and the Ancient Nobility of Powys Fadog (Vol. 6. London: Whiting & Co., 1887.), p. 120. Cit. Date: 9 Apr 2009.
60. Lloyd, Jacob Youde William, The History of the Princes, the Lords Marcher, and the Ancient Nobility of Powys Fadog, and the Ancient Lords of Arwystli, Cedewen, and Meirionydd. (Vol. 5. London: Whiting & Co., 1885.), p. 101.
61. Glenn, Thomas Allen, ed, Reifsnyder-Gillam Ancestry. (Philadelphia: (Privately Printed), 1902.), p. 37.
62. Glenn, Thomas Allen, ed, Reifsnyder-Gillam Ancestry. (Philadelphia: (Privately Printed), 1902.), pp. 37-38.
63. Wikipedia.org, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Owain_Gwynedd. Cit. Date: 12 Apr 2009.
64. Davies, John, A History of Wales. (Rev. ed. New York: Penguin Group, 2007.), pp. 80, 121, 137.
65. Weis, Frederick Lewis and Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr; William R. Beall and Kaleen E. Beall, eds, Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700 (8th ed. Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Company, 2008.), Line 176B-25.
66. Weis, Frederick Lewis and Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr; William R. Beall and Kaleen E. Beall, eds, Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700 (8th ed. Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Company, 2008.), Line 239-5.
67. Davies, John, A History of Wales. (Rev. ed. New York: Penguin Group, 2007.), p. 80.
68. Website - Genealogy, http://www.gencircles.com/users/kristinhopper/4/pedigree/6394. Cit. Date: 26 Jun 2013.
1 <i>http://www.familysearch.org</i>, Cit. Date: 17 Jul 2009.
2 Davies, John, <i>A History of Wales.</i> (Rev. ed. New York: Penguin Group, 2007.), pp. 78-79.
3 Website:, http://www.varrall.net/pafg58.htm#1160.
4 <i>Wikipedia.org</i>, Rhodri the Great.
5 Ingram, James, translator, <i>The Annales Cambriae 447-954</i> (The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. London: Everyman Press, 1912.), 877 Rhodri and his son Gwriad is killed by the Saxons.
6 <i>Wikipedia.org</i>, Merfyn Frych; Rhodri the Great. Cit. Date: 22 Sep 2009.
7 Website:, http://www.varrall.net/pafg58.htm#1162.
8 Davies, John, <i>A History of Wales.</i> (Rev. ed. New York: Penguin Group, 2007.).
9 Website:, http://www.varrall.net/pafg58.htm#1741.
10 Davies, John, <i>A History of Wales.</i> (Rev. ed. New York: Penguin Group, 2007.), pp. 80-81.
11 Davies, John, <i>A History of Wales.</i> (Rev. ed. New York: Penguin Group, 2007.), PP.80-81.
12 Website:, http://www.varrall.net/pafg58.htm#1159.
13 Davies, John, <i>A History of Wales.</i> (Rev. ed. New York: Penguin Group, 2007.), p. 83.
14 Ingram, James, translator, <i>The Annales Cambriae 447-954</i> (The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. London: Everyman Press, 1912.), 909 King Cadell son of Rhodri dies.
15 <i>Wikipedia.org</i>, Anarawd ap Rhodri; Rhodri the Great. Cit. Date: 20 Sep 2009.
16 Ingram, James, translator, <i>The Annales Cambriae 447-954</i> (The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. London: Everyman Press, 1912.).
17 <i>Wikipedia.org</i>, Merfyn ap Rhodri. Cit. Date: 20 Sep 2009.
18 Ingram, James, translator, <i>The Annales Cambriae 447-954</i> (The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. London: Everyman Press, 1912.), 903 Merfyn son of Rhodri died and Llywarch son of Hyfaidd dies.
19 Davies, John, <i>A History of Wales.</i> (Rev. ed. New York: Penguin Group, 2007.), p. 82.
20 Lloyd, Jacob Youde William, <i>The History of the Princes, the Lords Marcher, and the Ancient Nobility of Powys Fadog, and the Ancient Lords of Arwystli, Cedewen, and Meirionydd.</i> (Vol. 4. London: Whiting & Co., 1884.), p. 342.
21 Glenn, Thomas Allen, ed, <i>Reifsnyder-Gillam Ancestry.</i> (Philadelphia: (Privately Printed), 1902.), p. 57.
22 Honourable Society of Cymmrodorion, <i>Dictionary of Welsh Biography</i> (National Library of Wales. 2007. <u>Welsh Biography Online</u>. <http://wbo.llgc.org.uk/en/index.html> ), http://yba.llgc.org.uk/en/s1-GRIF-PEN-1300.html) :.
23 <i>http://wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi</i>. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001, http://worldconnect.rootsweb.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=mjr6387&id=I64661.
24 <i>http://wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi</i>. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001, http://worldconnect.rootsweb.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=:752644&id=I34986958.
25 Nicholas, Thomas, <i>Annals and Antiquities of the Counties and County Families of Wales</i> (Vol. 1. London: Longmans, Green, Reader, & Co., 1872), p. 362.
26 Honourable Society of Cymmrodorion, <i>Dictionary of Welsh Biography</i> (National Library of Wales. 2007. <u>Welsh Biography Online</u>. <http://wbo.llgc.org.uk/en/index.html> ), http://yba.llgc.org.uk/en/s1-GRIF-PEN-1300.html.
27 <i>http://wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi</i>. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001, http://worldconnect.rootsweb.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=mjr6387&id=I64660 has.
28 <i>http://wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi</i>. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001, http://worldconnect.rootsweb.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=mjr6387&id=I64455.
29 <i>http://www.familysearch.org</i>, Compact Disc #94 Pin #316910 (submitted by Samuel Taylor "Sam" Geer).
30 <i>http://wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi</i>. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001, http://worldconnect.rootsweb.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=mjr6387&id=I64690.
31 Burke, John and John Bernard Burke, <i>A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Landed Gentry of Great Britain & Ireland, Vol. 1</i> (London, 1847), p. 737.
32 Honourable Society of Cymmrodorion, <i>Dictionary of Welsh Biography</i> (National Library of Wales. 2007. <u>Welsh Biography Online</u>. <http://wbo.llgc.org.uk/en/index.html> ), http://yba.llgc.org.uk/en/s1-GRIF-PEN-1300.html. Cit. Date: 2008.
33 <i>http://www.familysearch.org</i>, Disc #94 Pin #316911 (submitted by Samuel Taylor "Sam" Geer).
34 Website:, http://www.penrose.org/getperson.php?personID=I40748&tree=penrose.
35 <i>http://wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi</i>. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001, http://worldconnect.rootsweb.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=mjr6387&id=I45150.
36 <i>http://wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi</i>. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001, http://wc.rootsweb.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=DESC&db=nanatea&id=I33919 (Glenda Turcks).
37 Website:, http://www.varrall.net/pafg43.htm#947.
38 Lloyd, Jacob Youde William, <i>The History of the Princes, the Lords Marcher, and the Ancient Nobility of Powys Fadog</i> (Vol. 6. London: Whiting & Co., 1887.), p. 202.
39 Honourable Society of Cymmrodorion, <i>Dictionary of Welsh Biography</i> (National Library of Wales. 2007. <u>Welsh Biography Online</u>. <http://wbo.llgc.org.uk/en/index.html> ), ttp://yba.llgc.org.uk/en/s-MEYR-BOD-1485.html.
40 Website:, http://www.varrall.net/pafg43.htm#944.
41 Lloyd, Jacob Youde William, <i>The History of the Princes, the Lords Marcher, and the Ancient Nobility of Powys Fadog</i> (Vol. 6. London: Whiting & Co., 1887.).
42 Website:, Archives Network Wales - Bodorgan Manuscripts.
43 Honourable Society of Cymmrodorion, <i>Dictionary of Welsh Biography</i> (National Library of Wales. 2007. <u>Welsh Biography Online</u>. <http://wbo.llgc.org.uk/en/index.html> ), http://yba.llgc.org.uk/en/s-MEYR-BOD-1485.html.
44 Website:, http://www.varrall.net/pafg59.htm#1172.
45 Website:, http://www.varrall.net/pafg59.htm#1173.
46 Website:, http://www.varrall.net/pafg59.htm#1171.
47 <i>http://wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi</i>. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001, http://wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=rogerws1&id=I9384.
48 <i>http://wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi</i>. Rec. Date: 25 Aug 2001, http://wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=rogerws1&id=I9383.
49 Glenn, Thomas Allen, ed, <i>Reifsnyder-Gillam Ancestry.</i> (Philadelphia: (Privately Printed), 1902.), pp. 47, 59.
50 Wynne, John, <i>The History of the Gwydir Family.</i> (Oswestry: Woodall and Venables, 1878.), p. 59.
51 Website:, http://www.varrall.net/pafg42.htm#921.
52 Honourable Society of Cymmrodorion, <i>Dictionary of Welsh Biography</i> (National Library of Wales. 2007. <u>Welsh Biography Online</u>. <http://wbo.llgc.org.uk/en/index.html> ), http://yba.llgc.org.uk/en/s-OWEN-BOD-1545.html.
53 Glenn, Thomas Allen, ed, <i>Reifsnyder-Gillam Ancestry.</i> (Philadelphia: (Privately Printed), 1902.), pp. 47, 58-59.
54 Website:, http://www.varrall.net/pafn12.htm#293.
55 <i>http://www.familysearch.org</i>, AFN: 1N84-D63 & AFN: 1VGP-2L7.
56 Website:, Archives Network Wales (www.archivesnetworkwales.com).
57 Website - Genealogy, http://www.genuki.org.uk/big/wal/AGY/Llangadwaladr/index.html.
58 Glenn, Thomas Allen, ed, <i>Reifsnyder-Gillam Ancestry.</i> (Philadelphia: (Privately Printed), 1902.), pp. 46-48. Cit. Date: 15 Apr 2009.
59 Lloyd, Jacob Youde William, <i>The History of the Princes, the Lords Marcher, and the Ancient Nobility of Powys Fadog</i> (Vol. 6. London: Whiting & Co., 1887.), p. 120. Cit. Date: 9 Apr 2009.
60 Lloyd, Jacob Youde William, <i>The History of the Princes, the Lords Marcher, and the Ancient Nobility of Powys Fadog, and the Ancient Lords of Arwystli, Cedewen, and Meirionydd.</i> (Vol. 5. London: Whiting & Co., 1885.), p. 101.
61 Glenn, Thomas Allen, ed, <i>Reifsnyder-Gillam Ancestry.</i> (Philadelphia: (Privately Printed), 1902.), p. 37.
62 Glenn, Thomas Allen, ed, <i>Reifsnyder-Gillam Ancestry.</i> (Philadelphia: (Privately Printed), 1902.), pp. 37-38.
63 <i>Wikipedia.org</i>, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Owain_Gwynedd. Cit. Date: 12 Apr 2009.
64 Davies, John, <i>A History of Wales.</i> (Rev. ed. New York: Penguin Group, 2007.), pp. 80, 121, 137.
65 Weis, Frederick Lewis and Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr; William R. Beall and Kaleen E. Beall, eds, <i>Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700</i> (8th ed. Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Company, 2008.), Line 176B-25.
66 Weis, Frederick Lewis and Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr; William R. Beall and Kaleen E. Beall, eds, <i>Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700</i> (8th ed. Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Company, 2008.), Line 239-5.
67 Davies, John, <i>A History of Wales.</i> (Rev. ed. New York: Penguin Group, 2007.), p. 80.
Website - Genealogy, http://www.gencircles.com/users/kristinhopper/4/pedigree/6394. Cit. Date: 26 Jun 2013.
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